Heat therapy for the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal diseases

Thermal procedures are one of the most common physiotherapeutic techniques for treating joints both at home and in medical institutions.

Thermal effects help expand capillaries, accelerate blood flow, improve the outflow of lymph and venous blood in the area of ​​articular pathology.

In addition, tissues are more actively supplied with nutrients and oxygen, and metabolic processes improve.

One of the most common types of heat therapy is paraffin baths.

Paraffin is often used to treat joint diseases; the use of this substance in physical therapy began in the last century.

Paraffin is a substance similar to wax, but it is obtained from petroleum. Paraffin has a low melting point. It becomes liquid already at temperatures from 45 to 65 degrees.

Its important feature is that even at this temperature, paraffin does not cause tissue burns.

In addition, paraffin cools down for a very long time, which means it provides a long-term thermal effect.

What joint pathologies are treated with paraffin applications?

The list of pathologies for which paraffin therapy is prescribed usually includes inflammatory diseases of the joints. Provided there is no suppuration, for example, with arthritis of the foot.

In addition, degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the joints fall here. Paraffin therapy also helps fight contractures, pain and muscle hypertonicity. It improves the nutrition of soft tissues.

Paraffin applications have proven themselves well for joint injuries.

It is worth mentioning that this type of physiotherapy is not used in the acute period. In this case, cold is necessary to relieve swelling and pain.

Why paraffin therapy is so effective

The uniqueness of paraffin for a hot procedure

in its high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. In other words, it heats up quickly and cools down slowly. Under a paraffin mask, the skin temperature rises by 1-3°C - this increases blood flow and tissue nutrition, speeds up all cell vital processes. The skin actively sweats, releasing moisture and toxins. Since the moisture has nowhere to evaporate (occlusion effect), it is absorbed back. Toxin molecules are much larger, so they remain on the surface of the skin. This is how water is redistributed from the lower layers of the epidermis to the upper ones, which helps solve the problem of dryness and improve the appearance of the skin.

Hot paraffin treatment also has a draining and modeling effect. It is provided by compression, which occurs when the paraffin cools.

The basis of cold paraffin therapy

There is also an occlusion effect. The difference is that the product does not retain its own heat, but the heat of the skin. Our body constantly radiates thermal energy. It is the paraffin cream that prevents it from being released.

Another important feature of cold paraffin therapy is that after the session a protective film remains on the skin for several hours. It retains moisture and performs a barrier function. Thus, the procedure provides the skin of the hands with intensive and long-lasting care even after its completion.

In addition, paraffin application enhances the effect of the products applied under it. This is true for both cold and hot procedures.

How to treat joints with paraffin

There are several methods of paraffin therapy, but two of them are the simplest.

In the first case, the paraffin is first melted and poured into a container of suitable size.

In it, the paraffin cools to about 60 degrees. Then the resulting semi-hardened mass is applied to the affected area.

You can also heat paraffin to 65 degrees and carefully apply it in a thin layer to the affected area using a brush.

Typically, several layers are applied until a paraffin application is approximately one centimeter thick. After this, the limb or part of the body is wrapped tightly.

The following method can be used to treat hands or feet.

First, paraffin is applied with a brush to the affected part of the limb until its layer reaches 1 centimeter.

After this, the leg or arm is immersed in hot paraffin, the temperature of which is also about 65 degrees. The primary layer of paraffin prevents burns.

Depending on the type of pathology, a different number of paraffin therapy procedures is required.

For example, to treat dislocations, myositis, myalgia, tendovaginitis and hematomas, three to five procedures will be required.

Relieving gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or general joint pain may require 3 to 10 treatments. Treatment of arthritis, as well as polyarthritis, may require up to 30 sessions.

General description of the procedure

Paraffin therapy is a heat treatment method. Physiotherapeutic direction of cosmetology, where with the help of melted paraffin and application in the form of applications, deep tissue heating occurs.

Paraffin consists of saturated acyclic hydrocarbons, the result of petrochemicals. The product is tasteless, odorless, insoluble in water, and when melted it is ideal for mixing with vegetable fats, such as cosmetic base oils.

The paraffin therapy procedure is suitable for treating the skin of the face and body, nails, joints, and muscles.

Thermodynamics and high heat capacity are distinctive beneficial properties. At a high melting point and heating to 52-55˚C, paraffin slowly releases heat, so there is absolutely no risk of skin burns.

There are two main types of paraffin produced - yellow and white.

Yellow is used in medical centers and sanatoriums to relieve pain in joints and muscles.

