Lymphostasis (or lymphedema) is a disease that occurs when there is an imbalance between the formation and drainage of lymph. More often, lymphedema develops in women. Lymphostasis is usually accompanied by heaviness in the legs. With lymphostasis, fluid retention occurs in the legs as a result of diseases of the heart, kidneys, and liver. During lymphostasis, the veins do not have time to cope with such an amount of fluid, and at some point the lymphatic vessels, unable to withstand the stress, rupture. This causes swelling of the limbs, cracks and ulcers.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain in the legs may be the following factors:

  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • heavy loads on a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs.

Lack of vitamins and microelements is one of the postpartum causes of joint pain. While carrying a child, the mother gives all the nutrients to the fetus for its normal growth and development.

Lack of iron, calcium, magnesium and folic acid in the mother's body leads to weakening of the bones, which causes ailments in the arms and legs.

Varicose veins are a common phenomenon in pregnant women. When a woman is pregnant, her uterus increases in size, which causes pressure on the blood vessels. The veins dilate, stretch, and blood stagnates in the supporting joints. Result: pain and swelling. Varicose veins must be cured. Its advanced form leads to a number of complications, including the formation of blood clots and inflammation of the venous wall.

A large load on the body is a problem for most pregnant women. In preparation for childbirth, a woman gains weight so that the fetus can fully grow and develop. The increase in body weight of a pregnant woman reaches 15–20 kg. This weight puts a lot of pressure on the supporting bones, thereby causing pain while walking. The situation is aggravated during multiple pregnancies or excessive weight gain (obesity).

Back pain occurs in every second pregnant woman. If a woman has had problems with the spine before, then during pregnancy, when the body is being rebuilt, the pain associated with them is felt more acutely.

During this period, a special hormone is produced - relaxin, which relaxes the pelvic muscles and the area between the legs to facilitate childbirth. In addition, the pelvic bones diverge. The relaxed area shifts the center of gravity, which leads to back pain that is transmitted to the legs and feet.

Swelling of the legs

In the last weeks of pregnancy, physiological accumulation of fluid occurs, which is necessary for the birth process to occur. As a result, some swelling of the limbs may be observed in the first days after childbirth. If the kidneys and cardiovascular system are working properly, then 3-4 days after birth the swelling goes away on its own.

Excess weight gained during pregnancy also contributes to the formation of edema and puts increased stress on the joints. The knees are especially affected. Pain in the legs after childbirth is expressed by pain in the knees.

The following recommendations will help eliminate swelling during pregnancy and after childbirth:

  • Reduce the amount of liquid you drink in the evening.
  • Avoid eating salty, fried, smoked foods.
  • Wear compression garments.
  • When lying down or sitting, place your legs on a hill. This improves blood flow in the extremities.


Often pregnancy and childbirth cause the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities in women. This disease is expressed by the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels, thinning of their walls and the formation of nodes - blood clots. The veins, especially in the popliteal region, become bulging, heaviness and pain in the legs and spider veins appear.

Some factors trigger the pathological process:

  1. Increased intra-abdominal pressure.
  2. High load on blood vessels during pregnancy.
  3. Changes in hormonal levels.

To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, an examination by a specialist is required. In some cases, ultrasound diagnostics of veins is performed. Drug treatment includes taking drugs to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve venous outflow.


Restless legs syndrome

Quite often, young mothers complain of unpleasant nagging pain in their legs, which is difficult to describe in words. This strange sensation appears at rest, and can be characterized as “I don’t know where to put my feet.” During movement, the unpleasant symptoms disappear. This ambiguous set of symptoms is commonly called Restless Legs Syndrome.

Signs of pathology:

  • An irresistible urge to move the legs.
  • At rest, the discomfort intensifies.
  • During movement, the discomfort decreases.
  • Feeling like someone is crawling under your skin.

This disease occurs in 20% of pregnant women and goes away within one month after birth.

