Pilates at home, exercises for beginners, the best workouts for the back and weight loss

The main core of our body is the spine. And the overall health of a person depends on how healthy he is. The paravertebral muscles help maintain the spine in normal condition. They pass in several layers and contribute to the normalization of the vertebrae, from the cervical to the coccyx. Pilates for the back, a set of exercises named after its developer Joseph Pilates, helps strengthen the muscular framework that supports the spine, normalize posture and stabilize overall health.

Pilates for the back

Pilates for spinal health

The muscle tissue that supports the spine is varied in structure and function. Multilayer superficial muscles of the first and second layers perform protective and strengthening functions. The deep muscles directly hold the spine in a straight position, which promotes normal blood circulation, and therefore adequate nutrition of all human tissues and organs.

Pilates exercises every day prevent disorders in the spine, help strengthen it and prevent any diseases of the musculoskeletal tissue. If there are already pathologies in the spine caused by various reasons:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Operations.
  3. Scoliosis.
  4. Other diseases of bone tissue.

Signs of a spinal injury

Pilates is the basis for restoring the health of the spine and the entire body. By doing simple exercises every day, everyone provides invaluable assistance to their body in terms of preventing and getting rid of diseases of various etiologies of all body systems. Exercises are designed for any category:

  1. By gender.
  2. Age.
  3. With various diseases.
  4. With different forms of spinal pathologies.

Attention! There are practically no contraindications to Pilates, the only thing is if there is an exacerbation of any chronic disease or the recovery period after surgery or injury.

Main conclusions

Pilates for the back will help restore the spine after injuries, get rid of discomfort, pain, maintain physical fitness, and increase body flexibility. This gymnastics is suitable for people of any age and gender. However, it should be remembered that there are some contraindications to Pilates. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should consult your doctor before training. All movements should be performed smoothly, at a slow pace, without jerking. During classes, you need to be in a relaxed psychological state, focus on the muscles being worked, and monitor your breathing. The first training should be carried out under the supervision of an instructor; only after mastering the technique can you practice at home. With regular exercise, you will be able to strengthen your back muscles, make your ligaments more elastic, and relieve pain. Pilates is recommended for the prevention of many spinal diseases.

Fundamental Principles of Pilates

Pilates helps stabilize the so-called muscular corset of the body, which holds the spine in the desired position, contributing to its high-quality and full functioning.

What is Pilates

There are several rules of Pilates:

  1. Movements are smooth and calm.
  2. There is no need to make sudden movements.
  3. Achieve complete relaxation.
  4. Breathe correctly.
  5. Concentrate on execution.
  6. Feel your body.
  7. Control the work of one or another muscle group.
  8. Regularity, systematicity.
  9. Try to harmonize the work of the brain and muscles.

Do you need Pilates?

Let's summarize the thesis. Pilates is a must for you if:

  • You are experiencing back problems. Frequent pain, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis (which, by the way, most people have after 25 years!), osteoarthritis - annoying discomfort will remain a thing of the past.
  • You lead a sedentary lifestyle. In our century, sitting in the office is becoming increasingly popular. All office workers should definitely consider Pilates.
  • You are pregnant. It's pretty boring sitting at home for 9 months. Moreover, it is harmful to the body of the expectant mother.
  • You want to lose weight in the right places, and also hone your figure to the possible ideal. Feminine forms combined with grace and elegance are the dream of many women. By the way, men who regularly do Pilates also begin to radiate lightness and energy, which attracts the fairer sex.

It is worth noting that Pilates is an ideal option for rehabilitation after injuries, as well as recovery after the birth of a child.

The benefits of Pilates for the back and spine

When the vertebrae are in the correct position, they do not cause pain and discomfort, as is usually the case with the development of any pathology in the body, especially those associated with age. Pilates preserves the youth of the body and spine. Elastic, toned muscles help you bend and straighten confidently and painlessly, without feeling discomfort in the lumbar region, neck, or other areas of the spine. By performing Pilates exercises daily, there is no need to use creams, ointments and other medications and techniques for radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other common diseases that cause pain in the spine. With such gymnastics, the entire load is distributed evenly, without overloading individual muscle groups.

