Meniscus tear or bruise: what's the difference? How to identify a meniscus injury?

A knee brace is an orthopedic leg brace that is worn around the knee joint and is used to stabilize the knee joint and stabilize the patella and support the meniscus and ligaments. There are several types of products on the market that go by the general name “knee brace,” but perform different functions and are prescribed for different medical indications. Some types of knee braces can be purchased independently, others are chosen only on the recommendation of a doctor, trainer or physical therapist. In any case, quite often an inexperienced consumer does not fully understand what knee pads are, and what type of product is right for him.

Especially for such cases, we have prepared a detailed article in which we will consider the main types of orthopedic knee pads, their function and application features.

Why are knee pads needed and who needs them?

The legs are an element of the musculoskeletal system, which, along with the spine, is subject to the most intense loads. At the same time, their joints are at greatest risk. Acute or chronic pain in the knee joints worries not only older people, but also young, physically active people.

In the first case, problems with the knee joints are associated with age-related degenerative processes. In the second, pain is a symptom indicating overload of the knee joint and its damage to one degree or another.

In addition, the cause of pain in young people is often various joint diseases or previous operations in this area.

So, wearing knee pads is prescribed:

  • physically active people, athletes and people whose work involves significant stress on the knee joints. Wearing a bandage reduces the risk of injury due to high loads on the joints;
  • in a complex of therapeutic measures in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases (synovitis, bursitis, arthrosis);
  • for the treatment of fractures inside the joint;
  • to maintain ligaments and muscles after sprain or ligament rupture;
  • as part of rehabilitation after surgery or injury. In such cases, bandage provides immobilization of the injured area;
  • with instability of the knee joint;
  • infections and inflammations in the area of ​​the joint capsule;
  • with Schlagger-Osgood disease.

The main question is how to choose knee pads from a large assortment if the recommendations of a doctor or trainer were not entirely accurate? We'll tell you!

Which knee brace should I choose for a torn meniscus?

The choice of a knee brace (which is required for all meniscus tears) depends on the time that has passed since the injury. The stability of the joint and the severity of swelling are also of great importance. Products for meniscal tears can be divided into three groups:

  • Orthoses for rigid immobilization of the joint. Needed in the first 2-6 months after a breakup. It is better if they have adjustable hinges - this way you can quickly return to active life after injury or surgery.
  • Bandages with hinges. Comfortable, everyday bandages used to stabilize and protect the knee joint. The unique breathable fabric of good bandages massages and gently fits the knee. Side metal inserts reliably hold it in the correct physiological position. Relevant 3-6 months after a traumatic rupture, for degenerative ruptures.
  • Anatomical soft bandages. Sometimes even after a meniscus tear the joint remains stable. Special bandages with a compression mechanism reduce pain and swelling. They comfortably and gently massage and stimulate the knee joint, improving its metabolism and health.

Fabric knee pads often have additional massage inserts and stripes. They are needed to stimulate proprioception - the “sixth sense” of the body. This term describes the unique perception of one's position by the bones and muscles. If proprioception works well, re-injury is unlikely.

Rigid knee braces (orthoses and splints) are usually purchased on the recommendation of a doctor. Soft bandages are often tried on their own. Medtechnika Orthosalon stores always have dozens of models of bandages in stock to eliminate pain and stabilize the knee. Consultants are always ready to help in choosing the most suitable and effective knee brace.

Knee pad hardness

Bandages for the knee joint differ primarily in the level of fixation of the joint. Thus, elastic knitted knee pads are used for sports and other types of physical activity. They provide soft fixation of the knee joint, providing a preventive or therapeutic effect.

Bandages with elastic stiffeners are prescribed for damage to the lateral ligaments or joint laxity. Most often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after injuries.

The toughest orthopedic knee pads are orthoses (straights), which are used to immobilize the knee joint. They are essentially taxes on the cast.

A separate type can be considered compression bandages, which are characterized by minimal compression, but have a noticeable warming effect.

It is worth understanding that this is only the basic classification of knee pads. In fact, there are a great many models of knee pads and each of them differs from the previous one in special modifications.

We propose to consider the well-known models in more detail.

Medical indications for wearing elastic knee pads

Elastic knee pads are used for the prevention and treatment of knee joint diseases. Frequent indications for wearing an elastic knee brace:

  • joint diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis;
  • knee dislocations;
  • excess weight;
  • high physical activity;
  • previous injuries and operations on the knee joint.

