Treatment of bone fractures with folk remedies at home, recipes and tips for use

  • August 31, 2018
  • Treatment methods
  • Ekaterina Komisarova

Today it is probably difficult to meet a person who has never been injured. The most important thing is to get first aid in time if there is damage, and then you can avoid negative consequences. A fracture is one of the most common types of injuries that a huge number of people face. During it, the integrity of the bone is violated, as a result of which its functionality is greatly reduced. During therapy, it is very important to do everything possible to ensure that the bone tissue heals normally. To do this, a plaster is applied, which fixes the limb in one position, due to which the bone gradually grows together. However, few people know that there are many ways to cure yourself at home. But you must understand that all the recipes that will be discussed in this article can replace drug therapy only in the simplest cases. In case of complex injuries and damage, you should never self-medicate, as this can be fraught with very serious consequences.

Traditional therapy is aimed only at relieving the main symptoms and accelerating the healing process, making it much easier for a person to endure an injury and recover faster. Let's look at what folk remedies exist for treating bone fractures and look at the most effective recipes.

Clinical manifestations of bone loss

What should you pay attention to first? Before considering the main traditional methods of treating fractures, let's first learn about the main symptoms that accompany these types of injuries so that you can identify the problem in time and begin to eliminate it.

Among the main features are the following:

  • incorrect position of the limbs;
  • violation of their functionality;
  • bone mobility in a place where it should not be;
  • crunching while moving;
  • bleeding wound with an open fracture;
  • unbearable, unremitting pain;
  • swelling and bruising;
  • decreased body temperature in the area where bone integrity is damaged;
  • decreased sensitivity when nerve fibers rupture.

It is worth noting that most of the above symptoms manifest themselves in very serious injuries, in which treatment of bone fractures with folk remedies will no longer be effective. This requires professional medical care and long-term treatment, which in some cases must take place in a hospital setting. As for minor injuries, they are accompanied only by pain.

Possible consequences

The lack of qualified assistance in the first stages of injury and in the future leads to an inevitable deterioration of the general condition and the addition of pathologies. If the patient ignores the symptoms for a long time, death is likely.

The general damage may be accompanied by an inflammatory process, which later turns into sepsis. Poisoned cells enter the general bloodstream, resulting in total poisoning of the entire body. If a broken bone compresses the blood vessels, the lack of blood negatively affects the soft tissues, and they gradually die.

That is why the patient should be immediately given first aid and sent to a nearby clinic. Self-treatment of this type of injury is highly not recommended.

Medical assistance

Nowadays, most people do not accept folk remedies for fractures, considering them ineffective, so they prefer to go to the hospital for such problems. In modern therapy, many complex methods are used to improve the healing of damaged areas. This is especially true for open fractures, in which there is a high risk of infection entering the blood, with strong displacement of bones, as well as their crushing into small fragments. In this case, the only way out is surgery, after which a long rehabilitation period is required. Even if it goes well, there is absolutely no guarantee that recovery will take place without any consequences.

As for ordinary cases, in which there is only a puncture of the bone in some place, a plaster cast is usually applied to the limb and painkillers are prescribed. However, if a person does not experience too much pain and his limb mobility is not impaired, then in this case it is possible to treat bone fractures with folk remedies. Recipes can be very varied, but the most effective ones will be discussed later in this article.

Symptoms of bone fractures

There are absolute and relative signs of a fracture. The absolute characteristics include:

  • change in limb shape;
  • presence of bone fragments in the wound;
  • at the fracture site, pathological mobility of bone fragments and a characteristic crunch are determined.

Relative signs of a fracture include:

  • sharp pain in the affected area, which intensifies with load, movement and other manipulations; if a small bone is broken, then pain may be the only symptom of a fracture;
  • swelling at the fracture site, which appears some time after the injury;
  • limitation of mobility (if we are talking about a fracture of a limb);
  • a hematoma, which does not form immediately and with massive bleeding increases in volume.