The purpose of Pilates

Simple Pilates exercises require concentration and immersion in the state of performing physical actions. You should not think about the negative during Pilates classes; all attention should be focused on the work of the muscles and the body as a whole. The focus is on a positive solution to problems with the spine.

Pilates has a varied approach to exercise. It can be easily performed on the floor - without additional objects or exercise equipment. You can also use additional sports equipment:

  1. Sticks.
  2. Small dumbbells.
  3. Ribbons.
  4. Balls.
  5. Jump ropes.

The benefits of Pilates

In any performance, the main principle is coherence and harmonization of the body, enjoying the process itself.

Useful tips

Before you start training, you need to study the following recommendations:

  • Do Pilates in clothes that do not restrict your movement. It is better to train barefoot so as not to disrupt the blood circulation in your legs.
  • To master the Pilates technique, take several classes under the guidance of an instructor.
  • Before training, consult your doctor, he will tell you how often you can exercise.
  • Warm up before gymnastics.
  • During home workouts, monitor your technique, concentrate on a specific muscle group, and control your breathing.
  • Perform the exercises slowly and smoothly.
  • When doing gymnastics, try to keep your back straight; after 10 to 15 sessions, your posture will improve.
  • The first workouts should consist of simple exercises without additional equipment. Over time, you can try more complex exercises. Increase the amplitude gradually to avoid injury.
  • Perform the complex at a smooth pace without interruption (except in cases where this is specifically stated).
  • Perform the exercises in the order that the instructor created for you.
  • To help your spine stretch better, pull in your stomach and hold it in that position.

It is better to train in comfortable sportswear and barefoot

Remember that Pilates is a rehabilitation system that does not involve impact loads. This gymnastics consists of stretching exercises, not strength exercises.

Selecting the best exercises

You can choose the best exercises with the help of a doctor or on your own, depending on:

  1. Which part of the spine is bothering you?
  2. How intense is the pain in the spine?
  3. What is the person's age.
  4. What chronic diseases does he have?

Guided by your physical well-being, you determine the nature of the exercises for certain muscle groups, the training of which will allow you to effectively cope with existing pathologies or discomfort in the spine and back.

Types of Pilates workouts

Important! When choosing exercises, it is important that those muscle groups are involved that will help get rid of pain and other uncomfortable conditions in the spine.

Who is Pilates suitable for?

“Gymnastics for the lazy,” as Pilates is also called, is suitable for the following groups of patients:

  • People who have experienced injuries to the musculoskeletal system (sprained ligaments, muscles, broken bones, etc.).
  • Patients who have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis. You can exercise even if you have a herniated disc, the main thing is to consult with your doctor before training.
  • Pregnant women, as well as women after childbirth, can also perform “gymnastics for the lazy.”
  • People with varicose veins.
  • Overweight patients with joint pain.
  • Elderly people with limited mobility.
  • Persons who lead a passive lifestyle or perform heavy physical work every day. Gymnastics will help increase muscle tone, stretch them, and relax them.
  • Pilates is ideal for beginners who have not previously exercised. After mastering this system, you can move on to more complex sports.

Pilates for the back is suitable for people who have not previously exercised

With Pilates you can get rid of back pain without putting excessive stress on your spine. This gymnastics is safe for health, and the risk of injury during its implementation is minimal.

This exercise program helps increase the strength of the abdominal and back muscles. All exercises are performed smoothly, so the muscles and ligaments are not overstrained, pain in the back disappears, and the likelihood of spinal pathologies is reduced.

Reference. To achieve a therapeutic effect during Pilates, you need to learn how to correctly distribute the load on the back muscles. This will relieve the vertebrae and also eliminate pain.

