Mechanisms of action of the drug Tsel T on the pathogenetic processes underlying the development of osteoarthritis


1 tablet includes:

  • Cartilago suisD4 – 300 mcg;
  • Funiculus umbilicalis suisD4 – 300 mcg;
  • Embryo totalis suisD4 – 300 mcg;
  • Placenta totalis suisD4 – 300 mcg;
  • Toxicodendron quercifoliumD2 – 540 mcg;
  • Arniсa montanaD1 – 600 mcg;
  • Solanum dulcamaraD2 – 150 mcg;
  • Symphytum officinaleD8 – 150 mcg;
  • Sanguinaria canadensisD6 – 540 mcg;
  • NadidumD6 – 30 mcg;
  • Coenzym AD6 – 30 mcg;
  • Natrium diethyloxalaceticumD6 – 30 mcg;
  • Acidum silicicumD6 – 3 mg;
  • Acidum DL-α-liponicumD6 – 30 mcg.

Additional ingredients: magnesium stearate, lactose.

1 ampoule includes:

  • Cartilago suisD6 – 2.2 mg;
  • Funiculus umbilicalis suisD6 – 2.2 mg;
  • Embryo totalis suisD6 – 2.2 mg;
  • Placenta totalis suisD6 – 2.2 mg;
  • Solanum dulcamaraD3 – 11 mg;
  • Symphytum officinaleD6 – 11 mg;
  • NadidumD8 – 2.2 mg;
  • Coenzym AD8 – 2.2 mg;
  • Sanguinaria canadensisD4 – 3.3 mg;
  • Natrium diethyloxalaceticumD8 – 2.2 mg;
  • Acidum DL-α-liponicumD8 – 2.2 mg;
  • Toxicodendron quercifoliumD2 – 11 mg;
  • Arniсa montanaD4 – 220 mg;
  • Sulfur D6 – 3.96 mg.

Additional ingredients: water for injection, sodium chloride.

100 grams of ointment include:

  • Cartilago suisD2 – 1 mg;
  • Funiculus umbilicalis suisD2 – 1 mg;
  • Embryo totalis suisD2 – 1 mg;
  • Placenta totalis suisD2 – 1 mg;
  • Rhus toxicodendronD2 – 270 mg;
  • Arniсa montanaD2 – 300 mg;
  • Solanum dulcamaraD2 – 75 mg;
  • Symphytum officinaleD8 – 750 mg;
  • Sanguinaria canadensisD6 – 270 mg;
  • NadidumD6 – 10 mg;
  • Coenzym AD6 – 10 mg;
  • Acidum DL-α-liponicumD6 – 10 mg;
  • Natrium diethyloxalaceticumD6 – 10 mg;
  • Acidum silicicumD6 – 1 g.

Additional base ingredients: emulsifying cetyl stearyl alcohol, white petrolatum, liquid paraffin, purified water, 96% ethanol.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Goal T belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies with complex action, which is determined by the effects of all its constituent ingredients of mineral and biological origin.

The drug is characterized by chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and analgesic effectiveness, based on the normalization of the functionality of intra-articular processes, as well as the activation and development of the protective forces and reserves of the human body.

The ingredients of the drug actively participate in the regenerative processes occurring in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system , relieve pain , help reduce swelling around the damaged joint, improve its mobility and enhance the production of chondrocytes , stimulating their mitosis .

Indications for use

All dosage forms of Target T are indicated for use, both in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs, in the treatment of:

  • arthrosis of various origins ( gonarthrosis , spondyloarthrosis , polyarthrosis );
  • consequences of fractures and injuries ;
  • glenohumeral periarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • metabolic osteopathies;
  • tendinopathy and chondropathy ;
  • cervical migraine;
  • heel spurs;
  • rheumatic pathologies ( Reiter's syndrome , rheumatoid polyarthritis );
  • lumbosacral disorders.


Description of the drug Purpose T solution d/in. amp. 2ml No. 10 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


All pharmacological forms

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug (especially to the aster family and Rhus toxicodendron).

Tablets Purpose T

  • diseases associated with sugar intolerance ;
  • age up to 18 years.

Target T injections

  • age under 18 years;
  • liver pathologies , parallel use of hepatotoxic drugs (with extreme caution).

Ointment Purpose T

  • skin diseases;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • damage to the skin in the area of ​​application.

special instructions

Pills. the drug contains lactose, therefore patients with rare hereditary forms of galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome should not use the drug.

When using the drug for more than 4 weeks, it is necessary to monitor liver function indicators.

If symptoms persist or the condition worsens, you should consult your doctor.

Solution for injections. If symptoms do not disappear and the patient's condition worsens, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Ointment. The ointment should be applied only to intact skin.

If symptoms persist or the condition worsens, you should consult your doctor.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Not used because the drug contains Sanguinaria.

Children. The drug is recommended for use in children over 6 years of age.

The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. Pills. Unknown. Caution should be exercised when driving vehicles, as sometimes the use of the drug can cause dizziness.

Injection solution, ointment. Does not affect.

Side effects

Zeel T tablets

  • allergic manifestations (if symptoms are detected, treatment should be interrupted and the doctor should be informed).

Ampoules Zeel T

  • with hypersensitivity to the aster family and Rhus toxicodendron - redness, increased temperature;
  • with sensitivity to sanguinaria - an increase in bilirubin values ​​and transaminase activity;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • allergic manifestations (if symptoms are detected, treatment should be interrupted and the doctor should be informed).

