Inversion table for the spine: benefits and contraindications of the simulator

By design, an inversion table is a board with an adjustable angle of inclination, lying on which a person can easily and safely change the natural position of his body to an “unnatural” one, i.e. hangs upside down. This condition is called complete inversion and is believed to have beneficial effects on the body. This is useful for spinal stretching and relaxation. In this guide, we will look at who might benefit from an inversion table, how to use it to reduce back pain, and how to exercise correctly. You will find out whether buying the best inversion table for back pain will be justified by the result, what doctors say about it and we will compile the Top 5 best inversion tables in terms of equipment and price.

What is an inversion table and what is it for?

The table is a stable structure made of metal or plastic in the form of a flat bench (table top) with leg clamps and two handles; there are both mechanical and electromagnetic exercise machines. The essence of the table is to change the angle of the body, up to a vertical position (upside down). When the position of the body in space changes, the spine lengthens due to stretching of the intervertebral discs. The inversion therapy method provides relief from pinched nerve endings and treatment of spinal diseases (protrusions, hernias, pain associated with displacement of the vertebrae and changes in posture).

When training on a gravity table, it is important not to just hang upside down at a comfortable angle, but to perform various techniques, including slight bending and twisting to stretch not only the vertebrae, but also the muscles.

Gymnastics has a positive effect if, at the initial stage of training, the technique is observed by a specialist in the field of physiology, a neurologist, a chiropractor, and so on. You should not start the exercise on your own ; especially if spinal diseases worsen, you should consult a doctor.

Before considering the benefits and harms of an inversion table, let’s study a little about the effects of traction on the spine and their feasibility.

  1. What happens when you stretch for a long time? Intervertebral discs are subject to tension, which increases the risk of injury to the capsule of the intervertebral joints. That is, by stretching the spine, trying to alleviate the syndromes of some diseases, you can get new problems.
  2. Does traction solve spine problems? Let's look at the example of a rubber band. Use force to stretch the rubber on the sides - it will lengthen, weakening the impact - the tape will return to its original position. The same is true with the spine, the problem does not go away after returning to its natural position; if a disc in any department was bulging before, it will remain so; if a muscle was pinched (or nerve endings), it will remain in the same place and get pinched again. Therefore, temporary symptom relief is not the solution.
  3. Does an inversion table solve the problem? By stretching and simultaneously strengthening the muscles that hold the spine (stabilizers), a therapeutic effect can be achieved. If the muscles are weak, they will not be able to hold the vertebrae in a stable position after traction, and strengthening them will serve as a kind of corset to maintain the normal position of the vertebrae between the joints, reducing negative factors.

How does an inversion trainer work?

Fans of inversion therapy point to the antiquity of this healing technique, which was allegedly used by Hippocrates 2500 years ago. However, real interest in inversion arose only at the end of the 20th century. Gymnast Christopher Harrison came up with anti-gravity yoga - exercises on “hammocks” suspended from the ceiling. Gravity boots, designed for hanging upside down, which were used by the hero of the movie “American Gigolo,” came into fashion.

At the same time, in the 1980s, active research began on the effect of procedures on patients with certain diseases. Proponents of the inversion technique attributed to it broad healing properties: increased growth, treatment of varicose veins, improvement of cerebral circulation and lymph flow.

Of course, the wider the list of indications, the more doubts arise about the effectiveness of the device, because one tablet cannot treat everything. The test results did not really convince the skeptics. But there was evidence of side effects: blurred vision, retinal detachment, headaches, increased blood pressure.

So far, researchers have proven for certain the benefits of an inversion table only for treating the back.

Scientific research and proven effectiveness

Patients with lumbosacral sciatica have been able to avoid surgery thanks to a combination of physiotherapy and inversion techniques, according to an article by doctors from James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough. The researchers divided patients awaiting surgery into two groups: the first group (13 people) was prescribed physical therapy and an inversion machine, and the second group (11 people) received only physical therapy.

After 6 weeks, it turned out that the majority of patients from the first group (10 out of 13) no longer required surgical intervention, because their condition has improved significantly. The results of the examination of the second group were not so impressive: out of 11 people, only two did not fall under the surgeons’ scalpel.

Another study examined the effects of an inversion trainer on patients with chronic low back pain. Participants in the experiment used an inversion table at different angles for 8 weeks. The best results were found in the group that used the machine at an angle of 60 degrees: in these patients, the elasticity of the lumbar region increased, pain and discomfort disappeared.

It is believed that the inverted position of the body takes the load off the spine, which suffers from the force of gravity and our evolutionary “habit” to walking upright. The pressure on the intervertebral discs decreases, and the space between the vertebrae increases. As a result, lower back pain disappears.

