Yoga for teenagers: a set of asanas for beautiful posture

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine to the side relative to its axis. To correct this disorder, you need to create a strong muscle corset that will support the spine in the correct position, and at the same time stretch the tight muscles and develop the mobility of the hip joints. Physical exercise will help you do this. We will show you how to perform asanas recommended by the National Scoliosis Foundation of the United States. They are suitable even for beginners.

Attention: if you have third or fourth degree scoliosis, back and neck pain, it is better to consult a doctor or work with a physical therapy or yoga trainer.

Why is it important to take care of your posture from an early age?

Because most problems with the spine are associated with incorrect motor habits, and they are usually formed in childhood.
For example, many tall people slouch, having become accustomed in their youth to hiding their height, as it were, by leaning slightly forward or sitting bent over at a desk. The sooner you teach your child to keep his back straight, the more likely he is to maintain good posture as he grows up. This is also beneficial from a health point of view. “With poor posture, the lungs, heart and diaphragm suffer,” explains Yulia Shesheneva , certified Iyengar yoga instructor, teacher at iSoulClub studio. “Tension accumulates in the neck, and blood supply to the brain is disrupted.”

Causes of spinal curvature

Scoliosis is the medical name for a problem called a curved spine. From the Greek word for "crooked", scoliosis is divided into three categories:

  • congenital scoliosis;
  • acquired;
  • post-traumatic.

Let's talk about each subcategory. Spinal deformity can be congenital - incorrect position of the child inside the womb, problems at birth, etc. Scoliosis can also be acquired.

Often in adults, the spine cannot support its own body weight, which is weak due to the physiological characteristics of a particular person.

There is also post-traumatic scoliosis - as a result of external influences, a person receives a curved spine, which becomes impossible to straighten without surgical intervention. Scoliosis is becoming more and more common in adolescents, and this problem is becoming global.

Yoga allows us to cope with such an ailment as acquired scoliosis, that is, by performing physical exercises, we provide a weak spine with good support in the form of trained spinal muscles. Every self-respecting person should have correct posture.

Can you improve your posture by doing yoga?

Yes. In youth, regular practice can be a prevention of postural disorders and a way to correct them. The same goes for adults. “Your posture needs to be corrected. The older a person is, the more difficult it is to do this, but if you practice regularly, you will definitely get results,” comments Yulia Shesheneva.

However, you should not count on instant results. “As a rule, stooped people cannot maintain a straight back position for a long time: the muscles that are accustomed to the previous position still need to be retrained, and this can take a lot of time. But, as in any other business, the main thing here is to be patient and persistently move towards the intended goal,” says our expert.

It is also important to choose the right set of asanas. If you have scoliosis, protrusion or hernia, an experienced yoga therapist should create a lesson plan for you. If your spine is generally healthy, then the problem of stooping can be solved by regular practice according to the program compiled by Yulia Shesheneva.

Posture correction by a chiropractor

Manual therapy is a fairly new direction in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, considered alternative medicine. When choosing a specialist in this industry, you need to carefully study the reviews, check the license and diploma of the therapist, since inept actions can further harm your health and injure the spine.

Manual therapy

You can correct your posture using manual therapy in just a few sessions, but this method of correction has significant disadvantages.

  1. High price . One session of manual therapy can cost from 2,000 to 12,000 rubles.
  2. Soreness . Techniques that are used for manual manipulation can cause pain to the patient, since during the session the straightening of tight and twisted muscles occurs, which in itself is a very painful process.
  3. Risk of complications. If a specialist makes mistakes in applying any of the techniques, injury and displacement of the vertebrae may occur.

The most common manual therapy techniques are acupuncture, acupressure, lymphatic drainage massage and visceral therapy. Less common methods of posture correction are Shiatsu massage and craniosacral therapy.


How to build a lesson

* Start your practice with joint gymnastics. 5-10 minutes is enough to warm up the muscles. Finish the session with savasana.

* Perform asanas consistently.

* Take your time - consistency implies static (not dynamic) work. It is also important to monitor your breathing, keep it calm and deep.

* Do this program 4-5 times a week.

To perform a set of asanas, you will need a mat, a yoga belt, a chair with a backrest, a bolster or folded blankets.

Ready to start class? Lay out the mat and repeat after Yulia Shesheneva.


Wrist strap exercise

Stand straight, place your feet hip-width apart. Take the belt, make a loop the diameter of which is equal to the width of your shoulders, and bring your arms back. Place the strap around your wrists and pull the loop with your hands as if you want to break it. Pull your shoulders back and retract your shoulder blades. Raise your arms up while stretching them strongly back, palms facing each other. Feel your upper back draw in and arch as your chest opens.

It is important not to push the pelvis forward and not to bend in the lower back - the bend should be in the thoracic spine. Then relax your arms and repeat the movement 3-4 times.

Urdhva hastasana with wrist strap

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Place the same loop around your wrists again and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other. While stretching the belt to the sides, inhale and raise your arms up. Press your wrists against the belt as if you are trying to break it, and pull your arms up, being careful not to raise your shoulders, making sure that your neck remains free. Do not lean your pelvis forward or arch your lower back. As you exhale, lower your arms and repeat 3-4 times.

