How effective are chondroprotectors in the treatment of arthrosis?

Treatment of arthrosis is aimed at solving several problems. It is necessary to eliminate the pain, restore mobility to the joint, and ideally, restore the affected cartilage tissue. For this purpose, drugs of different groups are used, but chondroprotectors are almost always present in the prescriptions. What are these medications and how effective are they for arthrosis and osteoarthritis?

Opinion about the effectiveness of chondroprotectors in medicine is controversial

This term hides a group of drugs whose action is aimed at stimulating and regenerating cartilage tissue. The diagnosis of arthrosis indicates degenerative changes in joint tissues, pain, and limited mobility. Chondroprotectors have the same effect on any joints - knee, hip, hands, feet, spine.

Many components are made from animal products - marine invertebrates and some salmon fish, as well as plants - avocados, legumes. The composition contains two active components:

  • Chondroitin.

Normalizes metabolism in cartilage tissue, stimulates the regeneration of cartilage cells, initiates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. It has anti-inflammatory properties and also promotes the production of natural synovial fluid.

  • Glucosamine.

Relieves inflammation, promotes the production of natural chondroitin, prevents the action of enzymes that destroy hyaluronic acid and collagen, and also performs a number of other functions.

Together or separately?

Traditionally, doctors prescribe chondroprotectors to patients containing both active components. However, recently there have been more and more recommendations to take single drugs, since in combination chondroitin and glucosamine supposedly weaken each other’s effects. It is difficult to say how correct this or that approach is: clinical trials have still not proven the higher effectiveness of single drugs.

Complex or single drugs? The question remains open

Comparison of the effectiveness of Alflutop and Chondroguard

The effectiveness of Alflutop is quite similar to Chondroguard - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Alflutop is more pronounced, then using Chondrogard even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Alflutop and Chondroguard. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Chondroprotectors are produced in the form of:

  • tablets, capsules or powder - for oral administration;
  • injections - for injections directly into the joint capsule;
  • ointments - as an addition to the main treatment.

The choice of drug form depends on the clinical picture of the disease. For the treatment of arthrosis and osteoarthritis, tablet and powder forms are most often prescribed. The average dose is 1000-1500 mg of active substance daily. If the disease has progressed to the second or third stage, it is more effective to give injections, reducing the dose of the active substance.


This is a first generation chondroprotector , which contains a bioactive concentrate made from marine organisms. The concentrate contains a complex of active substances: chondroitin, amino acids, peptides and trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.).

The drug starts regeneration processes in articular and cartilage tissues, improves their nutrition, and eliminates joint stiffness. Has moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Available in the form of an injection solution.

Indications for use:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Spondylosis.

It is also used as part of complex therapy for inflammatory joint pathologies. The drug is not prescribed for cases of individual intolerance to the components, for pregnant and lactating women, or for people under 18 years of age.

People who are allergic to seafood should use the product with extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Dispensed by prescription.

When can I expect results?

It is necessary to take tablets or capsules for at least four months - only after this period the first effect appears. Optimal results are achieved after approximately 7 months of use. The medicine is used continuously and in large quantities, since chondroitin is characterized by rapid absorption.

The effect of the injections occurs faster - after approximately one course of 20 injections. However, even after this, the patient must continue taking the pills and continue to give injections - in a lower dosage. Ointments are prescribed during remission as an adjuvant - you should not expect results from them.

The effect of taking chondroprotectors occurs within a few months

Are there any contraindications?

There are not many contraindications to taking chondroprotectors, but they do exist:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe renal failure;
  • serious gastrointestinal diseases (in this case, injections are possible);
  • bleeding disorders;
  • individual sensitivity to active components;
  • advanced stages of arthrosis.

Chondroprotectors are effective in the initial stages of arthrosis

Comparison of ease of use of Alflutop and Chondroguard

This includes dose selection taking into account various conditions and frequency of doses. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the release form of the drug; it is also important to take it into account when making an assessment.

The ease of use of Alflutop is approximately the same as that of Chondroguard. However, they are not convenient enough to use.

The drug ratings were compiled by experienced pharmacists who studied international research. The report is generated automatically.

Last update date: 2020-12-04 13:46:36

Division of chondroprotectors into groups according to composition

GroupActive substanceExamples of drugs
1chondroitin sulfateChondroxide, Mucosad, Chondroitin Sulfate, Structum, Chondrolone
2substances of animal origin extracted from fish cartilage tissueRumalon, Alflutop
4glucosamineDona, Elbona, Artron-flex
5complex preparations: chondroitin, glucosamine, supplementsTeraflex, Artra, Artron-complex, Formula-S, Artrodar

Physiology of cartilage tissue

Cartilage and intervertebral discs, in particular, are unable to receive nutrients directly from the bloodstream. If this were so, then numerous vessels would completely entwine the cartilage and impede its movements and would often be injured, which would lead to the formation of large hematomas.