Factors predisposing to the development of the syndrome:

  1. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  2. Deficiency of magnesium, vitamin B12, B9.
  3. Consequences of an epidural anesthesia injection.
  4. Varicose veins.
  5. Hereditary predisposition.

Useful video from Elena Malysheva about “restless legs syndrome”:

Restless legs syndrome is a consequence of a specific disease. Therefore, the primary task is to diagnose and treat the underlying disease. It is recommended to check the blood levels of essential vitamins and microelements. In case of deficiency, adjust your diet or take vitamin complexes.

Heavy loads during pregnancy

A common cause of leg pain after childbirth. During pregnancy, body weight increases. In preparation for childbirth, the body gains 15-20 kg to nourish the fetus. The load puts pressure on the supporting system, the bones of the lower extremities, while walking. The situation is aggravated by obesity or in cases of multiple births. The bones of the legs experience double load, which after childbirth results in constant pain in the legs.

Weight gain during pregnancy

An increase in body weight leads to an increase in the load on the bones. If a woman walked a lot during pregnancy and lifted weights, the reason for pain in her legs after childbirth is clear.

Joint pain

Gaining weight while carrying a child puts a decent load on the spinal column in general and on the joints in particular. Physiological changes in hormonal levels lead to softening of joints and ligaments.

The center of gravity shifts, and the joints also shift to some extent. After childbirth, painful sensations arise due to the return of the joints to their usual position. The legs in the knee area are especially affected.

Also, the cause of joint pain can be a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. After all, the costs of these minerals are increased due to lactation.

If joint pain is not associated with a chronic disease, and only appeared during the postpartum recovery period, you can take some measures to improve your well-being.

  • Adjust your diet, trying to consume foods rich in calcium: fish, dairy products, sesame seeds, spinach, etc. If necessary, consult your doctor for a recommendation for multivitamin complexes.
  • Do not lift more than the child's weight. This will reduce the load on the joints.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Use elastic bandages to secure the joint.
  • Do special gymnastic exercises.

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If the described recommendations do not help, then you should consult a rheumatologist to prescribe medication treatment.

Baby care

After the birth of a newborn, his whole life revolves around him and the greatest burden falls on the shoulders of his mother, who, according to statistics, can lift the child more than a hundred times a day! Do not forget about the 10-15 kilograms that are usually gained during gestation. Of course, if she is in excellent health and exercised during pregnancy, then this is unlikely to harm. But if she did not do this and was unprepared for such weights, then it would be quite traumatic for her joints.

If this is the only reason why it hurts to walk after childbirth, then it does not pose any danger, especially if there are no other symptoms. In general, there is no need to panic, since the use of preventive measures will help eliminate or reduce unpleasant sensations to a minimum. These include:

  • physical rest;
  • small physical exercises to maintain muscle tone;
  • massage of feet and legs;
  • warm baths for relaxation and relieving muscle tension.

Lack of microelements

Regardless of your health status, many doctors strongly advise drinking multivitamin complexes with a variety of microelements for the entire nine months. This is due to the small organism’s great need for building material for future tissues, which must subsequently form into full-fledged and healthy organs. But these recommendations are not always heeded, which becomes the main reason that ultimately leads to various problems.

This often leads to cramping of the legs or full-blown cramps, which most often occur at night. Such signs indicate a deficiency of one of the important elements - magnesium, calcium or potassium. A lack of calcium is especially important, since it is simply “washed out” by the body from the bones, making them brittle and brittle.

Often, the deterioration of the condition begins during breastfeeding, when all the vitamins and minerals are sent by the female body into milk to ensure its sufficient nutritional value, calorie content and usefulness.

Intervertebral disc displacement

According to average statistics, about 50% of pregnant women suffer from pain in their legs after childbirth and associate this with spinal problems. Naturally, for those who suffered from pathologies of the spinal column, this condition may worsen, but this is often due to global changes and restructuring in the body.

