Legs and toes turn black in diabetes mellitus: causes, treatment and prevention

Melanoma is a dark brown malignant formation that appears as a result of certain changes and an increase in melanin synthesis. A dangerous tumor can be located on the legs and cause pain and other discomfort. The anatomical and functional features of the feet require urgent closure of the defects after mandatory excision of the formation in the development of this disease. The complexity of plastic surgery and other reconstructive procedures in this area is associated with age-related pathologies.

Melanoma of the foot is the most aggressive of oncogenic neoplasms. The tumor can metastasize, after which it is considered incurable. In order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to strictly control existing moles and age spots on the legs. This cancer, even if small in size, is very dangerous for human life. After a few months, the oncogenic process spreads to the internal organs.

If melanoma is diagnosed at an early stage, then removing the formation on the feet is not difficult. If the lesion is larger than one centimeter and is characterized by uneven staining with asymmetrical edges, a treatment plan is developed, including chemotherapy in addition to surgery.

What symptoms precede blackening of the toes?

Some people wonder why the big toe turns black and what such alarming symptoms may indicate. It is worth noting that darkening of the skin of the lower extremities does not occur suddenly. Often this phenomenon is preceded by other signs that are worth paying attention to.

Symptoms that precede a change in skin tone on the legs:

  • toenails become deformed and their shape changes noticeably;
  • constant pain in the lower extremities with varying intensity;
  • legs become less or, conversely, very sensitive;
  • the general condition worsens, which manifests itself in the form of weakness and fever;
  • areas of the skin on the legs become red and very flaky;
  • legs swell;
  • the feet become too cold or, conversely, too warm.

All these symptoms appear, as a rule, before the legs turn black and increase gradually. It is important to seek help from a specialist when blackheads first appear on your legs, as this may indicate tissue death.

Diabetes mellitus: the leg turned black, pain and other symptoms appeared

Black spots on the legs with diabetes rarely appear suddenly.

As a rule, darkening of the skin color is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • change in the shape of the nail bed on the toes;
  • gradually increasing painful sensations;
  • decreased sensitivity or, conversely, hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • deterioration in general health (weakness, low-grade fever);
  • redness, peeling, keratinization of the skin area;
  • the appearance of swelling of the limbs;
  • your feet become hot or, conversely, too cold.

All these symptoms appear before the blackening of the fingers and legs, developing gradually. Please note that lightning-fast blackening of any part of the limb indicates tissue necrosis.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently contact a surgeon to find out the cause of the blackening of the skin and prescribe therapy.

Why do my feet turn black?

Most often, such an alarming symptom as a blackened toe is associated with gangrene. But this pathology is not the only reason for changes in skin color.

Common causes of blackening of the skin on the legs:

  1. Fungal infection. Here we are not talking about ordinary candidiasis, but about an atypical and dangerous form called trichophyton. It often manifests itself as blackening of not only the fingers, but also the nails. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and numbness of the lower extremities. The infection spreads quickly and treatment is difficult.
  2. Problems with blood vessels. This is often the cause of darkening of the skin in diabetes mellitus. With an increased level of glucose in the blood, the formation of blood clots is activated, which adhere to the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the lumen for the passage of blood. In the absence of therapy, thromboembolism occurs, which leads to tissue death and the only treatment here is amputation.
  3. Mechanical damage. What should I do if I stubbed my toe and it turned black? In this case, the cause of blackening may be a fracture of the phalanges or a severe bruise. If the hematoma does not spread to adjacent areas of the skin, it should not cause concern. The swelling and blackening will go away over time, like a regular bruise. If, on the contrary, this area enlarges or begins to bleed, it is worth undergoing examination by a specialist.
  4. Tight shoes or being on your feet for a long time. Frequent formation of calluses and corns, which leads to darkening of skin areas, can be caused by improperly sized shoes, as well as heavy load on the lower limbs.

  5. Acanthosis nigricans. It most often occurs in diabetics due to insulin resistance. In this case, itching, thickening and darkening of the skin gradually leads to cell death or the formation of tumors.
  6. Hereditary predisposition. It is rare and is primarily associated with the peculiarity of skin pigmentation. In this case, there is no painful sensation, except for aesthetic discomfort. No therapy required.

How to treat blackening?

Treatment for blackened nails should be chosen by a doctor. Trying to eliminate the pathological condition of the nail plate on your own is strictly prohibited; you will only aggravate the situation and waste your time. Such problems never go away on their own; every day the blackening will move into a new stage and, as a result, the patient receives not only soreness in the finger, but also moral discomfort, which prevents him from wearing open shoes and relaxing on the beach. So that you do not feel like a second-rate person, and are not afraid to show your nails to others, you need to go to the doctor as quickly as possible, and not paint your nails the same color, as women often do.

