Chondroprotectors for arthrosis: extra expenses or salvation from disability

Arthrosis is a joint disease that is chronic. Degenerative changes occur in articular cartilage, that is, it is gradually destroyed.

It all starts with a slight crunch in the joints when bending the limbs, which few people pay attention to. Then there is pain when moving. When the disease gains momentum, the joint loses its mobility, and the pain becomes unbearable. Unfortunately, many people delay treatment and seek help in the final stages. Arthrosis, like any other disease, is much more treatable at the initial stage. In this case, it is possible not only to relieve inflammation and pain, but also to completely restore cartilage tissue.

To restore joints with arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, special drugs have been developed - Chondroprotectors. They not only reduce pain, but also help to activate the processes of restoring the cartilage tissue of the joints, acting on the cause from the inside and relieving inflammation.

Causes of arthrosis and its features

This disease has several reasons why it occurs. These include:

  • hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • poor blood supply to the joints;
  • heredity;
  • advanced age;
  • joint injuries;
  • excess weight.

With arthrosis, collagen and proteoglycans (complex proteins) that make up cartilage are destroyed. Gradually it becomes less elastic, then begins to crack, exposing the bone. The cartilage ceases to perform its function - shock absorption and uniform distribution of load during movement. The exposed bone is injured, and bone growths appear in the cartilage tissue. In the final stages, treatment of arthrosis with chondroprotectors, that is, medications, may no longer be effective and surgical intervention will be required.

Statistics show that arthrosis affects 6 to 12% of the population. With every decade, this disease makes more and more people disabled. At the same time, women suffer from it twice as often, although by the age of 65 there is practically no difference. By this age, more than half of people already suffer from arthrosis.

Not only the elderly, but also professional athletes and dancers are at risk. Arthrosis affects those who have the problem of a curved spine, excess weight, as well as lovers of high heels.

Treatment of the disease is long and difficult, so it is better to prevent it. Excessive physical activity with heavy weights, injuries and sudden movements should be avoided. Pay attention to preventive exercises, maintain weight within normal limits. And if the disease has already made itself felt, it is important not to miss these first “bells” and start treatment on time. If it is diagnosed in a timely manner, it can be completely cured with the help of drugs that are aimed at restoring cartilage tissue. They are called chondroprotectors.

Nutrition for coxarthrosis

There are many reasons for the destruction of cartilage. Great importance in the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint of 1, 2, 3 degrees is given to nutrition. Today the market is filled with products rich in preservatives. Attractive hams, smoked meats, and sausages that flaunt on the shelves contain a large number of specific components. The meat is treated with enzymes, active substances that speed up the production process and allow you to quickly obtain an attractive product. Preservatives increase the shelf life of any product: finished or raw, which cannot but be widely used among manufacturers.

When consuming food loaded with preservatives, a person receives excess salt, which retains moisture. Salt is retained and accumulates in the cartilage tissue, causing the normal functioning of the joint to fail. Such arthrosis is essentially a simple inflammation, which is perfectly treatable. And coxarthrosis, which arose against the background of metabolic disorders, metabolic failure, and intake of junk food, requires adherence to a diet. It is not necessary to strictly limit your food intake or give up a whole list of healthy foods. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • refuse any ready-made smoked meats from the store;
  • eliminate the consumption of concentrated broths;
  • According to the method of preparing dishes, give preference to boiling and stewing;
  • completely eliminate salt consumption, do not buy salted fish, sausages, canned foods;
  • consume no more than 10-15 g of animal fats per day, prepare meals with the addition of a variety of vegetable oils;
  • monitor the calorie content of foods, give up so-called “fast” carbohydrates, sugar, and confectionery;
  • exclude mayonnaise from the diet, season salads and sauces with low-fat sour cream;
  • eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • limit consumption of fatty fish and caviar.

Instead of smoked meats, buy natural meat and chickens raised on farms by domestic producers. It is better to cook first courses in vegetable broths, without boiling vitamin-rich foods for several hours. The bouillon cubes popular today are almost 100% chemical. This is harm in its purest form.

You should not completely give up boiled meat. But it’s better to take pre-boiled lean pieces and put them in portions on a plate, and only then pour in the vegetable soup. Complete abstinence from meat is extreme.

An ancient recipe for maintaining strong bones and joints is jellied meat. Several decades ago, when little was known about artificial preservatives, this was justified. Now such a product can only increase cholesterol.