One of them is the production of a hormone called Relaxin, which leads to relaxation of the muscles of the body, including the back, pelvis, and legs. All this is done in order to ensure greater muscle elasticity, which plays an important role during the birth of a baby, and it is also easier for the pelvic bones to diverge, which ensure optimal delivery.

After the baby is born, the muscles that were relaxed are less able to hold the musculoskeletal system in the correct position. Therefore, in addition to natural displacement during pregnancy, pathological displacement can occur afterwards, which leads to displacement or herniation of intervertebral discs. All this leads to aching legs or back pain, radiating to the lower back or leg area.

So we have looked at the main reasons why it can be painful to walk after childbirth, but it is worth paying attention to one important point: pain is a symptom that some kind of “breakdown” has occurred in the body. Whether it is important or not can only be determined by a specialist during a consultation, and ignoring the symptoms can harm your health and your child.

Treatment of lymphostasis

If swelling in the legs that appeared in the evening did not disappear by the morning, then these manifestations may well be lymphostasis. But don’t rush to diagnose yourself; try to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

For patients with lymphedema, a number of therapeutic and preventive measures are recommended, which are selected by the doctor based on the diagnosis.

Typically, patients are prescribed drug therapy, including phlebotropic drugs (for example, detralex, troxevasin, etc.), diuretics, antibiotics, immunomodulators, etc. Lymphotropic therapy is also prescribed (injection of drugs into the lymph nodes, effective for erysipelas).

It is mandatory to wear compression garments and loose shoes that do not restrict the affected limbs.

In addition, with lymphostasis, it is necessary to follow a special diet with a low salt content, increased levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, etc.

You should avoid heavy lifting and static loads.

Swimming, physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, and pressotherapy are recommended.

Psychological condition

If the examination does not reveal any abnormalities, and the pain does not go away for a long time, depression may be suspected. Postnatal depression occurs in 13–15% of cases. Its catalyst may be changes in hormonal levels and external factors. Decreased mood and apathy are not the only manifestations of depressive disorder. Almost half of patients experience somatic manifestations, including pain.

An important diagnostic factor is heredity: if close blood relatives have had cases of depression, the risk of developing it is statistically very high.

Possible diseases

Myositis, symphysitis, the appearance of cracks in the feet, edema syndrome are common postpartum problems, the symptom or consequence of which can be back pain. Let's look at each of them:

  1. Myositis is inflammation of the joints. It is characterized by the appearance of hard nodules in the joints of the back and buttocks. Muscle weakness manifests itself with increasing force, accompanied by dull pain. The best treatment for this pathology is massage. Softening the lump relieves pain and brings temporary relief. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after determining the severity of the disease. In general, treatment begins after childbirth.
  2. Symphysitis is a separation of the symphysis pubis. It manifests itself in late pregnancy with swelling of the pubic area, a characteristic “clack” between the legs when walking or getting out of bed, as well as aching pain. The causes of the pathology are: calcium deficiency, genetic inheritance or prenatal disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment of this disease is carried out in the postpartum period. During pregnancy, you must take a vitamin complex prescribed by your doctor and perform preventive exercises.
  3. Women often complain about the appearance of cracked heels. This is a consequence of a lack of vitamins in the body. In such cases, it is necessary to take vitamins, eat a nutritious and high-quality diet, and use special softening and healing agents (the most common is Vaseline).
  4. Edema syndrome is a complex factor that should only be diagnosed by a specialist. There can be several reasons for swelling: improper daily routine and diet, deep vein thrombosis, kidney disease and varicose veins. After examination by a doctor and identification of the cause, treatment is prescribed.

Diagnosis of edema

At the MedicCity clinic you will be provided with highly qualified medical care for lymphostasis and other phlebological diseases. Within one clinic, you can get advice from a vascular surgeon and, if necessary, doctors from other areas, as well as undergo a full examination.

Studies that need to be completed for lymphostasis:

  • Ultrasound of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • biochemical blood test, urine test;
  • lymphography and lymphoscintigraphy to determine the patency of blood vessels (if necessary, as prescribed by your doctor).

