Pain in the hip joint: what to do and who to contact?

Pain between the leg and groin can have different causes. Discomfort in this area occurs genetically, after physical exertion, or after injuries. Pain in the thigh indicates pathology in the internal organs and requires special attention from a medical specialist. Unpleasant sensations vary in nature, duration and intensity, but even with the slightest discomfort you should contact the clinic. At the KDS Clinic, specialists will quickly find out the cause of your ailment and prescribe effective, affordable treatment. You should not let your health reach a critical state, since then it will be much more difficult to cure the disease.

The pain between the leg and groin occurs suddenly, has a sharp, dagger-like character, stops after a few minutes and soon intensifies again. Unpleasant sensations appear in the upper thigh area and radiate to the groin. The patient's discomfort is associated with anatomical or physiological changes in the internal organs.

In what cases do you need urgent help from a specialist?

If you feel pain in your hip, monitor your condition. Perhaps the pain syndrome arose due to physical activity and after rest everything will go away. You can help yourself in such cases with the help of pharmaceutical ointments.

An examination by a specialist is urgently needed if:

  • there is a visible deformity of the hip joint;
  • you can't move your leg;
  • the pain is so severe that it prevents you from stepping on your full foot;
  • leg is swollen;
  • the pain arose against the background of high fever and an infectious disease.

If you are unable to walk normally due to hip pain, see an orthopedist immediately

Pain in the back of the thigh

Nagging pain in the back of the thigh can be triggered by high physical activity, during which muscle fibers or ligaments were damaged. Athletes' muscles are more vulnerable to damage after insufficient stretching, so it is very important to properly warm up the body before training. Also, the cause of pain from the gluteal muscle to the knee may be a violation of the sciatic nerve. Such pain is especially pronounced when bending, flexing and extending the hip or knee joints. Acute pain can be caused by improper, sudden lifting of weights, so if you have to lift weights, be sure to use a lower back brace, this way you can prevent back damage and damage to muscles and nerves. You can find these in one of our medical equipment stores in Odessa, Zaporozhye, Dnieper, Kyiv, Lviv and other cities of Ukraine, or order them in the online store

If you are bruised and your leg hurts from the buttock to the knee, you need to apply a cold compress to your leg and fix the damaged area with a thigh bandage. If the pain does not go away after two weeks or more, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Even an experienced doctor will not dare to make a reliable diagnosis based on hip pain without additional diagnostics, since the causes of such discomfort can be very different and they can affect various components of the musculoskeletal system, namely:

  • Upper and inner epithelial layer;
  • Ligaments;
  • Tendons;
  • Muscles and fascia;
  • Nerve roots of the spine.

Causes of hip pain from buttock to knee

In order to at least roughly understand what caused the pain in the hip, you need to find out what biological structure of your musculoskeletal system was damaged, namely:

  • Bone. Often such pathological conditions of the body as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, bursitis become the cause of hip pain. Pain syndrome can also be a consequence of a bruise. In this case, a hematoma also becomes a companion to discomfort in the leg;
  • Muscles and tendons. Hip pain can occur due to a rupture, sprain, or any other type of soft tissue injury;
  • Infectious and non-infectious etiology. Pain in the leg can be caused by the presence of inflammatory processes of an infectious and non-infectious nature. The most serious causes of leg pain include bone tuberculosis. You must understand that a seemingly insignificant symptom can become a serious signal of a dangerous disease, so if you experience the slightest discomfort, you should seek advice from an experienced traumatologist or orthopedist;

It often happens that patients turn to doctors when the disease has already begun the active stage of destructive work. People expect some kind of “miracle” from specialists when fighting the disease becomes more and more difficult. The first thing I would like to wish for every patient is: firstly, of course, not to get sick, and secondly, if you feel that something is “wrong” with your health, please consult a doctor in a timely manner. This will save your time, money and, most importantly, your own health - Igor Pavlovich Bondarenko, head of the traumatology department of DOKOL.

