Headache with cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment

A huge number of people, regardless of age, social status, habits and even health status, can experience such an unpleasant symptom as neck pain. Why does this happen?

Neck pain is an insidious symptom that can be serious, indicating active inflammatory processes or tissue destruction. Sensations of varying intensity are often accompanied by numbness in the back of the head, as well as loss of sensitivity in the hands, local redness and even swelling. Often with neck pain there is a headache and dizziness.

Determining the causes of neck pain is not easy. To accurately diagnose the problem, complex diagnostics are required, including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as ultrasound (US) and laboratory tests.

Relief of neck pain is achieved using medications, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment methods.

general information

Pain radiating to the neck occurs in 70% of the adult population. Depending on many factors, sensations may vary in intensity and duration. Thus, even the same person can periodically experience both short-term discomfort and severe pain that worsens the quality of everyday life.

Often the pain is localized in the cervical spine, as well as along its anterolateral surfaces. Diagnosed cases indicate that more often patients experience a sharp “lumbago”, followed by severe discomfort.

The pain can radiate not only to the neck, but also spread to the shoulder, shoulder blade, occipital region and be of a different nature:

  • throbbing;
  • tingling;
  • contracting.

In most cases, the pain intensifies when performing various head movements, which forces you to turn your entire body.


Physiotherapy exercises occupy a special place in the treatment program for cervical osteochondrosis. A set of effective techniques used by exercise therapy instructors at the Yusupov Hospital helps patients return to an active life. Physical therapy classes begin with patients diagnosed with spinal osteochondrosis during the recovery period. During classes, experienced instructors not only help patients perform exercises, but also monitor compliance with safety rules.

Treatment of osteochondrosis at the Yusupov Hospital is carried out using an individual program, which is regularly supplemented and adjusted taking into account the results of therapy. If you are worried about a headache due to cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms and treatment of which are interrelated, make an appointment with the doctors at the Yusupov Hospital.

Structure and functional features of the cervical spine

The cervical region is the upper part of the spinal column (seven interconnected vertebrae), which bears a fairly large amount of load every day.

The joints connecting the vertebrae form the section of the spinal canal in which the spinal cord is located.

The cervical muscles are responsible for regulating the movements of the head and also allow it to be held in an anatomically correct position. Each muscle is attached to bones by strong connective tissue (tendons).

Having studied the structure, we can come to the conclusion that pain is provoked by pathologies of various types, the development of which is concentrated in any of the components of the cervical region of the musculoskeletal system.

Muscle pain

Spasms of the muscles of the neck and upper back occur due to injuries, physical strain during the day, in particular, incorrect postures, and emotional stress. Also, muscles can spasm due to an uncomfortable pillow. This condition usually manifests itself as pain and limited neck mobility. Within 6 weeks the pain goes away. To speed up the process, it is recommended to do special exercises, as well as eliminate the cause of muscle strain, if possible.

Classification of neck pain

Today, it is customary to distinguish several types of pain in the neck:

  • cervicalgia – painful sensations of various types, having a different origin;
  • cervicago or cervical lumbago - acute, sudden pain caused by compression of the nerve roots;
  • cervicobrachialgia - pain that manifests itself and spreads as it grows to the upper limbs;
  • Cervicocranialgia is a general condition in which neck pain and headache are felt simultaneously.

What pain and other signs of thoracic osteochondrosis may be

Due to the fact that the nerves may be pinched, the lungs and heart may feel painful, and the hands may ache. In addition, symptoms are observed:

  • dyspnea;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • muscle spasms;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • sharply painful sensations when coughing, inhaling, laughing, sneezing;
  • difficulty moving the body;
  • inability to be in a static position.

It has been observed that the disease is more severe in women than in men. To answer the question: “can the heart hurt with osteochondrosis?”, you should know that this is a subjective feeling of a person suffering from this disease. However, you should not diagnose yourself, since the “motor” may still fail simultaneously with the intervertebral discs. But the doctor must find out this.

Why does my neck hurt?

Among the causes of neck pain there may be a large list of diseases that have a similar list of clinical manifestations, but at the same time different mechanisms of progression.

Causes of sore throat

Most people immediately associate tickling and scratching with colds, however, with a number of diseases of this type, manifestations of such strength may be present that the patient may feel pain in the neck.