1 Laboratory diagnostics in MedicCity

2 Vascular ultrasound in MedicCity

3 Vascular ultrasound in MedicCity

Currently, every tenth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from fluid retention in the lower extremities. If the treatment of lymphostasis is left to chance, then such unpleasant diseases as eczema, erysipelas and trophic ulcers may be added to lymphostasis. Due to lymphostasis, a person can become disabled and walk on crutches.

Symphysiopathy – what is it and how to treat it?

When talking about the pain a woman has to endure after childbirth, we cannot fail to mention the pubic joint. It is the pubic bone that often begins to hurt for many people during pregnancy. And these painful sensations do not leave some even after childbirth.

The symphysis is the connection of the pelvic bones in front. It consists of cartilage and ligaments. During pregnancy, the pubic joint withstands enormous loads. Sometimes the joint is very stretched. The process of childbirth itself contributes to this. Women with a narrow pelvis and a large fetus are especially susceptible to this. The ligaments of the symphysis are not very elastic, so the recovery process is extremely slow.

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It is impossible to cure symphysiopathy. Recovery usually occurs over time. A doctor can only help reduce symptoms and relieve severe pain syndromes. Sometimes symptoms of symphysiopathy appear after several years, for example, with increased physical activity. Sometimes pain in the pubic joint occurs as a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable positions (for example, during yoga), injuries, or cycling. This can be quite unpleasant and painful, but it has virtually no effect on your overall health.

If a woman continues to have pain in her pubic bone after childbirth, she is recommended:

  • regularly taking medications with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D;
  • consumption of foods containing calcium and magnesium;
  • daily sunbathing or walking outdoors;
  • change body position every half hour;
  • reduction of physical activity;
  • wearing special bandages (prenatal and postnatal);
  • taking acupuncture courses;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Ural Federal District.

For very severe pain, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment with medications. Sometimes, in particularly severe cases, surgery is required.

What symptoms should you be wary of?

In rare cases, the appearance of joint pain is accompanied by certain abnormalities. A new mother should especially be wary of the following symptoms:

  • periodic increase in body temperature;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • redness of the affected area;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness.

If you have such signs, you should immediately visit a doctor, as they may indicate the development of more serious diseases.

What to do if your legs hurt after childbirth?

First, the diagnosis is determined. Self-medication is not recommended. Trying to cope with pain without knowing the exact cause can harm your body!

Contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy; he will be more knowledgeable about how the process proceeded and what complications arose in a particular case. See a therapist or kinesiologist.

The doctor will examine you, prescribe the necessary tests, and tell you how to eliminate leg pain after childbirth.


Proper and healthy nutrition will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals lost during pregnancy. If the baby is breastfeeding, the woman needs to observe certain dietary restrictions.

To restore joints, it is recommended to include in your diet:

  • various vegetarian soups;
  • vegetable salads (must be seasoned with olive oil or sour cream);
  • flaxseed oil (the product contains a huge amount of Omega-3 acids);
  • boiled eggs;
  • medium fat cottage cheese (preferably rustic);
  • porridge from whole grains, especially buckwheat, rice and rolled oats;
  • dairy products.

Experts warn that it is better to choose a diet together with your doctor, since many foods will be contraindicated for your baby while breastfeeding.

If a woman takes prescribed medications and at the same time adheres to proper nutrition, the affected cartilage and bones will return to normal in about a month.

Symptoms of lymphostasis

Swelling is familiar to everyone, and sometimes we simply don’t pay attention to it. However, swelling is a problem that needs to be solved with the help of specialists - phlebologists. Lymphostasis, for example, may first manifest itself as mild, self-limiting swelling. Meanwhile, the uncontrolled disease progresses.

The main symptoms of lymphedema:

  • soreness;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • severe thickening of the limb;
  • significant thickening of the skin;
  • the appearance of “elephantiasis”, ulcers.