With regular exercises, even the deepest back muscles are strengthened, which then support the vertebrae, preventing the formation of protrusions and hernias. Relaxation exercises help relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, and trophism of the tissues of the spinal column.

If your back hurts

If you have back pain, you should consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the pain. After all, this is not necessarily pain in the spine. These symptoms can occur with any disease, both internal organs and various body systems. After making a diagnosis in a clinical setting, it will become clear how effective Pilates is in getting rid of the disease and which specific muscle groups it is advisable to work on. The doctor may also prescribe certain exercises for preventive purposes.

The best exercises for the back and spine

The purpose of the exercises is to stretch the spine and strengthen the perivertebral muscle tissue. These actions will promote better blood circulation in the intervertebral tissues and nutrition of the bones of the spine, improving blood supply to every cell of the muscular frame and vertebral tissues.

The role of breathing and fluidity in Pilates classes

The best and simplest exercises are considered to be sitting, kneeling, also lying on your stomach and back.

The best and most popular of them:

  1. Raise your body and legs at an angle of 45 degrees, while pulling your arms forward. We try to stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, then lie down on the floor and relax. All physical actions should be performed while exhaling, without holding your breath. This exercise should be repeated 3-5 times, then over time it is worth increasing the number of lifts if this does not cause additional discomfort.
  2. We lie on our backs and pull our legs towards ourselves as much as possible. They should be straight, with the toe pointed out. We do the exercise 3-5 times - while exhaling, inhaling in the starting position. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, you should stop exercising.
  3. On the stomach, we raise our legs and arms slightly up in an extended position, and try to stretch for 4-5 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times - for beginners.
  4. Lying on your stomach, raise your body on your arms, stretch your neck, lifting your chin. We do it 5-6 times.

Performing the exercise

Everyone knows the basic Pilates complexes:

  1. Scissors – spreading straight legs to the sides, lying on your back.
  2. Bicycle - circular rotations with legs, lying on your back.
  3. Pressing your legs to your chest - simultaneously or alternately.
  4. Bending the spine while kneeling - concave, then arch.
  5. Birch - raising your legs vertically, holding your pelvic part with your hands.
  6. Swimming – Lying on your stomach, alternately lift your arms and legs as if you were swimming.

Frequency of Pilates classes

The set of exercises may include several exercises that will help strengthen the back muscles and make the spine more flexible:

  1. Position - on your back - raise one leg at an angle of 20%, pull the second one towards you. At the same time, we raise the body, do the exercise while exhaling - 4 approaches. Over time, you can increase the number of approaches.
  2. On your back - raise your legs at 90%, lower them. Then we press our knees to our chest. We do not tear the blades off the surface. We do 5 approaches.
  3. On the stomach - we rise on our elbows and alternately raise our straight legs - 5-6 times with one and the same amount with the other.
  4. On your knees - raise your legs as high as possible one by one. We are trying to fix the leg at the highest point. Swings and fixations - 7-8 times with each leg in turn.
  5. On your knees - we do circular rotations of the pelvic part - clockwise and counterclockwise.

Important! A correctly performed complex will help you gain vigor for the whole day.

What is Pilates

Pilates is a set of exercises aimed at working out all muscle tissue, as well as strengthening the spinal column and all internal organs.

Pilates is designed to strengthen muscle tissue throughout the body

It is based on 5 main principles:

  1. Concentration - during each exercise, you need to mentally imagine which specific muscle group is working at that moment and focus only on it, relaxing the rest of the muscles.
  2. Breathing plays a vital role when performing exercises. It is very important to learn to breathe correctly. The entire volume of air entering during training should be retained in the lower parts of both lungs, which helps improve blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen. Proper breathing will help prevent shortness of breath, as well as pain that often occurs in the hypochondrium during any workout.
  3. Centering - during each exercise included in the Pilates complex, it is very important to stabilize the abdominal and abdominal muscles, which are also involved in maintaining the spinal column. Centering will ensure safety during exercise.
  4. Coordination – during training, it is important to control your every movement. Gradually, with regular training, you will gain experience, and all movements will be performed “automatically”.
  5. Relaxation – you can start performing a set of exercises only in a calm state. If you are not in the mood or are irritated by something, before you start exercising, you need to try to calm down and completely relax, as if “letting go of a burden from your soul.”

