Warm or cold? First aid for workplace injuries

Manual labor is accompanied by injuries and pain. From manufacturing to agriculture, these industries have their share of injuries.

Once trauma occurs, the age-old question arises. Warm or cold? When it comes to first aid for pain, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the issue. Hot and cold compresses can help with pain and injury recovery. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Hot and cold applications have particular uses when it comes to pain, acute injuries and chronic discomfort. However, if these remedies are used incorrectly, they can do more harm than good.

This article offers some basic guidelines on how to use heat and cold when it comes to reducing pain and inflammation.

Using warm compresses

When you think of applying heat, associate it with chronic discomfort. Cramped or tense muscles, stress, muscle fatigue, and sometimes even chronic back pain can be reduced by applying heat.

Heat works by increasing blood flow to the affected area, making collagen fibers more flexible and helping to loosen stiffness in muscles and joints. The benefits of heat include pain relief, reduction of chronic pain, increased blood flow, and decreased tension.

Heat helps relax and soothe muscles, and increased blood flow can help with the recovery process Heat wraps and hydrotherapy are two main ways that heat can be applied to the body However, heat should not be used for acute injuries as it can increase inflammation, pain and even damage tissues in a specific area. It's always best to keep warm for strain and fatigue, leaving ice for acute injuries.

3 ways to supply heat:

Wet Hot Towel – Wet the towel and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Place in a dry towel before use.

Microwave warmers - simply heat in the microwave and enjoy the warmth. Please pay attention to the manufacturers' warnings.

Electric heating pads - just plug in and use! Be careful when applying. Please pay attention to the manufacturers' warnings.


Preparing a compress
In order to prepare an alcohol compress, you need to take:

  • Wide gauze fabric folded in three layers.
  • Dressing material (bandage).
  • A piece of polyethylene larger than gauze.
  • Vatu.

The gauze should be folded in three layers and soaked in slightly warmed vodka. Next, the fabric is wrung out and placed on the sore knee. It is very important that the gauze soaked in the solution fits tightly to the epidermis.

If the patient feels coolness and tingling, then there is space between the epidermis and the application. If this happens, you need to remove the gauze bandage soaked in vodka and replace it with a new one. Next, you need to apply a layer of polyethylene and cotton wool on top. The layer of cotton wool should be large, since it is this layer that will retain heat from the evaporating alcohol.

The resulting application must be fixed with a dressing and additionally wrap the knee joint with a wool scarf. The compress should be on the injured limb for six to twelve hours, so it is best to do it at night. After time has passed, the application is removed and the knee is fixed with a dry, warm bandage.

It is recommended to apply a vodka-based application at night in order to avoid hypothermia of the joint structure. It is not necessary to leave the bandage on while you sleep, just leave it on for a few hours.

If the patient feels that the skin under the bandage is starting to burn and itch, it must be removed immediately. Then wipe the epidermis with a cloth soaked in warm water, and apply baby cream or massage oil to the irritated area.

Using cold compresses

The use of cold is recommended for fresh injuries due to any cause. This reduces blood flow to the injured area, helping to reduce swelling and tissue damage that accompany inflammation.

Cold causes numbness, so use ice without medication to reduce pain while helping the affected area begin the healing process. Another added benefit of using ice is that it helps reduce muscle spasms. Ice packs are the most common way to apply cold, even a bag of frozen peas is enough to do the trick. Knowing when to use cold therapy is important for quick recovery from a recent injury or sudden onset of pain.

3 ways to supply cold:

Ice is good for many types of injuries. Here are 3 ways to apply ice:

Ice bag - small pieces of ice in a plastic bag. Hold for 10-20 minutes.

Reusable ice packs – often contain gel or chemicals. Always use a thin cloth barrier and keep on for up to 30 minutes.

Ice Massage – Rub pieces of ice over the painful area in a circular motion. Stop if your body goes numb.

How to apply a compress to the knee joint

Compresses come in a variety of forms: short-term and overnight, consisting of pharmaceutical preparations and folk ones. If you have joint pain, when deciding to use a compress, you need to understand how to apply it correctly and what composition is needed.

If you comply with all the conditions, you can avoid worsening the condition and treat the affected area as quickly as possible. In order not to make any mistakes and achieve maximum effectiveness, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for the composition of the compress and its use, and also visit a doctor.

Types of compresses

Science is moving forward, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system can now be treated in a variety of ways. Likewise, compresses come in many varieties to eliminate a specific problem.

Any compress must first be prepared, and to do this, you need to know the correct recipe, of which there are quite a few, as well as cases for use. You must understand that any compress must meet the following conditions: heat retention and water resistance, and it must also have a warming effect.

