Rheumatic diseases of periarticular soft tissues

Since the inflammatory process does not spread to the tissues of the joint, the range of motion in it is maintained. The main signs that indicate periarthritis are aching knee pain and muscle tension. Symptoms of knee periarthritis usually occur when walking, running, or carrying heavy objects. This disease can easily be confused with arthritis, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. If left untreated, the inflammatory process progresses, swelling, swelling, redness and increased temperature in the knee joint, and rapid fatigue of the knee.

Like glenohumeral periarthritis, this disease usually occurs with regular overload of periarticular tissues (muscles, tendons) and multiple microtraumas. However, other reasons are also possible - hypothermia, metabolic disorders in the body, endocrine diseases. Periarthritis can also occur as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process during arthrosis, arthritis of the knee joint. In each case, the disease requires individual complex treatment. The methods of oriental medicine used in the ITVM clinic can effectively eliminate the inflammatory process and cure periarthritis of the knee joint at the cause level.

What is periarthritis?

Periarthritis is an inflammatory and destructive disease of the periarticular tissues - serous bursae, tendons and ligaments, the main symptoms of which are pain, impaired mobility of the limb, and sometimes swelling in the joint area.

The most common type is brachial or glenohumeral periarthritis. The shoulder joint is one of the most loaded and mobile joints in the body. Mostly among middle-aged and elderly people.

Several factors play a role in the development of the disease:

  • Heredity. Congenital defects in the development of the shoulder girdle, defects of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and tendons transmitted from generation to generation predispose to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction in the periarticular tissues when exposed to small damaging factors.
  • Professional activity. Athletes and people whose work involves monotonous, monotonous actions are susceptible to periarthritis.
  • Health status. The occurrence of pathology is facilitated by osteochondrosis and endocrine diseases in which tissue nutrition is disrupted. There is a connection between glenohumeral periarthritis and heart disease - ischemic heart disease, previous heart attacks, coronary insufficiency.
  • Gender and age. People over 40 years of age most often suffer from the pathology, and twice as many patients are women.

Effective treatment of periarthritis includes a whole range of measures to identify and eliminate negative factors, relieve symptoms of inflammation and restore joint function. Doctors at the TitAn Clinic offer comprehensive drug and therapeutic treatment for any type and depth of the process.

Causes of periarthritis:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • age (over 60 years);
  • prolonged exposure to dampness;
  • complications after infections;
  • concomitant chronic diseases (arthrosis, spondylosis);
  • congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Endocrine disorders and vascular diseases also lead to the development of periarthritis.

In turn, the cause of post-traumatic periarthritis, which leads to inflammation, is microscopic injuries to tendons and muscles (professional sports, heavy physical labor).

Types of periarthritis and depth of tissue coverage

There are three types of periarthritis, each of which symbolizes a certain stage of development of the process and tissue coverage:

  • Simple periarthritis;
  • Acute periarthritis;
  • Chronic ankylosis.

"Painful shoulder" or simple periarthritis

The early stage of the process, in which the patient suffers from aching pain that intensifies at night. Limitations of mobility are barely noticeable and consist of increased pain when raising the arm or moving it behind the back.

The process is based on inflammation of the tendons and serous membranes of the shoulder muscles. Anti-inflammatory drugs and eliminating stress can get rid of unpleasant symptoms within a few weeks.

Acute periarthritis

The acute course is characterized by severe pain and limited mobility of the shoulder joint. It is already associated with deeper disorders in the tissues: single ruptures of tendon fibers, deposits of calcium salts in them and loss of their elasticity.

Treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis at this stage requires an integrated approach. The use of painkillers becomes ineffective - the pain becomes resistant and continuous, worsening at night. It often causes insomnia, which aggravates the patient's condition.

First of all, efforts are made to relieve the inflammatory reaction of tissues, along with which pain also decreases. After the patient’s condition has normalized, a set of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed to help remove calcifications and restore damaged tissues.

"Blocked Shoulder"

Chronic periarthritis is a complicated course of the disease in which not only tendons, but also the joint capsule are involved in the process. An important diagnostic symptom of this type of disease is impaired joint mobility: the patient is not able to even move his arm away from the body, let alone lift it up.

A professionally selected set of treatment methods helps eliminate pain and restore joint mobility. But discipline and perseverance are required from the patient.

How to recognize and treat periarthritis?

Periarthritis affects the tendons. Over time, inflammation affects nearby tissues. The symptoms of the disease are determined by the location of the pathology. Comprehensive diagnostics will help identify the localization of the disease. After this, treatment can be prescribed. If the case is severe, doctors hold a consultation. A cardiologist, rheumatologist and orthopedist express their opinions. In advanced situations, only a surgeon can solve the problem. The goal of medical care is to restore the functionality of the tendon.