Video: “What is Pilates?”

Complex for the neck and cervical osteochondrosis

Pilates is very useful for cervical osteochondrosis

The cervical region is responsible for normal nutrition of the brain and the vascular system of the head. Therefore, in case of cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to clean the blood channels, restore and stabilize the functioning of the inflamed areas, which will be facilitated by this type of gymnastics.

For the body

A huge plus of Pilates is real, not ephemeral results that can only be talked about. We talk about specific benefits: the spine straightens and, as a result, lengthens. This helps ensure that all organs fall into place and return to normal functioning. Now you are not afraid of liver and kidney diseases, and the gastrointestinal tract will not be disturbed by flatulence or other discomfort.

The benefits for the cardiovascular system are also undeniable: it is not worth reminding that with age, the likelihood of heart attack and stroke increases (especially in men), and conditions such as tachycardia or angina pectoris become almost a daily companion. And, of course, lung capacity increases. What does this give? The volume of blood increases, it circulates more actively, the organs are better supplied with oxygen - you will not only feel more energetic, but also begin to think faster and solve everyday problems.

The most noticeable effect of Pilates is the condition of the joints. You gradually, and without injury, stretch your joints, thereby increasing their mobility. It is not surprising that many leading doctors recommend this sport for rehabilitation if the patient has suffered a serious injury.

Pilates complex for the lower back

The most common concern is the lower back, for which a huge variety of complexes are provided. Here are the best:

  1. We raise our legs vertically on our backs and begin to virtually draw a circle on the ceiling. Breathing is uniform. Three circles - clockwise, 3 circles - counterclockwise. We put our feet on the floor and rest. We repeat the exercise 3-5 times. Breathing is uniform. Actions - when exhaling. We don’t hold our breath.
  2. Raise the body at approximately a 45 degree angle. We put our hands on our hips and try to alternately reach our palms to our knees - left, right. Let's relax. Then we repeat the exercise 4 times again.
  3. Lying on your stomach in your arms, we smoothly raise your body and try to turn as much as possible, alternately left and right, as if looking around at what is behind your back. All movements are calm, we do not hold our breath.

Important! These exercises can be combined in a general set of classes. The complex should be carried out on the basis of tension and overwork. If desired, increase the number of repetitions and duration of classes.

Video - Pilates for spinal health

Should I do Pilates if I have a herniated disc?

A hernia requires differential diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. And if a doctor prescribes physical exercise, then more often it is Pilates, since it eliminates increased muscle tension, is done calmly and in accordance with the patient’s condition. It is better to conduct the first classes with a specialist who will determine the level of your load and will monitor your physical condition throughout the entire Pilates complex.

Pilates exercises for spinal hernia

In case of a hernia, it is often recommended to begin any physical complex with a kind of warm-up, which may consist of exercises:

  1. Stand up vertically - breathe while raising your arms.
  2. Circular rotations of the head in one direction, then in the other.
  3. Shoulder and wrist rotations.
  4. Stand on your toes, then on your heels.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

This warm-up will help you begin directly with gymnastics, which will help you get rid of intervertebral hernia faster and more effectively.

The complex may include exercises:

  1. On all fours - perform circular rotations with the pelvis.
  2. Bend and arch your back.
  3. Alternately move your legs to the sides, both bent at the knees and straight.
  4. On your stomach - raise your legs at an angle of 30-40 degrees and hold them in this position for 3 seconds.
  5. Stretch your arms and legs at an angle of 20 degrees for as long as possible.
  6. On your back - a bicycle - circular rotations with your legs like pressing the pedals.

It is better to do Pilates under the supervision of a trainer.

