Is the habit of “crunching” your fingers harmful to your health?

Many people have been told since childhood that “snapping” their fingers is harmful. Allegedly, this has a bad effect on the joints and as a result leads to various diseases, such as arthritis. However, there is another opinion, according to which crunching can even be beneficial. So how does this habit affect the body and is it worth cracking your joints on purpose? Let's figure it out together with Olga Barbashina

, kinesiotherapy specialist, exercise therapy instructor, sports aerobics trainer and expert at the International Festival of Healthy Lifestyle and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM.


Is the habit of “crunching” your fingers harmful to your health?

Crunching your fingers is a very popular habit. It does not depend on age, gender, standard of living, religion, etc.

Two sides of this habit. Should you believe everything they say?

Many people stretch their fingers before starting work before they start typing on the computer or writing. The next reason is related to the body’s need to stretch when waking up. This is accompanied by a crunch in the joints, which leads to relaxation of the ligaments and a surge of feeling of vigor. Often, when you crack your fingers in public, you immediately hear: “Stop! You’ll break your fingers!” People use phrases like these to argue that this habit is harmful.

Many people believe that it is harmful to health and joints. And if you continue to do this, you will have to treat arthritis

, joint pain, broken bones or something worse. But is this really so? There is an assumption that “snapping” your fingers does not cause harm, but vice versa. But even experienced doctors cannot give an exact answer to this question. Therefore, there are constant discussions on this topic and research is carried out by various specialists, such as:

  • Rheumatologists;
  • Traumatologists;
  • Orthopedists;
  • Physiotherapists;
  • Psychologists and more.

Medical Research

As stated earlier, some people believe that the habit is completely harmless. To confirm this assumption, experts studied the issue and conducted experiments. One such experiment is the X-ray study in 2011. Approximately two hundred people took part in it.

During the experiment, it was revealed that clicking the limbs cannot cause joint diseases. It depends entirely on other factors. Moreover, if you do not feel pain, you do not have swelling, fever, etc. This crunch is considered normal. In general, it is formed from the accumulation of dissolved gas in the synovial fluid. It is located between the bones and resembles an egg yolk. Its task is to use its consistency to reduce friction between bones.

When the amount of synovial fluid increases in volume, a click is heard. If the interval between such sounds reaches 15-20 minutes and the click is dull, then this is the norm.

Another study was conducted by Doctors of the British Medical Journal and the Western Journal of Medicine. Interestingly, they came to the same conclusion about the safety of the “knuckle cracking” habit.

And the last was an experiment by a doctor from the United States of America, Donald Unger, in 2009. For 60 years he cracked the knuckles of only one left hand. And during this time nothing has changed. By this he wanted to show that this action cannot be the cause of arthritis. For such a long and useful experiment, he received an Ig Nobel Prize.

Can cracking your fingers cause illness?

It would seem that there are so many advantages, but there can’t be any disadvantages? But still, even such a number of successful experiments does not prove absolute benefit. For example, some doctors claim that cracking joints can cause a disease such as a stroke. When we sharply turn our back or neck, the arteries that run along the length of the spine are damaged. Blood passes through them and enters the brain. If this happens, a blood clot will form. And it, in turn, blocks the blood flow to the brain, resulting in the formation of a clot. This is how a person gets a stroke. The likelihood of this happening is extremely low. But it's not worth risking your life. In this case, life does not favor the brave.

Crunching the joints of the legs also carries some danger. They experience a lot of stress, so minor damage to the cartilage quickly leads to often irreparable consequences. If the crunching begins in the joints of the hands, then the prognosis is more positive. A crunch always indicates some kind of problem in the joints and gives a signal that it is time to seek help from a doctor.

Pleasure or health?

Psychologists say that the habit of snapping fingers can be compared to smoking cigarettes, alcoholism and nail biting. Orthopedists say that we hear this sound in tendons and ligaments because, when strongly bent, they overcome resistance and crunch. Scientists from all over Europe, after many experiments, examinations and analyzes, have proven that regular snapping of fingers leads to such consequences as loosening of joints, crushing and damage to cartilage, pinching of adjacent nerves, and continuous dislocations.

And the most important consequence of this habit is considered to be bruised joints, or, in other words, arthritis. The average age at which this problem occurs is 45 years, but gradually this figure began to decrease between the ages of 18 and 25. years. Therefore, it is better not to crack your knuckles too often. In this case, you will have to choose: get temporary pleasure or preserve joints and spinal health.

for a long period.

The source of the urge to snap fingers

There are various reasons why people start cracking their knuckles.

  1. Lack of physical activity or its excess;
  2. Joint hypermobility;
  3. Various pathologies;
  4. Kidney failure.

In this case, you should listen to your body. Products that contain large amounts of calcium and phosphorus will be beneficial: fish or dairy products. But fatty foods, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. It is better to replace it with fruits, vegetables, and baked foods. You should also avoid excessive physical activity, as this can lead to various types of injuries and inflammation.

And if you are still thinking about “crackling” your joints, contact a massage therapist who will help relieve muscle tension, thereby reducing the desire to return to an unhealthy habit.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Diagnostic methods

Now we will tell you how to identify the causes and select treatment for trigger finger, what diagnostics are used.

Usually, it is not difficult for a qualified doctor to make the correct diagnosis after collecting anamnesis and clinical examination, identifying the symptoms listed above. If the treatment of a trigger finger on the hand involves surgery, then an x-ray must first be taken to weed out the causes of the disease related to the condition of the bones and calcification of soft tissues.