Severe discomfort and high rates of pain accompany conditions such as:

  • laryngitis;
  • viruses;
  • bacterial infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • foreign body in the tissues of the pharynx;
  • vitamin deficiency, lack of microelements;
  • reflux;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Causes of neck pain in the front

Are the unpleasant sensations concentrated mainly in the front, under the chin? Such a limited area can tell a lot, because there are a large number of different types of tissues located here. If the discomfort increases when swallowing and turning the head, then among the reasons for this condition are:

  • pathological processes,
  • progressive in tissues
  • thyroid gland;
  • previous injuries;
  • inflammatory processes of various types;
  • purulent diseases;
  • damage to tissues of the lymphatic system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • angina pectoris.

Causes of pain in the cervical spine

If the patient’s complaints indicate discomfort on the back surface of the cervical spine, then there is a risk of diagnosing serious pathological conditions.

  • In a situation of this kind, as a rule, there are “shots”, due to which the mobility of the head and even the shoulder girdle is sharply limited.
  • Experienced sensations of this type indicate the presence of pathologies such as:
  • destructive processes localized in vertebral tissues;
  • injuries;
  • damage to the ligamentous or muscular apparatus;
  • development of infectious processes;
  • the presence of vertebral anomalies.

Neck pain due to osteochondrosis

Special attention should be paid to one of the most common problems – neck pain due to osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is one of the most common pathological diseases on the planet.

Neck pain due to osteochondrosis is a serious symptom, and if you miss it, you can lose the opportunity for a full recovery, missing the initial stage of the development of pathological processes that can be treated.

Causes of side neck pain

Discomfort and severe pain, concentrated in the side of the neck, can migrate to the shoulder girdle or ear. An additional nuisance is tingling, pulsation and burning.

The most likely causes of pain in the side of the neck are:

  • pathological processes of blood vessels;
  • prolonged stay of the cervical spine in an uncomfortable position;
  • muscle spasms;
  • neoplasms;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • complications after illness or surgery.


There is a classification of headaches into primary (migraine) and secondary, directly related to inflammatory processes and spinal dysfunction. Such pain is called “cervicogenic” and may indicate the presence of tumors or hernias.

Pain in the head area can serve as a signal of the presence of one of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • compression of large blood vessels;
  • hernias

A typical sign of impaired blood flow is a pressing headache radiating to the back of the head.

Note: cervicogenic headaches are as common as migraines - almost 5% of people suffer from this type of pathology.

When is it time to seek medical help for neck pain?

Often, a person experiencing pain in any spinal region prefers to refuse to visit a doctor and lets everything take its course. To prevent serious health deterioration, it is important to seek professional help in a timely manner.

Regardless of what type of neck pain is present, it is necessary to consult a specialist and determine the cause of its occurrence.

Special indications to pay attention to are:

  • severe headaches;
  • traumatic effects on the cervical spine;
  • feeling of numbness, weakness in the limbs;
  • ineffectiveness of drug use.

Ignoring the symptomatic picture can lead to irreversible consequences that seriously worsen the level of quality of life.

There are situations when a visit to the attending physician is required immediately. These usually include:

  • increased body temperature, accompanied by pain in the neck and head;
  • severe stiffness of the cervical spine (inability to reach the chest with the chin);
  • presence of signs of a heart attack (chest pain, rapid breathing, increased sweating, nausea).

Pain due to osteochondrosis

Speaking about the cervical spine, it is necessary to explain that it consists of only 7 vertebrae. They are superimposed on each other in the form of a pyramid, in the middle of which is the spinal cord. The sixth vertebra is unique: its opening contains an artery that carries oxygenated blood to the brain. To prevent the pieces of the “pyramid” from rubbing against each other, nature provided spacers between them, i.e. intervertebral discs. When the human body is attacked by disease, these same pads suffer. Accordingly, the vertebrae are affected, the pain radiates to the head, the flow of blood to the brain worsens, which is manifested by many signs:

  • nausea;
  • "goosebumps" on the skin;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • sensitivity to light and sounds;
  • noises and ringing in the ears;
  • disorientation in space;
  • decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​the collarbone, scapula, and shoulder.

Taking painkillers does not have a strong effect. If the pain occurs less than 15 days per month, then the person is dealing with episodic pain. Otherwise, it will be classified as chronic.

Diagnosis of neck pain

To formulate a high-quality treatment plan for any disease, it is necessary to correctly diagnose it, taking into account all the patient’s complaints, existing medical history and the results of examinations.

Considering that the vast majority of cases are caused by pathological conditions of the spinal region, if you have neck pain, it is best to seek help from a chiropractor (osteopath), a vertebrologist or a neurologist.