In cosmetology practice, a white product is used. It is more suitable for delicate facial skin than yellow. During production, white paraffin is thoroughly cleaned of impurities, which means that the risk of allergies is eliminated. If a skin reaction suddenly occurs, it is only because an excipient was added to the pure product (for example, essential or base cosmetic oil, honey, dyes) which can cause itching and redness. For allergy sufferers, only white, pure product is suitable.

Paraffin therapy can be cold or hot. In the first case, there is no need to melt the paraffin.

Contraindications for paraffin therapy

The use of paraffin is prohibited if tuberculosis or septic inflammation of the joints is diagnosed.

This also includes tumors in the joints or surrounding tissues, as well as a pathological tendency to bleeding, for example, in hemophilia.

Paraffin should not be used for diseases of internal organs, such as cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, epilepsy, or significant depletion of the body.

Also, paraffin therapy is incompatible with contrasting effects of heat and cold, for example, it is not recommended to swim in the pool or sea on the same day, or take cold baths and showers.

Types of procedures

Anti-aging face masks

Paraffin rejuvenates the face. In combination with additional agents, it is used as anti-age therapy. Smoothes wrinkles, removes bags under the eyes, resolves infiltrates. The mask removes dead cells and tissue regeneration occurs. Due to solidification, compression occurs. Light, pleasant pressure models an oval shape and removes a double chin. After six procedures, the face will become fresh, smooth, and acquire a delicate shade.

Anti-acne masks

Paraffin normalizes the sebaceous glands. Under the influence of heat, the pores open. Contaminants come to the surface of the dermis, are absorbed into paraffin and are removed along with the mask. The face is peeled, scars are removed, and blackheads are eliminated. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, add lavender essential oil or a few drops of tea tree oil and aloe juice to the product.

Body applications

The hot paraffin therapy method warms up, opens the pores, increasing sweating. Toxins are actively removed through sweat. A sauna effect is created, due to which the skin is noticeably moisturized and tightened. And if valuable oils and vitamins are added to the product, the skin is nourished and saturated with useful microelements. Paraffin therapy of the body is used as a relaxing, therapeutic, care procedure in Spa centers.

For hands

It is an independent salon procedure for hands and nails. Restores nails after all types of extensions. Strengthens the plate, moisturizes dry cuticle. Prevention of hangnails. Softens rough, dry skin on elbows and hands. Transforms hands after contact with household chemicals. Has a lifting effect. Used in complex Spa programs to relieve tension. After the first procedure, your hands will become smooth and your nails will be shiny.

For legs

Relieves joint pain after wearing tight high-heeled shoes. Removes swelling. Provides relaxation and relief from daily stress. Strengthens nail plates. Softens rough skin on the heels.

Against pain

The paraffin product relieves myological joint pain and muscle tension. It is used in therapeutic massage at the warming stage.

For athletes, it is an indispensable remedy for relieving back pain or when it is necessary to quickly warm up a muscle.

There will also be benefits after injuries, in complex prevention with massage and therapeutic exercises. As rehabilitation after any types of fractures, dislocations.

For recovery from chronic arthritis and arthrosis.

Treats scaly lichen, scar tissue degeneration.

Adverse reactions

Side effects include:

  • A side effect is a burn. Despite the fact that in the salon and medical centers it is impossible to get a burn, at home it is easy to get one. Never mix paraffin with water, put it in a wet container, or apply it yourself at home. Since water has greater thermal conductivity than thick paraffin mass.
  • Hives. Blisters may occur locally at the area where the product is applied. In rare cases, breathing becomes impaired, blood pressure drops sharply, and anaphylactic shock occurs.
  • Home use of paraffin leads to serious errors. For example, to suppuration, aggravation of the problem from which a person tried to get rid of with the help of home applications. Only a master knows how to do it correctly and without serious consequences.
  • Compared to other methods, paraffin is safe. Affordable and very effective, cannot be self-prescribed. For adequate treatment, you need to consult a cosmetologist, cosmetologist-dermatologist, endocrinologist, allergist. The specialist will tell you how often you can do the procedure.

Treatment of the knee joint with paraffin

Damage to the knee joint can be caused by a fall or jump, a car accident, incorrect position of the leg during sports, a bruise, having a destructive effect on the cartilage tissue. The occurrence of pain in the knee area, clicking during movement, loss of flexibility, swelling - if these signs occur, you should consult a doctor in order to avoid irreversible consequences. To get rid of the disease, as well as for preventive purposes, specialists prescribe complex treatment, in which paraffin therapy plays an important role.

For arthrosis of the knee joint, heated paraffin is used. During the cooling process, paraffin fixes the joint, and the cartilage is restored during the procedure. A full course of these procedures will help quickly restore motor activity, relieve pain, and alleviate the course of the disease.