Important! For beginners, this option can be performed against a wall - it will help control the position of the body: do not lose contact of the back surface of the body with the surface of the wall.


This is the most affordable and easiest way to correct posture at home, but it is impossible to correct severe problems with exercises alone. Special complexes help strengthen back muscles, restore blood circulation, and improve the elasticity of ligaments. They must be done regularly, gradually increasing the number of approaches to the required level.

Heron (light version)

Standing with your feet together. Stretch your arms forward and in this position place them behind your head, while simultaneously bending your back forward and moving one leg back. Return to starting position, repeat with the other leg. Perform 10 times on each leg.

Urdhva badhanguliasana

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, keep your spine straight. Interlace your fingers and extend your arms out in front of you, palms facing away from you. Pull your elbows in and widen your palms. Inhale and raise your clasped palms upward. Breathe calmly. Keep your elbows tucked in and your fingers intertwined tightly. With each inhalation, stretch up, lowering your shoulders down. Fix for 2-3 seconds at the top point.

As you exhale, lower your arms, change the interlacing of your fingers (the index fingers of the other hand should be on top) and perform the exercise again.

It is useful to perform this exercise while standing with your back to the wall: the wall will not allow you to move your pelvis too far back and will help you control the deflection in your lower back. Hold the back of your legs, sacrum and shoulders against the wall, pointing the sides of your waist towards the wall.

The best ways to correct your posture

Everyone knows that correct posture gives the body beauty, makes breathing easier, improves mood and has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background. No matter how loud these words may sound, everyone understands that, if not all, then most of the functions in our body depend on our spine.

How to force yourself to correct your posture?

And what is even more surprising is that, despite the obviousness and public availability of information, most people still continue to bend down under the “invisible weight” and look at their feet. We can conclude that awareness does not play a major role, unlike one’s own motivation, beliefs and habits. Keep in mind that posture disorders are corrected not by doctors and complex equipment, but by people themselves. The main thing is to want and put in a little effort, otherwise you are unlikely to progress beyond 2-3 days of exercise.

Only an understanding of what needs to be done, why and how will allow you to correct the static violation. For example, you are worried about a migraine or have back pain in your lower back. Only such “physical” motivations will help you start working on yourself. If the desire appears and is strong enough, all that’s left is to choose a method for correcting your posture and start practicing.

Ways to correct poor posture

  1. Corrective corset. This is the easiest option to secure your back in the correct position throughout the day. A person can adjust the position of the corset himself, adjusting it to suit him. This is the main disadvantage of this method - convenience is achieved in a gentle position, which prevents adjustment. In addition, the corset is noticeable under clothes, especially in the warm season.
  2. Physiotherapy. Effective for long-term and daily loads. For lovers of an active lifestyle. Those who want to move less should choose a different method. In addition, the method is not suitable for everyone due to health reasons.
  3. Fine. Suitable for gambling people and adventurers. Inform your loved ones that if your back is bent, they have the right to demand a fine from you. The fine can be anything, a sum of money, a small wish or a cup of coffee. The method is a strong motivation for execution, because no one wants to share the contents of their wallet with someone
  4. Band-Aid. A fairly effective method for correcting spinal curvature. Take a wide medical plaster. Take the correct body position. Ask a friend to secure your back and chest with a plaster. Vertical stripes should be glued along the spine and horizontal along the ribs. Simply put, you will have the same corset, but adhesive. If you try to lower your shoulders or hunch your back, discomfort will occur due to the tension of the skin under the patch, which will remind you to maintain the correct body position.
  5. Contract with yourself. The method is quite effective. You need to be able to enter a light trance and relax your muscles as much as possible. Subconsciously give yourself a task and get your own consent to it. Lead a daily lifestyle. However, if everything is done correctly, you will be accompanied by a constant desire to straighten your shoulders, raise your chin, and sit up straight. You may want to change your mattress. The method is complex, but the most effective, because you will give instructions to yourself.
  6. Wall. The easiest option for correcting posture. Takes no more than ten minutes.
  • Press against any flat vertical plane with your support points (heels, buttocks, shoulder blade area, head)
  • Lock this position
  • Move away from the wall while maintaining this position
  • Listen to your feelings and return to the wall again
  • Repeat 5-6 times

To achieve a permanent effect, you must perform these exercises for at least 1.5 – 2 months. Back discomfort and even pain may occur. This muscle-ligamentous apparatus takes the correct position.

Don’t forget, you need to work on the beauty and correctness of your posture.
Get enough exercise, avoid negative emotions, eat right and have a positive outlook on the world. Exercise, choose the right mattress and pillow - this will help you maintain royal posture for life! Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Gomukhasana (variation)

Stand straight, with your feet hip-width apart, bend your left arm at the elbow, place your palm behind your back and press it against your back with the back of it, moving it closer to your right shoulder blade. Stretch your right arm up, turn it palm back, bend it at the elbow and clasp your fingers behind your back. Gradually roll your left shoulder back and retract your left shoulder blade as you point your right elbow up toward the ceiling. You should feel the work not only in your arms and shoulders, but also in your upper back. To do this, direct your thoracic spine forward, keep your legs, pelvis and lower back in a level position. Stay in the asana for 20-40 seconds. Come out of the pose and do the exercise on the other arm.

