Damage to the extensor tendons of the fingers and hand

Knowledge of the anatomy of the main muscle groups allows you to correctly build a training program and symmetrically develop their shape. Arm muscles play an important role in human life, and their development improves not only everyday functions, but also gives a sporty silhouette to their wearer. Once you know the structure and functions of the arm muscles, you can create an exercise program yourself.

Muscles of the arm diagram-drawing

Biceps - exercises and training features[edit | edit code]


The best exercises for biceps

Biceps (highlighted)


biceps brachii
, is a large, easily visible muscle on the front of the shoulder. The biceps, according to general opinion, is the formal embodiment of a person's musculature, and traditionally the assessment of physique comes down to assessing the size of the biceps. Many bodybuilders, especially beginners, focus most of their attention on the biceps. In this regard, countless articles, literature, training programs, tips and recommendations dedicated to biceps training have been created.

Anatomy[edit | edit code]

Read the main article:
Biceps - anatomy and functions

The biceps has two heads or bundles (“bi” means “two”). The long head is located in the front, outer part of the arm, starting from the upper edge of the shoulder blade, called the glenoid fossa. The short head runs closer to the inside of the arm and also starts from the shoulder blade, but slightly lower. Next, both heads merge and enter the tuberosity of the radius. The main function of the biceps is to flex the arm at the elbow joint, so almost all exercises consist of this movement.

Features of the training[edit | edit code]

Beginners should not train every day because... your muscles are not yet accustomed to heavy loads, develop them gradually. For example, start with 3 workouts a week for an hour and do not forget that muscles love a large number of repetitions and exercise through strength - this will not only create muscle relief, but will also contribute to the growth of the biceps muscle (biceps).

  • It is enough to train biceps once every 1-2 days. This should not be done more often, since the muscles will not have time to recover, and growth is possible only if there is complete recovery.

Risk factors

The risk of tendon rupture increases: • Advanced age. Older people, due to their age, load their tendons for a longer period of time than younger people. • Vigorous activity with arms raised. Excessive strain during heavy lifting is the best example, but there are many jobs that require regular lifting of heavy objects, which causes wear and tear on the tendons. • Excessive load on the shoulder joint. Sports that require repetitive overhead movements of the arms, such as swimming or tennis, can cause significant wear and tear on the tendons. • Smoking. Nicotine can affect the delivery of nutrients to tendons. • Corticosteroids. Corticosteroid use is associated with increased muscle and tendon weakness.

The best exercises for biceps[edit | edit code]

One of the most common misconceptions is that some exercises develop the width of the biceps, others form the peak, others the upper part, fourth the lower part, and so on. In fact, the shape of the biceps is determined 90% genetically, and most exercises use the entire biceps. Thus, it is almost impossible to change the shape of the biceps, which cannot be said about its volume.


Electromyography results

Scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil compared the most popular biceps exercises: standing dumbbell biceps curls, dumbbell biceps curls while sitting on an incline bench, and dumbbell curls on a “Scott bench”, with the goal of finding out which is most effective for hypertrophy muscles. It turned out that biceps curls on the “Scott Bench” turned out to be the least effective exercise

. Firstly, this exercise has the shortest range of motion. Secondly, on the “Scott Bench” the biceps receives less load in the last third of the flexion amplitude, as well as in the first third of the arm extension amplitude (the negative phase of the movement). When lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing, as well as sitting on an incline bench, the neuromuscular load is distributed evenly throughout the entire amplitude of movement, making them the most effective exercises for both developing strength and muscle hypertrophy (for the data obtained on all exercises, see Fig. “Electromyography results”) ").

Basic or isolation exercises[edit | edit code]

Most biceps exercises are isolation exercises because:

  1. the relatively small biceps brachii muscle and an even smaller muscle, the brachioradialis or brachialis, work;
  2. Only one joint is involved in the work - the elbow.

The only undisputed basic biceps exercise is the close-grip pull-up. This exercise involves two main muscle groups - the back muscles (mostly the latissimus muscle) and the biceps. Pull-ups are a complex exercise in which the biceps are trained through the movement of two joints - the elbow and shoulder.

Elbow position[edit | edit code]

The long head of the biceps brachii muscle is highlighted in red, the short head is highlighted in green.
When training the biceps brachii, it is important to distinguish between the long and short heads of the biceps brachii muscle. The long head is the outer part of the muscle that creates the silhouette of the biceps, its largest part. The short head creates volume at the lower part of the muscle and its inner surface, which is closer to the body. Which head works more depends on the position of the elbows, in front of you (raised), near the body or behind the body.