The entire range of diagnostic procedures involves the use of instrumental and laboratory methods, each of which is aimed at visualizing the affected area and forming a high-quality basis for identifying the symptoms of concomitant diseases.

Let's consider the most informative diagnostic methods.

X-ray examination

Radiography is a key diagnostic method. Using the images obtained during the examination, you can evaluate the configuration of the vertebrae and form an understanding of the condition of the cartilage tissue.

Thanks to X-ray examination, pathological conditions such as:

  • displacement of elements of the vertebral region;
  • formed hernias and other neoplasms;
  • extensive growth of bone tissue, etc.

X-ray images display all the information necessary for diagnosis, which allows the specialist to formulate an accurate diagnosis and determine key areas of treatment.

However, there are cases when radiography is not enough to identify a number of pathologies. Sometimes it is completely unavailable due to contraindications. In this case, other solutions come to the rescue.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

An MRI examination involves obtaining a three-dimensional image in several projections, which makes it possible to assess the condition of all types of tissues of the cervical spinal column.

Functional diagnostics

Due to the fact that one of the causes of pain in the cervical spine is muscle spasms, it is appropriate to talk about the probable damage to this type of tissue.

In order to identify lesions and their extent, methods such as electromyography are used (determining the level of bioelectrical activity and the ability of nerves to transmit impulses).

Electroneurography (recording of an electrical signal as it propagates along the nerve being examined) and Forestier's test (detecting the ability to take an anatomically correct position) are also used.

Laboratory blood test

The results of a general and biochemical examination of biological fluids (blood, urine) indicate or refute the presence of inflammatory processes, which are the causes of pain.

In laboratory diagnostics, special attention is paid to the concentration of hormones.

Additional studies are considered to be bacteriological culture of sputum and throat smear.


Osteochondrosis is the destruction of the structure of intervertebral joints and discs (fibrous rings). The consequences of the pathology are very dire: from impaired coordination of movement to damage to the nerves that connect the internal organs of a person to the spinal cord.

Important! The spinal nerves control the functioning of the speech apparatus and the upper shoulder girdle. When they are destroyed, vision and hearing are affected.

Stages of osteochondrosis

Doctors conditionally divide osteochondrosis into stages based on the size of destruction of the intervertebral discs and the spine itself:

  • weak pinching due to disruption of the structure of cartilage tissue - the first (initial) stage;
  • disc protrusion (microcracks, decreased elasticity and density of tissue), leading to increased pressure on the vessels and nerve roots feeding the spinal cord and brain - second (middle) stage;
  • the appearance of a hernia due to rupture of the fibrous ring and displacement of the core outward - the third stage.

On a note! If the disease is not detected in time, this is fraught with complete disintegration of the ring and replacement of cartilage tissue with connective (less strong and dense) tissue. Such consequences often cause vertebral fusion!

The third stage of the disease is the most dangerous because the sense organs are affected.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Doctors rarely make mistakes when diagnosing osteochondrosis, since the symptoms are quite clearly expressed. This is especially true for the cervical spine - here each nerve process is “responsible” for its part of the work:

  • Decreased vision, blurred images, and fogging are the result of impaired blood flow in the vertebral arteries. However, in this case, you should be careful when making a diagnosis: the eyes additionally receive nutrition from the carotid arteries, so problems in this area should be excluded.
  • Changes in blood pressure are problems with the activity of the medulla oblongata, which is fed by the arteries of the spinal column. Note that pinching of nerve endings in the area of ​​the first two vertebrae does not happen often.
  • Sudden fainting is most often caused by spasm of the arteries and lack of oxygen in the brain, or muscle spasm due to narrowing and pinching of large blood lines.
  • Tinnitus often serves as a signal of impaired blood circulation in the vestibular apparatus. Compression of the vessels under the 4th vertebra will undoubtedly lead to disruption of the balance and functioning of the inner ear. Ignoring the symptom can cause hearing loss.
  • Nausea and vomiting may indicate damage to the nerves leading to the inner ear. There is a loss of coordination, and frequent vomiting leads to dehydration.
  • A violation of the swallowing reflex is a clear cause of increased pressure on the nerve under the 4th and 5th vertebrae (these nerve processes are connected to the adenoids and pharynx).
  • Breathing spasms are a disruption of the phrenic nerve located in the cervical plexus. At the moment of nerve irritation, breathing becomes frequent and shallow, and oxygen starvation of the brain is diagnosed. The person either faints or feels general weakness and panic.