Zeel T ointment

  • allergic manifestations on the skin (if symptoms are detected, you should interrupt treatment and inform your doctor).

Instructions for use Purpose T

Tablets Purpose T, instructions for use

Tablets (granules) are intended for use sublingually (under the tongue) until completely dissolved, regardless of food. As a rule, taking 1 granule three times every 24 hours is indicated. Duration of treatment for gonarthrosis and arthrosis is 5-10 weeks; for glenohumeral periarthritis and spondyloarthrosis – 1 month; in other cases - as prescribed by a doctor.

Target T injections, instructions for use

The injection solution is used for intradermal, intraarticular, intramuscular, subcutaneous, paravertebral, periarticular, intraosseous administration. Basically, intramuscular or intra-articular injections are carried out in a dose of 2.2 ml (1 ampoule) twice every 7 days, for 4-5 weeks. In other cases - as prescribed by a doctor.

Ointment Purpose T, instructions for use

The instructions for Zeel T ointment suggest the use of the medicine in this pharmacological form only for local (external) use. A little ointment should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​the problem joint (can be under a bandage), rubbing in slightly, at intervals of 2-3 times every 24 hours.

For gonarthrosis and arthrosis , the duration of applications is 5-10 weeks; for glenohumeral periarthritis and spondyloarthrosis – approximately 1 month; in other cases - as prescribed by a doctor.

Directions for use and doses

Homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration: i/m. Unless otherwise prescribed - 2.2 ml (contents of 1 amp.) IM 2 times a week. The dose, frequency of administration and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor. The average course of treatment is 4–5 weeks. A repeat course is possible after consultation with a doctor.

Opening the ampoule. The contents in the ampoule head should be shaken off by lightly tapping (the colored dot should be at the top). After this, the upper part of the ampoule is broken off by pressing on the colored dot.

Homeopathic lozenges: orally, keep in mouth until completely dissolved - 1 tablet. 3 times a day.

Course of treatment: for arthrosis and gonarthrosis - 5–10 weeks; for spondyloarthrosis and glenohumeral periarthritis - about 4 weeks.

Ointment for external use, homeopathic: externally, unless otherwise prescribed, for adults and children over 12 years of age, apply 4–5 cm of ointment to the skin in the area of ​​painful joints and rub in with light movements 2–3 times a day. It is possible to apply a gauze bandage.

Course of treatment: for arthrosis - 5–10 weeks, for spondyloarthrosis and glenohumeral periatritis - about 4 weeks.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Gialgan Fidia


Movex Comfort

Traumeel S




Piascledine 300

Chondroitin Complex



For tablets

  • Arthrofoon;
  • Artra;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Kondronova;
  • Chondroflex;
  • Tazan;
  • Chondroxide;
  • Structum;
  • Artron , etc.

For injection solution

  • Alflutop;
  • Discus compositum;
  • Biartrin;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Rumalon;
  • Sinoart , etc.

For ointment

  • Artrin;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Viprosal;
  • Capsicam;
  • Chondroitin;
  • Nayatoks;
  • Espaul;
  • Chondroxide;
  • Finalgon;
  • Chondroflex , etc.

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine currently occupy the first place in prevalence among all diseases of the musculoskeletal system [1]. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of joint disease, affecting up to 80% of the population over the age of 75, characterized by primary damage to the articular cartilage and further involvement of the subchondral bone and surrounding soft tissues (joint capsule, ligaments, synovium). The incidence of diseases increases with age. Thus, after 50 years, OA occurs in 27.1%, and after 70 years – in 90% of the population. In recent years, there has been a pronounced “rejuvenation” of the disease [2].

OA is a multifactorial disease. The relative importance of risk factors and the interaction between them may vary depending on the affected joint, different stages of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient [3].

Risk factors for developing OA:

  1. Age. Biological changes as a result of aging (decreased muscle strength, thinning cartilage, impaired proprioception) reduce the ability of the joint to cope with negative environmental factors [4].
  2. Floor. Women are more likely to have OA than men, and the disease is more severe [4, 5].
  3. Genetic factors. The main factors contributing to the development of OA include genetic factors. The results of a number of studies have shown that predisposition to OA is inherited [6].
  4. Nutrition. Multiple mechanisms of nutrient absorption may influence the development of OA and include protection from oxidative stress and complex modulation of inflammatory responses [7].
  5. Race/ethnicity. The prevalence of OA and patterns of location (joints affected by OA) vary among different racial and ethnic groups. Studies have shown differences (usually increasing) in the prevalence of knee OA among blacks compared with whites and among Asians compared with whites [6, 8].
  6. Obesity has long been a recognized risk factor for the development of OA, particularly knee OA. There is evidence that obesity is associated with cartilage loss and damage, which increases the likelihood of developing OA [9].
  7. Trauma is one of the most important risk factors for OA. This risk factor is especially relevant for the knee joint: ligament rupture and other injuries to articular structures are closely associated with the early onset of OA [10].
  8. Professional activity. There is evidence that occupations that require constant bending or bending of the knee for long periods of time pose a risk of developing knee OA, especially in jobs that require excessive kneeling, squatting, stair climbing, or lifting [6, 7]. ].
  9. Anatomical features. Weakness in the muscles that support the knee joint can make it more likely or worse for you to develop knee OA. Any deviation from the neutral or collinear position of the hip, knee and ankle affects the distribution of load on the knee joint [6, 7].
  10. Ligament weakness. A potential risk factor for knee OA is instability of the knee joint. In some cases, varus-valgus instability of the knee joint not affected by arthritis in OA precedes the development of the disease [1, 7].