Biceps curl with elbows raised.

When you raise your elbows, you work your brachialis a little more and your biceps a little less than with a classic reverse-grip biceps curl.
This position isolates the inside of the biceps and the bottom
, i.e. short head. This is what happens on most machines and Scott benches.

  • Scott Bench Curls
  • Lifting the barbell on the “prayer bench” (Scott bench)
  • Biceps curl while sitting on a machine
  • Curling arms with handles of upper blocks
  • Block row for biceps
  • One arm curl with lower pulley handle
  • Spider Curls
  • Scott Bench Curls
  • Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench
  • Biceps curl while sitting on a machine
  • Curling arms with handles of upper blocks
  • Block row for biceps
  • Spider Curls

Biceps curl with elbows pulled back.

By moving your elbows back (for example, doing incline biceps curls), you are more effective in isolating and
pumping the outer part of the biceps
, i.e. long head. The inner heads of the biceps and brachial muscles are worked to a lesser extent.

  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Dumbbell biceps curl
  • Barbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curls for girls
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells
  • Seated biceps curl
  • Concentrated arm curl
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Dumbbell biceps curl
  • Barbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curls for girls
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells
  • Seated biceps curl
  • Concentrated arm curl

Meaning of grip[edit | edit code]

Grip options for biceps curls
The position of the hands (pronation and supination) plays an important role in determining the muscles worked, whether it will be the biceps or the brachialis muscles. Therefore, when working on biceps, you need to think not only about what exercises to do, but also about how to hold the apparatus correctly. Only if these basic conditions are met, the desired result will not take long to arrive.

Reverse grip

or classic, is an ideal option for working out the biceps.
Hands in supination
, example of exercises:

  • Close grip pull-ups
  • Dumbbell biceps curl
  • Barbell curl
  • Crossover Curl
  • Scott Bench Curls
  • Seated dumbbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curls for girls
  • One arm curl with lower pulley handle
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Seated biceps curl
  • Spider Curls
  • Block row for biceps
  • Concentrated arm curl
  • Close grip pull-ups
  • Dumbbell biceps curl
  • Barbell curl
  • Crossover Curl
  • Scott Bench Curls
  • Seated dumbbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curls for girls
  • One arm curl with lower pulley handle
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Seated biceps curl
  • Spider Curls
  • Block row for biceps
  • Concentrated arm curl

Neutral grip

If you want the brachioradialis and brachioradialis muscles to work more actively when working your biceps, a neutral grip is ideal. Hands in a pronated

  • Standing hammer grip dumbbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curl with hammer grip
  • Hammer grip dumbbell curls on an incline bench
  • Hammer grip dumbbell curls

Direct grip (fingers away from you).

In this case, most of the work is performed by the shoulder and brachioradialis muscles.
Hands in a pronated
. Biceps are almost not involved!

  • Pull-ups, most variations, with the exception of close-grip pull-ups (biceps work actively)
  • Classic pull-ups
  • Wide grip pull-ups on the machine
  • Low bar pull-ups

Your body is your trainer

Exercises using your own body weight are generally easy to perform. In addition, they do not require additional equipment, except that it is better to take care of comfortable clothes and shoes for training in advance. You can perform strength and other types of exercises with your own weight both at home and outdoors. True, if the goal of training is not to maintain your current shape, but to build muscle mass, gradually your own body weight will become an insufficient load and you will have to practice exercises with your own weight.

or move to the gym.

How does exercise using your own body differ from other types of exercise? they do not require additional tools to perform them

in the form of exercise machines, weights, dumbbells or other weights. All necessary load is provided by the body. For example, a similar load can be obtained by lifting weights, such as a barbell, or doing pull-ups, i.e. lift your own body. You can use simulators to train your leg muscles by doing lifts with weights, or you can do squats.

Exercises with your own body weight are easy even for beginners, because this type of exercise is the most natural for our body, such a load will not be excessive for the body, in addition, it can be easily adjusted by reducing or increasing the number and duration of approaches. Since exercises to overcome your own weight do not require special training, you can perform them yourself, without resorting to the services of trainers. However, special attention must be paid to the technique of performing the exercises so that the result meets expectations.