The cause of pain in the leg from the knee to the gluteal muscle can also be:

Various neoplasmsThis includes oncological formations of a malignant and benign nature
Joint disordersPain can be caused by joint diseases, such as arthritis or arthrosis, during which the arterial lumen narrows, which directly leads to pain.
Central nervous system disordersThe central nervous system instantly reacts to any problems in the functioning of our body, and therefore instantly sends a signal to the brain so that we take measures to eliminate the problem. Perhaps your hip pain was caused by a pinched nerve, neuritis, or any other disorder related to the central nervous system.
Other reasonsThere are also a number of secondary reasons that can cause nagging pain from the buttock to the knee. This may be weakened muscle tone, the body’s metrological reaction to changes in weather or climate, pregnancy, a recurrent period of old injuries or bruises

Drawing pain in thigh. Additional symptoms

The following symptoms will help you most accurately diagnose hip pain:

  • Swelling;
  • Feeling of “stiffness” in joints (knee or hip);
  • Fever/chills;
  • Changes in the outer skin (spots, hematomas);
  • Local deformation of the thigh surface (usually small bumps can be seen on the damaged area).

If, along with hip pain, you encounter one of the above symptoms, this indicates that some pathological processes are occurring in your body, which means you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

How does hip pain manifest?

Most often, the pain is localized in the groin - on the bend of the hip and hypogastric region. If the cause is injury, the whole leg may hurt, since the pinched lumbar nerves radiate to the lower extremities. Some people confuse hip pain with other pain conditions, especially if the pain is in the abdominal area or upper thigh bone. With necrosis of the femoral head, deep stabbing pain appears.

Pain in the hip joint in children and adolescents has a different nature. It is not associated with wear and tear of the cartilage or joint, but indicates a disruption in the normal development and growth of bone. In childhood, with such a symptom, Perthes disease can be diagnosed. The blood supply to the femur is cut off, causing its growth to stop. The treatment regimen involves stress relief and physical therapy.

With coxarthrosis, pain in the hip is often followed by pain in the knee

Types of pain in the groin area

Each disease is characterized by a certain feeling of pain. The groin can also hurt in different ways.

It can be severe sharp pain, or a nagging, dull and constantly aching unpleasant sensation. Some bring discomfort and occur periodically, while others are constantly present.

The different nature of pain in the groin is characteristic of specific types of diseases of the groin organs. Therefore, to determine the true illness, you need to be attentive to your pain.

Who to contact

If the pain does not go away after rest and short-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, consult an orthopedist or rheumatologist. The sooner you do this and find out the cause, the more gentle the treatment will be. In the early stages, medications and physical therapy help.

In case of severe pain and limited mobility, diagnostics can confirm arthrosis. Depending on the condition and intensity, the patient is prescribed a set of therapeutic measures. Their task is to reduce pain, expand the functioning of the joint and stop the destruction of cartilage. The regimen often includes injections of synovial fluid prosthesis, which replenishes its deficiency in the joint and returns it to normal biomechanics for a period of up to a year.

If you experience one-time pain in the hip joint, it is too early to panic. Monitor your condition, give your body a rest - and, most likely, everything will pass. If the pain comes back again and again, see an orthopedist. If there is swelling or redness, you will be referred to a rheumatologist. Freedom of movement and movement depends on the condition of this particular joint. Therefore, be vigilant and take care of yourself!

Why does it hurt in the groin in women?

Skin pathologies

Women who remove hair from their bikini area are more likely to develop localized infections in the hair follicle area.
Folliculitis is characterized by redness and the formation of a lump, followed by the formation of a conical pustule filled with pus. The pain is raw, aggravated by pressure and friction of linen. The general condition is not disturbed. The abscess opens spontaneously and heals within about a week. The rashes are often multiple in nature, spreading from the inguinal folds to the pubis and the anterior inner surface of the thighs. If hygiene rules are not followed or the immune system is weakened, complications in the form of boils, carbuncles and abscesses are possible. The progression of the infection is indicated by increased pain, twitching, throbbing pain that deprives you of sleep at night, increased body temperature, and deterioration of the general condition.