You should approach exercise with a hernia especially carefully and only under the supervision of a trainer or attending physician. Only after clinical studies (ultrasound, CT, MRI) will the doctor determine whether you need exercise and whether there are any contraindications that may be associated with certain factors:

  1. Pinching of blood vessels.
  2. The hernia has worsened.
  3. The arteries are blocked.
  4. Spasms.
  5. Pain.

If the doctor gives the go-ahead for Pilates, then the first classes should be short, with a minimum number of exercises. If the dynamics are positive, it is worth increasing the number of complexes and the duration of their implementation.

Forearm plank

Many of us know this exercise as a universal one, allowing us to quickly get in shape and work out the main problem areas. It's time to discover this movement for yourself from a new side: if you perform the plank correctly, it helps... to relax your lower back. This is due to the fact that in ordinary life we ​​often tend to increase the deflection in the lower back (for example, when wearing heels), while the plank technique requires making this area flat, which “inevitably” entails its relaxation.

How to do it: take a lying position, leaning over your forearms. Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders. The pelvis is twisted, the lower back is flat, the knees are straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lock in this position for 30-60 seconds,

How effective is Pilates for the back?

The complexes have not only a preventive effect, but also a therapeutic one. Without spending a lot of time on classes, without wasting strength and energy, being in a calm, peaceful mood, everyone will receive a boost of energy and get rid of unnecessary pathological changes in the spine or back muscles. Those who systematically do this gymnastics rarely get sick, since the exercises have a beneficial effect on increasing a person’s immunity and raising the mood and tone of the body. In addition, adherents of Pilates have excellent posture and a toned figure.

The effectiveness of exercise therapy for the thoracic spine

Exercise therapy is an effective way to build a strong muscle corset, thanks to which a relapse of the disease can be avoided in the future. With the help of exercises, the mobility of the thoracic spine and joints: intervertebral and costal vertebrae increases, ventilation of the lungs improves, and stiffness of the back muscles is eliminated.

Therapeutic exercises are the best method of preventing and treating diseases. A doctor should develop a complex of exercise therapy for a patient. Physical education helps in relaxing muscles, in forming a strong muscle corset, which prevents the development of diseases and the occurrence of various complications.

You may find it useful:

  • Appointment with a neurologist
  • Chiropractor appointment
  • Appointment with a traumatologist
  • Appointment with a rheumatologist
  • Ultrasound examinations (ultrasound)
  • MRI

Doing Pilates for the back

Pilates exercises

It is better to warm up before doing any physical activity. This will prevent:

  1. Pain symptom.
  2. Damage to muscle tissue.
  3. Ligament damage.

The basic rule is to track the position of the head - it should be at the same level as the spine. That's why:

  1. Don't throw your head back.
  2. Don't put it down.
  3. Do not tilt to the side.

6 Best Pilates Exercises

Proper, calm, deep breathing will help you perform Pilates effectively. A positive attitude and thoughts related only to improving health and getting rid of illnesses are also important. Introduce the following effective back exercises into your complex:

  1. Lying on your stomach, arms along your body. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles at the same time. As you exhale, lift your upper body 20 degrees above the floor. When lifting, try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Hold in the upper position for a few seconds. The exercise should be repeated 3-5 times.
  2. We lie on our backs. Bend your legs and, as you exhale, lift your pelvis as much as possible above the floor. Hold it in the upper position for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Raise your head slightly on your back. Try to tighten your abdominal muscles, one leg in a bent state is pulled towards the chest. The second one rises 45 degrees above the floor. Alternately change the position of the legs. This exercise for beginners should be repeated no more than 5 times.
  4. On your stomach, as you exhale, raise your left arm and right leg forward and hold for 3-5 seconds. Then we do the same with the other limbs.

Video - A complete set of Pilates exercises for the spine and back

Gluteal bridge

This exercise not only corrects the volume and shape of the buttocks, but also strengthens the lower back, reducing pain, evenly distributing the load on the lumbar region, and also improves walking and running performance. In addition, its main advantage is its variability: you can perform it with your own weight, with a barbell or dumbbells, elastic bands, or with your leg raised up. During the exercise, do not forget about the straight position of the body.

