The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of spinal hernia

Indications for the use of acupuncture

The treatment method is based on knowledge of the energy channels passing through the human body . They contain about 1000 biological points on the skin, connected to absolutely all internal organs.

Vital energy flows through these meridians, but in case of illness it is blocked and stagnation occurs. It is removed by applying pressure to certain points. By clearing the channels, acupuncture restores the flow of energy and recovery occurs.

The principle of acupuncture is based on the stimulation of certain energy channels

This procedure is called acupuncture. The impact of needles is considered an effective method in the treatment of various pathologies of the spine. The pain goes away quickly and your health improves . Active points located near the spinal column can be successfully treated. Their stimulation normalizes metabolism and activates blood circulation.

Some patients suffering from pain doubt the benefits of acupuncture. But it has already been proven that this affordable procedure shows positive results in the treatment of osteochondrosis, and hernias are a consequence of this disease.

When is acupuncture indicated?:

  • At any stage of osteochondrosis.
  • With limited mobility of the vertebrae.
  • For inflammation, muscle spasms, pain in the spine.
  • In the presence of protrusions and hernias.
  • With the development of degenerative changes in the discs.

If it is possible to perform acupuncture, it is better to use this method than to take pills. As a result of acupuncture, the patient quickly restores his previous mobility and increases the effectiveness of other measures.

However, you should know that with a herniated spine, acupuncture only helps relatively young people (under 50 years old). This does not mean that it is useless for older people, just that the impact will be less effective. It is necessary to conduct at least 2 courses of sessions and carefully follow the recommendations of doctors .

Surgeries to remove a hernia in the lumbar spine

In some cases, in order to avoid disability and get rid of back pain once and for all, the patient may be indicated for spinal surgery. Emergency medical attention is required if:

  • the patient has difficulty urinating and defecating;
  • with unbearable pain;
  • with significant loss of sensation in the legs and arms.

Surgeons of the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov are fluent in the most modern and minimally traumatic methods of surgical treatment, with proven clinical effectiveness.

Mechanism of influence: pros and cons of the method

The main goal of herniated disc therapy is to lift the vertebrae that are pinched by the prolapsed disc core. This is done with the help of ligaments and muscles. By inserting needles into the desired points, muscle tension is relieved. This reduces the pressure on the vertebrae next to the hernia. The result is the release of the pinched nerve.

Acupuncture helps relieve muscle tension in the spine, which reduces compression on the discs

Acupuncture eliminates spasm of the muscles that support the spine . A prolonged spastic state of muscle fibers causes vascular damage and disrupts metabolism in this area of ​​the body. Pain and discomfort occur. Stimulation of biological points allows you to remove unpleasant symptoms.

When blood circulation is restored, nutrients again actively flow to the joints and nerve endings . A positive process accelerates healing, and the intervertebral discs return to normal.

Main benefits of acupuncture:Disadvantages of therapy:
  • The pain is relieved and the ability to move returns.
  • Nerve compression and swelling are eliminated.
  • Metabolic processes are restored.
  • The production of endorphins increases, which improves a person’s well-being and mood.
  • Quick results.
  • No chemicals.
  • Possibility of use during an exacerbation.
  • The cause of the disease is not eliminated.
  • Temporary effect of the procedure.
  • There is a possibility of infection.
  • Sessions are not cheap.

It should be honestly admitted that despite many positive reviews, doctors rarely prescribe acupuncture . For many years, doctors did not recognize the usefulness and effectiveness of this method. The fears are easily understandable; the market for such services is overcrowded with people without proper qualifications. Acupuncture by such “specialists” will only worsen the patient’s condition.

It is not enough to know the location of the necessary points; you need to monitor the healing process and, if necessary, correct it in time. You need to account for your actions and understand what mistakes can lead to.