Traditional medicine

So, what folk remedies exist for healing bones during fractures? There are a lot of them, and each of them has been tested over many centuries, so the effectiveness of the recipes is beyond doubt. During the therapy, various means are used that have a direct effect on the injury, accelerating the healing process.

Regarding specific means, the following applies:

  • healing decoctions;
  • ointments;
  • lotions;
  • alcohol infusions.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods and find out which folk remedies for fractures of the bones of the legs and arms are the best for treatment at home.

Causes of bone fractures

The main causes of bone fractures are:

  • injuries in which there is strong compression of the entire bone or a targeted impact on it with a high degree of intensity;
  • diseases that cause decreased bone strength (osteoporosis);
  • stress fractures, which are caused by systematic microtrauma of the same area of ​​the bone.

According to statistics, people most often break the bones of their arms and legs, fractures of the ribs are in second place, and fractures of the spine and skull bones are the least diagnosed.

Herbal infusions

So, what makes them special? Rosehip occupies almost the first place in the list of essential components in traditional medicine. It is a good source of vitamins and nutrients, therefore it is widely used in the treatment of a huge number of pathologies, including violations of the integrity of bones.

For example, if you have a fracture of the tibia (treatment with folk remedies has been tested over time), then take rose hips, fill them with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. After this, remove the container from the heat, wrap it in warm clothes and leave the broth to infuse for 24 hours. After this, the product will be ready for use.

During rehabilitation, pomegranate bark is good for strengthening bones. To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water into two tablespoons of finely ground material and simmer over low heat for half an hour. After this, add the same amount of liquid and leave until the morning. Take the infusion 1/4 cup three times a day. In addition, you can hover an injured limb in this product.

Common heather is another medicinal plant that is excellent for helping with fractures. Take 24 grams of crushed raw materials, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Use for lotions and warm baths.

Proper nutrition for fractures

To restore bones, you should consume dairy products.

Ordinary rose hips will help increase immunity and body resistance.

In order to speed up the merging process, it is necessary first of all to make certain adjustments to the regular menu. You should include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and microelements that will help stimulate regenerative processes and provide the body with the substances necessary for bone restoration.

The main products recommended for consumption during this period are:

  • dairy and fermented milk products, which can be consumed in any quantity;
  • fresh as well as cooked vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits, it is best to choose citrus fruits, sweet peppers, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, rose hips, black currants;
  • low-fat meats;
  • fatty sea fish, such as sardines and salmon;
  • cereals and legumes, especially useful among which are: lentils, buckwheat and oatmeal, soybeans;
  • for drinks, you should opt for compotes of fresh berries and dried fruits, fruit drinks, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, herbal infusions and decoctions;
  • Sweets should be excluded; it is recommended to use natural marshmallows and marshmallows, honey, nuts, homemade jams, and dried fruits as desserts.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to categorically avoid drinking alcohol, strong coffee, tea, limit the amount of baked goods consumed, and exclude fatty meats, spicy, salty foods and fast food products from the diet. In case of leg fractures, which inevitably entail a significant limitation of physical activity, the total calorie content of the daily diet should be reduced to prevent excess body weight gain.

Advice! In case of serious fractures, the regimen and option of therapeutic nutrition should be agreed upon with a specialist. The doctor will help you develop the optimal menu and choose foods that will promote a faster recovery.


Treatment of fractures with folk remedies in older people is very effective by treating injured areas of the body with mild medicinal forms, which you can make yourself from plants purchased at the pharmacy. Pain can be reduced by warming the injured limb.

An ointment is perfect for this purpose, the preparation of which will require the following components:

  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • grated onion - 1 piece;
  • conifer resin - 20 g;
  • copper sulfate - 20 g.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil. When the ointment has cooled, it is used to rub the skin in the area of ​​the fracture.

To speed up the process of regeneration and fusion of bone tissue, fir oil is used. It has many useful properties, so it is used not only for treating damaged areas, but also for making various ointments.