For arthritis and arthrosis, an elastic knee pad supports the knee joint and relieves stress on it. As a result, knee pain decreases and knee joint mobility improves.

Read more in the article Knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint.

In case of tendon rupture, dislocation, or meniscus injury, maximum fixation knee pads are used. Their function is to fix and completely immobilize the knee joint. An orthopedic doctor or surgeon should prescribe a knee brace for a disease of the knee joint.

Compression warming knee pad

Provides minimal to medium compression. A period of rehabilitation after sports and domestic injuries is prescribed to fix the patella and stabilize the knee joint. It is also used to prevent sprains and dislocations, and has a warming effect for arthrosis and arthritis. The bandage fixes and warms soft tissues and superficial vessels, improving blood circulation.

Made from cotton-based knitwear or natural wool.

What materials are elastic knee pads made from?

Orthopedic stores have a large selection of elastic knee pads made from natural and artificial materials.

Wool knee pads

Elastic knee pads made of wool are very popular among people with age-related changes in joints.

They are made from sheep, camel and dog hair. Wool knee pads have a warming effect, reduce pain, and improve blood circulation in the knee joint.

Knee pads made from dog hair are considered especially useful.

Elastic dog hair knee pad:

  • very light and durable;
  • contains biologically active substances, the penetration of which through the skin has a beneficial effect on the body;
  • neutralizes electrical charges;
  • warms and retains heat;
  • promotes blood flow to the sore knee;
  • has a micromassage effect.

Cotton knee pads

Cotton knee pads do not have good elasticity. But they feel comfortable on the foot, do not rub, and do not cause allergies.

This is used by people whose work involves standing on their feet for a long time. This knee pad has a slight warming and supportive effect.

Tourmaline warming knee pads

Tourmaline knee pads, on the contrary, are recommended to be worn no more than half an hour a day. It is believed that they have a significant warming effect and promote tissue regeneration in the knee joint.

Patients note a decrease in pain and improved mobility of the knee joints after wearing tourmaline knee pads.

Synthetic elastic knee pads

Elastic knee pads made of synthetic materials are stronger and more durable. Knee pads made of neoprene, lycra, and other synthetic materials are used for sports and for the treatment of diseases of the knee joint.

Neoprene elastic knee pad:

  • provides moderate fixation, stabilization and unloading of the capsule and ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint;
  • has a massage and warming effect;
  • Can be used for swimming.

Lycra knee pads:

  • have increased elasticity and compression effect;
  • They are durable, durable, and provide good air circulation;
  • they are thin and invisible under clothing.

An elastic knee brace is designed for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases. Preventative, warming elastic knee pads can be purchased independently. Knee braces for the treatment of diseases must be prescribed by an orthopedic doctor.

Elastic knee pads of varying degrees of fixation made from natural and synthetic materials are offered by the Aesculapius network of orthopedic salons. .

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Elastic sports knee pad

This knee brace provides enhanced compression of the knee and can be supplemented with ties. Designed to fix the knee joint when it is damaged, but at the same time maintaining the opportunity for physical activity.

Main functions and features:

  • effectively supports and fixes the knee;
  • provides uniform compression without restricting movement;
  • does not cause discomfort due to the anatomical design;
  • Made from stretch cotton jersey, neoprene, lycra or nylon. Designed to remove moisture (generated during sports) from the body and quickly evaporate it.

Recommended for athletes and people who remain physically active after receiving a knee injury.

A separate model of an elastic knee pad can be considered a knee pad with a patellar ring and side springs. The springs prevent lateral loading or torsion, and the ring relieves stress on the patellar tendon.

Universal knee brace with ties and meniscus support

Such products include wraparound bandages with adjustable coverage and meniscal support.

Prescribed for:

  • dislocated knee;
  • instability of the kneecap;
  • lateral tilt of the kneecap;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • when softening cartilage tissue.

The product provides reliable fixation of the knee without depriving you of freedom of movement. The knee pad is easy to put on thanks to the front fasteners, and additional elastic straps create the necessary compression effect.

Such bandages are often equipped with a hole. They stabilize the kneecap, promote recovery from cruciate ligament injuries, and limit excessive back-to-front motion.

Knee pads with stiffeners

Knee pads can be equipped with elastic or metal ribs that provide different levels of fixation. The choice depends on when to wear knee pads and for what indications. Knee pads with elastic stiffeners act as analogues of elastic bandages - they fix the knee and meniscus, relieve the joint and the musculoskeletal system as a whole, without limiting mobility.