Degenerative changes in joints in OA include subchondral bone sclerosis, synovitis, loss of articular cartilage volume, and the appearance of osteophytes as a result of osteochondral overgrowth of the joint. In approximately 60% of people with OA, these changes are accompanied by other symptoms including erythema, swelling and pain in the joints, often resulting in morning stiffness, limited joint mobility and limitations in various activities of daily living [3, 8].

Despite modern advances in joint surgery, the main method of treatment remains conservative. Conservative treatment includes a combination of non-pharmacological (physical therapy, massage, traction, manual therapy, etc.) and pharmacological, non-invasive and invasive methods. Drug treatment includes analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intra-articular injections of glucocorticosteroids and intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid aimed at increasing the viscosity of the synovial fluid (viscosupplementary therapy). Chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine supplements are also commonly used by patients despite the lack of evidence for their effectiveness [11].

Intra-articular injections of hyaluronate, duloxetine, and opioids are recommended for the treatment of patients who have had an inadequate response to initial therapy. Opioid analgesics are recommended for use in patients who are either unwilling to undergo or have contraindications to total joint arthroplasty after unsuccessful conservative therapy [12].

Much practical experience has been accumulated in standard therapy for OA, but most of the drugs prescribed within its framework are characterized by pronounced side effects and limitations on the duration of use, while the quality of life of patients remains unsatisfactory. A number of retrospective analytical studies have concluded that non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs pose an increased risk of similar gastrointestinal effects [13, 14]. These analyzes looked at patients undergoing long-term treatment for chronic diseases, often with underlying inflammatory conditions such as OA. Intra-articular corticosteroid injections have a short-term effect, usually one to four weeks. In addition, there is an opinion that long-term use of such procedures may contribute to joint destruction and tissue atrophy [15, 16]. The search for alternatives to standard medications remains one of the urgent tasks in the treatment of OA.

One such approach is to use a homotoxicological approach to treatment. Anti-homotoxic drugs are unique in their therapeutic effect. Their main advantage is their effectiveness in treating the disease or its individual symptoms without the development of local and systemic side effects characteristic of many synthetic drugs. With proper selection and adherence to the dosage regimen, the therapeutic effect occurs quite quickly and lasts much longer than with the use of traditional medicines [17].

Antihomotoxic drugs are made from natural ingredients, incl. from minerals, plant extracts, extracts from animal organs and others. All these components are processed according to the principles of homeopathic technology of sequential dilution and dynamization of components. Accordingly, in antihomotoxic drugs the biologically active principle is not concentrated substances, but their microdoses. Microdoses entering the body do not cause a drug load on the body. They stimulate autoregulatory processes in the body and have a detoxifying effect. Therefore, antihomotoxic drugs are classified as bioregulatory medicine drugs [17].

In the treatment of OA, bioregulatory drugs such as Traumeel and Tzel T are currently widely used. Traumeel contains 14 components of natural origin, selected to cover various aspects of inflammatory phenomena. Its mechanism of action differs from the action of traditional anti-inflammatory drugs and consists of a complex interaction with the cytokine system that regulates the inflammatory response [17, 18].

The complex and multi-purpose mechanism of action of the drug Target T is based on the action of its individual components and is aimed at chronic inflammation, preventing pathological changes in cartilage and endochondral structures, changing the biochemical properties of cartilage and protecting cartilage tissue from damage [17, 19–21].

The combination of Traumeel and Tzel T is considered rational and is widely used in clinical practice. Thanks to their multi-component unique formulas, Traumeel and Zel T affect metabolism, regulate and maintain the desired microenvironment in joint tissues.

Attenuation of the action of certain proinflammatory mediators, in addition to stimulation of agents that promote inflammation resolution, leads to modulation of the acute inflammatory response. This minimizes the clinical manifestations of pain and swelling while continuing to support the normal protective function of the immune system. If chronic inflammation and pain syndrome have already begun to develop, the action of Traumeel and Tzel T is aimed at regulating and restoring impaired homeostasis and defense mechanisms.

The combined use of Traumeel S and Zel T may be suitable for patients who cannot tolerate or do not wish to use traditional anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as for those for whom such therapy is contraindicated. If necessary, Zel T and Traumeel can be safely used in combination with traditional methods of therapy [17].

Available scientific and clinical data indicate the effectiveness of the drugs Zel T and Traumeel S for pain syndromes caused by OA (gonarthrosis) with intra-articular and a number of other forms of administration.

Material and methods

In this regard, the effectiveness of the combined use of Cel T and Traumeel S was studied in the MOZArT clinical trial [22]. It was the first multicenter, double-blind, randomized study to compare the effectiveness and safety of co-administration of the drugs Tzel T and Traumeel S for patients with gonarthrosis in combination with moderate pain compared with the use of placebo - saline.