Treatment of leg pain after childbirth

There are many methods for relieving pain in the limbs and between the legs. Treatment is prescribed according to the cause of the pain.

  1. For varicose veins, special anti-varicose stockings are worn along with the use of ointments that relieve painful symptoms.
  2. To restore the level of folic acid in the body, the doctor prescribes a complex of essential vitamins and microelements that strengthen bones. Folic acid
  3. For problems with the back, displacement of bones, discs between the vertebrae, manual therapy is used. This type of treatment is effective for pain relief after pregnancy. The essence of manual therapy is a gentle effect on tissues, muscles and bones through massage. They affect diseased areas through massaging healthy areas. Using special pressure and stretching techniques, the chiropractor works on soft tissues, ligaments, joints, bones and muscles, returning them to their places. Therapy can painlessly relieve pathologies, positively affecting the functioning of internal organs and systems, improving the health of the body.
  4. Another way to treat leg pain is kinesiotherapy - a set of exercises to improve your shape after pregnancy. Kinesiotherapy is similar to gentle aerobics or physical therapy; it strengthens the support system through movements of muscles, bones and joints. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly throughout the course of treatment.
  5. Methods of manual treatment and kinesiotherapy are the main ways to relieve pain in the legs. Problems caused not just by heavy loads and bone displacement during pregnancy, but by other reasons, must be addressed accordingly. If edema syndrome appears during the postpartum period, it is worth reducing the level of fluid consumed. If myositis occurs, take anti-inflammatory drugs. To treat cracked feet, wound healing medications are required.

Knowing the cause and using the right treatment, you can easily get rid of leg pain.

How to relieve acute pain

There are several ways to relieve acute leg pain:

  1. Warm relaxing baths using sea salt and your favorite essential oil.
  2. Relaxing massage.
  3. Warm green tea.
  4. Simple physical exercises that help relieve spasms and ease pain.

Treatment options

Treatment of diseases of the joints of the limbs and the area between the legs should be prescribed only by a specialist after examination, testing and diagnosis. But there are a number of generally accepted measures for each diagnosis:

  1. For varicose veins, it is recommended to use special ointments and wear compression stockings.
  2. To replenish the necessary vitamins and microelements, the doctor prescribes an appropriate course of vitamin therapy.
  3. For back problems, slipped discs and pain in the gluteal region, manual therapy is used. Only carried out by a specialist.
  4. Kinesiotherapy will help get rid of pain in the limbs. It is a series of light physical activities that are aimed at relaxing muscles, restoring proper blood circulation and relieving swelling. Strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Be sure to systematically perform exercises during the entire course of treatment.
  5. For the treatment of cracked feet, wound healing gels and ointments are recommended.

Diet for knee pain

To speed up the recovery of the knee joint, the body must be provided with all the necessary nutrients. A balanced diet will help with this.

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Thus, calcium can be obtained from dairy products, as well as vegetables (cabbage, parsley and dill, green onions, legumes) and some fruits (persimmons, grapes, oranges), berries (currants, strawberries, gooseberries).

In addition, the formation of cartilage and bone tissue is promoted by vitamins E, C and B, which are also found in large quantities in certain foods (for example, there is a lot of vitamin E in vegetable oils and egg yolk). Omega-3 fatty acids also benefit joints, and nuts, seafood, and lentils are rich in them.

Organization of daily routine and rest

In order for a woman’s joints to recover faster after childbirth, she needs to rest more, because it’s not without reason that pain often makes itself felt in the evening after a busy day full of worries. The husband and other close people should, if possible, take on household responsibilities.

If all the above measures do not bring relief to the mother, then she needs to undergo a thorough medical examination. Perhaps knee pain is associated with more serious pathologies (for example, kidney disease). The sooner full treatment is started, the sooner the woman will return to a full life.

Special exercises

Special exercises help cope with pain. Provided there is a successful birth, you can start doing them a week or two after the baby is born (in the case of a cesarean section, this is done much later - no earlier than two months, and in agreement with the attending physician).