Also, traditional methods of treating fractures include juniper oil. It's not difficult to make. To do this, you need to chop the branches of the bush and pour them into a metal container. Add butter to them in a 1:1 ratio, then place in the oven for 2 hours at low temperature. When the product has cooled, it is used for massage, after which the limb is wrapped.


Traditional medicine suggests another interesting method for treating fractures in older people. This is magnetic therapy. In order for the bones to grow together faster, you need to take a small magnet and a plastic container with a handle. Then you need to put the magnet in the jar and move it in a circle over the fracture site. This procedure must be carried out within twenty days. Then take a break for two months and repeat again.

The magnet allows not only to accelerate bone fusion, but also to quickly regenerate soft tissue. This method is contraindicated in patients with hypotension, blood diseases and oncology.

Whatever traditional method you choose, first discuss its use with your doctor. And only after you receive approval can you begin treatment with folk remedies. Be healthy.


Folk remedies for broken leg bones are very diverse. Many healers practice healing lotions that are made from various plants. Dog mint is considered one of the best. It is collected during the active growing season, after which decoctions are prepared with its help. You need to take 42 grams of the mixture, add a liter of water and place the container with the ingredients in a water bath. After the liquid begins to boil, wait another 15 minutes, after which they let it brew for about ten hours.

If the fracture is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, then it can be removed using special ointment lotions. To prepare the product you will need black root and comfrey. The collection is mixed with pork fat and heated over low heat for 3-5 minutes. After the product has cooled, it is applied to the injured limb, then a not too tight bandage is applied overnight. The duration of such therapy is 7 days.

If a broken limb hurts a lot, but you don’t want to take painkillers, you can replace them with grated potatoes. It is also used for compresses, which perfectly eliminate pain symptoms.


Treatment of a fracture of the scaphoid bone using folk methods is also carried out using alcohol medicinal decoctions, which are used to rub the injured limbs. There are a huge number of recipes for their preparation, but this article will discuss the most effective of them. Here are some good options:

  1. For open fractures, comfrey root tincture is considered the best. It not only perfectly relieves pain, but also has a disinfecting effect and also promotes rapid healing of wounds. To prepare it, you need to pour the crushed raw material with medical alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1 to 5 and place it in a dark place for 14 days. The product is taken 25 drops in the morning and evening before meals. In addition, it can be used for lotions.
  2. If you need to treat bone fractures with folk remedies, which are accompanied by damage to the joints, then meadow cornflower will cope well with this task. You will need to collect 50 grams of flowers, pour a liter of boiling water and leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours.

In addition to the above recipes, there are almost countless traditional medicine methods to speed up the healing process of bone tissue disorders. They will be discussed in detail later in this article.

Treatment of bone fractures

The patient must be given first aid immediately after receiving a fracture. First, you need to stop the pain shock, especially if we are talking about a bone fracture in a child. Then you urgently need to stop the bleeding (if any).

After this, it is necessary to immobilize the fracture site using available materials or special means. In case of an open fracture, a sterile gauze pad and a pressure bandage should be carefully applied to the wound on top. This is necessary to prevent re-bleeding and prevent infection from entering the wound.

You should not try to set protruding bone fragments on your own. This will not only cause the person extreme pain, but can only make the situation worse. With a closed fracture, it is necessary to immobilize the fracture site as quickly as possible to prevent displacement of bone fragments and prevent internal bleeding.

Timely first aid provided to the patient greatly facilitates subsequent treatment, reduces rehabilitation time, and prevents the development of complications.

In a hospital setting, the patient can undergo the following activities:

  • plaster application;
  • endoprosthetics;
  • skeletal traction;
  • hardware external compression-distraction osteosynthesis;
  • internal osteosynthesis and a number of others.

In order for recovery after a fracture to proceed normally and the patient’s motor activity to be restored in full, special attention must be paid to the rehabilitation period. The list of activities must include physiotherapy and exercise therapy.