Photo: istockphoto.com


  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and your heels firmly on the floor.
  • Place your hands along your body.
  • Lift your hips up as you exhale, hold for a second, lower as you inhale.

Do the exercise 10 times.

Pilates – what is it and what are its benefits?

Light, harmonious Pilates gymnastics strengthens muscles, normalizes blood supply to all organs and tissues, helps strengthen the spine and makes it more flexible and flexible.

Elements of Pilates are present in almost every fitness complex. But more often they are used with the use of special equipment - to make the most efficient use of the space of fitness clubs and centers. There are specially designed Pilates studios. Which take into account:

  1. Number of people studying at the same time.
  2. Necessary and sufficient load individually and in group classes.
  3. The specifics of working on certain muscle groups.

What does Pilates give?

The invaluable benefits of these exercises have already been proven in practice. If a person regularly practices Pilates, it has a number of advantages:

What exercises for the back should you choose?

Back muscles can be trained in different ways. We have suggested only a few options for back exercises that can be easily done at home, but you can create your own training program. To prevent the development of osteochondrosis, Nordic walking, jogging, yoga, Pilates, cycling, swimming, aerobics and other types of physical activity are suitable.

Before starting training, we recommend visiting a doctor to find out possible individual contraindications.

and determine
the optimal load level
. But the doctor cannot foresee everything; rely on your own feelings. If you feel that the exercise is difficult for you and causes pain and discomfort, stop doing it.

To keep your muscles toned, be sure to do exercises in the morning.

, and also set aside time to exercise at least several times a week. It will be enough to study for a total of 2.5-3 hours, although more is possible. Add exercises for all muscle groups to your training program.

Pilates equipment

Special equipment for Pilates

A wide variety of equipment for Pilates classes is presented in any specialized online store. Here you can see all the devices that will help strengthen the spine and frame muscles. The simplest are mat-platforms, which differ in types:

  • with footrest;
  • without her;
  • high platform;
  • low.

More versatile ones include Cadillacs - one of the most important tools for any Pilates studio. These exercise machines are fully suitable for both beginners and advanced adherents of this style of healing. The equipment is well suited for recovery and rehabilitation, helping to minimize the load on the spine.

Pilates equipment

Positive effect on the body

Clinically, the destructive-degenerative process is manifested by pain in the neck, back of the head, limited mobility, and neurological disorders. The general state of health worsens - blood pressure rises, headaches, shortness of breath appear, visual acuity and hearing decrease.

Dizziness is a common symptom of the pathology.

Daily Pilates classes will help relieve most neurogenic symptoms and improve the patient’s well-being. This happens due to the diverse effects of exercise on the human body:

  • normalization of blood circulation, microcirculation, elimination of nutrient deficiency in tissues;
  • strengthening of metabolic processes in damaged cervical discs and vertebrae;
  • improvement of innervation;
  • posture correction;
  • restoration of strength and elasticity of muscles, ligamentous-tendon apparatus.

After just a few workouts, you can feel that your back has become straighter, and turning and bending are not accompanied by pain. In young patients, by improving the blood supply to cartilage tissue, partial regeneration of intervertebral discs is possible.

Pilates - a set of exercises

When determining your pathology, the doctor will prescribe an individual set of exercises that will contribute to a quick recovery. If classes are carried out for the purpose of prevention, then it is also advisable to consult a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications.

There are a huge number of complexes aimed at various areas of muscle near the vertebral tissue. It’s worth starting with the simplest ones, gradually increasing the load and expanding the range of exercises.