Fresh fish has not previously been treated with preservatives. But modern manufacturers have learned this too. Today, we can talk about the benefits of fish only if it came to the counter directly from a fishing trawler or was bought alive.

Only by changing the principles of nutrition can a person reduce suffering from deforming arthrosis. The diet should include a large amount of fresh vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits. Low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and chicken are healthy. Rice, beets, potatoes, and watermelon help remove salt from the body. Once a week, it is recommended to arrange fasting days on kefir, cottage cheese, fruits, and herbal decoctions.

Chondroprotectors for arthrosis

This group of drugs helps regenerate cartilage tissue, stops degenerative changes in its structure, improves mobility, and eliminates pain. Chondroprotectors help with arthrosis of the knees, hips, as well as joints of the spine, feet and hands. The drugs increase the amount of lubrication in them, without which full functioning of the limbs is simply impossible.

From Latin, chondroprotectors are literally translated as “protectors of cartilage.”

The active ingredients of chondroprotectors are chondroitin and glucosamine, as well as hyaluronic acid, which is used for injection into joints. The chondroitin component improves metabolism in cartilage tissue and stimulates collagen production. Cells begin to actively regenerate, and synovial fluid is rapidly released. Glucosamine, which is also part of the chondroprotectors used for joint arthrosis, relieves inflammation and suppresses enzymes that negatively affect the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Substances in chondroprotectors can be of animal origin (salmon, shrimp, shellfish) or plant origin (legumes, soy or avocado).

All drugs in this group have a cumulative effect. Therefore, you should not expect instant action. The course of treatment lasts quite a long time. Its duration depends on the chosen drug, as well as the degree of the disease, and ranges from 3 to 5 months. After six months, doctors recommend repeating the course of treatment to achieve a more lasting effect.

With an integrated approach, chondroprotectors for arthrosis not only effectively fight the disease, but also have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. They improve metabolism, eliminate spasms and swelling, remove toxins, increase immunity and normalize blood pressure.

Treatment of arthrosis with chondroprotectors is effective only if there is no serious damage to the joint that leads to irreversible processes. If self-healing of cartilage tissue is not possible, then surgical intervention should be resorted to.

Release forms of chondroprotectors

The modern pharmaceutical market offers drugs in different release forms:

  • in the form of gels and ointments for topical use;
  • tablets, capsules and powders for oral use;
  • injection solutions that are administered intramuscularly or intraarticularly.

Which chondroprotectors for arthrosis will be most optimal depends on the stage of the disease. With the first, drugs for internal use work well, which doctors recommend combining with gels and ointments to enhance the effect. The best chondroprotectors for arthrosis will be combined agents. They cost an order of magnitude more, but at the initial stage of the disease, single-component ones based on chondroitin or glucosamine can cope. They are more affordable.

At the second stage, even the best chondroprotectors for arthrosis in tablets or ointments will not give the desired result. Intramuscular injections of drugs such as Artradol will help here. Its main component is chondroitin sulfate, which is instantly and completely absorbed into the blood. The drug belongs to a new generation of drugs. It effectively restores cartilage tissue, enhances the production of joint fluid, improving joint mobility and relieving pain. The course of treatment lasts about a month, and is repeated after six months. At the moment this is the best chondroprotector for arthrosis. The completed course of treatment is supported by taking pills and applying ointments.

For advanced arthrosis, injections that are injected into the joint itself help. They also contain glucosamine, chondroitin or hyaluronic acid.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint is carried out using complex measures, including physiotherapy. This area is associated with physical rehabilitation, supporting the body during the period of recovery and remission, and preventing exacerbations. Physiotherapy is provided by orthopedists, traumatologists, rheumatologists, massage therapists, and exercise therapy instructors.

The following methods are recognized as effective for the treatment of coxarthrosis:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • inductothermy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy.

With ultrasound therapy, high-frequency waves penetrate tissue and act like a vibration massage. They improve biochemical processes, prevent stagnation, and promote better absorption of medicinal substances. Ultrasound reduces the inflammatory process.

Laser exposure dilates blood vessels, stimulates lymph flow, inhibits inflammation, and heals tissue. The technique improves tissue trophism and helps preserve the structure and function of organs.

During inductothermy, the body is exposed to high frequency waves. The method is effective in the presence of any inflammation and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Stimulates the immune system, relieves pain, and has a regenerating effect.

