Damage to the ligamentous apparatus: treatment in Moscow

The muscular system of the human body is a collection of fibers that are capable of contraction and are combined into bundles - muscles, or are independently part of the internal organs. The muscle corset maintains balance and ensures movement of the body; thanks to the muscles, breathing is carried out, blood supply to organs occurs and food is transported. Therefore, when painful sensations appear, it immediately affects your general well-being. And for any person it is important to find out which doctor diagnoses and treats muscle pain in order to return to normal healthy life as quickly as possible.

groups of joint diseases

groups of joint diseases
Joints belong to the structures of the musculoskeletal system of the human body. They have a rather complex structure, including connective tissue, bone tissue and cartilage. Due to the specificity of functional activity and structure, structures are often subject to the development of pathological processes. All diseases are conventionally divided into several main groups:

  • Infectious processes affecting various tissues and leading to their inflammation (infectious arthritis).
  • Autoimmune processes - a violation of the functional state of a person’s immunity is accompanied by the fact that immunocompetent cells “erroneously” produce antibodies to the body’s own tissues. As a result of the development of the pathological process, tissues of various structures of the musculoskeletal system are often affected with the development of long-term inflammation and damage.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic conditions - age-related changes, inflammatory processes, regardless of their cause and origin, as well as post-traumatic conditions lead to disruption of the nutritional processes of structures, which primarily affects cartilage tissue. As a result, lesions gradually form, which then lead to an inflammatory response.
  • Suffered injuries that cause mechanical damage and changes in the anatomical relationship of various structures.

Each group of diseases has its own specialization and a doctor specializing in joints.


Initially, you should consult a therapist, since it is difficult to immediately determine the cause of muscle pain. Your doctor may order a laboratory blood test. When myocytes are destroyed, they partially enter the blood, thus, when the level of protein in the blood increases, a conclusion is drawn about problems with muscle tissue. Another effective diagnostic method is an electromyogram, which shows the nature of the muscle tissue disease. If microscopic examination is necessary, a biopsy is performed. Instrumental methods also include ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI.

What specialists treat?

The doctor responsible for the joints, as well as the diagnosis and appropriate treatment of pathological conditions, includes several specialties:

  • An orthopedist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats inflammatory pathology of the structures of the musculoskeletal system, which is of infectious or aseptic (reactive arthritis) origin, as well as degenerative conditions (arthrosis). In large medical clinics, narrower specializations of orthopedists are separately distinguished; in particular, there is a doctor who treats knee joints, elbows, and small structures of the hands and feet. Typically, a narrow division into specializations is due to the fact that inflammatory processes in large and small structures develop differently and require certain therapeutic approaches.
  • Rheumatologist is a specialty that often includes a doctor who specializes in knee joints. This is due to the fact that the development of autoimmune pathology is usually associated with symmetrical damage to large joints.
  • Traumatologist is a separate specialization, which is a type of orthopedics; a joint doctor diagnoses and treats various acute or chronic post-traumatic conditions.

The identification of narrow specializations is important, since for each group of diseases or pathological conditions a treatment is determined that has fundamental differences.

Possible causes of joint pain

There is no one universal cause of joint pain, but there are a number of possible causes.

  • Injuries, sports overload. A common occurrence among professional athletes, fans of extreme sports and bodybuilding.
  • Hypothermia. Pain due to hypothermia lasts several days.
  • Excess weight. Every extra kilogram increases the load on the joints, so pain develops over time.
  • Congenital pathologies and, as a consequence, improper formation of the musculoskeletal system. In this case, even a child or teenager may experience pain, and you should consult a doctor about the problem as soon as possible.
  • Poor circulation and prolonged muscle spasms. Lack of movement, a sedentary lifestyle, and chronic stress affect the state of the cardiovascular system and cause spasms in the muscles of the neck, back and legs, which ultimately leads to pain.
  • Infectious and autoimmune diseases. As a result of a number of diseases (chickenpox, ARVI, chronic tonsillitis, some types of allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) a large amount of toxic substances are formed in the body, which also affect the joints. Such pain requires first of all treatment of the underlying disease.
  • Age-related degenerative-dystrophic changes in joints. As we age, joints wear down and this process cannot be completely prevented, but it can be slowed down or symptoms can be alleviated in older people.