Inguinal hernias are diagnosed less frequently in women than in men. Characterized by dull, constant or periodic pulling and aching painful sensations in the groin. Irradiation to the lumbosacral region is possible. If the bladder gets into the hernial protrusion, pain above the pubis and dysuric disorders are observed, if the cecum is flatulence, constipation. After operations, the formation of a recurrent inguinal hernia is possible, accompanied by the same symptoms as a regular hernial protrusion.

When a hernia is strangulated, there is a sharp increase in pain against the background of physical effort and abdominal tension. The painful sensations are acute, extremely intense, and are accompanied by the development of painful shock with increased heart rate, a drop in blood pressure and paleness of the skin. A decrease in pain intensity over several hours does not indicate normalization of the condition, but the development of necrotic changes and damage to nerve endings.

In addition, pain in the groin in women accompanies a femoral hernia. In the early stages, the pathology is asymptomatic or manifests itself as discomfort and slight pain during active movements. Subsequently, a protrusion appears in the inguinal-femoral fold, increasing with straining and vertical position of the body. The pain remains dull, aching, nagging, but its intensity increases somewhat. As in the previous case, when the intestines are involved, defecation disorders are observed, and when the bladder is affected, dysuria develops.

Lymphadenopathy due to STIs

Enlarged and painful inguinal lymph nodes in combination with itching of the genitals, pain during urination, and the appearance of pathological discharge from the genital tract may indicate the development of an STI. Lymph nodes are mobile elastic formations that are painful when touched. Local hyperemia and hyperthermia are possible. Inguinal lymphadenopathy in women is observed with the following genital infections:

  • Genital herpes.
    Malaise and general hyperthermia are noted. Along with the enlargement of the lymph nodes, the appearance of transparent small bubbles in the perineal area is characteristic. Elements of the rash spontaneously open, forming superficial erosions.
  • Gonorrhea.
    Lymphadenopathy is bilateral, the nodes are slightly painful on palpation, the skin over them is slightly hyperemic. Purulent leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor, itching and mild pain in the external genitalia, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and dysuric disorders are detected.
  • Primary syphilis.
    The lymph node is enlarged on one side, there is no significant pain, a feeling of discomfort prevails. Lymphadenopathy is preceded by the appearance of a painless ulcer (chancre) on the perineum or labia. When located in the vagina or on the cervix, chancre formation goes unnoticed.

In addition, minor pain in the groin caused by damage to regional nodes due to STIs can bother patients with chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis. However, in women this symptom appears less frequently than in men, due to a more pronounced tendency to a primarily chronic, asymptomatic course of the listed pathologies.

Groin pain in women

Other lymphadenopathy

The cause of nonspecific lymphadenitis with nagging, aching and bursting pain in the groin can be purulent wounds and local infectious processes (carbuncle, furuncle, cellulitis, abscess) of the lower limb. In case of varicose veins, this symptom may be due to the development of thrombophlebitis; in diabetes mellitus, it is associated with the formation of trophic ulcers. The lesion is characteristically unilateral. In acute conditions, intoxication is observed; painful red stripes may be found on the thigh - a sign of lymphangitis.

When the inflamed node suppurates, caused by hypothermia, decreased immunity against the background of concomitant diseases, a dangerous complication develops - adenophlegmon. Characterized by increasing, pulsating, bursting sharp pains that make movement difficult and deprive you of sleep. Weakness, hyperthermia, general intoxication, increased swelling and hyperemia on the affected side of the groin are noted. The contours of the lymph node become unclear, and after a while an area of ​​fluctuation forms.

Painless or painless woody lymph nodes in the groin are also detected during metastasis of malignant tumors of the perineal skin (including vulvar melanoma). They are detected with cancer of the anus, neoplasms of the uterus, vagina and fallopian tubes.