Massage can be hardware or mechanical. Contrary to popular belief, during a massage not only the superficial layer of skin and muscles is exposed. During the work of a massage therapist, reflex and humoral mechanisms of regulation of internal organs are activated. By combining a wide variety of massage techniques, the patient receives antispasmodic, tonic, lymphatic drainage and analgesic effects.

A chiropractor works on human bones and joints. It relieves tension from some areas, tones others, eliminates pain, and restores the functional viability of joints. First, the doctor uses diagnostic techniques, during which he determines the condition and capabilities of the muscles, ligaments, and joints. Then he moves on to treatment. Manual techniques are not used during exacerbations and complications.

Classification of chondroprotectors for arthrosis

These drugs can be classified according to how long ago arthrosis has been treated with chondroprotectors in medical practice:

  • first generation, which are becoming less and less effective;
  • second generation - chondroprotectors for joint arthrosis with complex effects, which include glucosamine and chondroitin;
  • third generation - drugs that are distinguished by the highest degree of purification and the most effective combination of components.

The latest generation of drugs, which are considered one of the best chondroprotectors for arthrosis, includes Artradol.

The role of sanatorium treatment

For coxarthrosis, great importance is given to sanatorium treatment. Treatment and prevention institutions primarily use natural factors to support people with musculoskeletal diseases.

  1. Climatotherapy. These are terrain features, a combination of weather factors, sea water, sun, air. Climatic therapy helps recovery, prevents the development of exacerbations, improves the course of biological and physiological processes in the body. Ideal conditions for the treatment of arthrosis are created in areas with high air temperatures and large amounts of solar radiation.
  2. Healing mud. They vary in origin. There are peat, sulfide-silt, sapropel, hydrothermal. They are distinguished by high heat capacity. They contain mineral, organic, biologically active components that penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on the joints. Improve metabolic processes, reduce inflammation, normalize blood circulation.
  3. Mineral water. Contains microelements, dissolved salts, and biologically active substances. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, mineral baths are indicated. The procedures increase mobility, tone, activate blood circulation, and improve metabolism.
  4. Phytotherapy. A method based on the use of medicinal herbs. Infusions and decoctions contain a large number of active substances that not only effectively support the sick body, but also have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Treatment with natural factors in sanatoriums is combined with physiotherapeutic methods, physical therapy, dietary nutrition, and adherence to a daily routine. Sanatorium-resort programs are developed for all stages of joint diseases.

Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint in the Solnechny sanatorium in Belarus

Treatment of coxarthrosis is one of the main profiles of the Solnechny sanatorium. Over many years of work at the institution, an impressive practical base has been developed for the management of patients with this type of illness. Within the framework of the sanatorium, a wide range of therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out in the direction of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The medical base is equipped with all the necessary instruments and equipment for the treatment of pathologies of the hip and other large and small joints. Specifically in this area, the following types of procedures are used: physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, mud therapy, exercise therapy (including pool and swimming exercises).

Sanatorium Solnechny is the only one in the country that practices treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint through intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid. A rehabilitation treatment program for hip arthrosis has been successfully applied. See here .


Coxarthrosis is not hereditary, but can occur at a young age. The causes can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital ones include:

  • Congenital hip dislocation.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Hereditary connective tissue diseases.

Acquired reasons include:

  • Traumatic injuries.
  • Endocrine system disorders.
  • Infectious joint lesions (including rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.

Predisposing factors also include:

  • Loads on joints in professional athletes.
  • Overweight.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Age-related changes.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Scoliosis, different lengths of the lower limbs.

Treatment methods for coxarthrosis.

This complex disease is treated by an orthopedic surgeon. The sooner you contact him, the greater the chances of slowing down the process. Therapy for coxarthrosis is a course, lifelong; It is recommended to see a doctor at regular intervals. If possible, the impact of provoking factors is eliminated or reduced. In this regard, lifestyle adjustments can be made. Symptomatic treatment is aimed at reducing pain symptoms, the frequency of exacerbations, and improving function. Conservative treatment is indicated at all stages. Surgical, usually from the second stage. Rehabilitation activities (physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage) accompany the treatment. Among the additional measures, at the beginning of the development of the disease, the patient is offered moderate exercise, which improves blood circulation in the hip joint and does not overload it. For example, classes in the pool, cross-country skiing. In advanced cases, it is necessary to unload the diseased joint and use additional support when walking.

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