Acute laryngitis: inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords

Treatment of acute laryngitis in ENT clinic No. 1


  • Golonova Yulia Yurievna

    otorhinolaryngologist, clinic director

5.00 (Votes: 3)

The most important sign of acute laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords) is hoarseness, hoarseness and a barking, painful cough. Most often, acute laryngitis is a consequence of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).

Why does acute laryngitis deserve special attention?

Acute laryngitis is a disease that cannot be ignored, hoping for “maybe”, especially since it is impossible to continue working during inflammation of the vocal cords, especially for people in “voice specialties” (actors, announcers, journalists, teachers, doctors, etc.) We must remember that the vocal apparatus must be treated very carefully, since a person is very social, and the main means of communication is the voice. Be sure to contact an ENT doctor to examine the vocal cords, prescribe treatment and issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

our employees

Ostroukhov Ivan Mikhailovich

Chief physician, doctor of the highest category. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation General management of the branch's activities

Grigorieva Alla Alexandrovna

Deputy Chief Physician for Outpatient Clinics

Coordination of scientific activities of the branch

Otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category. Associate Professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology of ASMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Surgical treatment of pharyngeal pathology in children and adults, surgical treatment of benign neoplasms of the ENT organs, surgical interventions for reconstruction of the facial skeleton

Kharitonov Dmitry Anatolievich

Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Ophthalmology of ASMU

Otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Control over the medical activities of the branch. Rhinosurgery, otosurgery

Efremov Alexander Lvovich

Deputy Chief Physician for Organizational and Methodological Work

Organization of branch activities, communication with healthcare institutions, ministries, insurance companies

Mukhtarov Kairat Maksutovich

Head of the otolaryngology department.

Otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Otosurgery, cochlear implantation, rhinosurgery, surgical interventions to restore the function of the larynx and trachea

Kolokolov Oleg Vladislavovich

Head of outpatient department

Audiologist-otorhinolaryngologist of the first qualification category

Organization and implementation of activities for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases associated with hearing impairment

Sokolova Alina Igorevna

Phoniatrician of the highest qualification category

Treatment of diseases associated with voice disorders

Obetanov Anton Andreevich


Rhinosurgery. Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the neck. Otosurgery

Dolotkazin Stanislav Khalilovych

Otorhinolaryngologist of the first qualification category

Otosurgery, rhinosurgery, surgical treatment of benign neoplasms of ENT organs. Surgical treatment of pharynx pathology in children and adults

Startseva Victoria Valerievna


Conducting initial outpatient visits to patients, surgical treatment of pharyngeal pathology in children and adults

Abdulzagirova Raisat Magomedsalamovna


Audiology, audiology – otorhinolaryngology

Why are vocal cords easily injured during inflammation?

There are two true vocal cords. At rest, they are at a fairly large distance from each other, forming a triangle with a wide base and coming together only in the area of ​​the anterior ends (at the point of their connection), while the edge of each vocal cord is free.

When producing sound (and when coughing), the vocal cords come closer and touch each other. During inflammation, the edges of the vocal cords are swollen, inflamed and very easily injured during voice formation, as well as when coughing, which can not only increase their inflammation, increase the duration of the recovery process of the vocal cords, but also contribute to the chronicity of inflammation and provoke the appearance of benign neoplasms along the edge of the vocal cords , coarsening of the edges of the vocal cords and, as a result, a change, deepening of the voice. Therefore, it is so important to remain silent during their inflammation, maintaining a safe distance between the vocal cords, avoiding their traumatization.

Symptoms of the disease

Laryngitis begins with sharp intense pain, soreness and a feeling of a “lump” in the throat. It is difficult and painful for the patient to speak, the voice becomes hoarse. Against the background of hyperemia of the larynx, difficulties with swallowing and breathing may occur. As the disease progresses, symptoms of intoxication appear - headache, fever, chills, weakness. Inflammation is accompanied by a convulsive, hysterical cough that does not bring relief, during which a large amount of sputum is released, sometimes mixed with pus.


Let's consider the main contraindications for laryngitis:

  • Smoking - this bad habit contributes to irritation in the throat, constant soreness and the flow of a dry cough into a wet one with sputum production. Laryngitis in acute and chronic form requires complete cessation of smoking, and this includes active and passive smoking;
  • avoiding alcoholic beverages, which also irritate the mucous membranes. If you have laryngitis, you must avoid all alcoholic beverages. In particular, when treating laryngitis, you should not drink alcohol in parallel with taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • sedentary lifestyle and lack of training of the respiratory system, constant presence in rooms with polluted air. These factors must be avoided to prevent the development of laryngitis.