The question remains for how long. Skeptics believe that inversion tables do not cure, but relieve unpleasant symptoms. The exercise machine stretches the paravertebral muscles and ligaments, temporarily relieving muscle spasm, says expert Celeste Robb-Nicholson, MD Editor in Chief, Harvard Women's Health Watch. According to the doctor, the merits of inversion therapy in improving health have not been proven, moreover, it has many contraindications (eye diseases, hypertension, heart disease, pregnancy). However, exercises on an inversion table can still be recommended for the comprehensive treatment of back pain under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

If we summarize the words of experts, it becomes clear that stretching on an inversion table will not cure the disease, but it can relieve symptoms and, therefore, reduce the use of painkillers.

Disadvantages of exercising on an inversion table

  • It is not the only way to solve problems associated with spinal diseases.
  • It gives only a temporary effect that does not last without exercise.
  • Allows you to perform a limited number of exercises that do not fully affect all important stabilizer muscles.
  • It can aggravate the problem; if you use the exercise machine incorrectly, there is a risk of getting new injuries.
  • It has a large list of restrictions and contraindications.

Disadvantages of the simulator

You should remember the disadvantages of an inversion table:

  • a limited list of exercises does not allow you to properly work out the stabilizer muscles. A sustainable positive effect is possible only with an integrated approach;
  • Illiterate use of the table can cause aggravation of existing back problems.

Adaptation of the body and vestibular apparatus should be gradual, in particular, the maximum angle of additional inclination per lesson should not exceed 5 degrees. Moreover, you can increase the angle every 2-3 days.

Top 3 manufacturers of inversion tables

Inversion table HyperFit HealthStimul 30MA

Home portable inversion table HyperFit HealthStimul 30MA can withstand enormous loads. A user weighing up to 200 kg can exercise on the machine. The inversion of the table is 180 degrees, there are 5 tilt angles, height adjustment, and an improved ankle locking system. For maximum user comfort, a vibration massage option is provided, as well as heated massage pillows. The pillows can be removed and used for relaxation. The model comes complete with a control panel, which is used to set the settings. Prices for an inversion table range from 29,000 to 31,000 rubles.

Inversion table OPTIFIT

Home budget exercise machines with soft, comfortable bolsters and clamps, can withstand user weight up to 136 kg, and are mechanically fixed in three positions. There are models with massagers. The cost varies from 11,800 to 14,500 rubles.

DFC inversion table

A brand of home exercise equipment, including inversion tables, offering a huge selection of exercise equipment of various characteristics and a wide range of prices. Exercise machines with a folding design can withstand user weight from 110 to 150 kg, depending on the model and cost, and are adjustable in several positions: 40, 60, 90, 180%. There is a model with a massager and remote control (price about 24,000 rubles). Prices for all models vary from 10,400 to 50,000 rubles.

Inversion table Z-UP

A more expensive nonsense, representing a wide range of professional high-quality electric inversion tables. The simulators can withstand load weights from 120 to 136 kg. Folding design, the exercise equipment runs on electricity and is controlled by just two buttons. In the event of a power outage, the table returns to its original position automatically. The cost of products ranges from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Basic exercises performed on an inversion table

  • Balancing - you need to try to keep the back in a horizontal position.

  • Rotations around an axis. One arm is positioned along the body, the other is raised above the head, and chalk rotations of the table are performed. 10 - 15 times in both directions.

  • Inversion - arms are placed above the head, the table takes a vertical position. That is, hanging upside down is performed. It is recommended to start with incomplete inversions and gradually reach a complete inversion.

Additional safety tips.

The benefits of the inversion method have been proven. Still, if you have the opportunity to use an inversion table at first, then use it rather than inversion boots. It is better to start hanging slowly, at a slight angle for a short amount of time. Going straight into a full inversion for an extended period of time can cause harm and subsequent pain.

It is important to remember that inversion causes blood flow to the upper body and may be contraindicated if you have heart, spine or eye problems. Talk to your doctor before you start exercising.

Monitor your health and be patient. The inversion table and gravity boots are great devices that can be used by you for a variety of purposes and can be used on a daily basis. Make training with inversion machines a habit and your body will reap the benefits of your efforts. Good luck!

This is the post, friends! Thanks again to Dmitry for your efforts! I personally liked the post.

Now you know what the inversion method can give you and how hanging upside down can help you grow. I wish you success in your training!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev


Spinal inversion tables come in a fairly wide variety of models. When deciding which option is more practical in each particular case, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The stationary table is reliable, durable, stable, powerful, and is suitable for people of different heights and builds. Such models are most often installed in gyms. Disadvantages: large dimensions, weight, difficult to move.
  2. A folding table is better suited for home use. It weighs relatively little, requires less storage space, and will fit even in a small room. However, there is always a risk that the mechanism will fail.
  3. A table that allows you to manually vary the angle of inclination as much as possible is accessible to most users and does not require special skills and knowledge to use. The more positions in which you can fix the simulator while working out on it, the better. Mechanical control requires virtually no maintenance and no associated costs. Manually changing the angle of inclination can sometimes be difficult, and this is the main disadvantage of the table.
  4. Models with automated control and electric drive are suitable for older people and those who are significantly overweight. Such tables provide the smoothest and most comfortable change of position and are more functional. However, they are less durable than mechanical ones and can quickly fail.