Important! If you can't clasp your fingers, use a belt.

What classes should I sign up for to develop correct posture?

A visit to the Gold`s Gym fitness club is the right step towards an ideal figure. Professional trainers will not only help you achieve correct, beautiful posture, which will become your calling card, but will also teach you how to truly enjoy sports. The philosophy of this legendary American club is simple - change yourself for the better, and the world around you will also change, sparkling with new colors.

For those who are not used to stopping there, Gold`s Gym offers a wide variety of sports sections - yoga, Pilates, stretching and much more. Everything for your beauty and strength!


Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Place your hands behind your back and fold your palms in namaste in front of your shoulder blades. Push your shoulder blades forward and try to align your palms so that the bases of your index fingers and thumbs are pressed against each other, and the outer edges of the palm (from the little finger side) press on the spine. Stand straight and do not arch in the lower back, even if it is difficult for you to move your shoulders and elbows back, opening your chest. Hold the asana for 30 seconds to a minute. Then gently lower your arms down.

A set of back exercises at home

Such physical exercises in yoga exist so that a person can correctly coordinate the tension in the body, allowing those spinal muscles that are responsible for maintaining correct posture to work.

Before you begin the tasks, you need to warm up by doing some simple exercises. It will help you “come to your senses”, tune in to the upcoming workout and recharge your energy to complete tasks.

If you are very busy at work and don’t have time for physical exercise or going to the gym, we recommend doing this workout right at your desk or during your lunch break.

The set of exercises begins with breathing. It should be calm, deep and even. The body should be as relaxed as possible.

Sequence of asanas

Next, let's start the exercises. They are quite simple to implement, but you will soon like the result:

  1. Sit with your back as perfectly straight as possible. Lower your chin to your chest. The back of the head seems to be aiming at the ceiling.
  2. Perform circular swings with your arms. This will help the muscles warm up. Keep your back straight.
  3. If possible, forward: with a straight back, bend parallel to the floor. This will stretch the spine a little.
  4. Now you can stand up: take a light textbook or book and fix it on your head. The back should be straight. To evaluate how well you are doing everything, look in the mirror: you will like the way you look with good posture.
  5. Carry a book while you can. You shouldn’t go to the store with a book on your head - not everyone will understand you, but the house is perfect for this.
  6. Put the book aside for later. Go to the wall. Press your back against her with your whole body - shoulder blades and buttocks.
  7. You won’t be able to stand in this position for long, so turn on the stopwatch and make progress every day. If today you stand for 30 seconds, then tomorrow it will be a real minute and a half, and in a month you will walk with perfect posture without support.

Another key point, or life hack for the lazy. While sitting at your desk, stretch as much as you can. Relax your shoulders, straighten your back and breathe deeply: inhale: one, two, three - exhale. Straighten your shoulders, take the starting position without straining your back, try to sit with this posture for a little time. To fix the position, you can put a textbook on your head, but for motivation you can do two or three.

Bharadvajasana on a chair

Sit on a chair with your right side to the back. Place your feet hip-width apart. Stretch your spine up and turn your body to the right, grab your back with your hands. As you inhale, stretch upward, and as you exhale, twist further to the right. Pull your shoulders back, keeping your pelvis fixed. Press your feet to the floor. Hold the pose for 1-2 minutes, then perform it in the other direction.

Important! For grade 3-4 scoliosis, perform this asana only under the supervision of an instructor.

Uttanasana with supported elbows (variation)

Stand facing the back of a chair, kneel down. Place your knees hip-width apart. Lean your body forward, bending at the hip joints, place your elbows on the back of the chair and clasp your palms together. Relax your neck, face, head, stomach. Point your shoulder blades down and arch your upper back. Keep your lower back flat. Lock in this position for 30-60 seconds.


Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet closer to your pelvis, turning them slightly inward. Leaning on your shoulders, lift your pelvis and back off the floor. Arch your upper back and grab your ankles with your hands. As you exhale, lift your pelvis and back as high as possible. Push off with your feet and direct your shoulder blades and back up so that you feel an active arch in your upper back. Stay in the pose for 10-15 seconds, then repeat again.

Important! If you can't grab your ankles with your hands, use a belt.


Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Touch your lower back with your palms and, as it were, lengthen it, moving your hands towards your legs. Stretch your legs one at a time, lowering them to the floor. Open and lift your chest, turning your shoulders up from the inside out, feel the spine retract and rise from the floor. As you exhale, relax and allow your feet to turn away from each other. Feel how your shoulders and arms fall with all their weight to the floor. Relax the right and left sides of your back. Pay special attention to relaxing your arms and shoulder girdle. Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes.

Important! If you feel stiffness or tension in your lower back, place a blanket or bolster under the backs of your thighs and knees.

Teach your teenager these asanas, or even better, practice them together: regular practice will help improve posture and take care of the health of the spine.

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