Therapy is prescribed depending on the cause that provoked the pathology. If the provocateur was a mechanical injury, it is necessary to treat the nail with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexine and apply Heparin ointment. If the nail is damaged and rejection has begun, in order to avoid further injury to the skin, the nail is fixed with an adhesive plaster. It is also recommended to apply cold compresses to reduce any pain that may be present and relieve swelling.

Due to metabolic disorders and improper blood circulation, nails turn black very often in people with diabetes. An endocrinologist can prescribe medications for their treatment, based on the general condition of the body.

As a rule, after the blood sugar level is reduced, the condition returns to normal and will not recur if the patient monitors glucose levels.

The neoplasm that forms under the nail and causes the finger to darken is called hemangioma in medicine. This disease requires surgical intervention, because the tumor causes severe pain and it is impossible to get rid of it in any other way. The surgeon completely removes the nail plate along with the vessels feeding the formation, and prescribes subsequent chemotherapy.

Blackness on the toe due to a fungal nail infection requires immediate treatment, as there is a high probability that the fungus will infect new areas of the skin and spread to the rest of the nails. First of all, a person needs to seek qualified diagnostics, after which the doctor will determine the strain of the fungus and prescribe medications. As a rule, they use internal medications to eliminate infection from the blood - Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Orungal or Nystatin. Local treatment of the finger with the drugs Nizoral, Exoderil, Nitrofungin and Atifin. In addition to creams and gels to eliminate fungal infections, they use special varnishes that strengthen local immunity and kill fungal cells directly on the nail plate. Among such products, we can note Lotseril and Oflomil.

Boric acid: use of powder, soap and alcohol solution

Traditional methods

Folk remedies also work well with blackened nails, of course, they do not always affect the very reason for their formation, but if they are combined with traditional medicines, the effect can be achieved much faster. The following treatment methods have proven themselves better than others:

  • apple cider vinegar is applied to the finger for half an hour, three times a day, a special effect is achieved if the cause of blackened nails was mold. Acetic essence creates an acidic environment on the surface of the skin, which is detrimental to fungi of various strains. It is important to note that regular apple cider vinegar can not only kill a fungal infection, but also minimize the likelihood of its recurrence;
  • If the nail plate begins to turn black, it is recommended to apply a small amount of tea tree oil to it. The oil contains alpha-phellandrene, sabinene and cineole, which can have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The product should be applied with extreme caution; in hypersensitive people, tea tree oil can cause a reaction on the skin;
  • You can make compresses from propolis and a slice of lemon. Propolis in liquid form is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the affected finger overnight. This beekeeping product is an excellent antiseptic; it can kill even gram-positive bacteria and fungus. Lemon can disinfect the nail and whiten the blackened plate.

When resorting to traditional medicine for help, remember that long-term self-medication does not lead to anything good. If there is no effect for several weeks, consult a doctor, as you may simply lose not only your nail, but your entire finger due to your neglect of health.

How to distinguish diabetes from gangrene due to darkening of the toes?

A symptom such as blackened toes in diabetes mellitus occurs when iron sulfide is formed from hemoglobin cells under the influence of air. In 95% of cases, diabetics experience so-called dry gangrene. The pathology does not cause acute intoxication and is not accompanied by tissue decay. This has little effect on the general condition.

Dry gangrene also requires appropriate therapy, but develops gradually. The disease can progress from 3 weeks to several years. Amputation and disability can be avoided by seeking treatment in the early stages of the disease. It is important not to confuse the pathology with ordinary gangrene, which is accompanied by tissue death.

Symptoms of gangrene are as follows:

  • pain when walking;
  • increased swelling of the legs;
  • the shade of the skin changes quickly, moving from pink to black;
  • the boundaries of infection are clearly visible;
  • there is no unpleasant odor or it is quite insignificant.

Gangrene, regardless of the type, is also curable, especially if treatment is organized in the first stages. During therapy, attention is paid to restoring normal blood circulation, as well as eliminating infections that led to tissue death. Surgical intervention is possible, during which muscle tissue affected by necrosis is removed.

Preventive actions

Finger treatment
Naturally, it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of all diseases at once. Some of them can be completely eliminated or the risk of their occurrence can be minimized by following simple rules of prevention:

  • Wear comfortable shoes. Wearing comfortable, high-quality shoes will help prevent many skin and nail diseases.
  • Follow a diet. This point applies to people suffering from diabetes. Strict adherence to the diet and all doctor’s recommendations will help avoid the appearance of black pigmentation on the fingers and under the nails.
  • Avoid bruises and injuries. Naturally, all injuries occur in a random order, but still, you should take care of your health and not risk it unless absolutely necessary.