The earliest manifestation of the disease is rapid voice fatigue. When a person strains for a long time, he gets tired. The same principle works with the cords: as soon as the vocal apparatus is overstrained, it becomes difficult to speak. The throat begins to feel sore and itchy, and a burning sensation appears. Coughing attacks appear as a response to the feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the throat. The larynx may feel dry. At the initial stage of the disease, there are no changes in the voice.

Dysphonia (hoarseness, hoarseness) appears later as the disease progresses. At first it becomes difficult to pronounce quiet sounds, then all the rest. To pronounce loud words, you need to make some effort - the process ceases to be natural. Professional singers notice that it is increasingly difficult for them to hit high notes, and their voices no longer sound quality.

Friends! Timely and correct treatment will ensure you a speedy recovery!

As a rule, treatment of nodules begins as soon as the symptoms of the disease become noticeable. And this is understandable: a person who earns money exclusively from his voice cannot afford long-term inactivity and is looking for an effective remedy for singing nodules.

Treatment of the disease is preceded by diagnosis by an otorhinolaryngologist.


In case of laryngitis, to cope with the disease, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • general hardening of the body in order to increase immunity;
  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and a balanced diet so that the body receives all the vital vitamins and microelements;
  • regular exercise will be an excellent preventive measure, as it allows you to train the respiratory system;
  • in the winter, when various diseases worsen, it is necessary, if possible, to avoid crowded places, since the reason that contributes to laryngitis is an increased tendency to contract viral diseases, influenza;
  • carry out timely treatment of the throat, eliminate the causes and symptoms of diseases, and undergo regular examinations by doctors.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid the development of laryngitis and other pathologies, since the body will independently reject pathogenic bacteria and infections.

What if the problem is not just in the larynx and vocal folds?

The number of people with pathological changes in the vocal apparatus of a functional nature is growing.
The problem is not associated with anatomical changes and is usually temporary. The causes of functional pathology are endocrinological diseases, increased stress on the human psyche, neurotic reactions, vocal fatigue. The disease makes communication difficult, affects performance, and may pose a risk of professional unsuitability. With functional changes, patients note the appearance of hoarseness, a decrease in the sonority and melody of the voice, and its loss. When performing laryngoscopy in some patients, the doctor may not detect changes in the structure of the larynx, but it is possible to determine a violation of the mobility of the laryngeal muscles and folds.

Classification of functional disorders:

  • Hypotonic dysphonia is a decrease in muscle tone of the folds and is one of the most common functional disorders. The disorder is more common in females.
  • Hypertonic dysphonia is a disorder caused by increased muscle tone of the folds. More typical for men, especially those in leadership positions.
  • Phonasthenia is a change that occurs due to a lack of coordination between the breathing process and voice formation against the background of neurotic disorders.
  • Functional aphonia is a disease in which the patient does not have a sonorous voice, but is able to use whispered speech. Most often, this pathology appears as a result of psychotrauma, after emotional stress. Women are more susceptible to changes. Laughter and coughing with sound may persist (diagnostic sign).

Lost voice: diagnostics

Diagnostic methods:

  • Patient interview.
  • Examination of the patient, oropharyngoscopy, laryngoscopy, rhinoscopy, videolaryngoscopy (examination of the larynx with an endoscope at high magnification), videostroboscopy. Using video stroboscopic equipment, the specialist receives an enlarged image of the larynx. This method makes it possible to examine a hard-to-reach area to diagnose pathological changes at an early stage.
  • Instrumental studies (ultrasound, MRI, CT).
  • Laboratory diagnostics.

If the problem arose due to concomitant diseases, the phoniatrist may recommend consultation with a related (subspecialty) specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease: how it goes, what procedures are performed

To diagnose pathology of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to examine the throat by a qualified otolaryngologist, who takes an anamnesis, prescribes tests, laryngoscopy or a biopsy of the affected area of ​​the larynx.

The pathology is diagnosed during the initial examination, then to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to take laboratory and biochemical blood tests, and you can also do an ultrasound scan to see the presence of sputum in the larynx and upper respiratory tract. When taking blood, a bright red hue of the blood indicates insufficient coagulation and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body. Often, in the presence of inflammation, the pathological condition is diagnosed using a biopsy in order to select appropriate antibiotics.

If there is difficulty breathing or pain in the upper respiratory tract, the patient should be immediately checked by a qualified doctor. In the presence of minor symptoms and manifestations on the laryngeal mucosa, patients often confuse the pathology with ordinary shortness of breath or a cold. In such conditions, carrying out routine diagnostics and examination is very difficult; it is necessary to check the current state of the larynx using a modern method - laryngoscopy.