The exercises are aimed mainly at stretching and lengthening the muscles. You can perform them in the morning (even while lying in bed), during the day (while the baby is sleeping) or in the evening (to relax before bed). The number of repetitions is 5–7 times.

  1. Bridge. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the hips to reduce tension in the knee joints. The woman lies on her back, her arms are located along her body. Your knees should be bent and your feet should be shoulder-width apart (with your toes straight). With a slow movement, the pelvis is raised from the floor, fixed in this position for a few seconds, and then lowered.
  2. Raising your legs from a side lying position. The woman extends her lower arm, puts her ear to her shoulder, bends slightly at the waist and brings her folded legs forward a couple of centimeters. Next, the upper leg needs to be raised as high as possible, without bending the body forward or backward. After 5–7 repetitions, you should change the upper leg. If it is difficult for mother to maintain balance, then when performing the exercise, she is allowed to lean her back against the wall.
  3. Squats with a fitball - a large gymnastic ball. This uses not only the leg muscles, but also the buttocks (which makes them more elastic). The ball is leaned against the wall using the lower back. The feet are shoulder-width apart and the toes are pointing straight forward. Pressing the projectile against the wall, the woman slowly squats down. To avoid pain in the knees, movements should be very careful and smooth.


A massage will ease the condition of a young mother: it will normalize blood flow in the lower extremities and reduce pain. You can do it at home, although, of course, the ideal option is to contact a professional.

When performing manipulations, a woman should use foot creams or special massage oils (if breastfeeding, you should choose hypoallergenic options). For best effect, they are preheated.

Massage in the knee area will gently reduce pain

During knee joint massage, stroking, rubbing and kneading techniques are used. Each action is repeated three to six times.

  1. Sitting on the bed, the woman straightens one leg (it is massaged first), and lowers the other. One hand is placed just above the sore knee, and the other below. Then the problem area is stroked in opposite directions. After this, the actions are repeated on the other leg.
  2. The next technique is rubbing the lateral surfaces of the knee with forward and backward movements. This is done first with the fingers and then with the palms.
  3. Next, rubbing the side zones is done with the thumbs using circular movements.
  4. All areas of the knee are kneaded with deep but gentle pressure from the fingers (index, middle and ring), while the skin moves forward and backward.
  5. The massage ends with gentle stroking of the knees.

This procedure should be done, if possible, two to three times a day, its duration will be no more than 10 minutes. If the massage is performed once a day, then it should take about 25 minutes.

If the knee is clearly injured (for example, due to careless actions with a stroller), swelling is pronounced, then massage will be an addition to other therapeutic procedures.

In this case, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor, and the manipulations themselves are carried out by a specialist. They will be more delicate. You should start with small loads, which gradually increase.

To the standard techniques of stroking and rubbing will be added shaking the leg, vibration and kneading the joint with a rib and fists.

How to speed up the recovery process?

The following methods will help a woman achieve improvements in the shortest possible time:

  1. Taking multivitamin complexes (high in calcium and magnesium).
  2. Proper nutrition.
  3. Exercise therapy. If you perform therapeutic exercises 2-3 times a week, blood flow in the affected area will accelerate and the joints will begin to recover faster.
  4. Professional massage.
  5. Wearing an elastic bandage.
  6. Orthopedic mattress.

Any auxiliary treatment must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

The first days after childbirth

Pregnancy and Childbirth are a serious burden for the body of any mother. After childbirth, significant changes occur in the body, but it must be said that the restructuring cannot happen instantly. The woman will feel some changes immediately, but quite significant changes will occur over the course of several more weeks. What needs to change?

The first days after childbirth (postpartum ward)

In the first days after childbirth, there may be hemorrhages in the eyes - red eyes, on the face - numerous bluish dots, similar to moles, which appear during the second

period of childbirth. If a woman pushes incorrectly (holds her breath, screams, pushes “in the face”) or has peculiarities of the vascular wall, during pushing there is an increase in pressure in the vessels of the head, which can lead to rupture of blood vessels in and around the eyes . What to do with such red eyes?