Basic Pilates exercises

Table of various Pilates exercises and basic poses

Body positionImageExercises
On the back

We lie down on a flat surface, lower our shoulder blades down, and bend one leg.
Palms along the body on the floor surface. Place your foot on the knee of the opposite other leg. In this complex there are two levers - the arm and the knee, the back muscles should be relaxed, only the arms and legs should be tense. Place your foot on the knee of the other leg and try to touch the floor with your knee. We perform all actions while exhaling. We do it 5-7 times. If discomfort occurs, it is better to stop exercising. We lie down on the floor in an extended position. We stretch out our straight legs one by one on the floor surface, trying as if to reach some distant object with our feet. Do it 4-5 times
On the stomach

We stretch our arms forward.
Inhale, and as you exhale, raise your left arm and right leg. 3-5 times, if there is discomfort, then stop. We swing with a boat, raise our legs one by one in an extended state and tear off our shoulders and body in a stretched, stretching state.

The legs are brought together and lie on the floor. After taking a deep breath, begin to bend down with your arms outstretched, wanting to reach the tips of your toes. The back should be straight, the head should be at the level of the spine. Slowly return to the starting position. This can be done 3-5 times - for beginners
On the knees

Place your hands on the floor. As you exhale, lift your right and left straight legs alternately, holding them in a high position for 2-3 seconds

"A hundred"

This exercise is not suitable for those who are trying to get six-pack abs, but any beginner can do it. “The Hundred” is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, arms, back and core, helping to reduce waist size and tighten the stomach.

During the exercise, try not to overstrain your neck or press it to your chest, also do not rush, do not swing your arms and do not lift your lower back from the floor.

Everyday stretching for beginners. Favorite exercises of actress Angelina Strechina


  • Lie on the floor so that your spine is pressed to the floor.
  • Leave your legs bent on the floor or lift them up in the same position.
  • Extend your arms straight and make five slow strokes while inhaling and exhaling.
  • Swing your arms five times as you inhale and five as you exhale.

Do this exercise 50-100 times.

Pilates - contraindications

Any disease in an acute state requires urgent treatment. Therefore, at this time, any additional physical activity is excluded. So, classes are not shown to people:

  1. Having just undergone surgery.
  2. Those who have received injuries that have not yet healed.
  3. Having any neoplasms in the body.
  4. With elevated body temperature, which indicates an acute inflammatory process in the body.
  5. With the risk of bleeding.

Contraindications to Pilates classes


Before practicing this system, you need to study possible contraindications, because in some cases Pilates can harm your health.

It is prohibited to perform “gymnastics for the lazy” in the following cases:

  • Serious diseases in which a person’s condition significantly worsens.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by fever.
  • The likelihood of bleeding in the postoperative or post-traumatic period.
  • Injuries after which a foreign body enters the body.
  • Severe pain of unknown origin.
  • Cellulitis or abscesses.

It is strongly recommended that you consult with a physician or professional instructor before exercising, especially if you have a chronic illness.

Important. Before training at home, do several classes under the supervision of a trainer to master the basics of Pilates. The specialist will tell you what mistakes you are making and also explain how to correct them.

Who is Pilates recommended for the back?

For all other categories of citizens, this gymnastics is simply necessary. Especially indicated for patients suffering from:

  1. Osteochondrosis.
  2. Spinal hernias.
  3. After injuries to ligaments, spine, muscle tissue.
  4. With joint problems.
  5. Overweight.
  6. With varicose veins.
  7. Age categories.
  8. Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  9. Women in the postpartum period.
  10. For everyone who cares about their health.

Pilates principles

People of any age, body type, and with various diseases can exercise. Pilates is an absolutely non-traumatic form of gymnastics; the exercises can be easily performed even by obese people. Eliminates additional stress on the spine or muscles. Does not require investment or purchase of expensive equipment. Enough mat for gymnastics.

Indications for Pilates

This type of physical exercise is recommended as an excellent rehabilitation for those who have suffered injuries : muscle or ligament sprains, bone fractures. Pilates helps return displaced vertebrae to their correct location and relieve pinched spinal nerves. Regular exercise is a good way to prevent back pain.

Note! After injuries (sprains or fractures), it is necessary to resort to Pilates only after complete healing of damaged soft or bone tissue, or after complete fusion of broken bones. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself.