It is rare for a person to be able to figure out the cause of pain on his own. For example, if the pain appears as a result of injury or hypothermia. Patients over 40 years of age must undergo mandatory diagnostics.

Manifestations of pathology

The main manifestation of the pathology is pain. It can be localized in large or small structures. If large joints (knees) hurt, the doctor may suspect the development of arthrosis or rheumatism. The doctor regards damage to small (inflammation) joints as rheumatoid arthritis.

Infectious pathology is often accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s general condition with the development of intoxication of the body. The injuries suffered are characterized by acute symptoms with intense pain and dysfunction of the damaged structure. Since the manifestations can be different, the doctor determines joint diseases using additional objective research methods.

Joint doctor

Joint doctor
A doctor who deals with joints, namely inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies, is an orthopedist. He conducts consultations in specialized outpatient or inpatient medical institutions of various forms of ownership. To reliably determine the cause of the disease, the nature of the pathological changes, as well as the degree of their severity, he prescribes an objective examination, which usually includes various imaging techniques (ultrasound, tomography, arthroscopy).

Routine laboratory tests are required. After the diagnosis, the orthopedist prescribes appropriate treatment, which may include the use of medications or surgery. If necessary, during diagnosis and therapy, the orthopedist can prescribe a consultation with doctors of other specialties, in particular an infectious disease specialist, a dermatovenerologist, and a phthisiatrician. This is due to the fact that a significant number of arthritis can be the result of the development of specific infections (tertiary syphilis, tuberculosis, brucellosis). Very often, a doctor treating the joints of the knees, other structures of the legs and spine is faced with degenerative-dystrophic pathology.


A doctor who specializes in joints and the heart is called a rheumatologist. The peculiarity of the specialization is that the specialist deals with a wide group of pathological processes, the development mechanism of which is associated with a violation of the functional state of the immune system, they are called rheumatoid diseases.

Typically, the triggering factor is a previous streptococcal infection, prolonged systematic exposure to the sun, the use of certain medications, as well as a genetic hereditary predisposition. In this case, immunocompetent cells produce antibodies to the body’s own tissues. Rheumatoid diseases occur with primary damage to the connective tissue of the structures of the heart and joints. The inflammatory process often develops symmetrically in large joints, so a specialist is also defined as a doctor for elbow joints and knees.

Diagnosis of the pathological process is carried out using modern imaging techniques, ECG (electrocardiogram), as well as laboratory tests to identify rheumatoid factors. Treatment of autoimmune pathology affecting the structures of the musculoskeletal system is predominantly conservative. It involves long-term (sometimes lifelong) use of hormonal anti-inflammatory medications.


A joint and ligament doctor who diagnoses and treats injuries is called a traumatologist. He represents a narrower orthopedic specialization, therefore, if necessary (mainly in small medical clinics), he can deal with the problems of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the structures of the musculoskeletal system, with the exception of autoimmune rheumatoid diseases.

A specialized medical specialist treats injuries suffered on an outpatient basis or in a trauma hospital. Also, most public and private medical institutions have trauma centers where medical specialists provide urgent care. They work around the clock without holidays or weekends. In a trauma center, a primary diagnosis of the cause and nature of the injury is carried out using radiography, and first aid is provided.

In case of fractures or dislocations, it includes repositioning of fragments or reduction followed by immobilization (immobilization) of the limb. In case of severe injury requiring surgical treatment, the victim is hospitalized in a hospital.

Research methods in traumatology and orthopedics

Diagnostics is the first and most important stage in the process of restoring human health. The feasibility and effectiveness of all subsequent actions largely depends on its reliability and accuracy: prescribing drug therapy, physiotherapeutic or surgical treatment.

Medical science does not stand still. Every year, methods for diagnosing diseases become more and more high-tech, new techniques appear, diagnostic equipment becomes more complex, thereby becoming more accurate and of higher quality. But at the same time, becoming more expensive.

Therefore, “ancient”, but proven over decades, diagnostic methods remain the main and most frequently used in our work.

Probably one of the most famous methods for studying the osteoarticular apparatus is radiography . Most likely, there is no adult who has never encountered the need for this fairly simple and cheap, but at the same time very important research. By the way, X-ray examination has been used in medicine for more than 100 years. Nowadays, modern X-ray machines are safer and produce less radiation than they were a few years ago. The main task of the x-ray method is to study bone tissue. However, indirect signs of soft tissue damage can also be determined using this method.

