Reviews of the inversion table for the spine. Pros, cons, exercises

What is an inversion table?

An inversion table is a device that allows you to improve your health, in particular, eliminate or reduce back pain, improve blood circulation, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and increase immunity by turning yourself upside down as part of inversion therapy. The biomechanism of exercising on an inversion table is to reduce compression of the spine, relieve stress from the back and stretch the intervertebral discs.

How does inversion therapy work?

Gravity holds a person to the ground, constantly pulling and compressing the spine and joints. Therefore, to compensate for the effects of this influence, it is necessary to do something opposite: in opposition to gravity, inversion therapy prevents compression of the intervertebral discs.

The simplest and most popular method of back treatment is the use of inversion tables.

Since full inversion is not always necessary for therapy (90° inversion), inversion tables can be rotated to certain angles.

Using inversion tables at home is extremely easy. Increasing the inclination will lead to greater stretching, and full inversion is possible due to special fastenings to hold the legs.


After systematic training, the following are observed:

  • reduction of muscle tension;
  • strengthening ligaments;
  • improved posture;
  • increased blood circulation.


Periodic physical activity is necessary for a person, otherwise he becomes dependent on taking pills. Inversion tables become a source of easy cardiovascular training by increasing blood circulation

, which helps improve the functioning of the heart and muscles.

Improved posture

Shoulder or back pain occurs mainly due to poor posture. Correct posture is formed with a straight, balanced body position.

Inversion tables provide a physiological state of the spine.

The external and internal oblique muscles help maintain correct posture. When these muscles weaken, it becomes necessary to use inversion tables for alignment. Feeling better after exercising on an inversion table

by training muscle groups involved in maintaining physiological posture.

Reducing lower back pain

Pain relief is the main reason why inversion tables are so popular. For example, when a person experiences unbearable back pain due to a protrusion or hernia, inversion tables reduce tension on the intervertebral discs

. When discomfort occurs during muscle spasms, inversion tables are used to quickly relieve pain.

Energy restoration

Exercises on inversion tables relieve tension in the spine and increase the intensity of blood circulation in the spinal cord and brain. This helps relieve stress and reduce pain in different parts of the body. After stretching, you feel relaxed and calm.

Increased blood circulation in the brain

Inversion tables increase the volume of blood flowing to the brain through inversions. This helps strengthen the arterial wall, reduce the likelihood of developing cognitive problems, and improve performance.

Other benefits

  • Availability of periodic training for people experiencing intense physical activity or, conversely, suffering from a lack of physical activity;
  • The production of endorphins increases, reducing depression, anxiety, stress;
  • Restoration and relaxation of overworked muscles.


Reviews from doctors regarding inversion tables, their work, functionality and effectiveness are advisory in nature

. One of the main disadvantages is the need for a full consultation and health examination before purchasing an inversion table, otherwise the classes may result in negative consequences.

Dry traction of the spine

Spinal traction can be dry or underwater. Dry traction of the spine is carried out by the body weight of a person lying on an inclined plane. Horizontal and vertical traction tables are used, and additional weights are used for traction. Horizontal traction is preferable; it allows you to control and gradually increase the traction force. The entire process is controlled and displayed on the monitor screen.

Orthopedic doctor Andrey Sergeevich Litvinenko comments:

Our medical center performs dry horizontal traction of the spine. For such procedures, a special traction table is used, on which uniform stretching of all parts of the spine is carried out, as well as traction of the knee, hip and shoulder joints.

In our clinic, the procedure for horizontal dry traction of the back and joints is carried out using an Ormed-professional apparatus.

Reviews from doctors

According to doctors, inversion is a fairly effective way to comprehensively treat spinal problems, and therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Inversion table exercises do not cure the disease, but are an excellent tool for relieving symptoms.


Inversion table exercises can solve many back problems and also prevent future health problems.

Exercises on an inversion table are recommended for people suffering from:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • protrusion of the lumbar region;
  • scoliosis or lordosis of the spine;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • muscle weakness;
  • decreased range of motion in joints;
  • weak ligaments;
  • decreased blood circulation;
  • stagnation;
  • during recovery after childbirth;
  • in the prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic psychological tension or stress.

Exercises on an inversion table are recommended for people with pain in the neck, back without damage to the spinal cord, diseases of the cardiovascular system, eyes, ears. If there are pathologies, you should consult a doctor.


Inversion therapy is considered unsafe for some categories of people. Inversion increases blood and intraocular pressure and reduces heart rate.