How and why does periarthritis appear?

There are 6 forms of manifestation of the disease. tendonitis treatment

associated with stopping inflammation in the tendons. With tenosynovitis, the tendon sheath is affected, with bursitis, the synovial bursa is affected. Enthesopathy is characterized by inflammation at the site of attachment of the tendon to the bone. If the disease affects the aponeuroses or fascia, it is aponeurositis or fasciitis. The last type of periarthritis, capsulitis, is associated with damage to the joint capsule.

Due to the fact that the articular elements are closely connected, over time the disease affects an increasingly larger area. The functionality of the tendon becomes limited. The disease usually occurs in the upper extremities. The hands perform too many functions, which is why the tendons are under constant tension. Periarthritis often appears after injuries and heavy physical exertion.

How to identify and recognize the disease?

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  1. The volume of passive movements does not correspond to the number of active movements - the latter are too limited;
  2. When the tendon is involved, movements cause pain;
  3. A swelling forms at the site of the disease;
  4. Impaired functionality of the limb and pain are invisible on x-rays.

Periarthritis can be recognized by constant muscle tension. As the disease worsens, the temperature rises and the skin turns red. A person cannot fully move the joint. If the tendons are affected, the soft tissues swell. If the disease affects the periarticular bursa, swelling and redness appear.

Depending on the location of the tendon lesion, several types of periarthritis are distinguished:

  1. Humeroscapular (frozen shoulder syndrome). Sensitivity in the shoulder girdle decreases. Pain occurs both during activity and at rest. Performance decreases. Body temperature rises. Insomnia develops. The tendon swells. Movements are accompanied by sharp pain.
  2. Radiocarpal. It hurts just above the wrist. If you rotate the brush, the discomfort will increase. The affected area swells. The disease lasts a long time. Treatment is practically useless.
  3. Elbow. Sharp pain appears when trying to straighten the forearm. Passive movements are also limited. After a few months, the disease recedes on its own, although in the presence of provoking factors it returns.
  4. Knee. The knee joint is affected. Inflammation and swelling appears just below the knee. Pain appears during active movements: walking, flexion and extension of the joint.
  5. Ankle. This type of periarthritis is typical for people with excess body weight. Pain occurs when pressure is placed on the heel.

To diagnose the disease, a rheumatologist palpates the joint. Special tests are used. The diagnosis cannot be made based on laboratory tests and the patient’s well-being.

How to get rid of the disease?

Therapy will take a lot of time.
It will not be possible to achieve a quick effect. Doctors prescribe complex treatment. It is necessary to unload the affected tendon (use a scarf, do not break bed rest), relieve pain, stop inflammation. Internal and local medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, vitamins, analgesics) can cope with this. The next stage is physical and balneological treatment methods. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Symptoms and diagnosis

The clinical picture of periarthritis is similar to other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it requires differential diagnosis, based on the collection of information about the patient and analysis of symptoms, and the use of modern research methods, such as radiography and MRI.

When making a diagnosis, exclude:

  • Gout. This systemic disease often symmetrically affects both joints of the same name, and a blood test reveals an increased amount of urea and its salts;
  • Rheumatism. Autoimmune pathology predominantly occurs in combination with symptoms of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. In addition, rheumatism often affects several joints at once, while periarthritis affects one.
  • Arthritis and arthrosis. Symptoms of joint damage are characterized by constant pain, regardless of the direction of movement of the hand, and mainly both joints are affected at once.

Modern research methods - X-rays and MRIs - help to establish a differential diagnosis and draw up an effective treatment regimen.

Prevention of periarthritis of joints

To prevent the occurrence of periarthritis of the joints or the repetition of episodes of the disease, if it has already visited a person, a number of simple, but requiring discipline and constant adherence to measures will help:

  1. ensure the uniform distribution of physical activity, avoid constant monotonous movements involving the same joint;
  2. constantly develop joint mobility with the help of special gymnastic complexes or, in the case of an existing disease, exercises selected together with a specialist, but do not injure the joints with excessive zeal and excessive loads, sudden movements;
  3. watch your posture; orthopedic mattresses and pillows will help the body to rest properly at night;
  4. give preference to healthy and varied foods rich in microelements and vitamins, calcium and fiber;
  5. take vitamins and specialized dietary supplements. An excellent choice would be natural vitamin and mineral complexes “ Leveton P ”, “ Elton P ”, “ Leveton Forte ”, “ Elton Forte ”, “ Apitonus P ”, etc.
  6. maintain a sleep-wake schedule. Adequate sleep is one of the most important means of healing and restoring the body.

