Taping: a fashionable sticker or a real help?

Not only athletes, but also ordinary people resort to taping of the lower extremities. The fact is that this technique is easy to use, and with the right approach it is quite effective. Taping will help alleviate symptoms of acute symptoms of chronic pathologies, and will accelerate regeneration in cases of various muscle injuries.

If we talk about leg injuries, most often athletes and active people damage various structures of the lower leg. This can lead to pain in the limbs and a deterioration in the quality of life. You can cope with this problem by taping the calf muscle - just study the structural features of the legs, the patterns of applying tapes and the conditions for their use.

What effect does taping have on the calf muscle?

Proper application of applications makes it possible to achieve maximum analgesic and therapeutic effect. Taping saves the athlete from exacerbation of chronic injuries, pain in the calf muscle, and can significantly speed up the rehabilitation process. The popularity of this method is explained by its ease of use and absolute effectiveness, provided that the rules for applying tapes are followed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of tapes are:

  • Ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • the ability to restore damaged muscles;
  • minimal number of contraindications and side effects;
  • variety of models and colors;
  • safety;
  • the possibility of combining them with other treatment methods;
  • no side effects.

Among the disadvantages, the following points are noted:

  • You cannot peel off the patch before the appointed time;
  • Such treatment is long-term and requires large financial costs.

Features of taping the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles

Not only athletes, but also ordinary people need taping of their lower extremities. This simple and easy to use technique is quite effective. It allows you to alleviate symptoms during exacerbation of chronic pathologies and speed up recovery from injuries to the calf muscle.

In humans, the calf muscle is located on the back of the lower leg. It passes over the soleus muscle and includes two heads that pass to the heel with the help of the Achilles tendon. This area is most damaged by injury. Knowing the structural features of these muscles, application can be performed using lymph and Y-tapes. The patches are applied together or separately to resolve hematomas and relieve swelling of the calf muscle, in the treatment of sprains and tears of muscles/ligaments.

Kinesio tapes replace orthopedic orthoses. By gently fixing tissues and joints, they maintain normal blood supply to muscle fibers. Wearing the application helps to alleviate the patient's condition, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow without restricting mobility. For minor injuries, you can continue sports training to stay in shape.

However, when it comes to complex pathologies and injuries, tapes cannot completely replace treatment. Elastic bands are used as an additional measure. The purpose of the application is to speed up recovery. Complex treatment of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Main effects of taping:

  • Reduced swelling due to improved lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the affected area. Occurs by lifting tissues and normalizing blood flow, relaxing the calf muscle;
  • Reduced pain. Occurs due to the effect of tape on receptors. The impulses reach the brain and block pain;
  • Reducing recovery time after injury. Allows you to resume acceptable physical activity after an acute post-traumatic period. Prevents tissue hypoxia in the damaged area, reduces pain;
  • Prevention of exacerbation of chronic injuries. Applications with wide tapes reduce the risk of injury to the limb during increased sports activity. For low-intensity but long-term loads, it is recommended to apply lymph tapes;
  • Immobilization for joint and muscle injuries. Kinesiological taping of the calf when a muscle or ligament is sprained or torn provides sufficient fixation while maintaining leg mobility.

Properly applied tapes relieve inflammation, cramps, muscle strain, allow you to tighten your calves, and solve the problem of obstructed venous outflow in chronic joint diseases.

Instructions for use

Taping of the calf muscle should be carried out by a specialist: this will allow you to follow the technique of applying the patch as accurately as possible and will speed up the relief of pain.

Skin preparation

The procedure begins by determining the exact location of the pain. The cover is cleaned of dirt, excess hair is removed, and the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution. Then, using special scissors, cut a Y-shaped strip of the required length, round its ends, carefully stick the tape onto the problem area (to do this, bend the limb at the knee joint at a right angle, attach one end to the heel). Slowly smooth the canvas, moving from its middle to the edges and up. The fastening should end just below the knee joint.

Wearing a ribbon

Apply the tape half an hour before the start of physical activity or sports training. If classes are conducted in water, then after the session the patch must be dried thoroughly and not allowed to come off. If necessary, you can leave it overnight.

Removing the tape

Remove the tape as follows:

  • apply a special spray to it;
  • leave for several minutes, then carefully separate the edges of the tape from the surface of the skin, moving relative to the hair growth;
  • after the end of the action, lubricate the area with moisturizing cream or baby oil.

Do not treat the sore spot with alcohol-containing solutions: this can cause irritation.