Two hundred and thirty-two patients with gonarthrosis and resulting pain of moderate severity were randomly assigned to groups (main [n=119] and control [placebo; n=113] groups). Then, for 15 days, intra-articular injections were received with either a mixture of the two indicated drugs (Traumeel S and Zeel T), or physiological sodium chloride solution, according to a unified technique for intra-articular administration of drugs. There were no statistical differences in the initial and demographic characteristics of patients in both groups.

The primary endpoint was change in knee pain intensity at the end of the study compared to baseline as assessed by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC).

As secondary criteria for assessing effectiveness, we selected indicators of the stiffness of the affected joint (according to the WOMAC scale), parameters of the physical functioning of the joint, changes in the intensity of pain after the distance traveled (according to a 100-point Visual Analog Scale), as well as a general assessment of the therapy performed by patients and attending physicians .

Research results

After the first injection, by the 8th day (first examination), no statistical differences between the effects of therapy were noted (p = 0.3715), but on the remaining days (15th, 43, 57, 71, 85 and 99th) these differences were significant (p<0.05). On the 29th day, the differences were almost significant (p = 0.0686). Logical regression built on comparison indicators with MCID (minimal clinically important difference) showed the statistical significance of the differences between the groups on all days except the 8th (first examination), in this case the reliability coefficient was p<0.05.

Secondary indicators of the effectiveness of therapy did not differ in dynamics and reliability from the main indicator (WOMAC pain index). There were no significant side effects observed during the study in any of the groups; the observed manifestations were mild in nature and were directly related to the treatment.

Thus, the study showed that intra-articular administration of Traumeel S and Tzel T provides statistically significant and clinically significant relief of pain from the 15th day of therapy until the last examination (99th day).


The results of this double-blind randomized clinical trial allow us to draw the following conclusion: the use of Traumeel and Tzel T can be considered as an effective and safe pharmacotherapy for pain syndrome in gonarthrosis.

Coadministration of drugs was significantly more effective than placebo in reducing pain of varying severity in the knee joint. The conducted study meets the maximum requirements of modern evidence-based medicine, so it can be considered as another confirmation of the effectiveness of antihomotoxic drugs for pain syndromes of the musculoskeletal system.

Reviews about Target T

The most popular forms of Zeel T are ointment and injection solution. Reviews of Target T ointment, as well as reviews of Target T injections, are overwhelmingly positive.

Many patients note a significant improvement in the condition of their joints and other problem areas of the musculoskeletal system, especially when using the ointment and solution in combination.

Among the negative aspects of treatment, the most discussed is the injection procedure, which, when the solution is administered intra-articularly, paravertebrally or periarticularly, is actually somewhat painful. Reviews about the tablets are not so numerous, but in 90% of cases they are also positive.

Let us remember that homeopathic medicines require a continuous course of therapy, and visible improvement in the condition is not observed as quickly as when using traditional medicines. But due to the virtual absence of side effects and a fairly long-lasting effect, these drugs have recently become increasingly popular.

An integrated approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis: in focus Goal T

The incidence of diseases increases with age. The most common joint disease is deforming OA, observed in 97% of cases, especially in people over 65 years of age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence of arthritis and chronic joint diseases in different age groups is as follows: 18-44 years old - 19%, 45-64 years old - 42%, over 65 years old - 59% . Thus, after 50 years, arthrosis occurs in 27.1%, and after 70 years – in 90% of the population. In recent years, there has been a pronounced “rejuvenation” of the disease [1]. A survey of 3660 respondents aged 40–49 years showed that more than half of them (71%) suffer from joint pain, 52.3% report joint pain, and even among 20-year-olds they occur in 4% of cases [2]. Today, the leading pathological mechanism causing the destruction of cartilage is considered to be a violation of the metabolism of proteoglycans - proteins that make up the main substance (matrix) of cartilage. Articular cartilage consists of an intercellular matrix (collagen and proteoglycans) and a cellular component represented by chondrocytes [3]. Matrix preservation is important for chondrocytes, since it is the matrix that forms the biophysical “layer” through which articular structures are nourished. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) are pro-inflammatory cytokines and, if their activity is not balanced, they are capable of inducing the formation of other substances such as nitric oxide radicals or prostaglandin E2, which are factors development of inflammation. If this happens, the degree of cartilage degradation becomes higher than the repair activity [4].

Of particular importance for the normal functioning of cartilage is the ratio of collagen, proteoglycans, non-collagenous glycoproteins and water in the tissue. 90% of cartilage proteoglycan is aggrecan, the molecule of which consists of a protein core with chains of chondroitin sulfate (CS), keratin sulfate and hyaluronic acid attached to it. This structure of aggrecan provides high hydrophobicity, which, combined with low viscosity, helps counteract the load on the joint [4]. During the degenerative-dystrophic process, the amount of cholesterol sharply decreases, which leads to cartilage degradation [3]. CS is a substance that is normally part of articular cartilage and plays an important role in maintaining the necessary osmotic pressure, due to which the matrix and collagen threads stretch, and has a chondroprotective, chondrostimulating pharmacological effect that stimulates regeneration [5]. CS is involved in the construction of the basic substance of cartilage and bone tissue and thus improves phosphorus-calcium metabolism in cartilage tissue. By inhibiting enzymes that disrupt the structure and function of articular cartilage, it inhibits the processes of degeneration of cartilage tissue. Having a stimulating effect on the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, it normalizes the metabolism of hyaline tissue, promotes the regeneration of cartilage surfaces and the joint capsule. Prevents compression of connective tissue, increases the production of intra-articular fluid and mobility of affected joints, slows down bone resorption, reduces calcium loss and accelerates bone tissue repair processes, inhibits the progression of OA [5].

