Exercises to develop the elbow joint after a fracture


Arthrosis of the elbow joint is a dangerous disease that, if not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, can lead to disability. It consists of a dystrophic change in the existing cartilage and bone tissue, their structure and density.

As the disease progresses, the patient may experience sharp, increasing degenerative disorders of cartilage tissue. In other words, it collapses and loses its integrity. This process can spread to nearby tissues, bones, muscles and joints. This disease carries the risk of premature disability.

In the early stages, the patient may not even notice the deterioration of the condition of his own joints. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that for a long time it does not manifest itself in any way, remains unnoticed, hidden. A person begins to notice an increased level of discomfort when bending the arm at the elbow joint only during strong and prolonged loads. Later, this situation is repeated in a state of rest and rest.

Gradually, the arm stops raising, and the full range of movement is reduced. Pain does not go away day or night, so finding a comfortable position that relieves discomfort is quite difficult. The joint tissue continues to actively grow, damaging the elbow and deforming it beyond recognition.

Arthrosis of the elbow joint is most often encountered by athletes, as well as representatives of professions in which the arms are constantly used and are under 24-hour tension. These are, for example, drivers, pianists, editors, mechanism assemblers in factories and many others.

Constant overwork occurs, joints and ligaments spasm, and the normal blood flow of not only the tissues of the hands, but also the elbow joints is disrupted. In this case, the patient gradually experiences a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid in the joint, which leads to a sharp deterioration in the quality of cartilage lubrication and a decrease in its quantity. Despite the fact that this disease is considered age-related and previously affected people over 45 years of age, at the moment statistics show that arthrosis has become “younger”.

Long process of recovery of the elbow joint after injury

Any bone fracture requires treatment with complete rest. To do this, the injured limb is immobilized: it is “placed” in a plaster cast. How long the patient will have to walk with a cast on his arm will be determined by the doctor after an x-ray examination. If the fracture is complex and the bone fragments are displaced, then surgery will be performed before applying the plaster. In this case, immobilization will last longer, as will the recovery period.

Gymnastics for the elbow joint is necessary at all stages of the rehabilitation period. It begins 2-3 days after applying a plaster cast.

The average recovery period for an elbow fracture is 3-4 months. However, this period can increase depending on the severity of the injury and reach six months. To make rehabilitation faster and more effective, it is carried out in 3 stages, selecting specific exercises for each of them.

  1. The first stage is the period when a plaster cast is applied to the fractured joint. The training involves the shoulder girdle and fingers. Since all parts of the upper limb are a single “chain” connected by ligaments, tendons and muscles, such exercises will help develop joints even at the stage of immobilization. Physical exercises are combined with breathing exercises.
  2. The second stage is the period immediately after the removal of the plaster. This time is devoted to developing “stagnant” ligaments and muscles. Classes are combined with taking warm baths. Shows how to perform exercises in a swimming pool.
  3. At the third stage, the goal of training is to completely restore the functionality of muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons. Exercises to develop the elbow joint are combined with physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, and other physical activity.

Training at each stage is carried out 2-3 times a day every day, and each exercise is repeated at least 5 times. Severe pain and discomfort are a reason to stop exercising or reduce the load. During the rehabilitation period, you should not lift heavy objects with your injured arm, do presses or pull-ups.

If you incorrectly calculate the load, the following complications may occur:

  • Swelling of the injured joint;
  • Pain that radiates to the shoulder;
  • Accumulation of calcium salts in muscle tissue;
  • Reflex contraction of muscle tissue;
  • “Growth” of bone in the elbow joint.

If the patient follows all the recommendations of the attending physician, these complications will be avoided and the recovery period will be significantly reduced.

Causes of the disease

Experts identify the following list of main factors that can cause progressive arthrosis of the elbow joint:

  • elbow injuries of varying severity;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hereditary predispositions;
  • metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins in the body;
  • hypothermia, which is periodic or systematic;
  • inflammation inside the joint and joint capsule;
  • respiratory diseases and complications after them;
  • foci (both hidden and obvious) of chronic infection in the body.

Therefore, if a person notices a sharp decrease in arm mobility, accompanied by pain, it is necessary to urgently contact the appropriate specialists. They will carry out a full range of diagnostic procedures. Surgical intervention may be necessary to stabilize the patient's condition.

Massage and exercise therapy course

The intensity of the activity increases as the broken bone heals. The physical therapy complex is selected individually at each stage. The same rule applies to massage.

It is not recommended to use it at the first stage of treatment and recovery. However, some doctors prescribe massage in the shoulder girdle, provided that the fracture is not displaced. Properly performed massage sessions help improve blood flow and strengthen ligaments and muscles. In this case, independent appointments are unacceptable!

Let's present examples of sets of exercises for the elbow joint at each stage of recovery.

Exercises to help develop the elbow at stage 1

While the arm is in a cast, training is limited to performing the following exercises:

  1. Clenching your fingers into a fist and unclenching it;
  2. Spreading the fingers to the sides and bringing them together;
  3. Circular movements with each finger alternately clockwise and back;
  4. Kneading plasticine with fingers;
  5. Rolling balls with your fingers.