If your finger turns black, despite possible methods of prevention and treatment, you should think about the advisability of visiting a doctor. In most cases, the prognosis for this phenomenon is favorable, but it is necessary to immediately pay attention to the symptoms.

How to treat black toes with diabetes?

When blackening appears on the lower extremities, especially in diabetes mellitus, diagnostics are carried out to determine the cause of the development of the pathology. First of all, the condition of the blood vessels is checked using ultrasound. It is important that the blood flow is not impaired. Neurological reflexes, artery scanning, arteriography and diagnostics of changes in pressure on the fingers are also carried out. It is mandatory to measure the pulse in the lower extremities by palpation.

Often patients at an appointment ask the question, what to do: did you stub your toe and it turned black? Most often, an x-ray is taken to identify a fracture, which can cause a change in skin color. In this case, plaster is applied. If there is no fracture, then other diagnostic methods can be used to identify the root cause of the blackening.

Most often, drug treatment is carried out, which is aimed at restoring normal blood flow and the condition of blood vessels in case of blockage. It is important during therapy to pay attention to the shoes a person wears. It should be comfortable. This will prevent the damaged limb from inflammatory and purulent processes.

Surgery (bypass surgery, angioplasty) is also performed if a too narrowed area inside the large arteries is detected.

Treatment methods

Dark streak and spot on the nail
Every person should know what to do in certain situations when the nails turn black before visiting a doctor.

  • Mechanical injury. If a toenail is bruised or wounded, you must ensure complete rest and lie down so that the bruised area is above your head. Subsequently, consultation with a traumatologist is necessary. As the bruise heals, it is important to wear loose-fitting shoes (preferably open), do not put any strain on the sore leg, and prevent infections (bandage the area or cover it with a bandage). To eliminate pain and disinfection, the doctor may recommend appropriate analgesic/anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Diabetes. In diabetes mellitus, blackening of the nails is usually observed as a result of impaired blood circulation or a fungal infection. Fungal diseases in people suffering from diabetes are much more common than in healthy people - this is due to metabolic disorders in the body. At the first appearance of blackening, you should consult a doctor.
  • Wearing tight shoes. Wearing uncomfortable shoes does not bring any benefit - only harm. One of the consequences of wearing tight, narrow or poor-quality shoes is blackening of the finger or toenail. As a rule, in this case no treatment is required, the main thing is to avoid further wearing of bad shoes.
  • Hemangioma. A new growth that appears under the nail plate and causes the nail to turn black is called hemangioma. Accompanied by discomfort and severe pain. If a tumor is detected, surgical intervention is necessary: ​​complete removal of the nail followed by a course of therapy during postoperative recovery. With timely intervention, the damaged nail is replaced with a healthy one.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. A black nail with a greenish tint is a sign of problems with the stomach. It is necessary to conduct appropriate laboratory tests: take tests, do an ECG for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Disruption of the central nervous system and brain. Accompanied by blackening of the nail with the acquisition of burgundy or brownish shades. The diagnosis and treatment are prescribed by the doctor based on test data and MRI.
  • Circulatory disorders. This is indicated by a blackened finger with bluish features. If there is a circulatory problem, consult a doctor.

Treatment is selected by a dermatologist or traumatologist, depending on the cause of the blackening. In some situations, surgical intervention is necessary.

Folk remedies

Wondering if there are any natural remedies or traditional methods used to treat a black toe? There are, and they are used in combination with traditional therapy.

For treatment at home you can use:

  • burdock leaves - a paste is made from them and applied to the blackened area;
  • new potatoes (pink) - pieces of the vegetable with peel are applied to the sore spot for a couple of hours.

Doctors note that not a single folk remedy can cope with a blackened nail or finger alone. It is important to approach therapy comprehensively.

Symptoms of possible diseases

  • Darkened nail
    Fungus. In the early stages it is almost invisible. In some cases, there is a burning sensation in the fingers, redness and itching of the skin around the nails. Later, the nails become brittle and brittle, the process of delamination begins, and the nail quickly becomes dull. If you continue to ignore the symptoms, indigestion begins to develop, allergic reactions appear, and your nails turn black. A blackened nail causes the nail plate to grow into the skin. Ultimately, the ingrown toenail must be trimmed and completely or partially removed.