The condition of cartilage depends on the balance of anabolic and catabolic processes. The intensity of catabolic processes is enhanced by cytokines (IL-1, TNF-α, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, metalloproteinases (collagenase, stromelysin) produced by both chondrocytes and cells of the synovial membrane and subchondral bone. Constant renewal of the matrix is ​​carried out through the secretion of cytokines or chemical messengers such as IL-1 and TNF-a, which activate various metalloproteinases (matrix metalloproteinases). Proteinases (collagenase and hyaluronidase) dissolve collagen fibers and proteoglycans. This process is balanced by the activity of transforming growth factor (TGF-β), which is secreted by Th3 -cells. TGF-β, on the contrary, stimulates chondrocytes to synthesize proteoglycans and collagen and to secrete metalloproteinase inhibitors. Thus, constant renewal of cartilage occurs [4].

With OA, the matrix loses the constituent parts of proteoglycans - glycosaminoglycans from various zones of cartilage. This leads to disintegration and splitting of the matrix, changes in the processes of diffusion of metabolites in it, dehydration, disorganization and rupture of collagen fibers. The key role in this case is given to chondrocytes - highly differentiated cells of cartilage tissue, which, for reasons that are not fully understood, in OA begin to produce “incomplete” low-molecular-weight proteins of the matrix (intermediate tissue of cartilage), which reduces its shock-absorbing properties [4].

OA therapy should be complex, differentiated, long-term and systematic. It is necessary to take into account the variety of factors that caused the disease, its stage, features of the clinical course, and the degree of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. The optimal combination is considered to be a combination of non-drug, including physical rehabilitation (limiting the load, using additional support, reducing body weight, increasing the strength of the muscles stabilizing the affected joint, orthopedic disorders), and medicinal treatment methods. The main goals of OA therapy are: reducing pain; improving the function of the affected joint, reducing the degree and frequency of disability; preventing or slowing the progression of the disease and its complications; improving the quality of life (QoL) of patients [3]. The goal of therapy for OA is primarily to relieve pain. At the same time, attempts are being made to stop or at least slow down the progression of damage to the cartilage tissue of the joint. In some cases, patients with chronic arthritis need to constantly take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the main mechanism of action of which is to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes and block the COX enzyme of arachidonic acid metabolism [2]. Unfortunately, this group of drugs is characterized by pronounced side effects, which manifest themselves primarily in the digestive tract. The highest prevalence of OA is observed in elderly people with concomitant diseases that require drug therapy. This creates additional difficulties in patient management. Side effects are also typical for a new class of NSAIDs - COX-2 inhibitors. Frequency of gastrointestinal symptoms when using NSAIDs: dyspepsia - up to 50% of cases, stomach ulcer - 15% of cases, duodenal ulcer - 11%, severe damage to the digestive tract - more than 2%. 25% of all bleeding cases in patients over 60 years of age are caused by taking NSAIDs. The search for a new alternative to NSAIDs for the treatment of arthrosis still remains relevant [1].

According to the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), 2003, the use of NSAIDs and chondroprotectors in the treatment of OA is the most effective (evidence class 1A) [3]. Chondroprotectors are structural elements (glycosaminoglycans) of natural cartilage tissue, necessary for the construction and renewal of articular cartilage, and can have a modifying effect on the course of the disease, inhibiting inflammation in the joint tissues. They act very slowly and are used for a long time. To obtain a real therapeutic effect, it takes at least 4–6 months. treatment, 2–3 courses throughout the year. These studies were confirmed by studies on experimental models. L. Chen et al. (2011) conducted a comparative study to evaluate the chondroprotective effect of injectable forms of cholesterol on an experimental model of OA in 28 rabbits [6]. During the study, a positive response to the treatment of OA was obtained, realized through 3 main mechanisms: 1) stimulation of the production of the outer cellular matrix (protein glycan, cholesterol, hyaluron); 2) suppression of inflammatory mediators (myeloperoxidase, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, collagenase, hyaluronidase, elastase) and 3) inhibition of cartilage degeneration. There are short reports (clinical case), the results of clinical and multicenter studies, indicating the effectiveness of the homeopathic drug Cel T in the treatment of OA. Goal T is a multicomponent preparation that includes minerals, plant and biological ingredients. It has chondroprotective and chondrostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effects [7, 8]. The composition of the drug Tsel T includes sulfur, which takes part in the synthesis of the structural elements of cartilage tissue; the drug also promotes the production of synovial fluid, thereby improving the functional characteristics of the joint and metabolic processes in the cartilage.