Gynecological diseases

Pain in the groin in gynecological pathologies is caused by the close location of the genital organs, frequent irradiation to the groin area, and the development of lymphadenopathy. Caused by the following diseases:

  • Vulvitis.
    Enlarged lymph nodes occur even before other symptoms appear, but often go unnoticed due to the absence of pain. Then there is pain, burning and itching in the perineum, swelling and redness of the labia, pain when urinating. Pain from the affected area sometimes spreads to the inguinal folds.
  • Bartholinitis.
    With non-purulent inflammation, lymphadenopathy, as in the previous case, is often asymptomatic. With the development of purulent bartholinitis and the formation of an abscess of the Bartholin gland, the node on the affected side increases significantly in size. Intoxication, hyperthermia, a combination of sharp, throbbing, jerking pain in the perineum with dull aching pain in the groin are observed.
  • Vaginitis.
    Enlarged, slightly painful lymph nodes are detected on both sides. Dysuria, moderate nagging or aching pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin, and pathological discharge from the vagina are noted. Body temperature is elevated to low-grade levels.

The symptom is also found in a number of other gynecological diseases. Pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the groin is accompanied by:

  • adhesive disease after surgical interventions and inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • emergency conditions: parametritis, pelvioperitonitis, ectopic pregnancy;
  • lesions of the uterus and surrounding tissue: endometritis, large uterine fibroids;
  • cervical pathologies: cervicitis, stenosis of the cervical canal;
  • diseases of the ovaries and fallopian tubes: adnexitis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, ovarian cyst;
  • other diseases: endometriosis, genital prolapse, algodismenorrhea.

Pathologies of the urinary organs

In women with urolithiasis, sudden, extremely intense pain in the groin is provoked by a low-lying stone. Combined with lower back pain. Weakness, pallor, frequent urge to urinate or urinary retention, and blood in the urine are noted. Other urinary system disorders that cause groin pain include:

  • urethritis, urethral cancer;
  • cystitis in women, detrusor injuries, bladder cancer;
  • hydroureter, ureteritis;
  • hydronephrosis, kidney adenocarcinoma.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome

It manifests itself as a dull, aching painful sensation in the groin, lower abdomen, pubic area, perineum, sacrococcygeal region. CPPS in women is characterized by persistent pain, lack of clear localization, and a tendency for discomfort to migrate. The symptom lasts for 6 months or more. It intensifies against the background of hypothermia, defecation, urination, stress, exertion, and prolonged stay in a stationary position.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Pain in the right iliac and inguinal region is observed with a low location of the appendix. Acute appendicitis is characterized by cutting, burning, stabbing, jerking, dull or sharp pains, which are combined with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and general hyperthermia. In chronic appendicitis, the painful sensations are aching, dull, persist constantly, or occur during movements and diet disorders.

Pain in the groin on the left, complemented by pain in the abdomen and left iliac region, sometimes accompanies the following pathologies:

  • sigmoiditis;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • chronic constipation;
  • sigmoid colon cancer;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Lesions of the musculoskeletal system

Pain in the groin in women accompanies ARS syndrome. Pathology is diagnosed in female athletes. There is unilateral pain radiating to the leg and lower abdomen. The symptom intensifies with exertion, palpation of the damaged area, hip abduction, and muscle tension. In addition, irradiation to the groin is detected when:

  • sprain of the hip joint;
  • femoral neck fracture;
  • coxarthrosis.

Medical examination

Using a pillow under the lower back for nagging pain

In the event that pain in the lower extremities has a nervous etiology, in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to ensure the correct anatomical position of the body. When a person remains motionless for a long time (for example, works in an office or at a store checkout for 8 hours or more), the spine is under constant tension, which can lead to pinched nerve roots. This dysfunction subsequently causes pain and discomfort. A lumbar pillow is the best option that will help you get rid of back and leg pain, and also prevent pinched nerve endings.

You can buy a lumbar pillow in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores in Ukraine. This is a specialized retail chain that provides high-quality orthopedic products, as well as medical equipment from leading companies in the world. Only here you will find certified products at an affordable price. Also in our stores for nagging pain are the following products:

  • Needle applicators;
  • Massagers;
  • Orthopedic pillows;
  • Waist belts, etc.

You can view the assortment in more detail in the catalog on the website Select the category you need and view the list of products that interest you. If any difficulties arise, you can always contact the hotline, where our managers will answer all your questions.

