Benign bone tumors

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Cutaneous horn is a neoplasm that can be benign or malignant. The growth occurs on the surface of the skin.

A cutaneous horn is a growth, the causes of which have not yet been fully established. The formation appears on the skin, less often on the mucous membranes. Removal is the only way to get rid of the skin horn.

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Symptoms and causes

The reasons for the appearance of cutaneous horn are not fully understood. It occurs as a result of the process of hyperkeratosis. Skin cells divide very quickly, then just as quickly, cells overflowing with keratin are pushed to the surface of the skin, where they die. This leads to the growth of the tumor.

The size of the cutaneous horn can vary. There are two varieties of it:

  • benign;
  • malignant.

The primary cutaneous horn is benign. It appears spontaneously and can occur anywhere on the skin, for example, on the head, ear. At this stage, it is possible to remove the growth if it causes physical or psychological discomfort. No inflammation is observed. The second type of cutaneous horn is secondary, malignant. At this stage, an inflammatory process develops and there is a risk of degeneration.

Why is the growth removed?

The cutaneous horn is removed for several reasons:

  • At risk of degeneration at the second stage.
  • If the horn is large and causes discomfort, it is located on the head or ear.

The skin horn becomes dangerous when inflammation occurs. A doctor can easily identify its signs.

Treatment: surgical removal of the tumor

Osteomas are treated in one way - only surgery. The operation is indicated for people with severe cosmetic defects or when there is compression of neurovascular structures caused by osteoma.

Such tumors are removed by an oncologist surgeon. If the tumor is small and does not compress nearby anatomical structures, you should not rush into surgery to remove the osteoma. It is advisable to consult a neurosurgeon. And be observed by a doctor, undergoing regular skull x-rays or tomography.

If osteoma manifests itself in eye symptoms, a feeling of fullness, neurological signs, intense and frequent headaches, and increased blood pressure, then in such cases the tumor must be removed.

The smaller the tumor, the fewer problems there will be during surgery. Small osteomas are usually removed endoscopically. They are performed under general anesthesia and are removed piece by piece. Large tumors are removed using craniotomy. And this means the mandatory removal of the plate located close to the osteoma, a healthy bone. This bone area is then replaced with a titanium plate.


As after any other operation, a patient who has had an osteoma removed needs time for rehabilitation. Rehabilitation begins already in the surgical hospital. There, doctors are taking measures aimed at preventing secondary infections and accelerating tissue regeneration processes. The second stage of rehabilitation is organizing the correct regimen for the patient and following a special calcium diet.


After surgery for osteoma of the frontal bone, at least in the first 6 months, take care and avoid ARVI.

Treatment at home, folk remedies

If osteoma is discovered and the patient is waiting for osteoma management, then it cannot be treated independently with any compresses, ointments, or heating. These actions will only speed up the process of tumor development.

Folk remedies for treating osteoma include celandine. But it needs to be collected during flowering, usually in May. At this time, celandine is most useful. It is ground in a meat grinder, then the juice is squeezed out, pouring it into a jar. For 2 weeks, this product, covered with a lid, should ferment. Then the juice is applied to the location of the neoplasm daily, while simultaneously consuming a few drops of it orally.

But still, you should not self-medicate to avoid complications. If you have symptoms of osteoma of the frontal bone, you should immediately consult a doctor. A specialist who has completed the diagnosis will recommend making a decision on the method of treatment.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Cost of skin horn removal

Laser tumor removalPrices, rub.
Laser removal of papillomas, single warts - Cat. I. difficulties 1200
Laser removal of papillomas, multiple warts - Cat. I. difficulties 350
Laser removal of moles, papillomas, warts - Cat. II. difficulties 700
Laser removal of moles, papillomas, warts - Cat. III. difficulties 1500
Laser removal of moles, papillomas, warts - IV category. difficulties 3000
Laser removal of moles, papillomas, warts - Cat. V. difficulties 4500
Laser removal of moles, papillomas, warts - Cat. VI. difficulties 6100
CO2 Laser callus removal (per unit)6100
Removal of atheroma, lipoma, fibroma, xanthelasma with laser - Cat. I. difficulties 6 900
Removal of atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, lipoma, fibroma, xanthelasma with laser - Category II. difficulties 9 400
Removal of atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, lipoma, fibroma, xanthelasma with laser - Cat. III. difficulties 16 900
Removal of atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, lipoma, fibroma, xanthelasma with laser - IV category. difficulties 22 400
Removal of atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, lipoma, fibroma, xanthelasma with laser - Cat. V. difficulties 33 400

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Removal methods

Skin growths can be removed using several methods:

  • laser;
  • radio wave;
  • surgical;
  • exposure to liquid nitrogen.

Removal using cryotherapy, a surgical scalpel and a radio wave instrument leaves marks. A scar remains on the skin, its size depends on the size of the formation. The most popular method of tumor removal in Moscow is laser.

Features of laser removal

It is better to remove growths on the head and auricle using a laser. This method has several advantages:

  • Does not leave scars or scars.
  • The patient does not feel pain.
  • There is no risk of harming healthy cells and tissues.
  • The patient will definitely not get infected or become infected, because the instrument does not touch the tissues at all.
  • There is no bleeding after surgery or during removal of the growth.