Knee pads with rigid ribs and metal hinges perform similar functions, but are prescribed for more serious injuries and illness.

These knee pads are indispensable for:

  • developing arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • damage to cartilage tissue;
  • meniscus tear.

The main difference between such knee braces and orthoses is that they maintain knee mobility.

Knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint: how to choose the right one

Effectiveness of using modern orthopedic products

The main symptoms and problems with various arthrosis are:

  • complaints of pain when walking and bending;
  • swelling of diarthrosis,
  • therefore, inattention to such manifestations increases the risks of exacerbation and progression of the disease.
  • The correct choice of knee pads helps both in rehabilitation measures and in the treatment of arthrosis, since the use of these medical devices allows for blood flow to the joint affected by the disease, improving nutrition and stimulating the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  • In addition, the use of knee braces in the treatment of arthrosis makes it possible to reduce pain symptoms by reliably and carefully fixing diarthrosis.

Classification of bandage devices

Quite a variety of orthopedic devices of this type are usually classified into groups:

  • products made from elastic materials, solid, often equipped with special rigid inserts and worn in the form of stockings, are considered bandages;
  • one-piece or detachable, rather complex structures that provide varying degrees of flexibility - orthoses designed to limit the mobility of the damaged joint.

Since such orthopedic products are mainly used in conjunction with medications and therapeutic agents, recommendations on how to choose and when to use knee pads are given by the attending physician, which makes it possible to achieve greater effectiveness of the entire complex of products.

Types of orthopedic products used in the treatment of arthrosis

To fix the knee joint, different types of fixing pads can be prescribed:

  • closed type;
  • open;
  • hinged;
  • magnetic.
  1. In addition, a knee brace for arthrosis can create a warming effect.
  2. Thus, for gonarthrosis of the knee joint, orthopedists usually prescribe a minimum amount of medications, especially in the initial stages of the disease.
  3. The specialist takes into account the intensity of pain and its location, after which medical recommendations are given on the choice of a particular device.

Closed types of linings

For example, closed knee pads, which are a kind of elastic bandage fixed using an overhead mechanism, are often prescribed for osteoarthritis and are performed:

  • with adjustable material tension;
  • with spiral inserts for fixing the knee joint.

A therapeutic bandage of this type helps to cope with the disease if the pain in diarthrosis is diffuse in nature, allowing it to fix the diseased joint while warming it, which helps reduce inflammatory processes.

Open orthopedic products

Open type products are equipped with a fastening element and are used to fix diarthrosis in mild forms of the disease.

A knee brace for arthrosis can be used both during treatment of the disease and during the patient’s rehabilitation period.

Orthopedic knee pads for arthrosis are prescribed in cases where there have been joint injuries or after surgical interventions. Thus, hinge-type products help maintain the functionality of diarthrosis and are recommended by specialists for pain of varying intensity.

Magnetic bandages

Knee pads with magnets for arthrosis of the knee joint can be used for a long time, sometimes throughout the day. They are a tape that wraps quite tightly around the disease-prone diarthrosis, and have a magnetotherapeutic effect, helping:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • strengthen ligaments and bone tissue;
  • regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • reduce pain.

Despite the fact that magnetic knee pads have a number of advantages, for example:

  • do not create inconvenience when moving;
  • invisible under clothes;
  • adjustable using special Velcro.

It is up to the attending physician to determine which orthopedic products are best for a patient to use. Because, despite all the ease of use, this or that type of device has certain contraindications. Therefore, these products are not used in the presence of open wounds and the tension of the elastic material of the knee pad for arthrosis is strictly regulated.

Experts recommend the use of a bandage:

  • in the postoperative period;
  • after joint injuries;
  • in chronic forms of the disease.

Product capabilities in fixation intensity

Thus, after various injuries and surgical interventions, a strong degree of fixation of the joint is necessary and therefore, in these cases, the use of orthoses that are made of plastic, being the most rigid structures, is justified, that is, a kind of alternative to plaster casts.

  • Such a knee brace is extremely rarely recommended for arthrosis.
  • A medium degree of fixation is provided by products equipped with stiffening ribs of various parameters, which helps create favorable conditions both for the restoration of joints after injuries and for osteoarthritis with constant exacerbations of the disease.
  • In addition, for swelling of the joints, detachable types of devices are most often recommended, which are easier to put on and adjust.