Pilates is recommended:

  • for osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  • if you have problems with joint health;
  • with excess weight, which causes problems in the musculoskeletal system;
  • with varicose veins;
  • in adulthood to prevent stiffness of movement due to age-related reasons;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • those who plan to engage in any kind of sport, but have not previously encountered such stress, as a result of which their body is not prepared for the latter;
  • mothers in the postpartum period for the purpose of recovery;
  • in the presence of intervertebral hernias.

Pilates exercises can strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. You can use a fitball for this.

You should stop doing Pilates in the following cases::

  • In the presence of recently received, unhealed injuries.
  • If there are any tumors in the body.
  • During acute respiratory or cold diseases.
  • During an exacerbation of diseases of the spinal column (for example, radiculitis).
  • At elevated body temperature.
  • If there is a risk of bleeding (for example, an injury that has not healed sufficiently or recent surgery).

Find out how else you can strengthen your back and spine:

  • You can learn how to strengthen your back using an expander in the following article.
  • Indications and features of performing exercises with a fitball for the back can be found at the link
  • Physical therapy for children to strengthen their back is described on the page
  • You can learn more about yoga asanas for the back here
  • How to stretch your back and spine

Exercises for the spine using equipment

Such complexes are also called methods for perfect posture. Sometimes they are supplemented with elements for the development of the chest or muscles of the arms and other parts of the body. Additional equipment is used for execution.

Table of basic exercises using sports equipment

Sport equipmentImageExercises

Stand up straight, take small dumbbells in your hands. Raise your arms at an angle of 90 degrees at the same time or alternately, then complicate the exercise by bending slightly forward
Elastic band (elastic band, jump rope)

Lie on your side and secure the band to your thigh so that your foot rests on the band. Stretch your leg one at a time against the resistance of the elastic band.
BallLie down on a large special ball and make small movements to the sides, back and forth. Exercises on the ball can also be done while sitting, raising your arms up and performing actions reminiscent of stretching.

How to quickly forget about pain in the spine and neck

If you start doing Pilates. The pain may go away in a week. For more serious pathologies, such as radiculitis, osteochondrosis, hernia, a longer time will be required depending on:

  1. From human physiology.
  2. Stages of the disease.
  3. The presence of other diseases.

But if you don’t stop exercising, the effect will definitely be achieved and you will forget about back and neck pain forever.

But, as you know, it is better to prevent the disease. To do this, you should start doing Pilates right now. While you are not yet bothered by discomfort and pain in the spine and neck.

What can cause back problems?

Back pain and lower back pain are familiar to many people. They can manifest themselves in different ways, sometimes painful sensations are accompanied by muscle spasms, numbness in areas of the body along the spine, and slight tingling. These symptoms can be due to various reasons:

  • Tension in the muscles
    is usually caused by overload or weakness of the muscles themselves, so the muscles need to be kept in good shape.
  • Sudden movements
    can cause sprained ligaments, which will cause pain in the future. Ligaments connect the vertebrae and serve to strengthen the spinal column, so a sprain will be felt with almost every movement.
  • Muscle fatigue
    can be caused not only by excessive physical activity, but also by poor posture. Poor posture can also result in joint compression and increased tension in the intervertebral discs.

With age, bones, muscles and ligaments become less dense and strong, but regular exercise and a properly balanced diet

, rich in nutrients, in particular calcium.

Sometimes pain can be caused by external influences

. A person may fall, be pushed, or lift too much weight or an awkward load. If such a nuisance occurs, then first of all you need to ensure peace of mind:

  • take a comfortable position and rest for a while;
  • if an injury occurs during training, stop immediately;
  • if relief does not occur within one or several hours, consult a doctor;
  • As a temporary measure, apply ice to the sore area and take a pain reliever.

Back injuries are very unpleasant. The rehabilitation process can take from several days to several weeks. A rehabilitation exercise program will be prescribed by your doctor.

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