There are a variety of types of compression dressings:

  1. Bischofite. This variety is suitable for night use: in cases of sprains, arthrosis or arthritis. Bishofite itself is a highly concentrated magnesium chloride brine that looks like a yellowish liquid. To apply such a bandage, you need to moisten the gauze with bischofite and fix it at the joint, then leave it overnight. The course of treatment is a week.
  2. Alcohol. This variety is suitable for making at home, you need alcohol and fabric. It is strictly forbidden to rub alcohol into the skin to warm it up; this can cause irritation and aggravate the situation. Such a bandage will warm up well and relieve joint pain
    due to arthritis or arthrosis. To apply it, simply apply a dampened cloth to the joint and leave it there for at least an hour.
  3. Pork fat compress. This option is suitable when the patient is recovering from an injury, because lard and fat contain many useful components and nutrients. To apply it, you need to melt the fat at room temperature, then apply the viscous liquid directly to the skin near the joint. Such a compress must be bandaged with film and covered with a warm cloth for thermal insulation.
  4. Gelatin. Gelatin has beneficial properties that help in building cartilage tissue. Can be used both as part of food and as compresses. To prepare, you need to mix gelatin and water in the following ratio: one teaspoon of powder to one glass of water. The resulting liquid is stirred until smooth and cooled. Moisten the cloth with the prepared mixture and fix it for half an hour. Such bandages are applied for a month, providing the necessary therapeutic effect.
  5. Folk remedies. Traditional methods have also proven themselves in the treatment of joints, proving their effectiveness. This medicine includes compresses made from kefir and chalk, raw potato juice, oatmeal or a mixture of honey and radish juice. This treatment is controversial; it is important to monitor your condition and stop immediately if the pain does not go away but intensifies.

In what situations should compresses be used?

There are a lot of situations in which this method of treatment is used, and it can be combined with other methods. Similar compresses are used for joint pain. After reading the recommendations, you can use them yourself.

In case of any discomfort in the joints, the first step is to consult an orthopedist. He will give the necessary recommendations, prescribe treatment and, if a compress is needed, he will indicate which one should be used.

As a rule, this type of treatment is prescribed for pain at rest or movement, decreased ability to move, swelling, in case of visible external changes in the joints, as well as crunching sounds when moving.

Most effective applications

For joint discomfort, many people self-treat. Some complete it successfully, while others experience increased pain and need to see a doctor. How to properly eliminate pain in the joints?

First, you need to determine what type of disease affected the patient, and then compare your case and treatment option.

  1. sprain. When sprained, you need to relieve swelling and improve blood circulation; a compress containing novocaine with dimexide can cope with this task, but if traditional methods are preferred, then you can use raw potato juice. With proper application and wearing, the ligaments will soon return to normal.
  2. Arthritis. Arthritis is accompanied by inflammation and severe pain that must be eliminated. For such cases, an alcohol compress is used, and all its properties have a positive effect on the patient’s condition. Traditional medicine also suggests using oatmeal or kefir with chalk.
  3. Arthrosis. With this disease, it is necessary to improve blood flow and improve the flow of substances to the cartilage. The ideal solution would be bischofite, gelatin or fat compress options. All of them will provide the necessary treatment for joints with arthrosis. In such cases, it is better not to turn to traditional medicine.


joint treatment

– this is a very important procedure, and if it is neglected, then there is a high probability of complications of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Compresses in such situations will be an excellent option for additional treatment. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Tips for choosing a first aid method

Hazards vary from workplace to workplace. Now that the methods of applying heat and cold have been explained a little, a few tips below will help you choose the right treatment for your pain or injury.

Fresh injuries do not require heat

Applying heat to a new wound will only increase blood flow to the area. This will aggravate the injury as it increases the inflammatory process. Even for acute muscle pain, avoid heat as a fresh injury needs time to reduce inflammation first.

Cold for swelling and bruising

Fresh bruise or swelling from an acute injury? Ice is the way to go when you have swelling or bruising from a recent injury. Cooling will help reduce swelling and reduce blood flow to the affected area.

Muscle pain varies

Hot and cold compresses can be a friend for muscle pain, but timing and circumstances are critical when choosing. Acute muscle pain and muscle injuries can be reduced by applying cold—especially during the first 72 hours.

Once the inflammation has subsided, you can switch to heat to speed up healing. If you are unsure, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider. Remember, heat is best used for muscle fatigue and stiffness.

Using heat or ice for pain can cause some confusion. Both products have their benefits when it comes to managing discomfort, but if used incorrectly, they can do more harm than good.

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Clinical picture and diagnosis

In some cases, knee pain is a temporary complication caused by severe overload, and even without any treatment, the pain will gradually go away.
But very often we are talking about pain as a harbinger of diseases of the knee joints, and in this case, delaying treatment means risking your health. Most often, patients who are overweight, have an abnormal metabolism, and are exposed to frequent hypothermia complain that the leg is swollen and hurts in the knee area. The risk group also includes professional athletes and dancers, women over 40 years of age (due to hormonal changes and a tendency to rheumatoid diseases).

If your knee is swollen, the symptoms are obvious - pain and swelling. As a rule, the pain syndrome manifests itself most actively when walking, bending the leg, or lifting weights. When palpated, a higher density and temperature of the tissues can usually be noted; in places, bone growths or hard compactions can be felt.