This organomineral product is simply irreplaceable, since it has a wide range of beneficial properties and has been used by traditional healers for a long time to treat many ailments of various origins. As practice shows, mumiyo helps speed up the healing process of broken bones by almost one month.

Mumiyo can be used both in its pure form and for the preparation of various solutions and ointments that are used for lotions. In addition, the product is suitable for internal use. Humanity has never been able to find out the environment of origin of mumiyo, however, its healing properties were known in ancient times.

Based on this component, various folk remedies can be prepared for bone fractures in elderly and young people, but specialists practicing traditional medicine advise using 0.5 grams of mumiyo daily while the course of therapy or rehabilitation is ongoing. As a rule, within a month the bone heals normally and the main symptoms completely disappear. In very difficult cases, when severe fragmentation of the limb has occurred and the soft tissues have been damaged by fragments, treatment is carried out in 3 stages, with a short break between them.

There are a huge number of methods of folk therapy using mumiyo, but the most effective of them are the following recipes:

  1. Take the main component and mix it with liquid honey in a ratio of 1 to 22. The resulting balm is used to treat the areas where the injury occurred.
  2. Mix mountain resin with caraway decoction and drink small amounts several times a day.
  3. A tablespoon of warm water and honey is added to the mummy, after which all components are mixed until smooth. The resulting product is taken orally in the morning and evening, 1 tbsp. l.

If you doubt that such treatment for a fractured arm with bone displacement at home will bring any effective results, then try any of the above recipes for yourself, and you yourself will notice how the pain syndrome gradually disappears, and normal mobility returns to the injured limb and functionality.

Salt with eggs

If you feel pain during a fracture, use the following proven recipe. By the way, it also helps very well with old fractures.

Take ½ teaspoon of crushed salt and the yolk of one egg. Sometimes you can add finely crushed eggshells in small quantities. Half a tablespoon will be enough. Then you need to mix all the available ingredients until smooth.

Place the resulting mixture on thin gauze or a napkin and apply it to the broken bone. The application will gradually begin to harden. Once it resembles plaster, carefully cut it and replace it with a new one. The procedure must be continued until the discomfort in the affected area disappears.


Bones need calcium to be strong, so if a crack has formed on them as a result of an injury, it is very important to provide the body with a sufficient amount of this component. In this case, the treatment of bone fractures with effective folk remedies is aimed precisely at this.

In order for the resulting damage to heal as quickly as possible, you can use ordinary eggshells, which are actually calcium in its purest form. However, it is important to understand here that this element is poorly absorbed in the body, so it is best to adhere to this treatment regimen: hard-boil three chicken eggs, peel them, and grind the shells into powder. Then mix it with the juice of half a lime and put it in the refrigerator for one day.

Citric acid, which is contained in the juice, dissolves the shell, but retains all the necessary microelements. In this form, calcium will be perfectly absorbed and will not be washed out of the body. Using this recipe, you can significantly shorten the rehabilitation period after a fracture. Additionally, your bones will be strong and healthy, reducing the likelihood of future injuries.

Classification of bone fractures

Based on etiology, the following types of fractures are distinguished:

  • traumatic – occur when bone tissue is exposed to various traumatic factors;
  • pathological - occur when the impact of the traumatic factor is not too significant, but the bone is pathologically changed and has a low margin of safety.

Based on the communication between bone fragments and the environment, they are distinguished:

  • closed fractures - the skin is not damaged, the bone does not stick out;
  • open fractures - there is damage to the external integument, the bone sticks out.

Open fractures can be primary or secondary. Primary ones occur immediately after exposure to a traumatic factor. Secondary open fractures appear after injury, as a result of bone fragments cutting through the skin due to improper transportation of the patient or unsuccessful reduction of the bone during treatment.

Types of closed fractures:

  • complete - the ends of the bones are completely separated from each other and shifted in different directions;
  • incomplete - look like a crack in the bone, fragments do not move;
  • single – one bone is injured;
  • multiple – several bones are injured at once;
  • combined – the fracture is combined with damage to visceral organs;
  • combined - a fracture occurs as a result of the impact on the bone of several unfavorable factors at once (chemical, radiation, mechanical).