  • Pigmentation. People who, due to the characteristics of their body, have increased skin pigmentation, may suffer from blackened nails due to a number of factors: ingestion of low-quality products and water, exposure to sunlight and other aspects. Increased pigmentation can cause the development of melanonychia, which appears due to excessive accumulation of melanin. In this case, no symptoms other than darkening of the nail on the little finger or other toes are observed. After identifying the exact cause of blackening, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment or keeps the patient under observation.
  • Liver diseases. When the liver cannot cope with the load due to age or other characteristics, the general metabolism in the body is disrupted, which also affects the nails. The body cannot cope with the complete processing of toxic substances (alcohol, low-quality products, etc.). Liver dysfunction is characterized by periodic pain in the right side, the appearance of vague black spots on the nails, which over time acquire clearer boundaries. It is necessary to consult a doctor - liver dysfunction can have unpleasant consequences for the whole body.
  • Diabetes. If a person suffering from this disease notices darkening of the skin or nails on his fingers, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. Diabetes mellitus can disrupt the functioning of all organs, systems and parts of the body, including the nail plates.

If your toes turn black not because of a bruise or other mechanical damage, but because of a developing disease, it will not be easy to find out what exactly caused the pigmentation to appear. In this case, it is worth considering the various symptoms that appear during the development of any disease in the body.


In order to prevent your toe from turning black, especially with diabetes, you should adhere to certain preventive measures.

Doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. Regular use of special ointments for diabetic feet and proper care of the lower extremities.
  2. It is important not to overheat, not to allow your feet to sweat, and not to overcool this area.
  3. You should not walk outside without shoes, even on the beach.
  4. All microtraumas on the foot are immediately treated.
  5. It is worth monitoring your diet.
  6. Shoes should be comfortable.

Forecast and prevention of melanoma development

The further prognosis is determined by the stage of the disease. At the initial stage, melanoma on the leg can be cured. In a complex stage, when the formation has grown into the tissue and the pathology has affected the lymphatic system, the risk of relapse increases markedly, so it is much easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later.

By taking your health seriously, you will avoid most problems, including those whose treatment is not always associated with a favorable prognosis.

To prevent the development of melanomas, it is recommended to sunbathe with caution, especially for those with white sensitive skin. Sunscreen and wearing closed clothing made from breathable natural fabrics on sunny days will help. Regular visits to an oncologist are recommended to promptly identify the development of the pathological process.

It is important to monitor the condition of moles and age spots, monitor the changes that occur and not injure them. Special creams will help to lighten them. A successful preventive remedy that will not allow pigment formation to degenerate into a malignant tumor is Lakshma Maxxi whitening cream. It is one of the most sought after products in the United States and is recommended by the American Dermatological Association. It allows you to eliminate signs of hyperpigmentation on the skin easily, reliably and safely. According to the results of clinical studies, the drug showed high stable results.

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Why do nails turn black?

If your toenails turn black, you should immediately consult a specialist, as this may indicate various diseases. The cause of blackening of the nail plate can be both pathological and non-pathological factors.

Pathological causes include:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and circulatory system (in this case, the nails turn blue, all at once);
  • improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • thrombosis, varicose veins, diabetes;
  • wearing shoes that are too tight.

Non-pathological causes include injuries to the nail plate of varying degrees. In this case, blood accumulates under the nail plate, which looks like a blackened nail. Medicinal herbs, lotions and even low-quality dark-colored varnish can also lead to a change in the color of the nail.

Causes of foot melanoma

Many people who are faced with this disease are looking for the reasons for its development. These include the following:

1. Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays (vacation in the south up to 1-2 times a year, visiting a solarium, getting sunburn), especially for those with fair skin and hair.

2. Congenital or acquired dysplastic pigmented nevi (moles that increase in size).

3. Chronic injury to the mole - this happens if you constantly wear uncomfortable shoes, expose the nevus to friction with items of clothing, or touch the mole while shaving or during hair removal.

4. Genetic predisposition (multiple dysplastic skin nevi syndrome, a history of melanoma of the foot in a close relative)

5. During pregnancy and menopause, hormonal changes occur, which leads to the degeneration of ordinary moles into malignant ones.

Although in reality, the listed factors only trigger a mechanism that was originally inherent at the genetic level in the human body.

Frostbite of the lower extremities

Frostbite on the feet, which is accompanied by burning and tingling, requires immediate medical attention. When cold, blood vessels constrict and blood flow may even stop in certain areas. At this moment, cell destruction occurs. Frostbite can be either mild or severe, resulting in tissue necrosis. In this case, the leg becomes dark in color.

If frostbite occurs on the lower extremities, which can occur even at slightly sub-zero temperatures, it is important to place your feet in a warm place. This can be a pleasant, not hot bath. You should not use warming ointments; they can only stop the frostbite area. Massaging the legs also helps, but the movements should be smooth and light so as not to damage the skin.

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