When performing exercises, remember that the injured elbow, enclosed in a cast, should not participate in the training process.

Exercises to help develop the elbow at stage 2

After removing the plaster cast, the arm becomes swollen, making it difficult to perform exercises. To make the task easier, the patient needs to lie on his back and place his hand above his head for 20-30 seconds. This time is enough for the swelling to subside a little, and with it the discomfort of doing the exercises goes away. Also, to eliminate swelling and discomfort, a special bandage is used, which will help limit the range of movements.

Let us list several exercises, the implementation of which during this period of rehabilitation will not harm, but will help all patients.

  1. Sit down, put your hands on the table. Imitate playing the piano by slowly “drumming” your fingers on the table.
  2. Throw a tennis ball so that it hits the wall. Try to catch the ball that bounces off the wall with your hand.
  3. Bring your palms together and lower them down, then return them to the starting position.
  4. Stretch the anti-stress ball regularly.
  5. Lock your fingers together. Raise and lower your clasped hands above your head.
  6. Hold 2-3 balls in your palm and rotate them intensively, rolling them with your fingers.
  7. Place your hand on the table. Slowly, controlling your breathing, try to straighten your elbow. Remember that sudden movements aimed at “working” the elbow joint are not yet permissible.
  8. Continue clenching and unclenching your fingers regularly.

Exercises to help develop the elbow at stage 3

The last period of rehabilitation also takes place under the supervision of a doctor. At this stage, additional treatment in the form of physiotherapy is most often prescribed. The exercises become more complicated, they can be performed with a load in the form of dumbbells of 1 kg each.

  1. Interlace your fingers into a lock. Imagine that you need to cast a fishing rod as far as possible. Repeat the movements, changing the direction of the fishing rod, moving your hands to the right and then to the left.
  2. Place your hands behind your back so that you can clasp your palms together.
  3. Repeat the previous exercise. With your hands clasped behind your back, stand on your toes, stretching your body up and your arms down.
  4. Play "cars". While rolling a child's toy, the flexion and extension functions of the elbow joint are developed.
  5. Place your hands at chest level. Interlace your fingers. “Take” the lock alternately to the right shoulder, then to the left, to the head, to the stomach.

Once these exercises become easy for you, start using dumbbells.


Methods of performing exercises should be discussed with a physical therapy specialist.

Gymnastic exercises must be carried out in compliance with the basic rules. In this case, the exercises will be effective and will not cause harm to the patient’s body. The doctor must draw up an action plan taking into account the patient’s age, severity of the disease, and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

When starting to perform a set of exercises, you must remember the following rules:

  1. Before starting exercises, you should consult a doctor. A specialist can choose the right scheme and determine the most effective set of exercises.
  2. The patient should drink enough water.
  3. It is worth starting the exercises with a minimum load, gradually increasing it.
  4. Before starting the complex, you should perform a short warm-up.
  5. This condition is required to restore blood flow and warm the muscles.
  6. The exercises must be performed in the correct sequence. The warm-up begins with the neck and gradually moves to the forearm and shoulder. It is important to ensure proper mobility of the shoulder and elbows. All movements must be made smoothly and carefully.
  7. You should avoid sudden jerks and heavy loads.
  8. The complex should be started after pain and inflammation have been eliminated. You must stop exercising if acute pain occurs.

A course of daily exercises should be worked out with a specialist.

The appearance of mild pain after prolonged immobilization is normal. In this case, you should not refuse to do the exercises.

Features of passive exercises

Passive exercises should be started during the rehabilitation period, after the acute process has subsided. Warm-up begins with passive movements, which include the following.

The patient clasps the sore arm with a healthy hand and bends it until tension appears. The maximum bend angle should be no more than 90 degrees. The upper limb is kept under tension for 20 seconds and lowered down.

Next time the movements are repeated more times. The palm is pulled up, the optimal number of repetitions at the initial stage is 12 times.

Then the hands are opened and placed on the table, slightly bending the elbows. The patient leans away from the table until a right angle is formed between the palms and forearms. The exercise is repeated no more than 20 times.

Active exercises

When performing a set of these exercises, the shoulder joint must remain motionless. All movements are carried out exclusively in the elbow joint.

To achieve this, the forearm is extended and flexed. Exercises with an expander bring good results. The device is put on the injured arm and the healthy upper limb is placed on the table, and the sore arm is placed on top of it.

What exercises can you do at home?

The expander is stretched and extension and flexion movements are carried out in the joint. To achieve positive dynamics, classes should be carried out up to 15 times.

The patient should exercise daily. A positive result will not be long in coming; patients’ well-being will improve after a week of regular exercise.