Cold tea compresses on the eyes (10 minutes each), done several times a day, will have a calming effect and speed up recovery, which will occur in a maximum of 6-10 days. In about a week, the hemorrhages on the face will also disappear.

Cramping abdominal pain appears, intensifying during breastfeeding , which is associated with normal postpartum contractions of the uterus, which should contract and return to its pre-pregnancy size. Painful contractions of the uterus are more typical for repeated births and for the birth of twins. In primiparous women, there may be no such pain and uterine contractions are painless. Painful contractions may be more noticeable during breastfeeding, as sucking releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.

After childbirth, in addition to reducing the size of the uterus, the mucous membrane of the uterus - the endometrium - must be restored. lochia appears from the genital tract - discharge of residual blood, mucus and tissue from the uterus. In the first three days after birth, they are usually bloody and as heavy (and sometimes more heavy) as during menstruation. Increased discharge when standing up and other movements is a normal process.

Muscle pain in different parts of the body can also bother a woman in the first days after childbirth. These pains are associated with the physical stress that a woman experiences during childbirth. These pains go away on their own within a few days.

Pain in the perineum and the discomfort associated with it - and this feeling is also normal, because it is unrealistic to expect that a 3-3.5 kg child will pass through the perineum without any consequences. Even if you avoided tearing during labor and did not have an episiotomy (an incision in the perineum), the area would still be stretched and compressed. The pain will go away in a few days.

In the case of an episiotomy, the pain may increase, especially when laughing, coughing, sneezing, or defecating. Like any wound, it does not heal immediately - it usually takes 5 to 7 days. At this time, the woman is forbidden to sit so that the stitches do not come apart. At the same time, they are allowed to sit on the toilet and perform regular sexual hygiene (after each visit to the toilet, you must wash the perineum with warm water, without soap, you should take a shower 2 times a day). While you are in the maternity hospital, your midwife and your doctor will examine your stitches for inflammation or other signs of infection. Sutures are usually removed on the 5th day.

In the first time after childbirth, only colostrum is released from the breast - a thick yellowish liquid, and milk appears on the 2-3rd day. By the 3rd day, the mammary glands often acquire increased sensitivity, sometimes bursting pain is felt in the chest , and a sensation of thickening of the mammary glands may appear. If there is significant breast engorgement, it is necessary to limit the amount of fluid consumed (but not less than 1 liter per day), increase the frequency and duration of feeding the baby. To prevent cracked nipples and when they appear, you will need the ointment BEPANTHEN, DEXPANTHENOL, SOLCOSERYL.

During the first days after birth, there may be difficulties with urination . Some women have no urge to urinate; others feel the need but cannot empty their bladder. Despite all the difficulties, it is necessary that the bladder is emptied in the first 6-8 hours after birth. This is done so that the enlarged bladder does not interfere with normal contractions of the uterus after childbirth. As a last resort, if it is not possible to empty the bladder within 4 hours after birth, the woman may be given a catheter. After childbirth, you need to urinate every 4 hours, regardless of desire. Bladder function returns to normal after 3-7 days.

The causes of bowel problems can be several factors, both physical and psychological. Establishing bowel function is rarely easy and quick; it will take several days.

Include more fiber in your daily diet: fermented milk products, beets, high-fiber fruits, dried fruits. This will soften the stool, but make sure that there are no allergens among the vegetables and fruits: remember that until milk comes in and lactation is established, you should not drink a lot of liquid. Try to move more if your condition allows. And don't worry about your stitches coming apart - they won't. Since before giving birth a woman often undergoes a cleansing enema, in the first 2-3 days, as a rule, there is no stool.

Immediately after childbirth, you cannot get out of bed on your own for 6 hours (only in the presence and with the help of a midwife), as you may feel dizzy .

