What are the dangers of smoothing lumbar lordosis, and how to avoid it?

The human spine is not straight, like many animals, but has a natural physiological curve that resembles the Latin letter “S”. It is formed in the early stages of life, when a person learns to sit, hold his head, and walk. They are called kyphosis (cervical) and lordosis (lower back). It is thanks to them that the body is able to perform various exercises, walk straight, jump, lift weights without harm to the body. The load is distributed evenly between the limbs, which avoids deformation or the development of pathologies. But one of the pathological conditions is called when the physiological lordosis is smoothed.


At the bottom of the ridge there is a bend directed inward, which is called lordosis. Any deviation from the norm, excessive deepening or, on the contrary, insufficient, is a serious pathology. If the lumbar lordosis is smoothed, then we are talking about hypolordosis. It is clearly visible to the naked eye, as it forces a person to lean forward strongly, as if in a slight bow. The condition most often develops against the background of ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia.

There are two types of the disease:

  • Primary. Its etiology is non-traumatic. A degenerative change has appeared as a result of inflammatory or oncological processes in the spine or surrounding muscles.
  • Secondary. Develops as a result of injury, dislocation or other damage to the pelvis or spine in any area.

What does “flattened lordosis” mean? This is a complete or partial absence of the natural curve of the spine in the lumbar region. Normally, it appears at six months, when the child learns to sit and maintains this position throughout life. The angle of curvature should be within 150-170 degrees. Any negative factors can affect it and lead to excessive bending and flattening, where the ridge straightens unnaturally.


Scoliosis is a curving deformation of the spinal column in the lateral projection (to the right or left of the vertical axis). Most often it is formed in childhood (in infancy and ages from 3 to 5 years) or in the period from 18 to 25 years.

The severity of scoliosis is determined by the angle of deviation of the spine. To measure it, X-rays are taken in standing and supine positions.

The severity of the symptoms of the disease is directly related to the degree of scoliosis: the greater the curvature, the greater the load on the internal organs and systems.

There are 4 degrees of scoliosis:

First degree scoliosis is expressed as a deviation from the norm of up to 10 degrees. The disease is characterized by a slight stoop and subtle asymmetry in the position of the shoulders and shoulder blades; when bending forward, one shoulder blade protrudes more noticeably than the other. In a number of countries, this stage of scoliosis is considered a variant of the norm, a physiological feature.

Scoliosis of the second degree is characterized by a deviation of the spine from the axis of up to 25 degrees. The patient has obvious asymmetry of the shoulders, shoulder blades, and buttocks. When the body is tilted, the vertebrae stand out unevenly, one shoulder blade protrudes strongly, and there are costal protrusions. The muscle roll is easily palpable, convex on the chest side, concave on the lumbar side. Painful sensations are not expressed. Scoliosis of the second and subsequent degrees requires mandatory treatment; the pathology can progress quickly.

Scoliosis of the third degree is characterized by a curvature of the spine of 26-50 degrees. The patient's posture is impaired, the shoulders and pelvis are distorted, a rib hump is formed, and one leg may appear shorter. Severe deformations of the chest and spinal column lead to compression of internal organs, which is dangerous to health. The condition is accompanied by pain, restrictions in movement, digestive problems, etc.

The fourth degree of scoliosis is the most severe, the scoliotic angle is 50 degrees or more. The patient's spine, chest and pelvis are deformed, a rib hump is formed in front and behind. Due to compression, all internal organs and systems cease to function normally, a person is plagued by pain and numerous pathological manifestations of the heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

1 Massage for scoliosis

2 Massage for scoliosis

3 Massage for scoliosis

Causes of scoliosis

Poor posture in childhood is one of the main provoking factors in the development of scoliosis.

Other common reasons include:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • congenital vertebral deformities;
  • rickets, polio;
  • vertebral injuries, including birth injuries;
  • injuries to the pelvic bones, legs;
  • diseases of muscles, connective tissues;
  • osteoporosis;
  • spinal tumors;
  • obesity, etc.

What are the risks of back scoliosis?

With cervical scoliosis, compression of the arteries of the spine occurs, which adversely affects blood circulation in the brain. The patient suffers from dizziness, headaches, and cognitive impairment.

Thoracic scoliosis is dangerous because it compresses the chest and abdominal cavity, causing damage to internal organs. Their improper functioning is fraught with numerous malfunctions in the body.

Lumbar scoliosis is characterized by deformation and displacement of the pelvic bones, which means inevitable lumbar pain, problems with the kidneys, bladder and intestines, and sexual dysfunction.