This diagnostic method is carried out using a laryngoscope and allows the doctor to deeply examine the larynx by viewing through a backlit mirror. This diagnostic method is used to identify swelling of the throat mucosa and the location of blood vessels. Basically, in adults with laryngitis, the following signs are revealed: overflow of blood vessels, and overflow of the throat mucosa with sputum, bilateral pathology in advanced cases. Laryngoscopy allows the doctor to make an unambiguous diagnosis; this condition can be cured with properly selected medications.

To determine the severity of the disease with laryngitis, examinations are prescribed using radiography or computed tomography of the larynx, endofibrolaryngotracheoscopic method. These methods are not basic and are prescribed only if there are prerequisites and indications. In some situations, differential diagnosis is necessary to exclude oncology of the upper respiratory tract and laryngeal tuberculosis.

Indications for treatment in the clinic and surgical intervention

In general, treatment methods in a hospital setting are used infrequently; patients are sent to the clinic only in the presence of an advanced condition and complications that threaten the patient’s life and require immediate intervention. Conditions that contribute to treatment in the clinic:

  • severe swelling of the throat mucosa;
  • extensive inflammatory processes, suppuration in the throat, epiglottis;
  • potential for the development of stenosis.

These pathological conditions can provoke respiratory dysfunction and lead to life-threatening consequences. Therefore, laryngitis must be treated in a hospital under the close supervision of a doctor.

Indications for surgical treatment of laryngitis in adults:

  • diagnosis of abscess laryngitis;
  • development of purulent inflammation in the throat;
  • narrowing of the throat and inability to breathe normally;
  • lack of results from treatment with various groups of medications.

In all of these situations, it is necessary to perform surgery and apply modern laparoscopic treatment methods in order to save the patient’s life and prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors.

How to save your voice?

The human voice is a delicate instrument that requires delicate handling.
Smoking, alcohol, telephone conversations, working in dusty rooms, loud speech - this is a list of factors that negatively affect the vocal apparatus. Prevention measures:

  • observe the vocal load regime. In case of overexertion, you need rest, complete silence (6-12 hours are necessary for recovery);
  • do not lie down immediately after eating to prevent reflux of the food bolus and entry through the esophagus into the larynx;
  • balanced diet. Elimination of carbonated drinks, spicy, too hot foods;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • rest, stress reduction;
  • breathe through your nose. This protects the respiratory tract from dust, viruses, and infections;
  • control the level of humidity in the room;
  • drink enough water per day.

Representatives of voice-speech professions are recommended to consult a phoniatrist at least once every six months.

Examination and diagnosis by a phoniatrist

The examination of the patient begins with an assessment of his condition, evaluation of complaints and voice characteristics.
The doctor must collect a history of the disease, allergic status, concomitant diseases, what medications the patient is taking, hormonal levels, and previous surgeries. Diagnostic methods:

  • indirect laryngoscopy – examination of the larynx using mirrors;
  • videofibrolaryngoscopy – examination of the larynx with a flexible endoscope through the nose, allows examination at any age (from 0 to 99+), in patients with a pronounced gag reflex;
  • video stroboscopy - examination with a device that allows you to obtain a multiply enlarged image of the larynx, examine hard-to-reach areas, evaluate the oscillatory movements of the vocal folds and make a video recording

The specialist can use additional instrumental diagnostic methods - X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI. To clarify the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes laboratory diagnostic methods - a swab from the throat, larynx for microflora and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, a blood test.

After a complete examination, the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course. Therapy can be conservative or surgical. Conservative therapy includes medication, physiotherapy, and phonopedia. Surgery is prescribed for tumors in the larynx or vocal folds.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment procedures will vary depending on the cause of the disease. All patients, and especially children, are prescribed bed rest, complete rest of the vocal cords, plenty of warm drinks, gargling, and inhalations. Local medications are prescribed; for bacterial diseases, antibiotics; for allergies, antihistamines.

For severe coughs, antitussive drugs and agents that increase sputum production are recommended. If there is purulent-serous plaque on the walls of the larynx and vocal cords, the doctor will irrigate and wash the walls with medications. Physiotherapeutic procedures are very effective - ultraviolet irradiation, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, etc.

Treatment of acute laryngitis takes 7-10 days and does not cause complications. If adequate therapy is not available, the disease can become chronic with constant exacerbations, or lead to dangerous complications.

When the first symptoms of inflammation of the larynx appear, you should immediately seek qualified help. Otolaryngologists at the Hayde Clinic will conduct a qualified examination and prescribe effective treatment for laryngitis and its complications, which will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant and painful symptoms and return to a full life. You can make an appointment by phone: 8 (812) 322-93-07, 8 (812) 611-08-26.

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