Using massagers to relax muscles

Massagers have shown excellent effectiveness in eliminating pain. The devices massage the skin, improving blood circulation. This reduces pain, improves intracellular metabolism, and eliminates discomfort in the body. Depending on the type of model, devices have different types of effects. For example, infrared devices generate infrared radiation, warming up the internal structures of the body, vibration devices affect the skin and muscles through vibrations, etc. More detailed information about the use of massagers will be provided to you by sales consultants of the Medtechnika Orthosalon network, as well as specially trained managers of our call center.

Using manual and electric massagers

The use of massage devices has a beneficial effect on the cells and tissues of our body. Manual and electric massagers at Medtekhnika Orthosalon provide the following effects:

  1. Warming up the skin and muscle structures;
  2. Stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  3. Elimination of fatigue, soreness, muscle pain and pain syndromes of nervous etiology;
  4. Prevention of nerve pinching;
  5. Improving the metabolism of internal tissues.

We invite you to personally familiarize yourself with the range of manual and electric massagers and visit one of the medical equipment stores in your city.

  • Why do the leg muscles above the knees hurt on the inside and outside?

Applicator Lyapko

The analgesic effect of Lyapko applicators is carried out due to the point (acupuncture) effect on the nerve endings located on the surface of the skin. Needles made of noble metals stimulate nerve endings, as a result of which the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, pain and fatigue are eliminated, and the reflex mechanism is improved. The advantages of Lyapko applicators include the following:

  • Effective massage effect;
  • Quick relief of pain;
  • Stimulation of nerve endings;
  • Improvement of blood and lymph flow;
  • Prevention of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous system.

Lyapko applicators are one of the effective methods for eliminating pain syndromes. You can buy Lyapko applicators, massagers, orthopedic pillows for the lower back and many other useful products for your health in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores.




The main methods for diagnosing hip joint pathologies are:

  1. X-ray, ultrasound – examination standards for joint pathologies.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. Biochemistry of blood.
  4. Urine studies - its color, volume, density, transparency, glucose, protein and bilirubin content are taken into account.
  5. Computed tomography helps to study the joint in several projections and determine bone density.
  6. MRI.

The doctor must take into account the stiffness of the joint, pay attention to the increase in temperature, the presence of headaches, redness, and swelling.

Treatment methods

If pain in the pelvic area develops, radiating into the pelvis, it is better to consult a rheumatologist, traumatologist or orthopedist. After diagnosing and establishing the causes of the pathology, the doctor makes a diagnosis and selects effective treatment methods.


General principles of conservative therapy

Patients with joint problems must be prescribed:

  • sleep only on the healthy side;
  • complete peace;
  • refusal of loads;
  • frequent changes in body position;
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • wearing loose and sufficiently warm underwear.

All possible manipulations and the selection of methods depend on the causes of the pathology, its clinical picture and the degree of complications.

Drug therapy involves taking NSAIDs, antirheumatic drugs, hormonal drugs, and chondroprotectors. Sometimes immunosuppressants are required as additional therapy, as well as drugs to normalize blood circulation.

If conservative treatment is not effective, surgery is required - joint replacement. Sometimes I use special orthopedic devices, and they may apply a plaster cast.

Treatment options

Features of treatment of specific diseases

If the doctor detects the presence of excess fluid or even blood in the joint, then drainage and rinsing with antibacterial agents are required.

In the most difficult situations, hip replacement is implemented, when the destroyed joint is replaced with a new one - an artificial analogue. When the operation is completed, rehabilitation is organized in order to restore mobility and function of the limb. The person can gradually return to normal life.

Modern operations are high-tech, precise. After a joint replacement, a person gets rid of constant pain and limitations in physical activity.

Folk remedies

Consultation with a doctor is necessary for any type of pain. The doctor will conduct a study and clarify the diagnosis. Only then can you consult about the use of traditional medicine recipes.


Cinquefoil tincture effectively copes with discomfort due to joint pain. The recipe for oral use is as follows:

  • chop the dry cinquefoil and compact it tightly into a previously prepared container - it should be one third full;
  • fill with water to the top;
  • leave for three weeks in a dark place.

You need to take 20 ml three times a day, regardless of meals. The full course is 2 weeks. Then after a two-week break the course can be repeated again.

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