Modern dietary supplements for joint health Conservative treatment of periarthritis involves taking and introducing into the body non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers that have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can lead to ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes. Of course, in case of acute pain you cannot do without them, but long-term use of such drugs is undesirable. Are there any remedies that can constantly maintain joint health without dangerous side effects or harm to other organs and systems? Eat! These are modern biologically active supplements with targeted action. “Hondro-Vit” was developed specifically for relieving inflammation in joints and periarticular tissues, restoring cartilage and ligaments. It includes the roots of Leuzea safflower and dandelion, which promote the production of chondrocytes - cartilage cells. The regeneration of connective tissues and the cessation of inflammatory processes in them will also be helped by “ Osteo-Vit ” containing vitamins D3, B6 and other essential microelements, as well as the most valuable apiproduct drone-brood homogenate. You can also recommend “ Dandelion P ”. Its action as a chondroprotector is based on improving blood circulation and liver function, which will improve the nutrition of periarticular tissues, reduce inflammation, and promote the formation of chondrocytes in cartilage (their production, by the way, directly depends on the health of the liver). Of course, you need to understand that these plant-based supplements do not act as quickly as artificially synthesized drugs. Their effectiveness will be the result of a gradual and gentle change, normalization, and activation of metabolic processes in the body. This is a path to slower, but more constructive and safer (in terms of side effects) recovery. The final choice of which means of healing to prefer always remains with the patient. But if we talk about preventive maintenance of normal health, then the use of dietary supplements is a worldwide practice that significantly reduces the frequency and severity of a variety of diseases, including the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of periarthritis at the TitAn Clinic

Periarthritis is a disease that affects connective tissues, the restoration of which requires time, elimination of negative factors and normalization of nutrition. In addition to drug treatment, a set of effective therapeutic procedures is prescribed:

  • Acupuncture is a technique that has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system over centuries of use. Original Chinese techniques for inserting needles into active points can restore blood circulation in the joint area, relieve the patient of pain and improve general condition.
  • Acupuncture massage is a special technique of influencing the active centers of the body, helping to relax muscles and eliminate pain;
  • Magnetotherapy is a technique that activates the body’s forces necessary to restore damaged tissue. It also improves blood circulation and the supply of nutrients.
  • Hirudotherapy is an ancient method of therapy, the use of which accelerates the removal of toxins, cleanses tissue and harmonizes the regeneration processes of damaged tendons and serous membranes.
  • Manual therapy is used after inflammation has been relieved. It helps restore tendon elasticity and joint mobility.
Consultation and diagnosticsPriceDuration
Appointment with a neurologist (examination-consultation)1,900 rub.60 min.
Consultation with a neurologist (repeated)1,400 rub.30 min.
Appointment with the head doctor (examination-consultation)2,800 rub.60 min.
Consultation with the chief physician (repeated)1,800 rub.30 min.
Repeated consultation with MRI interpretation1,800 rub.30 min.
Control by the chief physician, examination with the irt procedureRUB 3,80060 min.
Electrocardiogram with interpretation1,500 rub.30 min.

*Prices are subject to change, as we always have promotions and special offers.
Neurologists leading the initial appointment
Titarchuk Andrey Borisovich Chief physician

Yurasov Pavel Aleksandrovich Neurologist

Find out the cost of treatment

Joint structure and periarticular tissues

To better understand the nature of periarthritis, let us remember the structure of the joint. The rounded, thickened ends of the tubular bones are articulated using articular surfaces - convex and concave (articular head and fossa). On these surfaces there is articular cartilage, which is necessary for their shock absorption. Periarthritis does not affect them; its “specialization” is periarticular tissues:

  • The joint capsule is a shell of connective tissue that is a sealed cavity in which the joint is located. It is attached to the surface of the joint and adjacent bones. The inner membrane of the capsule produces synovial fluid - a lubricant that prevents friction and wear of bone joints. Inflammation of this part of the joint is called capsulitis;
  • ligaments are short and elastic connective tissue parts of the joint, attached to the bones, fixing the joint capsule. They stretch when flexed and then help the joints return to their physiological position; prevent excessive joint mobility and dislocation. The inflammatory process in ligaments is ligamentitis;
  • tendons are structural units of muscles necessary for attaching them to bones. Like ligaments, they fix the joint, but most importantly, they are responsible for its movement: during muscle contractions, they tense, stretch, and bend towards the working muscle. Low elasticity and stretchability make tendons easily damaged by sudden muscle jerks or overloads. Inflammation of the tendons is referred to as tendinitis.
  • bursae, or synovial bursae, are small cavities formed by synovial tissue and filled with gel-like synovial fluid, located near the joints, but not connected to the joint capsule; serve to protect the joint and cushion it when it bends. There are about 160 of them in the human body. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae;
  • periarticular muscles. Their inflammation is called fasciitis. Inflammatory, destructive, degenerative processes and pathological changes in the listed structures are called periarthritis.
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