It has been experimentally proven that Target T contains flavonoids known for their antioxidant properties. The components of the drug influence the release of IL-6 by macrophages, which play a leading role in the development of chronic inflammation and angiogenesis [1]. An animal experiment showed that treatment with Cel T for induced arthrosis led to less cartilage erosion than in the control group. At the same time, the level of vascularization of the deep layers of cartilage was many times lower than in the comparison group. It is emphasized that Target T has the ability to inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor. The effectiveness of motor therapy with Tzel T tablets has been confirmed by numerous studies: the drug was prescribed in a dose of 1 to 3 tablets/day, depending on the clinical manifestations of OA. The duration of treatment ranged from 6 to 10 weeks. and more; the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect increased with the duration of treatment. The best results were obtained in the treatment of grade 1–2 OA [1]. In practical recommendations G.N. Bagirova et al. (2003) showed the effectiveness of using Goal T in the treatment of gonarthrosis based on an analysis of comparative studies [9]: group 1 of patients received diclofenac 75 mg/day, nicotinic acid, and physiotherapeutic treatment; Group 2 – diclofenac 75 mg/day, nicotinic acid, physiotherapeutic treatment + Goal T, 1 tablet 3 times/day for 4 weeks. Efficiency assessment indicators: reduction in joint pain, palpation pain in the joint, stiffness, joint volume, increase in range of motion, reduction in the time the patient travels a straight distance, the time of going up and down stairs. The effectiveness of treatment in group 1 was 60%, the time of onset of exacerbation after a course of treatment was 3 months; in group 2 – 90%, time of onset of exacerbation after a course of treatment – ​​6–12 months. Thus, this study demonstrated an increase in the degree of effectiveness of therapy for gonarthrosis with the introduction of the drug Cel T into complex therapy.

The drug Cel T has been studied for its effect on COX-1 and COX-2 and has shown both high efficacy and excellent tolerability in arthritis. The action of Goal T is not limited to a regulatory decrease in the activity of COX-1 and COX-2, leading to a decrease in the synthesis of prostaglandins, but due to the presence of catalysts, organ extracts and mineral components, it covers all aspects of the process of cartilage destruction (Fig. 1) [8]. In biochemical studies M. Stancikova (1999) [10] assessed the antihomotoxic properties of the drugs Tsel T and Tsel compositum in vitro, which showed the effect of these drugs on the activity (reduction by up to 70%) of the most aggressive enzyme of inflammation - leukocytelastase, which belongs to lysosomal proteinases synthesized during inflammation by leukocytes, in particular neutrophils. In addition to the ability to destroy elastin, elastase cleaves polysaccharide chains from the protein residue of the proteoglycan. The negative effects of elastase are most pronounced in rheumatoid arthritis and OA, since it poses a threat to articular cartilage, which is rich in proteoglycans. Based on the results of the study, the author concluded that since elastase plays a large role in the inflammatory process (in particular, in rheumatoid arthritis) and there are no clinically applicable specific inhibitors for it, in some cases the therapeutic use of the drug Cel T can be recommended.

In a clinical cohort study conducted by R. Gottwald et al. (2000), the effectiveness of the injectable form of Cel T in the treatment of arthritis was assessed [11]. The study included 100 patients with painful knee joints. Characteristics of the group: 78% were women, 68% were over 60 years old, 58% of patients had concomitant diseases (hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathy), in 69% of cases the duration of the disease was more than 2 years, 12% of patients had bilateral damage to the knee joints; in 91% of cases, treatment was carried out before the study (NSAIDs, chondroprotective and corticosteroid drugs, electro- and balneotherapy). All patients received Cel T injections periarticularly 2 times/week. 1 ampoule. In the majority of patients (58%), the duration of therapy was 4–6 weeks; in 72%, Tzel T was prescribed as monotherapy; in the remaining cases, combination therapy (physiotherapy, etc.) was prescribed. The effectiveness of therapy was assessed by the intensity of symptoms (stiffness, pain with movement and at rest) on a 4-point scale (no pain, mild, moderate and severe) and on a 5-point scale for assessing patient therapy. During the period of 10 injections, the intensity of symptoms significantly decreased in 89% of cases, 67% of patients reported that the first symptoms of improvement were noted in the 2-5th week. Clinical improvement was noted in 84% of cases; patients assessed the effectiveness of therapy as “very good” in 24%, “good” in 37%, and “average” in 24%. 96% of patients completed the full course of therapy. The authors concluded that therapy for OA of the knee joints by administering Cel T periarticularly in the vast majority of patients (92%) leads to a significant clinical reduction in the severity of symptoms after the 2-5th injection and has a good safety profile.

In a clinical study by A. Lesiak et al. (2001) assessed the effectiveness of the injection form of the drug Cel T in the treatment of arthritis [12]. The study involved 523 patients (71% women, 29% men) with arthritis of different locations: knee joint (53%), spine (30%), hip (29%), shoulder (13%), fingers ( 7%), ankle (6%), others (5%). The duration of the disease was 1–10 years (38% – more than 5 years). All patients received injections of Cel T intra-articularly, periarticularly or intramuscularly. Efficiency assessment was carried out after the 6th injection (significant improvement in clinical manifestations was noted in 66%) and after the 10th injection (94%). The authors came to the conclusion that intra-articular, periarticular or intramuscular administration of Cel T in 94% significantly improves the condition of patients with arthritis of various localizations after the 10th injection; in 2/3 of the patients in the study group, improvement occurred after the 6th injection.