Parameters such as the shape of the backrest, the geometry of the frame lines, and the appearance of the inversion table itself are no longer a matter of practicality, but of personal taste. Some models include holders for a water bottle and mobile phone, but these are also optional options.



With mechanical control

Electrically driven

Moon boots.

Let me start with this. I used to have back pain and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Anyone who has experienced this knows this feeling. I know how inconvenient this can be and how it can ruin life.

After I graduated from college, I opened a landscaping and landscaping company. I worked hard because I wanted financial independence. I really tried my best. Sometimes I had to accept orders for work without even knowing how to do such work.

Once, for example, a client approached me who wanted to build a stone wall without cement on his property. I said: “No problem!” But since the wall would have to bear a lot of load, I asked if I could put cement at the base of the wall. The client agreed.

On the first day, I dug a hole, went to the store and bought cement. When I returned, I decided to load two 60 kg bags of cement on my shoulders to save time walking up and down. I put the first bag on my shoulder, and when I bent down and turned a little to pick up the second, I heard a not very pleasant sound - the crunching of my own back. In an instant I was lying on the ground in pain. I spent the following weeks either in bed or sitting in front of the TV.

About halfway through the second week, a friend of mine who visited me told me that a new-fangled back treatment device called “moon boots” had just come out. He received a couple of these for New Years. I borrowed them from him. My dad installed a horizontal bar in the apartment so I could hang upside down. I started doing this for 5-10 minutes a day, every day.

Soon my back felt much better, my spine was straightened, my muscles became toned. My posture has noticeably improved, which, by the way, was not bad before. I continued to use upside down hangs and moon boots on a regular basis, not only for my healing, but as a way to experiment with different exercises that could lead to higher levels of fitness. Thanks to the inversion method, there are fewer injuries at work, and the body feels great. This is cool!

Indications and contraindications

The use of an inversion trainer is effective for pain in the back muscles, pinched nerves, spinal hernias, and spasms of the torso muscles. Exercises are also indicated for various postural disorders, weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal motion segments, varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs.

The inversion table has the following contraindications:

  • tendency to increase intraocular pressure;
  • stage II hypertension;
  • various heart rhythm disturbances;
  • the presence of aneurysm of cerebral vessels;
  • osteoporosis;
  • sclerotic changes in the vessels of the brain;
  • ischemic heart damage (acute period);
  • chronic pathologies of connective tissue;
  • displacement of internal organs under the skin;
  • presence of prosthetic joints;
  • taking anticoagulant drugs;
  • obesity;
  • senile dementia.

Also, the exercise machine should not be used by women during the entire period of pregnancy.

Important selection criteria

Inversion tables should be selected taking into account the following points:

  1. Design features. Folding models are more compact and lighter, but less stable and durable.
  2. Weight. The heavier the table, the more stable it is, but it will be difficult to move.
  3. Shape, load capacity and dimensions. You need to make sure that your own height allows you to sit comfortably on the table. And when classes are planned for several people, adjustment of the length of the “working surface” is required. To calculate the required length, add 10–15 cm to your height.
  4. Type of control mechanism. If your budget allows, it is better to opt for a model with an electric drive.
  5. Possibility to vary the angle of inclination. The more different positions the simulator provides, the easier it is to adapt to it and the more convenient it is to practice.
  6. Material of manufacture. Metal inversion tables are more durable and heavier. But if the surface of the “tabletop” is not covered with anything, not everyone will be able to adapt to the simulator. Plastic is much lighter and more affordable, but its service life is noticeably shorter.
  7. Convenient fastenings. It is better if the “cuffs” are wide and made of soft material.

Any inversion table comes with instructions that describe, including how to assemble the model, adjust it to your own height and weight, and secure all adjustable parts. It needs to be studied very carefully.

Reasons for the development of intervertebral hernia

Inversion therapy has proven itself in the treatment of intervertebral hernia. To understand the mechanism of its treatment, you need to know the causes.

A herniated disc is not a sudden disease. The process of its formation is slow and gradual. May last for years.

First, microcracks form in the intervertebral discs, after which protrusion develops, and only then the core of the hernia is formed. In severe cases, the nucleus comes out into the gap between the vertebrae and puts pressure on the nerve roots or spinal cord.

Depending on the area of ​​occurrence, there are cervical, thoracic and lumbar hernias. All of them are accompanied by severe pain, numbness of the upper or lower extremities, dizziness, and pressure changes.

What provokes the development of intervertebral hernia:

  • osteochondrosis
  • weak muscle corset
  • injuries, blows and falls on the back
  • rachiocampsis
  • excess weight
  • infectious diseases
  • spinal injury

People aged 25 to 50 years are most susceptible to developing a hernia. Those whose work involves lifting weights. Office workers and drivers - those who have a sedentary lifestyle.

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