“I was blown away” or the dangers of drafts and air conditioners

Causes of the disease

A lot of factors can provoke the disease. Your child may have developed myositis:

  • infectious due to the penetration of infection into the child’s body in the form of a harmful virus or bacteria;
  • parasitic infectious - myositis is provoked in this case by echinococci, trichinella, etc.;
  • traumatic - if the baby falls or hits himself, inflammation can occur in response to the damage;
  • static-dynamic – when the child is in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • due to hypothermia - too cold clothes, fans, air conditioners, prolonged swimming in a pond and other factors;
  • due to too much physical strain on the neck muscles.

According to many doctors, cervical myositis in children can also occur due to the fact that the baby’s neck muscles are hypertonic. Inflammation can also be caused by severe and frequent stress, which can lead to spasms of the neck muscles. Over time, this phenomenon can cause constant, persistent spasms and pain.





5333 January 25


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Colds: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods.


The term "cold" is not a medical term, but it is so commonly used that it requires more careful consideration. Usually, when talking about a cold, the patient associates his illness with hypothermia, especially since the peak incidence occurs in the cold season. However, hypothermia is only a trigger, a cause of weakened immunity and the development of the disease. Against the background of physical stress, a bacterial or viral infection is observed.

Penetration of viruses and bacteria into the human body

Colds can be caused by both viruses (and in these cases we talk about ARVI) and bacteria.

The combined effect of these microorganisms is also possible, when, against the background of weakened immunity due to a viral infection, active reproduction of the bacterial flora begins.

Causes of colds

The basis of colds is always a decrease in immune status, or more precisely, a lack of immune defense cells at the site of accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms. This occurs due to vasospasm under the influence of cold and poor circulation. Blood cells responsible for capturing and destroying microorganisms do not reach the mucous membrane, where opportunistic microorganisms are always present and where viruses penetrate first. As a result, their active reproduction begins, causing human disease.

Often there is a combined infection, when a violation of the barrier function of the mucous membranes due to a viral disease leads to the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria, which always live there in small quantities.

In addition, hypothermia, which the body perceives as stress, leads to activation of the herpes virus. This virus is found in almost all adults, however, provided they have good immunity, it “freezes” in the nerve cells and does not manifest itself. When the immune system is weakened under the influence of various stress factors (including cold), the virus is activated and moves along the nerve pathways to the surface of the skin, causing rashes on the lips, nose, etc.

Classification of diseases

Colds can be divided into viral (acute rhinosinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses, herpetic infection) and bacterial (acute bacterial rhinosinusitis, acute rhinopharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and tonsils; sore throat, which is also called pharyngitis). Acute viral respiratory diseases can be caused by influenza or parainfluenza viruses, as well as adeno-, rhino- and coronaviruses.

The development of viral infections is promoted not only by hypothermia, but also by staying in close groups (schools, kindergartens, public transport), and age (children, elderly people).

Acute respiratory bacterial infections are caused by opportunistic pneumotropic microorganisms that often colonize mucous membranes, but do not develop in large quantities due to immune defense. Among them, streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia and mycoplasma predominate, the carriage (normal presence in a healthy body) of which varies from 5% (mycoplasma) to 90% (staphylococcus). Acute respiratory bacterial infections, as a rule, are accompanied by less pronounced symptoms of intoxication, and the temperature usually does not exceed 38°C.

In the case of a bacterial infection joining a viral one, the acute form of the disease with a predominance of catarrhal phenomena is replaced by a chronic one, which can last a long time, leading to the development of complications.
Symptoms of a cold
Acute viral respiratory diseases caused by rhino-, corona- or adenoviruses, as well as influenza and parainfluenza viruses always manifest themselves with a sudden and sharp onset, deterioration of the general condition (fever, symptoms of intoxication, heaviness in the head, aching joints, muscle pain, nasal congestion, soreness and redness of the throat without the formation of plaque and films.

Cough during viral infections appears in 20% of cases and is acute, but benign. It disappears within 10–14 days, but sometimes it can last longer – up to 2–3 weeks, in these cases it is called post-infectious.

A dry and unproductive cough during ARVI is caused either by inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, or by its irritation due to secretions flowing from the nasopharynx.

Colds caused by a bacterial infection tend to develop more slowly. It may not be accompanied by high fever and significant intoxication.

With a sore throat, not only redness of the mucous membrane is noted, but also plaque, the color and consistency of which depends on the bacterial agent.

Discharge from the nose acquires a greenish tint and a viscous consistency. When coughing, viscous sputum appears. Symptoms of inflammation caused by a bacterial infection may not only appear in the respiratory tract. Migrating through the circulatory system, bacteria are able to infect the heart, joints, kidneys and other organs with the development of corresponding symptoms.