In children, the problem is noticed by parents or a doctor during examination. The thumb is always in one position, and the child screams when adults try to straighten it.

At the first and second stages of the disease, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis. Difficulties often arise in the third stage. In this case, the doctor carefully collects anamnesis, analyzes occupational risks, and the patient’s age and gender characteristics.

Differential diagnosis with Dupuytren's contracture helps to correctly determine the causes and prescribe treatment when the joints of the fingers click. In contrast, with Nott's disease, the patient does not have nodes and cords on the palm and fingers. The lesion is limited to one finger; pain is detected when pressing on the annular ligament. X-rays help rule out problems in small joints. This is an important diagnostic method that allows the doctor to prescribe the correct treatment for the spine and joints.

Causes of a crunch in the neck

The neck contains six vertebrae supported by muscles, ligaments and tendons. This provides head mobility and support, allowing us to nod and turn without problems. But constant stress can lead to a crunch in the cervical spine. As a rule, this is not dangerous, but if the crunching is accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor.

Thick synovial fluid surrounds each of the six cervical vertebrae, lubricating them as they move. This liquid contains nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which creates bubbles. The mobility of the vertebrae increases the pressure, and the bubbles burst. This process is called cavitation. This is where the crunching sound comes from.

Ligaments support a vertebra where it meets another vertebra to allow them to move. A growth may appear on the bone tissue, so the ligament gets stuck in it and is released when the head is turned. The moment the ligament slides over the bone, a crunching sound occurs.

The benefits of gymnastics

With the help of special and involuntary gymnastics, you can achieve relaxation of the hands after prolonged work at the computer or writing. The following exercises can be included in the complex:

  1. Relax and shake your hands.
  2. Sharply clench your hands into a fist and slowly relax your hand.
  3. Cross your fingers and perform circular movements.

  4. Place your fingers on adjacent ones one by one and repeat several times. The exercise is called "scissors".
  5. Squeeze and unclench a rubber ball or tennis ball. It is convenient to use special exercise machines for the hands or expanders.

Exercises can be done at almost any time of the day. An important condition is correct execution. The brushes must be healthy.

Methods to combat addiction

Many people are interested in why cracking fingers irritates others and how to stop manipulating them. In most cases, you have to break the habit. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Fist rotation. First you need to do several repetitions with your hands, then clench your fingers into a fist.

  2. Perform four to five repetitions of the “wave” type exercise, first clasping your fingers.
  3. Squeeze all fingers one by one from the little finger to the thumb.
  4. Perform scissor exercises for up to ten repetitions.

To maintain healthy bones and joints, it is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium and fiber. It is useful to introduce cartilage and dishes with gelatin and jellied meat into the diet. A bath with a solution of sea salt can be an auxiliary distraction and preventative measure.

Consequences of crunching

Prolonged impact on the joints can result in a number of unpleasant painful conditions:

swelling of the hands or area around the joints; pain even at rest; pinched nerves; the appearance of hygroma; weakness of the hands, loss of previous strength; dislocations, subluxations and much more.

Whether the habit of snapping fingers can lead to arthritis cannot be said with certainty. Some experts speak out about the high probability of such a development of events, while others deny its possibility. However, they all agree on one opinion: cracking their fingers for people who have a genetic predisposition to joint diseases (including arthritis) is categorically not recommended.

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Bone diseases

Diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis can cause joint loss of elasticity. This leads to bone degeneration in the cervical spine. Cervical osteoporosis, also known as cervical spondylosis, is an age-related disease. After age 50, the porous discs in the cervical vertebrae degenerate and lose their ability to prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other. The bone tissue and ligaments thicken, the distance between the vertebrae decreases, and as a result, stiffness and pain occur in the neck. This is why a crunch in the neck often occurs in older people. Cervical spondylosis can also develop in people with poor posture.

Cervical spine injury is a common occurrence among athletes, especially gymnasts. Even after rehabilitation, the neck remains a weak point and can be bothersome. A crunch in the neck can occur with movements that create additional stress on the cervical vertebrae.

Consequences of crunching

Prolonged impact on the joints can result in a number of unpleasant painful conditions:

  • swelling of the hands or area around the joints;
  • pain even at rest;
  • pinched nerves;
  • the appearance of hygroma;
  • weakness of the hands, loss of previous strength;
  • dislocations, subluxations and much more.

Whether the habit of snapping fingers can lead to arthritis cannot be said with certainty. Some experts speak out about the high probability of such a development of events, while others deny its possibility. However, they all agree on one opinion: cracking their fingers for people who have a genetic predisposition to joint diseases (including arthritis) is categorically not recommended.

Forecast and measures to prevent the disease

The prognosis is positive. But it is important to remember that successful treatment of stenosis does not guarantee that the disease will not return. It may develop on other fingers.

An effective way of prevention is to change professions and reduce household stress on the hands. If the patient considers it impossible to change jobs, then he is taught to hold his hands correctly while working, regularly relax them, and give the muscles a rest.

Hand surgeons say work habits mean that patients with trigger finger syndrome rarely relax their hand muscles, even when resting.

Another factor that provokes excess muscle tension is a defensive reaction to pain. Sometimes it persists even when the pain is gone. Therefore, an effective way to reduce the load on the arm muscles and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease is to develop new motor habits.

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