Pain in the neck radiating to the back of the head is a signal of compression of the 6th nerve, and pain radiating to the elbow and shoulder indicates inflammation inside the 7th vertebra. Osteochondrosis is a disease that occurs quite often and its symptoms are sufficient to diagnose the pathology quickly and correctly. However, for greater guarantee, we recommend conducting examinations using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in Bubnovsky centers

At the Dr. Bubnovsky Center, we treat osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system using kinesitherapy, which involves removing axial load from the spine and joints using special exercises.

More information about the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Treatment for neck pain

Regardless of the nature of the pain experienced, its elimination and treatment of the root causes should be handled exclusively by a doctor. It is important to remember that the lack of treatment or the use of inadequate therapy (self-medication) sooner or later leads to a worsening of the pathological condition and irreversible consequences (from loss of mobility to death).

What to do before diagnosis?

Having neck pain? You should not delay your visit to the doctor. However, if the diagnosis has not yet been established, and the pain is in no hurry to subside, you should know how to deal with it.

First of all, in order to limit yourself from the likelihood of such an unpleasant syndrome, you should avoid excessive sharpness in movements, and also take care of protection from drafts and hypothermia.

If pain has already appeared and the discomfort is only increasing, it is permissible to take analgesics once. IMPORTANT! The drugs should not be taken for a long time without a doctor's prescription.

Methods of conservative therapy

The initial stages of any disease are eliminated by conservative treatment methods, which usually include drug therapy.

In order to relieve the sensations experienced, as well as eliminate pathological processes, drugs of various pharmacological groups are used, which include:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which eliminate inflammation and relieve unpleasant syndrome;
  • muscle relaxants that relieve muscle spasms;
  • anesthetics that relieve pain;
  • antibiotics, the action of which is aimed at eradicating bacterial and purulent processes;
  • vitamins and minerals used to support the level of nutrients in the body;
  • chondroprotectors that help accelerate regenerative processes in articular tissues.

It is worth noting that drugs from the chondroprotector group are especially important at the stage of eliminating pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system. The drug “Artracam” is considered to be one of the most effective and affordable solutions.

Physiotherapeutic treatment as a method of eliminating neck pain

The best activator of conservative methods is a complex combination with physiotherapeutic treatment.

Methods such as:

  • mud baths and heat compresses;
  • electrophoresis using anesthetic drugs;
  • manual therapy;
  • exposure to magnets or needles;
  • visiting a massage;
  • use of complexes of therapeutic physical culture.

Surgical intervention

When diagnosing pathologies of the spinal column, accompanied by pain localized in the cervical region, radical treatment methods may be required.

In order to reduce excessive pressure on the nerve roots, discectomy (open surgery to remove a hernia), foraminotomy (a minimally traumatic procedure aimed at decompressing the nerves) or laminectomy (a neurosurgical operation designed to relieve compression) is used.

In particularly difficult cases with severe degenerative lesions, spinal fusion (artificial fusion of the vertebrae for the purpose of their targeted immobilization) may be required.


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.M. Bubnovsky

“During the period of rapid growth of bone tissue, which grows on its own, without effort on the part of a rapidly growing body, and muscles develop only through exercise, it is necessary to actively engage in the prevention of scoliosis, developing the muscles of the trunk: arms, legs and back”

If there is a hernia in the spinal canal of the cervical region, the flow of blood to the brain is limited, which causes severe headaches, unsteadiness in gait and dizziness. A hernia provokes the development of aching painful sensations from the forearm to the tips of the fingers. The danger of this pathology lies in the inability to clearly and instantly determine the cause of the ailment: the symptoms are similar to the first signs of a weakened immune system and infectious diseases.

Remember! Having discovered primary symptoms, it is extremely important to consult a doctor - only a specialist is able, after carrying out diagnostic measures, to make the correct diagnosis and begin treatment on time.

Causes of intervertebral hernia

A spinal hernia occurs due to the destruction of cartilage tissue. In this case, the core comes out and such consequences often lead to inflamed processes in the deformation zone.

Nerve endings compressed by the core provoke severe pain in the neck, arms and shoulders. Male patients over 55 are susceptible to disc separation from the base - a complication after the development of osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

Symptoms of intervertebral hernia

Depending on the location of the hernia, the following signs are possible:

  • pain in the arms and shoulders, sometimes radiating to the neck and shoulder blades;
  • aching pain in the back of the head, intensifying when moving the head;
  • Quite often there is numbness of the upper extremities;
  • sometimes the patient is absent-minded and inattentive;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • lack of coordination, unsteady gait;
  • headaches bordering on migraines, sometimes with signs of dizziness.