Diagnosis of a cold

Questioning the patient (onset of the disease and symptoms) and examining the mucous membrane of the throat helps determine which infectious agent caused the cold. The presence of plaque, pustules and films speaks in favor of the bacterial nature of the cold. If only a hyperemic and swollen throat is noted, most likely it is a viral disease. Laboratory research methods help clarify the diagnosis and identify the specific causative agent of the cold. A clinical blood test is required to determine ESR and leukocyte formula, and if plaque is present, a smear from the mucous membrane of the pharynx for further microscopy and culture to determine sensitivity to antibiotics.


Identifying cervical myositis in children sometimes turns out to be quite difficult, since the child himself does not say anything about his health, and the parent can only guess what is bothering his child. Often in such a situation, even older children cannot really explain what exactly hurts and where. In general, the clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • pain in the neck, which can spread lower;
  • increase in skin temperature;
  • weakness of the child, some symptoms of intoxication.

But, in addition, treatment of myositis in children may be necessary after the manifestation of some particular symptoms, which do not occur in every situation and may depend on which muscles are affected. These symptoms include:

  1. Limitation of the child’s body mobility due to pain.
  2. Uncontrolled muscle contractions.
  3. Redness of the skin and swelling of the tissues directly above the site of inflammation.

Often the first signs of myositis of the neck muscles in a 3-year-old child appear at the moment of awakening; often the baby begins to be capricious, and parents note his lethargy, and attempts to change body position are accompanied by bouts of crying. When a parent tries to examine the baby, he may notice muscle tightness and tenderness to palpation.

“I was blown away” or the dangers of drafts and air conditioners

Is the air conditioner causing trouble?

Therapists warn about the serious impact of air conditioning on human health.
The use of air conditioners provokes a summer surge in acute pneumonia, sinusitis, tonsillitis, cystitis and other inflammatory diseases, which patients themselves aptly summarize with the word “produlitis”. Sometimes patients even argue with allergists, claiming that there is such a terrible disease in nature as an allergy to air conditioning! By the way, doctors still have not come to a consensus about allergies. But the leak of some specific components from the cooling system can actually cause a dry throat, cough or asthma-like attack. Well, many have heard about the terrible infection that first broke out in the 70s of the last century at an American gathering of legionnaires and claimed the lives of 1% of the delegates. This is legionellosis, in which the Legionella bacterium, which multiplies in an aquatic environment and is carried throughout the room by air conditioning systems, causes a disease similar to pneumonia.

But besides these unpleasant diseases, an urbanist who has fallen into the tenacious clutches of progress also experiences a less dangerous, but more common condition - severe muscle pain in that part of the body that has been exposed to a stream of cold air.

What happens in the muscle? Banal aseptic (non-infectious, non-purulent) inflammation! In response to the local (local) effect of cold, tonic tension or, in other words, muscle spasm occurs in the muscle. Blood circulation is disrupted in the muscle, unnecessary substances accumulate, including inflammatory mediators that activate pain receptors.

And the “wheel of Samsara” began to spin: pain - spasm - pain again. If measures are not taken immediately (rubbing, warming massage, gymnastics, relaxation exercises), then muscle stiffness will increase, and the next morning you will have to go to the doctor.

Muscle pain of this type is very susceptible to those who are forced to maintain an uncomfortable position for hours (office workers, drivers working on an assembly line) and... people who often experience emotional stress. Stress also leads to muscle tension, so a little bit is enough for the cascade of illness to start even from a “small breeze,” which is what lovers of Russian frosts call a scorching stream of cold that knocks them off their feet.

Doctor's advice

For many years, doctors around the world have been instilling in their patients the truism that pain should not be tolerated. That pain is the body's signal of danger. That the method of “enduring it” usually always leads to sadder consequences than the fear of boring the doctor with your ailments. Doctors now have many ways in their arsenal to relieve muscle spasms and relieve pain. It is only important to apply on time!

And the prevention of “air conditioner diseases” is complex and simple at the same time. Here are a few rules that everyone should try to follow:

1. Try not to be exposed to a direct stream of cold air.

Nowadays, air conditioners have various curtains and guides to ensure an even distribution of cold and warm layers in the room. Read the installation instructions or contact a specialist. It is especially important to ensure that the air conditioner does not blow on you at night, since it is at night that the most dramatic events take place in the backs of our patients. When the air conditioner is on, it is not recommended to open doors and windows, as this will become an additional source of draft and increase the risk of hypothermia.

2. You can close curtains or blinds so as not to create a greenhouse effect in the room from surfaces heated by the sun.

You can tint the windows or cover them with reflective film, insulate the room with special materials - just like to keep warm in the winter, thermal insulation is necessary in the summer to keep cool. In the evening, by opening the windows on the cooler side, you can use fans, also making sure that people are not exposed to the air flow from them.