U. Maronna et al. (2002) conducted a randomized, double-blind, controlled, multicenter clinical trial of 121 patients with arthritis of the knee joints (mild and moderate) [13]. Patients were prescribed Cel T tablets and diclofenac at a daily dose of 25 mg 3 times a day. The duration of therapy was 10 weeks. The effectiveness was assessed using the WOMAC index. During the study, equal therapeutic efficacy of the studied drugs was noted, while no side effects (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, etc.) were observed with the drug Cel T. H. Birnesser et al. (2003) conducted a prospective controlled multicenter cohort study involving 592 patients suffering from knee OA in stages I and II of activity [14]. Patients were prescribed the homeopathic chondroprotector Cel T 3–5 tablets/day (n=323) and a COX-2 inhibitor (celecoxib 100–200 mg or rofecoxib 12.5–25 mg/day) (n=269). The duration of the study was 6–10 weeks. The effectiveness of therapy was assessed using the WOMAC index (0 – no restrictions, 100 – severe restrictions) (Fig. 2). The study found that the drugs used had similar efficacy rates against knee OA. Both groups are comparable in the severity of clinical manifestations. After 4 weeks in both groups there was a significant decrease in symptoms. The improvement in the control group was somewhat more pronounced, which is explained by the rapid effect of COX-2 inhibitors, after another 2 weeks. The treatment results in both groups were absolutely identical. The results on the WOMAC scale coincided with this. After 4 weeks. COX-2 inhibitors had a greater effect on pain, but after 6 weeks. treatment results in both groups were similar. Significant differences were noted regarding drug tolerability. In 90.5% of cases of treatment with Target T, tolerability was assessed as “excellent”. When treated with COX-2 inhibitors, tolerability was “excellent” in 74% of patients. There were no undesirable effects of treatment with Target T. During the use of COX-2 inhibitors, they were noted in 3 cases (diarrhea with vomiting, dizziness and nonspecific manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract).

In the observation of CW Engelbert (2006), who described the condition of a 39-year-old patient who suffered from severe right-sided coxarthrosis [2], taking painkillers and NSAIDs (diclofenac at a dosage of up to 150 mg/day, paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid) did not have the desired effect. The patient was offered endoprosthetics, which the patient refused. In search of an alternative, the patient was prescribed periarticular injections of the complex homeopathic drug Cel T (2 times per week, 2 ampoules for 6 weeks). Additionally within 2 weeks. the patient received Cel T tablets orally (2 tablets 3 times a day) and 5 sessions of auriculopuncture. During the course of treatment, the drug was also injected into trigger points (mm. gluteus maximus, gluteus medium, piriformis) and acupuncture points. After 2 weeks from the start of treatment there was a marked decrease in pain; in 4 weeks gait became normal, pain disappeared; after 6 weeks Only Purpose T was prescribed, 1 tablet 3 times a day. Despite the fact that the acute manifestations of the pathology were stopped, the intake of Cel T tablets was continued. Every year a series of periarticular injections and acupuncture courses were carried out. When observed for 10 years, the patient remains physically active, goes in for sports, and no pain syndrome is noted. The author concluded that, despite the diagnosis and recommendations for endoprosthetics, alternative therapy with the homeopathic drug Tsel T helped to avoid surgery.

At the Department of General Medical Practice of the Orenburg State Medical Academy O.Yu. Maiko et al. (2009) conducted a study in which 281 patients with OA of the knee and hip joints in the acute stage were observed for 2 years [15]. The purpose of the study was to assess the quality of life of patients with OA during therapy with NSAIDs (group 1) and in combination of NSAIDs with a chondroprotector: chondroitin sulfate or Tsel T (comparison groups). The age of patients in the group as a whole was 41–65 years, 71% were women, Kellgren stages of OA were I, II and III. The study showed a significant improvement in clinical parameters (VAS scores at rest and during movement, Lequesne indices, WOMAC, QoL) from the 3rd month. from the start of treatment in groups where chondroprotectors were used in combination with NSAIDs. There was also significant clinical improvement in most of the studied parameters after 12 and 24 months. from the start of treatment, only 2–3 clinical parameters and 3 quality of life indicators did not differ significantly from the baseline. Thus, the authors came to the conclusion that with NSAID monotherapy, all studied indicators were significantly worse than in groups with the addition of a chondroprotector.

A number of comparative studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of different forms of the drug Tsel T [9]: − R. Vodic et al. (1995) showed that the effectiveness of using Cel T ointment for OA is 75.1%; − G. Nahler et al. (1996), M. Weiser et al. (1996) demonstrated that the use of Target T 2 injections/week. within 4–5 weeks. intra-articularly for gonarthrosis helps reduce pain and morning stiffness; efficiency is 80%; − M. Weiser (2001) showed that when prescribing Zel T, 1 tablet 3 times a day (compared to diclofenac 75 mg/day) for 10 weeks. A progressive decrease in pain was noted, the results were equivalent. Very often, injections of Tzel T are combined with the drug Traumeel S. At the same time, their actions are not opposed, but, on the contrary, it is noted that Traumeel S is recommended to be prescribed for injuries and acute inflammation, and Tzel T – for degenerative changes, when it is especially effective. In a study involving 900 patients, Cel T was administered together with the drug Traumeel S in a 1:1 ratio intra-articularly or periarticularly, the full course was 10 injections over 2 weeks. (5 injections/week) [16]. In patients with initial manifestations of OA (stage 1), after 2–3 injections, in 80% of cases the pain significantly decreased or disappeared altogether. The duration of remission in 73% of patients was 1 year. In 27% of cases due to the appearance of pain after 6 months. The drug was administered intramuscularly 2 times/week. (10 injections in total), a positive effect was achieved. In the studies of I.S. Roller (1996), A.E. Radzevich (1998) showed that the combined use of Cel T and Traumeel S intra-articularly in patients with OA complicated by synovitis or periarthritis has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic effects without side effects (unlike glucocorticoids) [9].

