Buy Chronotron gel for intra-articular injection 20 mg/ml 2 ml No. 1 in pharmacies


Consultation with a specialist is necessary - do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Every fourth resident of Russia suffers from one or another joint pathology. Among the age group over 60 years, at least 97% of people complain of arthralgia; such problems also occur in young people, as well as in children, including congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system. The most unpleasant symptom of such a disease is pain. It often interferes with walking and working normally, and causes constant discomfort. Pantogor is a healing gel for arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases.

What is Pantogor ointment used for, indications for use

Articular cartilage is destroyed due to age, chronic diseases, excess weight, and a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, irreversible consequences may begin.

Articular cartilage is destroyed due to age, chronic diseases, excess weight, and a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, irreversible consequences may begin.

Gel Pantogor is recommended for use as a preventive or therapeutic agent in the presence of such provoking factors:

  • metabolic disease;
  • excess body weight;
  • age over 50 years;
  • tendency to diseases of a bacterial or viral nature;
  • reduced immunity (especially due to allergies), malnutrition;
  • hazardous work;
  • CNS disorders;
  • systematic hypothermia.

The drug can complement the main treatment for numerous disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Side effects

Pantogor has no specific side effects . However, when using it, it should be remembered that some people may have individual intolerance to both the drug as a whole and its individual components. This especially applies to patients who have various allergic reactions.


There have been no cases of overdose using Pantogor..


Possible contraindications for treatment with Pantogor may be due to its composition, which includes the plant devil's claw, which is rarely used in domestic therapeutic practice and pharmaceuticals. However, according to the manufacturer, there are no contraindications for the use of Pantogor.

Composition of dietary supplements, beneficial properties of components

The basis of the ointment is deer antlers or the antlers of young deer. They have long been used in folk medicine, although traditional doctors recognize their restorative effects. About 400 chemical compounds, 40 chemical elements have a positive effect on local immunity and the entire body in general.

In Pantogor, the medicinal properties of the main component are supported and enhanced by other components. Their list is quite extensive. These extracts have the highest concentration:

  • Maclura fruit is a natural antibiotic with antioxidant properties. Effectively relieves pain not only in joints, but also in muscles. It also reduces the risk of growths on the bones;
  • devil's claw - has a sedative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect;
  • Adam's root - has a complex composition, which allows it to effectively relieve inflammation, swelling, and pain. Helps restore the joint;
  • golden mustache - high content of microelements, flavonoids, phytosteroids reduces the risk of developing cancer.

In total, the ointment contains about 40 entirely natural ingredients. No product sold in pharmacies has a similar composition.

Pantogor - reliable protection of your joints and recovery in one course

Sick joints and spine can cause much more severe suffering than most diseases of internal organs. Debilitating pain, the inability to move normally and do favorite things significantly reduce a person’s quality of life, and in 40% of cases lead to loss of ability to work. To forget about back and joint pain once and for all, rheumatologists and orthopedists advise their patients in Moscow to buy Pantogor. This remedy helps regenerate joints and relieves unpleasant symptoms for the whole day. Enjoy an active life without experiencing the slightest inconvenience.

The main effect of Pantogor ointment

Joint diseases are a multifaceted phenomenon, the causes of which are extremely complex. During development, surrounding tissues are affected; in the absence of treatment or gross errors in its administration, the inflammatory process spreads to the entire body.

The dietary supplement has a powerful analgesic effect - after just a quarter of an hour, the pain intensity decreases. The ointment penetrates deep into the joint, which helps to quickly relieve inflammation. Additionally, the drug has a positive effect on local immunity.

The components restore the elasticity of the ligaments. This eliminates joint stiffness, which is less, the better the blood supply. Pantogan copes with this task effectively.

The components of the dietary supplement dilute the joint fluid responsible for mobility. At the same time, its quality improves.


Basic medications for external use with analgesic effect:

  • Finalgon;
  • Capsicam;
  • Diclofenac.

They come in different forms - ointments, creams, sprays, patches, gels and so on. On pharmacy shelves you can find both completely natural drugs, mainly with the addition of capsaicin, bee or snake venom, and completely synthetic drugs.

Pantogor for joints is a universal and affordable remedy for pain relief and recovery:

  • contains natural sources of glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, which “seal” damaged areas of bone and cartilage structures;
  • has a strong analgesic effect, quickly penetrates into areas of inflammation, removes toxins, cleanses blood, lymph, vascular walls, and removes excess fluid;
  • helps cope with mobility impairments, stiffness, spasms and convulsions;
  • removes swelling, body aches, crunching, sensation of strong friction during exercise or movement;
  • can be used for a long time up to 3-4 times a day as needed without addiction and other side effects;
  • consists only of natural ingredients, therefore it is safe, harmless, does not affect the functioning of internal organs and does not upset the balance of the entire body;
  • easy to use - has a light, delicate consistency, pleasant aroma, does not cause rash, redness or irritation during use.

Pantogor does not contain steroids, chemicals, alcohol, capsaicin, due to which it acts gently and quickly.

How to buy Pantogor, availability in pharmacies in Moscow?

You can submit an application for the purchase of Pantogor on our website. We guarantee the authenticity of the product, the availability of certificates, an affordable price and free consultations with specialists. The form is posted on the website. You need to indicate your details in it, then send it online to our specialist and wait for his call. Delivery by courier or mail.

Why is the pharmacy “For Our Own!” is it convenient and profitable?

  • Buy Pantogor in Moscow for a price of 147 rubles!
  • According to our rules, you pay for the product only after receiving it.
  • We will deliver Pantogor no later than 12/12/2021.
  • Our prices are without extra charges, because we work directly with suppliers.
  • Various delivery options, including pickup.

Pharmacies in Moscow:

Doctor Stoletov Phone:
+7 (495) 788–11–00
Lubyansky pr., 15, building 2, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
24 hours a day
Evalar Telephone:
Novoslobodskaya st., 12, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
Ozerki Telephone:

+7 (499) 603–00–00
Pushechnaya st., 9/6, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
Daily 08:00–23:00

Planet Health Telephone:

+7 (495) 369-33-00
Meshchanskaya st., 14, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
daily, 09:00–22:00

Pharmacy 24 Phone:
Zubovsky Blvd., 17, building 1, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
24 hours a day
Capitals Telephone:

, +7 (499) 649-65-36
Lyusinovskaya st., 6, Moscow, Russia
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 08:00–22:00; Sat, Sun 09:00–21:00

How to distinguish the original Pantogor from a fake

This dietary supplement must be supplied with a certificate. The absence of a document in the package is the first sign of counterfeit.

Each package must have a code. Uniqueness can be easily checked by entering the printed numbers on the manufacturer’s page. If the answer says that the code was not found, then this means that this is a fake.

Question to the expert

Is it possible to use Pantogor without the consent of your doctor?

Yes, this is completely acceptable. The main thing is to first conduct a sensitivity test by applying a little ointment to your wrist. After 15 minutes, the result is assessed - if the skin has not changed, there is no allergy to the product.

Is the ointment suitable for prevention?

Of course, the components help maintain healthy joints and ligaments.

If it is a dietary supplement, does this mean that the therapeutic effect is not worth it?

No, this is a wrong opinion. Numerous reviews not only from users, but also from doctors confirm the effectiveness.

Ask your question to an expert

Frolova Anastasia Sergeevna

Therapist of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Ask a Question

Pantogor is a unique remedy that effectively treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is also recommended for use for the prevention of pathologies by persons whose activities involve stress on the joints.

✅✅✅ Order Pantogor Gel for joints at a promotion via the Internet in our pharmacy

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