For a more accurate examination of soft tissues and internal organs, an equally well-known and widespread method, such as ultrasound , is used. When does a modern individual first encounter this method? Even before birth, in the womb! Ultrasound is no less valuable for a doctor than x-rays. Ultrasound has gained major popularity due to its complete safety and ease of use. For a more in-depth study of musculoskeletal problems, methods such as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography . These methods are more difficult to use due to the need for rather bulky equipment and specially prepared premises. Therefore, as a rule, these research methods are limited, are not always used and are located in highly specialized institutions.

Joint doctor (skeleton)

Joint doctor (skeleton)
A joint doctor in Moscow conducts consultations in a specialized medical institution of state or private ownership. An orthopedist and traumatologist can diagnose and treat the corresponding pathology in a clinic and in the orthopedic and trauma department of a medical hospital.

The clinic usually sees outpatients with diseases or injuries that do not require hospitalization. The department treats severe pathologies that require constant medical supervision.

A medical specialist rheumatologist usually conducts consultations in large clinics. He also provides consulting assistance to doctors of other specializations. Patients with severe autoimmune rheumatic pathology are often treated in a cardiology or orthopedic hospital, but the attending physician is a knee and elbow doctor from the clinic.

How to sign up?

A doctor who treats joints is a specialized medical specialist, so making an appointment differs depending on the type of ownership of the medical institution, as well as its specialization. To get an appointment with an orthopedist or rheumatologist for planned treatment, you need a referral from a general medical specialist (general practitioner, pediatrician, family doctor). In advance, he prescribes routine tests (clinical blood tests, urine tests), which saves time for a highly specialized specialist.

In a private healthcare setting, booking an appointment is easier and does not require a referral from a GP. Typically, a patient makes an appointment by contacting the clinic directly, by calling or filling out a special form on the official website. In an urgent situation, in particular by specialists from the trauma room, medical care is provided without an appointment.

Damage to the ligamentous apparatus: causes and symptoms

Depending on the nature of the injury, traumatology and orthopedics adhere to the following classification.

  • 1st degree ligament damage (sprain). The fibers are subject to deformation, but remain stretched rather than torn. Moderate pain occurs. Minor swelling appears, there is no hemorrhage. There is a slight limitation of motor function.
  • Grade 2 ligament damage (partial rupture). Part of the tissue is damaged. The rupture causes a bruise. Attempts to undertake physical activity become painful. Some patients have mild joint instability.
  • Ligament rupture (3rd degree). The pain becomes pronounced and does not go away without painkillers. The bruising is profuse, the limb swells noticeably. The functioning of the limb is unstable.

In the first two cases, conservative therapy helps well. If all the fibers are torn, complete recovery without surgery does not always occur.

Partial or complete violation of integrity occurs for various reasons. More often they are overload in domestic conditions and playing sports.

In everyday life, signs of damage to ligaments, muscles, and tendons make themselves felt due to stumbling, a sharp fall, or twisting a leg or arm. For example, the ankle joint is affected when wearing high heels. The wrist is affected by a fall while walking on slippery ice.

Sports training more often ends in an unforeseen situation in the absence of preliminary warm-up before the upcoming load. For athletes, the zone varies depending on the chosen hobby: volleyball players and tennis players are affected by the shoulder, and speed skaters are affected by the ankle. In weightlifting, the target is the ligamentous-tendon apparatus in the upper part of the body.

Predisposing factors are excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, and previous ligament and tendon injuries. In the gym, the problem appears due to excessive stress, in everyday life as a result of prolonged performance of labor-intensive actions.

Initial signs appear immediately. Depending on the specific case, there are different complaints:

  • acute pain in the affected area;
  • skin redness;
  • swelling, edema;
  • hemorrhage, presence of hematoma;
  • violation of joint movement.

The complaints are in many ways similar to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, consultation with a traumatologist is necessary.

Without timely medical intervention, the patient exposes himself to dangerous complications. Many people develop inflammation, which requires longer and more expensive treatment. When tissue ruptures, it does not heal properly. This is manifested by periodic pain, disturbances in movement and gait.

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