The fact is that the difference between the street temperature and the temperature in the refrigerated room, according to doctors’ advice, should not be more than 4–8 degrees. Otherwise, it is the temperature difference that will give you a “cold” or myositis. And the vascular system may not forgive such stress.

It’s also worth considering buying energy-saving light bulbs, because they emit 80% less heat than conventional incandescent light bulbs. And in general - turn off unused electrical appliances - they also heat the air in the rooms by 1-2 degrees, but imperceptibly. In addition, under windows facing the sunny side, you can plant a beautiful tree. In a few years, you will be able to appreciate your contribution to the greening of the city and enjoy the shade and view of greenery. Nice and useful!

3. The air conditioner must be cleaned regularly.

Over time, an uncleaned air conditioner filter begins to spread pathogenic microorganisms with the air flow. For home air conditioners, experts recommend washing the filter every week. For workers, especially do not spare money and time - the absence of workers will be more expensive!

4. You should consider purchasing air humidifiers.

Air conditioners can cause a decrease in humidity in the room, and dry skin and mucous membranes are not the most pleasant feeling in the cool air. This phenomenon, of course, has positive sides. Drying prevents the growth of mold, fungal infections of the walls and ceiling of the room, and removes the smell of dampness and blooms inherent in climates with high humidity. But people are suffering.

5. Use other ways to cool down,

but without fanaticism: drinks with ice are undoubtedly a good method of cooling from the inside, but they can easily cause hypothermia of the mouth and throat. To avoid going to the dentist and otolaryngologist later, you should drink them in small sips. The same recommendation applies to hot tea, which also stimulates the body’s self-cooling only by increasing sweating. In this case, the person should wear clothes made from natural fabrics that absorb sweat well.

You can try cold and hot showers. For children, it is worth remembering such an ancient method of cooling as wrapping a wet towel around the head and places where the pulse can be easily felt: on the elbows, wrists, under the knees. You can simply pour cool water over your child’s feet. If the heat still gets too hot, you can install a fan that will blow on a regular plastic bottle with frozen water - this can reduce the air temperature in a small room by 2-3 degrees.

6. Try to reduce the time you use the stove and oven.

A natural reaction to heat is a decrease in appetite, so during hot times of the day you can limit yourself to cold appetizers and salads. Search the Internet for many recipes for summer “snacks” that will not spoil the figure of those losing weight and will allow your child to eat well during the holidays.

7. Try to limit physical activity in the hottest weather.

You should not start repairing your balcony around noon, or organize shopping or a walk in crowded places. Make sure that the doors in the entrances are tightly closed in hot weather, and in the evening - ventilate the premises thoroughly. Make sure that any banners and advertising do not obscure the windows of offices and apartments. Carry a bottle of water with you - you or others may need it. Be carefull! Do not leave children and elderly people in the sun. Especially in cars...

8. It is worth taking care that the bed and bedding do not retain excess heat.

Somnologists (sleep specialists) recommend using “summer” fabrics and light-colored linen, special pillow fillings and mattress cover. The optimal comfort temperature for a person is 22–23 degrees, but for sleep it is better if the room temperature is 18 degrees and you are covered with a light blanket.

Remember that people have lived on Earth for several million years, and air conditioning was invented only recently. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain good physical shape, strengthen your immune system - and you will feel great both in the winter cold and in the summer heat.

Valentina Saratovskaya

Photo thinkstockphotos.com

How to diagnose?

To determine myositis in a child, it is not enough to feel the sore spot yourself. You need to consult a doctor to identify the causes of the baby’s pain, since they may lie in something completely different. To establish a diagnosis, you will need to take tests and undergo diagnostic procedures.

What tests are needed?

In general, the doctor may prescribe for the child:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Detection of alkaline phosphatase.
  3. Serum creatinine and total creatine kinase, its MB fractions.

As a result, it will be possible to determine the cause of pain and deterioration in the child’s well-being, confirm or refute the presence of myositis of the neck muscles in a small child.


First of all, the doctor will prescribe external medications and oral medications. External preparations are gels and ointments that have a local irritant effect and also anesthetize the affected muscles. They improve blood circulation in the diseased area, thereby providing a healing effect. It is worth knowing that treatment of neck myositis in a child cannot involve the use of drugs based on snake or bee venom; camphor or menthol ointments are best suited. Everything will depend on the age of the little patient.

In addition to external medications, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications are necessarily prescribed. Among these may be children's Ibuprofen or its analogues. Such a remedy will be aimed at treating inflammation and eliminating its manifestations. However, the advisability of use depends on whether the child tolerates aspirin normally, whether there are problems with the digestive organs, kidneys, etc.

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