After childbirth, the abdomen looks overstretched and somewhat saggy and does not immediately return to its original shape, since the muscles and skin need time to contract. In order to quickly return to your former shape, you can use breathing exercises (traditional gymnastics can only be performed 6-8 weeks after birth). Breathing exercises involve breathing with the stomach: as you inhale, inflate your stomach, while tightening the muscles of the perineum, and as you exhale, deflate it. Repeat 10-20 times, 4-5 times a day.

After a caesarean section: on the first day after the operation, you are only allowed to drink water up to 2-3 liters per day. But already on the second day, the mother is transferred to the postpartum ward, where she immediately begins to lead an active lifestyle - she gets up and walks, feeds her baby, unsweetened bread and broth without meat are allowed. From the third day, after a cleansing enema, it is allowed to take boiled food (porridge, boiled meat, sour-milk products, cottage cheese, tea without sugar), but butter cookies, buns, fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited.

First week after birth

Vaginal discharge continues : Over the course of 1 to 2 weeks after delivery, the discharge gradually turns watery pink, then brown, and finally yellowish-white. During this period, you should use sanitary pads (not tampons: they can provoke inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages). The discharge may stop after two weeks, or may continue until the 6th-8th. If after the first week you notice the appearance of heavy bloody discharge, or discharge with an unpleasant odor, or an increase in temperature, you should consult a doctor. In this case, hospitalization and possibly uterine curettage may be necessary. You should also see a doctor if brownish or yellowish lochia continues to be discharged for more than 6 weeks, as it may be the result of an infection, especially if accompanied by fever or pain, or tenderness in the abdominal area.

The suture area after an episiotomy should be kept dry and clean. You can wash the external genitalia and perineum with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus. For the first 2 months after birth, get out of bed carefully, first turning on your side, avoiding a sitting position (this will reduce pressure on the perineal muscles), and feed the baby lying on your side or half-sitting; You can't lift weights.

The birth of a child is a very significant event for a woman, not only physically, but also psychologically. Firstly, childbirth itself exhausts the mother, and secondly, the production of hormones changes during and after childbirth. Therefore, it is natural that at this time a period of mental instability .

The most typical feeling in the first days after childbirth is elation, but in the days and sometimes weeks that follow, some women become sad, depressed, withdrawn and apathetic. It is worth noting that these are common emotions for the postpartum period associated with the normalization of hormonal levels. In this situation, close people (spouse, parents) should come to your aid and help you cope with negative emotions.

For 7 days after a cesarean section (before removing the sutures), the nurse daily treats the postoperative suture with antiseptic solutions (for example, iodine, potassium permanganate) and changes the bandage. The skin scar forms approximately 5-7 days after surgery; Already a week after a caesarean section, you can shower completely calmly. Just don’t rub the seam with a washcloth - this can be done in another week. Discharged from the maternity hospital in the absence of any complications on the 5-7th day after surgical delivery. Since pain in the scar area can persist for up to several weeks, it may be difficult for a woman to bend over, so it is easier to sit down by bending her legs at the knee and hip joints.

Remember that recovery after childbirth usually takes about 6-8 weeks. However, the female body is individual. Therefore, each woman may experience the physical and emotional changes described above differently. Report any unusual or severe symptoms to your nurse or doctor.

Prepared by: Ass. department. obstetrics and gynecology Pavlyukova S.A. Head postpartum department Dvornik E.V.


To prevent the appearance of pain in the limbs after childbirth, it is necessary to take preventive measures already during pregnancy:

  1. An important condition during pregnancy is the correct daily routine and a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and microelements.
  2. It is necessary to stay in the fresh air as long as possible.
  3. It is recommended to exercise regularly, preferably while standing.
  4. You need to exclude coffee from your diet, which can cause cramps in the limbs.
  5. It is important to wear comfortable clothes and avoid high heels.

During pregnancy, every woman should protect not only the health of the baby, but also her own.

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