Doctors also include loss of consciousness among the listed general symptoms.

Attention! Detection of symptoms and timely consultation with a doctor will certainly lead to recovery without surgical intervention!

Treatment of cervical hernia in the Bubnovsky center

A special approach to the treatment of cervical spinal hernia is offered to you at the Dr. Bubnovsky Centers on Khodynka and st. Dmitry Ulyanov. Here, such diseases are treated non-surgically using kinesitherapy, i.e. movement therapy.

We are deeply convinced that a herniated disc is a change that arises from prolonged inactivity of the deep back muscles. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it by forcing these muscles to work.

For this purpose, Professor Bubnovsky developed a special system of therapeutic safe movements on the author’s MTB rehabilitation simulators (Bubnovsky’s multifunctional simulator), which allows activating the deep back muscles without axial load on the joints and spine.

Prevention of neck pain and musculoskeletal disorders in general

Anyone who has ever encountered the problem under consideration has repeatedly asked the question: “What methods of struggle exist?” First of all, it is worth noting that the best treatment at all times is considered to be prevention, which consists of creating optimally comfortable conditions for the functionality and nutrition of the human spinal column.

It is important to create such conditions, the observance of which will not just be continuous, but literally for life. This is precisely the secret of the success of preventive measures.

There are several components to preventing neck pain. Let's look at each of them.

Physical activity and sports

A key component in preventing destructive processes in the musculoskeletal system. Moderate exercise helps maintain optimal health.

Workplace safety

The ergonomics of working conditions largely determines the state of human health, because people spend quite a lot of time at the workplace.

If it is impossible to organize comfortable conditions, then you must at least strive to systematically relieve tension by systematically performing simple warm-up exercises.

Special diet

The lack of useful vitamins and minerals negatively affects the condition of the skeleton of the human body. In order for the tissues to have everything they need, it is important to ensure rational nutrition.

The daily diet should be moderately enriched with sources of not just energy, but also vitamins and microelements.

Don't forget about your drinking regime. To ensure the required level of metabolism, you need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water per day.

Taking chondroprotectors

The use of preventive courses of taking chondroprotectors helps maintain the optimal condition of articular tissues, and also allows you to accelerate regenerative processes when they are damaged.

Preference should be given exclusively to reliable drugs that have proven themselves in the modern pharmacological market.
One of the most effective is considered to be “Artracam”. Do you want to enjoy a full life? It's time to start preventing ODA diseases today. By adhering to the principles of maintaining your own health, you can forget about feeling unwell and enjoy all the benefits

Degrees of cervical osteochondrosis

The choice of treatment method for osteochondrosis directly depends on the stage of the disease that is diagnosed in a particular patient. It is customary to subdivide 4 stages of osteochondrosis, the division is conditional, since some symptoms may move from one stage to another or not appear at all.

1st degree

The initial stage of the problem, at this stage, if pain is felt, it is often attributed to stress or other disorders (improper sleep, prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position). The patient may experience slight stiffness and limited movement, especially sudden movements. If you seek treatment for cervical osteochondrosis at this stage, you can eliminate the symptoms at home. To completely get rid of the problem, you can limit yourself to special exercises and attending physiotherapeutic procedures. For prevention, it will be useful to start leading an active lifestyle (it is enough to take 20 minute daily walks in the fresh air), adjust your diet (exclude too fatty, fried, salty foods, give preference to fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, foods with sufficient calcium and microelements, necessary for the restoration of connective and cartilage tissue).

2nd degree

The pain intensifies and begins to become permanent. Sudden movements and turns bring discomfort; the patient experiences severe headaches and begins to notice that he is very tired from everyday activities. Often patients become absent-minded because they only think about pain. Some people experience numbness in certain areas of the face.

3rd degree

Hernias begin to develop in the area of ​​damaged discs, which causes dizziness and weakness in the arms. Not only does the head and neck hurt, the pain gradually spreads to the entire shoulder girdle.

4th degree

A characteristic process is the destruction of intervertebral discs, replacement of “empty spaces” with connective tissue. This leads to pinched nerves, the pain becomes unbearable and does not go away without taking special medications. The patient experiences dizziness, especially with sudden turns of the head and changes in body position, ringing appears in the ears, sleep is disturbed, the quality of life is greatly deteriorated, and disability is possible if left untreated.

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