Video: “The principle of action of acupuncture”

You can learn more about using alternative medicine to treat back problems in the following articles:

  • You can read about how neck osteochondrosis is treated with hirudotherapy in the article pozvonochnik/shejnyj-otdel/osteokhondroz-shejnogo-otdela/girudoterapiya-pri-osteokhondroze-shejnogo-otdela-otzyvy-o-primenenii-metoda.html
  • Is it possible to cure a herniated disc using leeches?
  • How manual therapy differs from massage in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can be found here

What factors provoke the appearance of a hernia?

Often, a cervical hernia is triggered by trauma (especially during an accident, when a person’s body jerks sharply forward and then returns to its original position). In addition to this factor, the aging processes of the body significantly influence, as a result of which the spine loses its shock-absorbing abilities. An undeveloped and weak muscle corset puts a huge load on the cervical spine, which also leads to deformation of the intervertebral discs. Lifestyle, daily habits of a person, unfavorable environmental factors and diseases of the spine can influence the development of diseases of the cervical spine. We must also not forget about a kind of professional deformation that occurs when the neck is in a position for a long time that disrupts the natural metabolic processes of vertebral tissue. In this case we are not talking about hard physical labor. This could be a dentist who sits for hours bending over a patient; a painter forced to look up for a long time while painting the ceiling; programmer working at a computer, leaning towards the screen. The list can be continued for a very long time. Regardless of the reasons, the disease can develop rapidly (from several hours) or over a long period.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Adherents of Eastern medicine are convinced that acupuncture is absolutely safe and cannot have side effects. This can be considered true if the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist.

But if an inexperienced doctor is negligent in performing his duties, then adverse reactions are quite possible:

  • There may be bruising and soreness at the puncture sites. This occurs when blood vessels are affected. This reaction is not considered serious.
  • Benign tumors degenerate into malignant ones. This happens if moles and scars are pierced. An experienced specialist will never allow such a situation to happen.
  • Hepatitis and even AIDS. When using reusable needles, as well as when performing the procedure under unsterile conditions, infection may occur.
  • Sometimes blood pressure decreases.
  • Due to improper needle insertion, damage to tendons and nerve endings occurs.

Like any therapy, acupuncture also has contraindications.:

  • Pregnancy period.
  • Age up to one year.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Alcohol and drug intoxication.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Mental disorders.

The older the patient, the shorter the session duration. It is believed that after 50 years, it is better to refuse acupuncture.


The examination and treatment is carried out by a neurologist. In most cases, diagnosis is limited to x-rays, which are often done for another reason, and Schmorl's hernia is discovered by chance. X-rays visualize spinal curvature, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis.

Intense pain may indicate an intervertebral hernia. But it cannot be detected on x-ray, so the patient is sent for an MRI. If such a procedure is not available for some reason, it is replaced by CT. The doctor may also order blood and urine tests.

Techniques and rules for acupuncture

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Next fact

All types of intervertebral hernia are characterized by different places of occurrence, but have similar principles of acupuncture. The doctor selects the points for inserting needles, taking into account the symptoms of the disease. By palpating the vertebrae, the doctor determines muscle tension.

Pay attention to where the needles are installed for intervertebral hernia. Typically, spinal hernias are localized:

  • Between the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae.
  • In the area of ​​the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.
  • At the beginning of the sacral articulation of the lumbar region.

Accordingly, the needles are inserted:

  • For cervical hernia, needles are placed at points passing between the shoulder blades or along their inner edge.
  • When there is a hernia in the thoracic region, certain 7 points located in this area are pierced.
  • If there is a hernia in the lower back, needles are inserted into points in the lumbar region.

To eliminate a hernia, it is necessary to remove pain and relieve inflammation , otherwise treatment will be pointless. But you can get rid of these manifestations only by eliminating the muscle spasm that caused pinching of the nerve endings.

It is acupuncture for hernia that will help achieve the desired result in 1 or 2 courses of treatment. An acupuncture session lasts no more than one and a half hours. But this will depend on the severity of the pathology, sometimes 15 minutes is enough.