Based on the location of the bone defect, the following types of fractures are distinguished:

  • proximal, middle, distal (for fractures of tubular bones);
  • impacted – with damage to spongy bones (for example, vertebral bodies);
  • epiphyseal;
  • matafizarnye;
  • diaphyseal.

Depending on the type of defect line of the broken bone, the following types of fractures are distinguished:

  • splintered;
  • oblique;
  • screw;
  • longitudinal;
  • transverse.

Stages of bone healing

This aspect deserves special attention. Treatment with folk remedies for fractures is carried out in 4 stages, at each of which certain processes occur in the body. To make it clearer, let's look at each of them in more detail.

An approximate therapeutic picture looks like this:

  • Stage 1: The brain sends nerve impulses to the bone tissue, which encourage it to form new cells. The more of them there are, the faster the fracture will heal. To speed up the process, the body requires a large amount of vitamin A. To do this, it is recommended to eat grated carrots, which are mixed with homemade sour cream or olive oil. It is not advisable to take vitamin complexes, since an excess of other nutrients can only aggravate the situation.
  • Stage 2: active metabolic processes begin, aimed at cell division and intensive protein synthesis, which serves as the basis for the formation of new bone tissue. At this stage, the body needs vitamin C and iron. The patient does not need any special diet; it will be enough to drink regular ascorbic acid and rosehip decoction, and also eat apples.
  • Stage 3: Direct bone tissue restoration begins. This requires calcium. The daily norm of this component is 1 gram. The best source, as already mentioned, is eggshells. In addition, you can introduce cow's milk and natural cottage cheese into your diet.
  • Stage 4: The bone structure, which was formed as a result of regeneration, acquires ideal mass and smooth edges. This requires vitamin D. It is found in large quantities in fish oil.

It is worth noting that during the rehabilitation period it is advisable to exclude or at least minimize any physical activity, since the body requires a lot of strength and energy to form new bone tissue. Therefore, it is advisable to provide the patient with a state of complete rest. The thing is that any careless movement of the injured limb can lead to the bone healing incorrectly. In this case, folk remedies after a fracture of the radius will no longer be able to help, and the only way out is surgical intervention. Therefore, try to take the therapy very seriously to avoid any negative consequences.

Prevention of bone fractures

The main methods of preventing fractures are:

  • compliance with safety rules when playing sports, proper distribution of physical activity;
  • giving up bad habits - it is known that alcohol abuse and smoking have a negative effect not only on the liver and lungs, but also greatly harm bone health;
  • proper nutrition - avoiding fast food and other junk food, introducing fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products into the diet as a source of calcium to strengthen bone health;
  • wearing comfortable shoes, avoiding high heels;
  • timely treatment of diseases that can lead to the development of increased bone fragility.

Patients' opinions about traditional medicine

So, this article discussed in detail the treatment of bone fractures with folk remedies. Reviews from people who have used ancient recipes are almost all clear. They claim that the methods discussed in this article are very helpful for damage to the integrity of the bone of varying severity. By taking medicinal infusions and decoctions, as well as making compresses along with drug treatment, you can reduce the time required for complete recovery by several times. As for ordinary cracks, traditional methods allow you to heal them even without visiting the hospital. However, you must understand that any self-medication is associated with a certain risk, therefore, before starting it, it is recommended to first consult with a qualified traumatologist and take an X-ray of the injured limb, and only then make any decisions about choosing a treatment method.

Where can I buy

We have a large assortment of both folk remedies and components for their own preparation. When ordering in Moscow or the nearest Moscow region, we deliver the goods by courier. Delivery by mail is possible to other regions of the Russian Federation. Residents and guests of the capital can purchase folk remedies for the treatment of bone fractures in one of the Russian Roots herbal pharmacies.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

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