If the tape doesn't stick

If the tape does not stick to the surface, rub it vigorously with your hand and wait half an hour. During this time, the glue is activated and the patch is securely attached to the skin.

For which calf injuries is taping indicated?

Calf taping gives a significant positive result for the following types of injuries:

  • sprains;
  • bruises of the calf and soleus muscles, triceps surae;
  • torn ligaments;
  • for cramps and impaired tone of the triceps muscles.

Taping is recommended for minor injuries to the calf muscles. For open wounds, severe ligament ruptures, and other injuries in which the deformation of cellular structures exceeds 10%, additional consultation with a doctor and specialized treatment are required.

Using tape for various pathologies

Kinesio tapes are also used for:

  • scoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • varicose veins

The purpose of their use in the first two cases is to reduce the load on the muscles and eliminate pain, and establish the normal position of the spine.

If thoracic scoliosis is diagnosed, the tape is applied to the corresponding muscles.

If pathology is detected in the lumbar region of the spinal column, the lower back is taped. Poor posture can be easily corrected with a patch.

Therapeutic gymnastics will help supplement and consolidate the positive effect.

Applying tapes for varicose veins of the legs normalizes blood circulation, prevents fluid stagnation, and minimizes the risk of blood clots.

The patches can be used during late pregnancy. They help cope with swelling, pain in the back and wrists.


There are no ideal techniques, so seemingly harmless taping has a number of limitations, including:

  • Intolerance to components, for example acrylic;
  • Ulcers and eczema, other damage to the skin;
  • “Pigmented skin” - xeroderma.

It is not recommended to perform the taping procedure yourself. The only exceptions are professional athletes who are fluent in the technique of applying tapes and have an excellent knowledge of their body and its anatomical features.

Comparison table - pros and cons of different tapes

Several types of kinesio tapes have been developed. They are made by different manufacturers and have different lengths, widths, and shapes.

  1. Bandages (or rolls). They are wide, low in cost, but require cutting to the required length and shaping yourself. Suitable for use by professionals.
  2. Stripes. They are distributed ready-made, have the required sizes and shapes (X, Y, I), rounded ends, and are quite economical in price. One of the disadvantages is the impossibility of changing standardized samples.
  3. Ready-made patches. They are products that do not require special preparation; they are glued ready-made to individual parts of the body. They are distinguished by their high cost.

Technique for gluing tapes

To ensure a high therapeutic and preventive effect, apply the tape to the calf according to the following algorithm:

  • Before applying the application, the hair in the damaged area will be removed;
  • The skin is wiped with an alcohol-containing solution or spray;
  • The taping site is dried;
  • The optimal type of tape is selected according to the degree of damage and type of injury.

Types of tapes that are used for injuries of the calf muscle:

  • I-shaped tape is a 5 cm wide patch with rounded corners. The use of single-strip tape ensures reliable fixation of tissues. This type of tape is effective for muscle ruptures and sprained ligaments;
  • Y-shaped tape - tape cut in half. The length of the strips depends on the method of application and the type of injury. Most often, such tapes are used for application to soft tissues;
  • Lymphatic tapes. The tape is cut into several strips (4 strips or more). Used in lymphatic drainage taping to restore lymph circulation in damaged tissues.

Taping according to the rules

To carry out taping, you need to first prepare the damaged area. To do this, excess hair is removed from the lower leg, and the skin is treated with an alcohol solution. Elastic bands are prepared in advance by cutting off the required length and rounding the edges (so that when worn they do not cling to clothing and last longer). In case of a sprain or tear of the calf, the tape is applied from bottom to top, and in case of bruises, on the contrary, from top to bottom.

For calf appliqué, various tape application patterns are used. Only a doctor can choose the most suitable one, since he will take into account the nature of the disease and the degree of muscle injury. It is especially recommended to contact a specialist if you have never done taping yourself before.

Calf muscle taping schemes

Methods of applying adhesive tapes depend on the nature of the damage, the presence of inflammation, and possible stress. It is important to correctly apply the tape to the calf muscle, so the selection of the technique is carried out by qualified specialists, taking into account all the characteristics of injuries or diseases. There are 3 most common calf taping technologies:

  • In case of injury.
    The tape is applied while lying on your stomach. The knee of the affected leg is extended, the foot is bent as far as possible towards the back. The stabilization tape is glued to the back of the lower leg without tension. One “anchor” of the tape is fixed slightly above the ankle, the second - at the top of the calf muscle. The second section of tape (decompensation) is located in the place where pain or muscle fatigue is most pronounced. The second segment should be perpendicular to the first. It is important to strictly follow the requirements of the taping instructions. The tension of the tapes is 50-70% in the middle, the “anchors” are fixed without tension;
  • When stretched.
    Method 1. Applique is made using 5 ribbons 5 cm wide. Cut 2 strips from the roll and round the ends. The first segment is fixed at a distance of 2.5-5 cm from the ankle and then passed over the calf muscle with a tension of up to 80%. The upper edge of the stripes is wound towards the outside of the knee. The second piece of kinesio tape is fixed at the same level as the first. It is carried out to the level of the upper and middle third of the shin, then redirected to the inner side of the knee; Method 2. Use Y-tape. The leg muscles are stretched. To do this, the patient performs a wide lunge forward and moves his straight leg back. The “anchor” of the tape is fixed without tension at the bottom of the second third of the lower leg. Its rays seem to cover the calf muscle on the left and right and fix the end under the knee. The second tape is placed on top of the first, the “anchor” is located on the inside of the knee just above the previous segment. The rays extend downwards and towards the outer part of the leg for almost complete contact in the middle of the shin;
  • When ligaments are torn.
    Before applying the tape to the calf muscle, the patient must lie on his stomach. We fix the feet with a roller. 2 tapes 5 cm wide are used. The “anchor” of the first tape is fixed under the heel, then the tape is passed through the Achilles tendon and the inside of the leg with slight tension. The second “anchor” is fixed below the popliteal fossa. Next, the tape is applied in mirror image to the first.

After the application is completed, it should be gently rubbed with your palms to activate the adhesive composition.

Which kinesio tapes are considered the best in 2021?

High-quality materials, safe composition, ease of use, and reliable fixation are the main requirements that are usually applied to kinesio tapes. In the ranking of the best in 2021, as in previous years, the leading position is still occupied by Korean BBTape patches. Elastic strips of premium quality, presented by a leading brand from South Korea, have a hypoallergenic adhesive base and last a long time on the skin. The average wearing period is from 3 days. You can choose kinesio tape for the calf muscle in the online catalog, which provides a full description: the size of the sports patches, photos, customer reviews and other useful information.


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Replacing tapes, how often

How long to wear tapes depends on the purpose of application and the severity of the injury. If taping is performed for preventive purposes, the tapes can be removed immediately after the end of physical activity. As a treatment method, calf taping will bring positive results if you strictly adhere to the following application times:

  • For a calf muscle strain – 2-3 weeks;
  • For a bruised calf muscle – 1-2 weeks. If taping is accompanied by anti-inflammatory therapy, the duration of wearing may be reduced to 5-10 days;
  • If ligaments or muscles are torn – 2-3 months.

The decision to remove the application is made by a traumatologist or specialist in the field of sports medicine. Failure to comply with the timing of taping can provoke the resumption of pain and the occurrence of complications.

The essence and scope of kinesio taping

Kinesio tape is made from cotton fabric treated with a layer of acrylic glue. After application to the leg, the tape is securely attached to the skin and fixes the muscle fiber. Available in the form of long ribbons or figured products.

Kinesio taping of the calf muscle (the procedure of attaching adhesive tape to a limb) is widely used in professional sports, during the rehabilitation period after injuries or operations.

Indications for use

Kinesio taping eliminates inflammation, rehabilitates muscles after stress and various injuries, gently immobilizing ligaments, ensuring joint stabilization. Taping improves blood flow, eliminates inflammatory processes and stimulates rapid lymph flow.

It is recommended to apply kinesio tape to the calf in the following cases:

  • The presence of varicose veins on the calves.
  • With increased load on the ligaments.
  • For chronic leg fatigue.
  • Ankle sprains.

It is recommended to use a kinesio patch if a person is actively running or walking and experiences a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs. This patch will be an excellent prevention of varicose veins of the legs.

Recommendations for applying tape

Maximum effectiveness of kinesio taping can be ensured only by following the relevant recommendations and rules. General instructions include:

  • To properly fix the tape, it is necessary to remove all hair in the taping area.
  • On the calves, the skin is properly prepared by wiping it with lotions containing alcohol.
  • After gluing the tape, for better fixation, you need to run your hand over the surface of the tape several times with light, moderate pressure.
  • When applying the tape, the muscle must be stretched, for which the knee is extended and the patient’s leg is brought up as much as possible.

Only by following these simple rules for applying adhesive tape will it be possible to ensure the effectiveness of therapy. It is also necessary to use high-quality tapes that will properly fix the calves even during active sports.

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