Clever nature has solved the issue of nourishing cartilage tissue in a different way. It is provided through synovial fluid due to the processes of diffusion of nutrients into the articular surfaces. With each step or other load on the spine, the cartilage is compressed and unused tissue fluid is forced out of it. With immediate unloading, the pressure on the cartilage decreases sharply, which leads to the absorption of fresh, nutrient-rich tissue fluid into it. The same mucopolysaccharides – glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate – act as such substances.

Nature has determined that the intervertebral disc will constantly wear out and be immediately restored due to the supply of glucosamine and chondroitin to it through the synovial fluid. At the same time, destruction and restoration processes occur throughout the entire articular surface, which ensures the preservation of the normal thickness and functionality of the discs. An imbalance in this system is caused, first of all, by metabolic disturbances, which inevitably arise and intensify with age, which becomes the cause of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Disadvantages of treating arthrosis with chondroprotectors

  1. A long course of treatment, involving regular use of medications in large doses.
  2. Considerable financial investments in medicines.
  3. Long period before the effect occurs.
  4. It is impossible to cure arthrosis in an advanced stage.
  5. Allergic reaction to particles of animal or plant components.

Treating arthrosis with chondroprotectors is long and expensive

More and more experts classify chondroprotectors as drugs of unproven effectiveness. Why are they considered ineffective and do they actually restore joints?

Let's sum it up

In the USA, chondroprotectors are not included in any protocol or standard for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. But due to the high level of trust patients have in them, they are present on pharmacy shelves as food supplements, that is, products with unknown effectiveness.

OARSI, an international organization specializing in the study of osteoarthritis, has identified glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate as inappropriate agents for the treatment of knee arthritis. Should we hope that they will give better results when used in the fight against osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias?

Therefore, in 2007, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences issued a resolution to remove from the list of drugs used for drug provision, outdated drugs with unproven effectiveness, including chondroitin sulfate.

In developed countries, patients are prescribed only those treatment methods that are sure to be beneficial and improve their quality of life. Doctors at SL Clinic can also offer you the best ways to deal with intervertebral hernia, which are guaranteed to bring positive changes. And if necessary, our surgeons will perform surgical removal of the protrusion using minimally invasive or open methods.

Is there an alternative?

Instead of taking medications for a long time, which, moreover, can cause allergies or give no results at all, you can take a simpler route. The method of intra-articular injection of synovial fluid endoprostheses has long been successfully used in European countries. Orthopedists and other specialized specialists recommend that patients with grade 1-3 arthrosis regularly, once every year and a half, undergo courses of such injections in order to stop constantly taking medications.

Synthetic viscoprosthesis "Noltrex":

  • helps cope with arthrosis even in advanced stages;
  • does not require long-term use - 2-4 injections at intervals of a week are enough to restore mobility to the joint and relieve pain;
  • brings effect after the first or second injection;
  • does not cause allergies, since it does not contain components of animal origin;
  • has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of the inflammatory process in the joint.

The effect of artificial viscoprosthesis is somewhat different from that of chondroprotectors. Noltrex restores the viscosity of natural synovial fluid, as a result of which friction of articular cartilage stops, pain and inflammation go away. Chondroprotectors improve the condition of cartilage tissue, but much more slowly and require consistency and patience from the patient.

Many patients choose chondroprotectors because they are simply not aware of this innovative method of treating osteoarthritis of the hip, knee or elbow. Those who have received complete information about the advantages and disadvantages of each method choose intra-articular injections to return to their normal lives without pain and restrictions in a short time.

Mechanism of action of chondroprotectors

The annotation attached to each drug by the manufacturer indicates that the active ingredients of chondroprotectors are glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate. They are compounds that are building materials for the formation of connective tissue, activation of its regeneration processes and prevention of intervertebral disc degeneration.

As a result of their regular intake into the body, the synthesis of cartilage tissue should increase. Also, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate should prevent the destructive effect of enzymes on cartilage by inhibiting hyaluronidase, which normally breaks down hyaluronic acid into monomers.

In addition, they should improve the physicochemical properties of the synovial fluid, which prevents friction of the articular surfaces. As a result, according to the manufacturers, when taken in a course, chondroprotectors lead to a decrease in the severity of hernia symptoms, especially pain and limited mobility in the affected segment of the spine.

On the one hand, everything is clear and should really work as stated. But on the other hand, cartilage tissue does not have the same nutritional mechanism as other tissues, because it is not directly supplied with blood.

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