A set of popular exercises:

Exercise 1The patient takes the starting position standing, with the torso tilted forward. The arms are bent and the palms are clenched into fists. The arms are pulled back and returned to the starting position. The repetition rate is 10-15 times.
Task 2Starting position - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, perform circular movements with your elbows bent outward, and then circular movements inward. Repeat frequency - 16 times.
Task 3Position – standing, arms should be extended in front of you. The hands are connected with the opposite surface and make circular movements in turn. The optimal number of permissible repetitions is 10-12 times.
Task 4Take a standing position and bend your elbows. Make circular movements outward and spread your arms. The optimal number of repetitions is 12 times.
Task 5Starting position: kneeling. The chest is tilted downwards, the hands are placed on the floor. The patient should pull his shoulders down. The exercise is repeated 12 times.
Task 6Starting position: lying on your back. The arms are raised up, intertwining the hands with each other, and taken in turn in different directions. The optimal number of repetitions is 12 times.

Physical therapy by Bubnovsky

The training method developed by the professor is intended to restore functionality and eliminate pain symptoms in the elbow joint. Such a complex is formed taking into account the possibility of obtaining maximum results, provided that all requirements are met.

Such exercises help relieve pain and improve muscle tone. The set of tasks is based on performing strength exercises.

A prerequisite for implementation is a moderate pace and a gradual increase in physical activity. The patient must control breathing.

Bubnovsky's advice.

It is worth noting that Professor Bubnovsky recommends that patients with all diseases of the musculoskeletal system perform gymnastics during the rehabilitation period. If you follow all the rules described by the specialist, a positive result from the classes will appear within a month.

It must be remembered that the appearance of pain in the elbow joint may indicate serious health problems. The need to visit a doctor should not be neglected. You should start performing exercises using the Bubnovsky method after consulting a doctor.

Bubnovsky claims that diseases of this nature have become the most common. According to statistical information in the Russian Federation, this category of pathology is in third place after heart damage and oncological processes.

Methods of treating diseases involve the use of medications, namely:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • antibiotics;
  • corticosteroids.

After restoration of the inflammatory process in the tissues, it is necessary to remember the possibility of long-term rehabilitation. It is also worth paying attention to the issue of seasonal relapse prevention.

Prevention methods include performing therapeutic exercises, swimming in the pool, following a special diet, attending massage sessions and physiotherapy.

Performing exercises at the initial stage may provoke pain.

The main advantages of gymnastics using the Bubnovsky method can be presented as follows:

  1. The exercise scheme is simple and accessible.
  2. Charging can be done at home.
  3. The range of exercises has no age restrictions.
  4. The exercises have a limited range of contraindications.
  5. Due to the action, blood flow to the joint tissues increases and the intensity of their oxygen saturation increases.
  6. After the exercises, stiffness and numbness in the joints are eliminated, and your mood is restored.
  7. Gymnastics increases muscle tone, restores their mobility and elasticity.
  8. The complex is designed taking into account all the structural features of the human body.

Why do you need to develop a joint?

Rehabilitation exercises should be started as early as possible. Such “emergency” measures are related to the fact that when a limb is immobilized, the nutrition of its tissues, vessels and muscles is disrupted. Poor blood circulation in the area of ​​the elbow joint will lead to partial or complete atrophy of muscles and ligaments, loss of their elasticity. The tendons shorten and become thinner. The reduced size of ligaments and tendons negatively affects the functioning of the joint: they cannot “protect” it from sprains. All this causes partial or complete immobilization of the hand.

List of indications for performing exercises

Specially designed sets of physical exercises can be performed at home or in a hospital setting under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Due to such manipulations, trophism of the articular elements is activated, and congestive manifestations disappear.

How to quickly restore limb mobility.

Against the general background, the process of blood circulation and metabolism is normalized.

The list of main indications for manipulation of lesions of the elbow joint includes the following conditions:

  • arthrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • synovitis;
  • previous injuries;
  • weakening of the upper limbs;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • pain and limitation of mobility;
  • muscle strain;
  • prevention of relapse of existing diseases;
  • contracture;
  • bursitis;
  • osteoarthritis.

What is prohibited during the rehabilitation period

The most common mistake patients make after an elbow fracture is choosing rehabilitation exercises on their own. No matter how simple the exercises may seem, the doctor must select them taking into account the characteristics of the injury. An incorrectly performed or selected exercise therapy complex can cause more harm than its absence.

It is also dangerous to massage a damaged elbow joint on your own. A particularly unfavorable outcome awaits the patient if you massage the injured arm immediately after removing the plaster cast. Unprofessional actions will lead to joint displacement, the formation of a bone spur or muscle rupture.

Another common mistake is placing stress on the injured arm immediately after removing the cast. Do not assume that the end of immobilization means a complete recovery. This is only the first part of the treatment. Only after systematic and consistent development of the joint can you gradually begin dosed loading. Incorrectly selected physical activity will lead to swelling, pain and deformation of the joint tissue.

Follow the doctor’s recommendations, and then the rehabilitation period will pass quickly and without complications.

Main signs and symptoms of acute arthrosis of the elbow joint

To recognize the first signs of such a dangerous disease, a person needs to pay attention to the following factors:

  • increased body and joint temperature;
  • redness of the skin under the elbow joint;
  • swelling of soft tissues located near the elbow;
  • disruption of normal hand functions due to constant pain and swelling.

It is also worth taking into account that not all symptoms may be pronounced. Some do not make themselves felt for a long time, gradually destroying the structure of the joint.

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