The laser simply evaporates the affected cells without affecting healthy ones. In this case, the instrument does not come into contact with the skin - the procedure is carried out at a distance. The depth of penetration of the laser beam depends on the nature of the tumor. After removal, you don't have to worry about leaving an ugly scar. The laser leaves no traces at all; moreover, old scars are removed with the help of a laser beam in cosmetology.

Photos before and after skin horn removal

Symptoms of osteoma

This neoplasm, arising on the outer part of the bone, is a dense, fixed spot that has a smooth surface with a shine. Such a tumor is a cosmetic defect, without the presence of pain. If you press it with your fingers, you won’t feel any unpleasant sensations either.

Osteoma, which develops on the cranial vault, on its inner walls, can cause such manifestations in a person’s body as:

  • severe headaches;
  • seizures; convulsions;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • memory impairment.

If an internal tumor has grown into the orbital area, ocular symptoms immediately appear. This is expressed in a displacement towards the eyeball, its protrusion, and inactivity. When the tumor covers the nasolacrimal duct, inflammation of the lacrimal sac is observed, it turns red and swells.


Such osteomas are most often diagnosed using MRI of the head or X-ray examinations. In the picture you can easily see the darkening and clearly visible boundaries of this neoplasm. An experienced doctor will accurately calculate the size of the developing tumor and its relationship with other areas of the skull. X-rays must be taken in two projections.

And, to clarify the diagnosis, if there is a suspicion of osteoma in the sinuses or inside the bones of the skull, a computed tomography is performed.

Often the tumor forms in the frontal sinus. A specialist may suspect an osteoma in the frontal sinus if the patient complains of a constant headache occurring in the frontal sinus area, or his voice has changed in timbre or vision has deteriorated in one eye.

Treatment: surgical removal of the tumor.

This disease can only be cured with surgery. The operation is prescribed for significant cosmetic defects and if the tumor causes compression of the anatomical structures that surround it. An oncologist surgeon operates.

Is surgery always necessary?

  • If the tumor is small in size, does not put pressure on neighboring organs, does not hurt and is not a major cosmetic defect, then there is no rush to undergo surgery. In this case, they are limited to regular MRI, X-ray and observation by a doctor.
  • If ocular symptoms, neurological disorders, high blood pressure, a feeling of fullness, or headache appear, the tumor is removed.

Patients who experience any symptoms associated with this disease should always consult a doctor. Removing a small tumor is much easier. This is done using an endoscope. During the intervention, the patient is under anesthesia, the tumor is fragmented and removed in parts. At an advanced stage, craniotomy may be necessary, removing a plate of healthy bone near the tumor and replacing it with titanium.


  • The first stage is the inpatient surgical department. At this time, measures necessary to prevent the occurrence of secondary infection and to accelerate tissue regeneration are taken.
  • The second stage is a special diet with a high calcium content, a rational mode of work and rest. During this period, it is very important to prevent hypothermia and the occurrence of colds for at least six months.

Symptoms and diagnosis of bone tumors

Benign bone tumors most often develop without pronounced symptoms and can only in some cases cause pain. That is why they are usually discovered by chance - either by feeling a painful place on the bone, or during an x-ray examination. It happens that a tumor grows undetected to a significant size. In this case it becomes visible. A large bone tumor can cause problems in the functioning of the limb and significant pain, since due to its size it compresses the tendons and nerves.

With some types of benign tumors, increased bone fragility and frequent fractures are possible.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient undergoes bone x-ray, tomography and angiography (vascular examination). These examinations make it possible to learn about the changes that have occurred in the bone tissue and to analyze the characteristics of the blood supply to the tumor. To definitively confirm the diagnosis and clarify the type of tumor, the patient undergoes a bone biopsy.

What is osteoma?

It is a benign tumor that appears on the bone and produces bone tissue. Osteoma grows, but very slowly and never degenerates into a malignant form. It is usually located on the bones of the skull, may be on the facial bones, and can also be located on the phalanges of the big toes, on the humerus and femur.

The tumor has different types. It can be spongy, hard, brain-like. According to another classification, there are 2 types of neoplasms: hyperplastic and heteroplastic. The first type develops from bone tissue, and the second - from connective tissue.

Osteoma is easily detected. On the skull it is located in the back of the head, on the forehead or in the maxillary sinuses. On the head, the tumor consists of bone tissue, and if it is in the tubular bones, it is made of spongy substance. Sometimes an osteoma can be located inside a bone.

Treatment of bone tumors

As a rule, patients with benign tumors most often undergo sparing surgical operations. The doctor removes the tumor and, if necessary, performs a bone resection, removing a certain part of it. In some cases, after resection, the patient undergoes bone grafting - the missing part of the bone is replaced with a graft. For some types of benign bone tumors, patients receive radiation therapy.

Non-neoplastic bone formations

Not all bone lumps are tumors - benign or malignant. Overgrowths of bone or cartilage tissue can also be of a non-tumor nature. Reaching significant sizes, they can cause significant discomfort by pinching nerve endings and tendons.

Any surgical operations on bone tissue are associated with an increased risk of infectious and other complications, so treatment should be trusted only to qualified specialists. Euroonko carries out a full diagnosis of any formations on the bones, and, if necessary, removal of tumors and exostoses.

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