Both elastic orthoses and bandages have a light degree of fixation. This knee brace for arthrosis is prescribed in the absence of exacerbation of the disease and swelling of the joint.

Dynamic types of products are recommended for the initial stages of the disease, as they can provide not only easy fixation of the joint, but also a certain tissue massage, due to special structures that have mobility.

Such knee pads are selected according to the girth of the leg above and below the diarthrosis, however, it is more rational to replace the effect of such models with physiotherapeutic procedures.

Selection criteria and sizes of orthopedic products

  1. In addition, if the leg girth has a parameter close to the value indicated in the table, experts recommend choosing a larger knee brace size, since fatigue and swelling inherent in the lower limbs, in this case, will not affect the effectiveness of using the brace.
  2. In addition, it should be taken into account that the bandage should fit snugly to the limb, evenly and carefully fixing the joint.
  3. Using a knee brace does not allow excessive pressure, which can interfere with blood flow and therefore be of no benefit.
  4. Therefore, when purchasing these orthopedic products, fitting is necessary.
  5. In addition, it is advisable to take into account the material from which the bandage is made, which affects both the warming and fixing characteristics of the product.

The effectiveness of warming orthopedic products

For example:

  • infrared - can warm up and relieve pain in the joint;
  • magnetic – relieve stress and, warming, massage diarthrosis tissue;
  • minerals containing tourmaline affect all layers of joint tissue, improve blood circulation in them;
  • Warm knee pads made of natural wool fiber help relax diarthrosis and prevent the joint from getting too cold.

To make warm orthopedic products, fiber from dog, camel and sheep wool, known for its healing properties, is used.

Wool and other materials used to make bandages

In addition, warming knee pads for arthrosis of the knee joint, made of wool fiber, excellently support diarthrosis, absorbing moisture and releasing active substances that help stop inflammatory processes and increase blood circulation.

Orthopedic products made of cotton are pleasant to wear, allow air and moisture to pass through perfectly, allowing the skin to breathe. However, it is worth recognizing that knee pads made from natural fibers are quite short-lived and therefore, in addition to wool and cotton, manufacturers use synthetic fabrics.

Thus, the neoprene used for the production of the bandage perfectly fixes the product, but does not provide air exchange to the skin and therefore is not very comfortable to wear.

Polyester is practical to use and does not create discomfort, but this material does not have a warming effect and products made from it are quite expensive.

The need for consultation with a specialist

Knee pads for gonarthrosis of the knee joint are purchased after mandatory consultation with an experienced orthopedist, since qualified medical workers are able to take into account all the nuances of treating the disease and justify the choice based on:

  • from the characteristics of the symptoms of the disease in each patient;
  • stages of the disease;
  • the degree of pathological changes in tissues.

The selected bandages are recommended by specialists throughout the course of treatment for the disease, however, the time of use of knee braces should not exceed three hours daily, therefore, their use is regulated by periods of the most intense stress on the joints, for example, when performing certain jobs.

The effectiveness of treatment is significantly influenced by the design features of these products, the materials used for their manufacture and, of course, the dimensions, since the last criterion allows the knee pads to reliably and carefully fix diarthrosis without squeezing the leg, disrupting blood circulation, but also without leaving the possibility of unnecessary stress.

Orthoses (splints) for the knee

In turn, a knee orthosis or brace is designed specifically to immobilize the leg and knee joint.

This is a rigid orthosis that covers not only the knee, but also the thigh and lower leg, equipped with a wide fixation system. It is used as a replacement for a plaster cast, greatly surpassing it in functionality:

  • the orthosis allows you to adjust the fixation of the knee and bones in case of fractures without displacement or ligament ruptures according to individual parameters;
  • features a more rigid and ergonomic fixation;
  • it can be removed for cleaning or hygiene procedures;
  • helps to avoid problems with the skin under the bandage or bedsores.

The orthosis interferes less with adequate blood supply and generally provides greater comfort.

In our catalog you will find almost all of the listed models of knee pads, as well as ankle braces and orthopedic products for legs and fingers. All children's and adult sizes available.

  • Knee brace OPPO Medical 4139


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  • Orthosis (Brace) for the knee joint with polycentric hinge locks Orto Professional AKN 558


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  • Elastic knee bandage Ecoten KS-E


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