Contraindications for exercising on an inversion table are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: arterial hypertension, stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease;
  • Organic pathologies or infections: cerebral sclerosis, hearing diseases, conjunctivitis, glaucoma;
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs: abdominal or ventral hernia;
  • Other factors: retinal detachment, pregnancy, obesity, use of drugs that reduce blood clotting, osteoporosis, cerebral aneurysm, dementia.

Exercises on an inversion table

How to use it correctly?

According to doctors, for first-time users, in order to adapt, it is necessary to exercise for about 2 weeks, then consult with a physiotherapist and check your own health status. The duration of the exercises should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

For best results, it is recommended to exercise 2 times a day.

When you exercise on an inversion table, you relax the supporting muscles and ligaments of your back that are usually tense, “suspending” your spine. When you return from inversion to your normal position, your back muscles are still slightly vulnerable for about 30 minutes. In order for them to return to normal, you should not strain after exercise during this time. Therefore, the ideal time to practice is before bed.

In addition, it is important to remember that a position 45 degrees below the horizontal line for an inexperienced user can lead to injuries that provoke serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The position of inversion tables in an oblique position between 20 and 30 degrees is the optimal load option for beginners.

Before you start training, you need to adjust the table. To do this, adjust the height depending on your height using a special screw. Be sure to check the reliability of the fixation. Then adjust the leg mount so that the position remains comfortable. While performing the exercises, you must follow safety precautions: lean firmly against the back, do not try to raise your head or torso, or stand up suddenly.


It is necessary to position your hands so that your body assumes a vertical position. After a few minutes you should return to the original state. Repetition frequency 10-15. If you remove the restraint strap or angle lock, the body can be turned in a more extreme position (full inversion).


You need to sit on the inversion table and be sure that your position is stable. Next, try to maintain the position so that the body is horizontal.


Rotation is accomplished by gradually rotating the entire body. While hanging, you need to keep your right arm across the upper half of your body, holding onto your left side. Then slowly pull yourself in a specific direction and rotate. Repeat the same procedure with your left hand and the right side of the table. The frequency of execution should be 10-15 repetitions.


It must be remembered that dry traction of the spine has a number of limitations:

  • urolithiasis disease,
  • neoplasms of benign and malignant nature,
  • epilepsy,
  • third degree spondylosis,
  • exacerbation of heart and vascular diseases,
  • severe stage vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The procedure is dangerous for vertebral instability and acute spinal injuries, inflammatory processes in bone tissue, osteoporosis and other diseases that destroy bones.

How to choose an inversion table

First of all, our store consultants check with the client about his health status, as well as the desired basic characteristics of the simulator:

  • User weight;
  • User growth;
  • Frame design – folding or stationary;
  • Inversion drive – mechanical or electric.

To get the maximum benefits, before purchasing an inversion table, you need to make sure of its characteristics

. It should be well built, safe and comfortable. Strength and durability always accompany quality equipment.

Make sure the inversion table has a sturdy frame

. The frame can be made of durable materials such as heavy-duty steel or stainless steel. This will ensure the inversion table remains stable during exercise.

It is recommended to choose a backrest with comfortable and practical upholstery.

, which guarantees comfort during exercise. The soft foam material ensures that your neck, back and head will remain in a comfortable position after returning to its original state. Hard plastic, in turn, will be durable and easy to maintain.

The optimal inversion table should have a tilt locking system, with which you can stretch and turn over at different angles. You should also familiarize yourself with the maximum weight allowed for the table.


It is necessary to choose only tables with the optimal price-quality ratio. It is important to remember that the more expensive the equipment, the higher the quality. Expensive inversion tables usually have high-grade materials that provide good quality exercises. Today, the choice of equipment is limited only by the size of your wallet.

Before purchasing, you should read in detail the testing data of inversion tables, reviews and ratings of the best inversion tables. High ratings and quality tend to correlate. It is important to make sure that all opinions are taken into account, this ensures that the purchase is informed and educated.

TOP 5 inversion tables according to buyers

It is recommended to buy inversion tables from well-known brands. This is quite expensive, but high-quality products will return you in full due to improved health.

It is important to note that the inversion table comes with a warranty. Since the purchase is made by people with constant back pain, most likely they will exercise on the exercise machine daily. This increases wear and the risk of failure.

For comfortable training, you can pay attention to the presence of additional functions. There are models with ultra-thin carbon heating elements, an electric drive and other devices that improve the effect of therapy. For the most attentive readers, we have prepared a promotional code for a discount SPINA2021

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