But just palpation is not enough to make a diagnosis; you also need to tell the doctor about what worries you - for example, the knee is swollen on top and hurts, or the swelling is visible, but there is no pain. It is also worth describing in detail the nature of the pain; the options can be very different:

  • If the patient complains of nagging pain, most likely we are talking about developing inflammation (for example, bursitis).
  • Sudden sharp pain signals pinched nerve roots in the joint, the consequences of damage and injury.
  • Vague pain sensations associated with a feeling of discomfort often appear against the background of rheumatism.
  • Pain with shooting indicates inflammation and partial pinching of the nerves.
  • Throbbing pains indicate pathologies of the blood vessels in the knee area.

To clarify the diagnosis and determine why the knees are swollen, hardware and instrumental methods can be used: radiography, MRI, arthroscopy, CT, ultrasound, puncture in the area of ​​the joint capsule of the knee.

About salt

Salt compress
Salt is a kind of adsorbent that is actively used to treat many ailments. Salt compress has proven itself well for arthrosis. It allows:

  • Relieves swelling, as it draws out excess fluid well from tissues.
  • Stimulates metabolic and recovery processes by increasing blood flow.
  • Partially absorb toxins and harmful compounds.
  • Reduce the spread of infection to a minimum due to its antiseptic properties.

Despite their beneficial properties, the use of such applications is not a panacea. To get rid of the disease, a compress on the knee must be used only in combination with drug therapy, otherwise the effectiveness of such a treatment method will be incomplete.


A salt-based application can be made by dissolving it in water, or used in dry form, mixing it with other ingredients. The most common option is a compress based on salt and water, thus it is possible to select the exact amount of the first substance.

To prepare a compress, you need to take sea salt and gauze cloth. Next, you need to perform the following steps:

  • You need to take warm water and dissolve salt in it, in a proportion of 100 grams per liter of water.
  • Soak a cloth in the solution and offer it to the sore joint.
  • The application must be left for six to ten hours. Everything will depend on the desired effect. It is best to do the procedure before going to bed so that the lower limb is at rest. In the morning, the bandage must be removed and the salt remaining from the procedure must be wiped off from the skin.

The procedure should be repeated for five to seven days. It is not recommended to apply the compress any more, otherwise prolonged contact with salt will cause severe irritation of the epidermis. Some patients wrap their leg with a wool scarf and polyethylene, but this should not be done, otherwise the saline solution will corrode the skin. Gauze, on the other hand, allows air to pass through, allowing the salt to absorb fluid and toxins without causing irritation.

Whichever of the above applications you choose, be sure to consult your doctor before using them.
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Before carrying out the therapeutic procedure, make sure that the patient does not have a fever. Hot applications cannot be done if the patient has dermatological ailments. They should also be abandoned if the skin of the knee joint was damaged or an inflammatory process of purulent etiology began. They are not recommended for use in cases of cancer in the pelvis, high blood pressure and heart problems.

Before using vodka for applications, it must be diluted with water. For the treatment of adults, the alcohol-water ratio should be 1:3. This is done when applying an application to the lower limb. If you apply a compress to areas with more delicate epidermis, the ratio should be 1:5.

During therapeutic procedures applied to babies and expectant mothers (although they are usually not done), alcohol must be diluted by more than half, and then it must be mixed with water. If you use vodka rather than alcohol, then its ratio with water should be 1:4. If a bandage will be applied to the site of an intra-articular injection, make sure that there is no abscess there, since the thermal procedure can intensify the inflammatory process of the purulent type, which can spread through the blood and transfer infection to any part of the body.

When applying an application for the knee joint, you must ensure that it does not move and adjust it from time to time.


Applications for the knee joint based on vodka are of the hot type. They are used as local heating of tissues. They improve blood flow in the affected area and provide excellent relief from algia. In addition to treating articular joints, such therapy is used for headaches, colic of various etiologies, salt deposits in articular joints and neuritis.

Hot applications are prepared as follows:

  • Take gauze, fold it in three layers, soak it in hot water with the addition of vodka.
  • The tissue is then wrung out and applied to the affected joint structure.
  • A piece of polyethylene is placed on top and wrapped with a wool scarf.
  • Such an application must be changed every five minutes.

Cold compresses, on the contrary, constrict blood vessels, reduce their filling and cool the damaged joint, simultaneously eliminating pain. Usually they are applied in case of local inflammation or bruise. A similar application is also used for sunstroke or nervous excitement.

A cold bandage is applied as follows:

  • Take gauze, fold it in three layers, dip it in cool water in which alcohol is diluted.
  • Then it is wrung out and applied to the injured knee.
  • A cold compress is changed every half hour, so you need to prepare water with alcohol and gauze in advance.
  • The procedure is carried out for sixty minutes.


For arthrosis and arthritis, vodka can be replaced with formic alcohol, or you can use a tincture with the addition of red pepper to enhance the effectiveness of therapy.

Also, to enhance vodka applications, alcohol can be infused with various herbs that have the necessary medicinal properties.

If you mix vodka with garlic or onion juice, the application will have an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. But it should be noted that such compresses cannot be kept for more than sixty minutes, otherwise irritation may appear on the skin.

For hematomas, you can use an alcohol tincture with bodyaga. It will not only resolve bruises, but also relieve swelling.

For arthrosis, in addition to alcohol applications, salt compresses are also very popular. They will be discussed below.

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