Biceps exercises with weights[edit | edit code]

  • Dumbbell biceps curl
  • Barbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curls for girls
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Seated biceps curl
  • Standing hammer grip dumbbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curl with hammer grip
  • Hammer grip dumbbell curls on an incline bench
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Concentrated arm curl
  • Spider Curls
  • Dumbbell biceps curl
  • Barbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curl
  • Seated dumbbell curls for girls
  • Alternating arm curls with dumbbells
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl
  • Seated biceps curl
  • Hammer grip dumbbell curls
  • Concentrated arm curl
  • Spider Curls

Main causes of injury

The following factors can lead to biceps injury:

  • Excessive force on the shoulder during sports, lifting and carrying heavy objects
  • Age-related changes (in people over 40 years old, tendons lose their strength)
  • Chronic inflammation in this area (rheumatoid arthritis, impingement, elbow bursitis, etc.) leads to wear and tear of the tendons, and as a result, the risk of injury increases even after minor injuries
  • Taking certain medications (such as statins)
  • Microtraumas

Biceps exercises on machines[edit | edit code]

  • Scott Bench Curls
  • Lifting the barbell on the “prayer bench” (Scott bench)
  • Biceps curl while sitting on a machine
  • Curling arms with handles of upper blocks
  • Block row for biceps
  • One arm curl with lower pulley handle
  • Scott Bench Curls
  • Lifting the barbell on a Scott bench
  • Biceps curl while sitting on a machine
  • Curling arms with handles of upper blocks
  • Block row for biceps
  • One arm curl with lower pulley handle

Place among other muscle groups

All muscles that are located on the upper limb are divided according to the principle of anatomical localization (places of attachment and location) and function. There are muscles of the shoulder, forearm and hand. And according to their functions they are divided into flexors and extensors. The biceps belongs to the muscles of the shoulder: it is located in the anatomical region of the shoulder - the humerus.

This area is also divided into anterior and posterior groups. They are separated from each other by connective tissue plates. The anterior group performs the function of flexion, and the posterior group performs extension. The biceps belongs to the anterior group of shoulder flexors. And from these facts alone, its structure and field of activity become clear.

More about anatomy

Each muscle in the body has:

  • attachment points - bony protrusions to which muscle or tendon fibers go;
  • tendon - a long cord of connective tissue that helps attach the muscle and acts as a guide extension;
  • muscle fibers – muscle belly, muscle tissue itself;
  • fascia - thin but dense connective tissue that forms a sheath for each muscle;
  • vessels and nerves - they approach the muscles and are divided in their thickness, performing the function of nutrition and control.

To better understand the place of attachment of the biceps, let's look a little more closely at the skeleton of the arm in the shoulder area.


The shoulder is anatomically a complex collection of muscles and joints. What is commonly called the shoulder is a connection of several bones: the scapula, humerus and clavicle. The shoulder joint is formed from the humerus and scapula. The humerus has a tubular structure: a spherical head and a long body, which ends with processes that form the elbow joint.

Shoulder joint and attachment points

The head of the shoulder joint is attached to the glenoid cavity of the scapula. At its upper edge there is a supraglenoid tubercle. The head and socket form a ball-and-socket joint, where the head of the humerus “rolls” over the scapula. Overhanging this depression is the coracoid process of the scapula, which connects to the collarbone. The supraglenoid tubercle and the coracoid process are the attachment points of the biceps in the upper part.

In the lower part, the humerus connects to the bones of the forearm: the ulna and radius. The latter has a bony bump on the inside of the bone - a tuberosity, to which the lower part of the biceps is attached. These bone formations play a leading role in the structure of the biceps.


Diagnosis of a rupture of the long head of the biceps is carried out in several stages. At the beginning, the doctor finds out the mechanism and circumstances of the injury, clarifies whether there were injuries before, whether the patient was involved in sports, whether his work involves constant physical activity.

After collecting anamnesis, the orthopedist-traumatologist proceeds to the examination. The doctor visually assesses the condition of the upper limb, determines whether there is a hematoma or tubercle in the distal part of the shoulder. An important factor is the presence, localization and persistence of pain. The volume of active and passive movements of the upper limb is also determined. If the case is serious and the gap is complete, active movements are limited.

To clarify the diagnosis and determine the extent of damage, additional examination methods are used. Ultrasound is widely used; the method allows you to accurately determine complete ruptures. MRI is used to obtain more accurate information about the location of the injury, as well as to visualize small tears and intra-articular injuries.

Fig. 3 MRI picture of a tendon rupture of the long head of the biceps

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