Buy paraffin for the treatment of joints

Using paraffin is an effective and inexpensive way to restore skin on any part of the body. Experts at various levels recommend using cosmetic or pharmaceutical paraffin. In their action and composition they are not very different from each other. Undoubtedly, cosmetic paraffin is more pleasant to use; manufacturers add aromatic oils and additional components to it, which improve its quality and properties. To tidy up the skin of your face, hands or feet, you will need several paraffin therapy procedures. There is no doubt that the result of any skin care procedure will be positive. Paraffin therapy is no exception. You can buy paraffin for the treatment of joints in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. The price for 500 grams of paraffin starts from 500 Russian rubles.


https://nome dicina.ru/parafin-ozokerit-v-domashnih-usloviyah-primenenie-ozokeritoterapii-i-parafinoterapii-v-detskoj-praktike.html


https://luc kclub.ru/lechenie-parafinom-v-domashnih-usloviyah-sustavov-ruk-i-nog-artroza-kolenej-pyatochnoj-shpory-parafino-ozokeritovye-applikacii#i-13

https://arta -ug.ru/sustav/lechenie-sustavov-parafinom-v-domashnih-usloviyah.html

How to choose a bath

Focus on cost, manufacturer reviews and volume. There are small ones - up to 2.5 l, medium ones - 2.5 - 4 l, and large ones - 4 - 5 l. The medium size is the most popular and universal for performing the procedure for both arms and legs.

If you already have a bath at home for paraffin therapy of your hands, and your foot simply doesn’t fit in there, you can melt the wax in it and then apply it with a brush to your feet.

Or pour the liquid contents into a large container and immerse your feet there.

When providing pedicure and paraffin therapy services in a salon, pay attention to models with a timer and temperature maintenance. You can set the heating mode and do other steps, and when the paraffin is ready, set the heating mode and in this state the device will be ready for use all day.

Paraffin bath: choosing a model, operating rules

How to choose paraffin for feet

To do this, we focus on 2 main criteria - the volume required for the procedure and the recommended minimum filling of the bath, as well as the desired effect that we want to get from the additives in it. If you have cases of allergies to cosmetics, it is better to immediately give preference to the pure version.

Paraffin made in Spain and Italy is considered the safest - it has a natural composition and does not cause allergic reactions.

Brands worth paying attention to:

  • Depilflax - Spain;
  • Depileve - Spain;
  • Xanitalia - Italy;
  • Beauty Image - Spain;
  • GiGi - USA.

Russian-made products of the Aravia brand have proven themselves well. In their lines you can choose paraffin for hot and cold applications.

There is also a special tonic for paraffin therapy. It contains a disinfectant component, urea, and herbal extracts. It is used at the stage of preparing the feet for immersion in paraffin.

One procedure will require 250-400 grams of paraffin, and for a one-time filling of the bath - at least 1500-2500 grams. Based on this, we buy the required volume. Then, as you spend the money, you can buy the required amount.

Review of quality paraffin brands:

Paraffin for hot and cold paraffin therapy - review of the best

Paraffin therapy for hands at home: step-by-step instructions

So, if you have no contraindications to paraffin therapy, we can get started. We will need:

• hot paraffin in a briquette; • wide flat brush or spatula; • scrub with medium abrasive particles; • hand cream (you can use your regular one); • cellophane gloves; • wool mittens or any other insulating material.


1. Prepare your hands: wash with soap and apply a scrub to damp skin, massage for a couple of minutes and rinse. Wipe dry with a towel. 2. In order for the magical effect to spread to the cuticle, it must be softened with a remover before paraffin therapy. Then we push it away with an orange stick and rub in the oil. 3. Apply moisturizer to your hands and wait until completely absorbed. 4. Take paraffin - 150-200 grams. If you do not have a special paraffin bath, then we use a water bath. Place the material in a bowl (metal or plastic), place it in another container with hot water and heat it on the stove, stirring continuously. You can also use a microwave, but in this case you need to carefully set the power and time so that the composition does not burn. 5. When the mixture is ready, we take the tool with which we will apply it to the skin - a wide flat brush or spatula. Carefully distribute the composition over the back and fingers. 6. Repeat the distribution several times, since the paraffin needs to be layered. You can also simply put your hands in a container with the composition, if the size of the container allows this. 7. Wait until the paraffin hardens on your hands. 8. We put on plastic gloves. 9. Wrap your hands in a warm cloth - these can be woolen mittens or a warm muff, blanket or towel. 10. We wait about 20 minutes and remove the frozen paraffin, like a stocking. It comes off well the first time. 11. Rinse your hands with warm water and apply our moisturizer with massage movements - you can use a thicker one.

Now the skin of your hands is velvety, soft and moisturized! After paraffin therapy, the skin of your hands is soft, velvety and moisturized.

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