Conclusion. Based on a number of studies, we can conclude: the main significance of Goal T is that it has a chondroprotective and chondrostimulating effect, activates the synthesis of chondrocytes, increases the hydrophilicity of cartilage and the nucleus pulposus, thereby ensuring their resistance to stress [17]. The drug Tsel T, both in monotherapy and in combination with other drugs, is effective for OA of any etiology and location. Target T can be used as a drug of choice in the treatment of OA due to its complex action. Its effectiveness has been confirmed in numerous clinical studies, and it can either act as an alternative to existing NSAIDs or complement complex treatment regimens (including glucosamine, cholesterol, etc.). The excellent safety profile of the drug allows it to be prescribed to elderly patients with multiple organ damage if it is impossible to prescribe NSAIDs.

References 1. Kavalersky G.M., Silin L.L. Application of Goal T in orthopedics for the treatment of degenerative diseases (analytical review) // Biological Medicine. 2011. T. 17. No. 2. P. 38–47. 2. Engelbert K. A safe alternative to NSAIDs // Biological medicine. 2006. No. 2. P. 62. 3. Lygina E.V. Chondroprotectors in the treatment of osteoarthritis // Modern rheumatology. 2012. No. 2. P. 59–64. 4. Bagirova G.G., Maiko O.Yu. Osteoarthritis: epidemiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment. M.: Arnebia, 2005. 224 p. 5. Shavlovskaya O.A. Review of foreign literature on the use of chondroitin sulfate // RMJ. 2012. T. 20. No. 34. P. 1678–1682. 6. Chen L., Ling PX, Jin Y., Zhang TM Hyaluronic acid in combination with chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid improved the degeneration of synovium and cartilage equally in rabbits with osteoarthritis // Drug Discov Ther. 2011. Vol. 5. No. 4. R. 190–194. 7. Purpose T: instructions for use. URL: 8. Purpose T: instructions for use. URL: 9. Bagirova G.G., Maiko O.Yu., Popova O.V. Osteoarthrosis: a modern view of the problem: A textbook for sixth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine, general practitioners, and interns. M., 2003. 10. Stancikova M. Hemmung der Leukozytenelastase-Aktivit in vitro mit Zeel T, Zeel comp. und ihren verschiedenen potenzierten Bestandteilen // Biologische Medizin. 1999. Vol. 28(2). R. 83–84. 11. Gottwald R., Weiser M. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with Zeel T // Medicina Biologica. 2000. Vol. 13(4). R. 109–113. 12. Lesiak A., Gottwald R., Weiser M. Skutecznosc kuracji preparatem Zeel T w iniekcjach dostawowych okolostawowych i domiesniowych w chorobie zwyrodnieniowej stawow // Medycyna Biologiczna;kwiecień czerwiec zeszyt. 2001. Vol. 2. R. 30–36. 13. Maronna U. et al. Oral treatment of arthritis of the knee with Zeel® comp. – The results of a double-blind equivalence study versus diclofenac // Biological Therapy Fall. 2002. R. 10–11. 14. Birnesser H., Klein P., Weiser M. Modernes Homöopathikum ist COX 2-Hemmern ebenbürtig // Der Allgemeinarzt. 2003. Vol. 25. No. 4. R. 261–264. 15. Maiko O.Yu., Bagirova G.G. The influence of a course of treatment with the use of chondroprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis // Clinical Medicine. 2009. T. 87. No. 4. pp. 47–54. 16. Stepanova L.V. Practical experience of antihomotoxic therapy of joint diseases in a sanatorium // Biological Medicine. 2000. No. 1. P. 49–50. 17. Zeel T. Effective, safe and natural therapy for osteoarthritis and rheumatic joint diseases // Product Monograph. 2013. 36 rub. Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. Baden-Baden, Germany. First Edition: February. 2013.079216.

Price Target T, where to buy

Today you can buy this medicine in Moscow in the following price range:

  • the average price of Target T ointment is 600 rubles;
  • the average price of Target T injections is 1000 rubles (the price of 1 ampoule is 250 rubles);
  • The average price of Target T tablets is 400 rubles.
  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Aim T tablets sublingual.
    50 pcs Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH 484 RUR order
  • Purpose T solution for intramuscular injection. 2.2ml 5 pcs Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH

    RUB 1,067 order

  • Goal T ointment 50gBiologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH

    RUR 715 order

  • Purpose T ointment d/nar. approx. homeopathic 100gBiologische Heilmittel Heel

    RUB 1,074 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Purpose T ampoules 2.2 ml No. 5Biologische Heilmittel Hell

    940 rub. order

  • Goal T ointment 50g Biologische Heilmittel Hell

    RUR 711 order

  • Target T tablets No. 50Biologische Heilmittel Hell

    481 rub. order

  • Purpose T ampoules No. 100Biologische Heilmittel Hell

    RUB 16,907 order

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  • Goal T 50 g ointment Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Nimetchina
    292 UAH.order
  • Goal T N50 tablets Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Nimecchina

    186 UAH order

  • Goal T 2 ml N10 solution for injection Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Nimecchina

    960 UAH. order

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