No preparation is required for the procedure.

But some rules must be followed:

  • The session is not carried out after physical activity.
  • Acupuncture is not recommended after an intravenous injection.
  • Before the session, be sure to empty your bladder.
  • Acupuncture is not performed if the patient is undergoing radiation therapy.
  • Acupuncture should not be done at the same time as taking medications.
  • Disposable needles are always used; sterilization is strictly prohibited.
  • Before the session it is forbidden to visit the sauna or bathhouse.
  • The specialist performing the procedures must have a certificate that allows him to practice acupuncture.

After the procedure, the patient needs absolute rest.

Reputable clinics use gold or silver needles to reduce the likelihood of infection or the introduction of germs.

Naturally, acupuncture alone cannot eliminate the disease; therapy must be comprehensive. The duration of the course depends on the stage of development of the disease and is up to 15 procedures .

The injection area is treated with an antiseptic. The needle is inserted under the skin and twisted slightly to irritate the nerve ending. There is no pain, patients feel warmth in the affected area and deeply relax. Many even fall asleep.


Primary prevention includes:

  • compliance with the optimal work and rest schedule;
  • at least 8 hours of sleep;
  • standardized physical activity;
  • a balanced diet that contains enough calcium and other minerals.

If you suspect a Schmorl's hernia or already have a known diagnosis, you can undergo examination and treatment with us. Examinations, consultations and procedures are carried out by experienced doctors with appropriate education and high qualifications. Our center provides comprehensive treatment: this includes an initial consultation, medical prescriptions and adjustments during the therapy process. At the end of treatment, the doctor gives recommendations for maintaining the effect.

Modern method of acupuncture

Medicine is developing rapidly and a new application of acupuncture has been developed.

Today, there are a large number of acupuncture methods using various substances and electric current. The latest types of needles are used to eliminate spinal hernia:

  • Spike-shaped.
  • Dagger.
  • Lanceolate.

These tools are made from special stainless steel of excellent quality. Acupuncture is done using a device that sends an electrical impulse through needles. This innovative method is more effective than classical Chinese acupuncture. It stimulates reflex points more intensely.

The patient lies on his stomach, needles are inserted into the desired points, and a portable device is turned on, which conducts current to the needles . During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is felt, but this should not bother you. The session lasts until the patient feels numbness at the injection site.

Sometimes a slight burning sensation is felt. The procedure usually lasts 15 minutes , but may vary slightly as prescribed by the doctor. Basically, no more than 10 sessions are performed, but after 3 procedures a significant improvement is observed.

Video: “Technique for performing acupuncture for hernia”


The main reason for the formation of hernias of this type is the discrepancy between the growth rates of cartilage and bones, when the development of the latter is slower. As a result, voids and areas of rarefaction appear in the bone tissue. At risk are children whose vertebrae, during rapid skeletal growth, do not have time to acquire sufficient density, and the hyaline cartilage of the discs turns out to be harder. It literally screws into the bone of the vertebra, pushing through the endplate on its surface.

Schmorl's hernial protrusions can be found in osteoporosis and hyperparathyroidism. Sometimes they develop against the background of osteochondrosis. Multiple hernias in all vertebral regions are most often a consequence of osteoporosis. Depending on the location, they are cervical, thoracic and lumbar.


Many doctors are skeptical about treating spinal hernias with acupuncture . But the fact of the effectiveness of the technique cannot be disputed.

Patients who decided to take a course of acupuncture were satisfied . Most importantly, health returns. People who have experienced this treatment say that at first the condition worsens, the numbness of the limbs increases, but by the 5th session of the course everything returns to normal and the negative symptoms disappear.

Is the procedure painful? As it turned out, most patients did not even think about it, since for a long time they experienced unbearable pain due to the pressure of the hernia on the nerve endings. The treatment method is, of course, controversial, but it relieves acute pain. And together with other types of therapy, it lengthens the time between exacerbations.

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