Treatment of scoliosis

Success in the treatment of scoliosis directly depends on timely identification of the problem and early contact with a qualified specialist.

The doctor selects a treatment regimen individually for each patient, depending on the degree of the disease.

Correction of first degree scoliosis : as a rule, physical therapy and massage for scoliosis of this degree are the most effective methods.

For the treatment of scoliosis of the second and third degrees, wearing a special corset, electrical myostimulation, exercise therapy, therapeutic massage, and swimming may be recommended. Drug therapy may include the prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, vitamins, etc.

4th degree of scoliosis : if conservative treatment methods are ineffective, surgical straightening of the spine is recommended, followed by long-term rehabilitation and wearing a corset.


If the lumbar lordosis is straightened, it is extremely important to find the preconditions that contributed to the occurrence of this problem. Contributing factors are usually identified:

  • Anomalies of intervertebral discs.
  • Back injuries, lumbar fractures.
  • Surgical interventions and their complications.
  • Constantly being in the wrong position, staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time, postural errors.
  • Gradual development of neoplasms in the ridge.
  • Congenital pathologies in the form of straightening of the ridge or rickets.
  • Osteoporosis or osteochondrosis.
  • Age-related changes in older people.
  • Inflammatory processes in muscle tissue.

Another risk factor is pregnancy, especially multiple pregnancy, as the body experiences enormous stress. The pathological process is also recorded in people prone to obesity, or whose spine is constantly subjected to severe tests due to professional activities or sports.

Occupational injuries are one of the causes of the appearance due to flattened lordosis

What is lordosis?

When it comes to curvature of the spine, scoliosis immediately comes to people's minds. What other diseases exist? Lordosis can be both an important physiological feature of posture and a serious problem. Evolutionarily, the human spine is naturally curved. If their degree of forward convexity exceeds the norm, this is called lordosis.

The ridge is not a straight line, it looks more like the Latin letter “S”. In total, people have 4 curves in the spine. They are formed in humans during the stages of embryonic development, but are so unnoticeable that the newborn’s back seems straight. When a child begins to hold his head up and walk on his own, his posture changes significantly. This is where “acquaintance” with physiological lordosis occurs. All people have it, and it is the absolute norm. Pathological lordosis is considered dangerous. Its difference from the physiological one is that the degree of bending is greater than or less than normal.

Main symptoms of the disease

Straightening the natural curve in the lower back does not go unnoticed. Already in the early stages, the patient notices changes in posture, difficulties with full alignment of the back and other negative signs. The main ones are:

Physiological curves of the spinal column

  • Sharp pain in the lower back.
  • The appearance of numbness in the morning in the damaged area.
  • On palpation, a tightness is felt in the lower back.
  • A forward tilt of the body that is difficult to correct by standing straight.
  • Constant feeling of fatigue or decreased performance.

The lumbosacral region moves forward, and the gait changes greatly for the worse. The stomach protrudes slightly, the chest becomes sunken, the head is tilted forward. Some patients complain of severe pain in their legs. Degenerative processes that occur in the spine cause serious diseases, which in the future affect the functioning of the entire body.

Cost of treatment

Services listPrice
Initial consultation with a kinesiotherapist1600
Interim consultation with a kinesiotherapist (test session)for free
Session with a kinesiotherapist (1 patient)3900
Session with a kinesiotherapist (2 patients)3900
Group lesson with kinesiotherapist2200
Individual lessons with a personal trainer2700
Subscription for 1 month of training in the gym on simulators10000
Subscription for 6 months of gym training45000

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Smoothed lordosis allows timely self-diagnosis to be detected, which is easily carried out at home. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Stand against a wall or flat vertical surface.
  • Press the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks.
  • Place your hand between the wall and your back.
  • Evaluate the result.

If the palm passes freely, everything is fine with the back. When it is difficult to carry out or there is no distance at all, you should consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination. A freely moving fist should also be a concern; this also indicates problems with the spine.

If the formation of a smoothed lordosis is suspected, the specialist will prescribe an X-ray examination or computed tomography. The images will allow you to accurately determine how smooth the lordosis angle is and prescribe adequate treatment.

Fighting tactics

A degenerative change such as spinal flattening cannot be cured with pills. First of all, it is necessary to find the cause of such processes in the body. If you are overweight, a balanced diet is prescribed; if you are pregnant, you will be prescribed a corrective bandage. In general, a comprehensive approach is taken to eliminating symptoms and slowing down curvature processes.

Chondroprotectors are the basis for the treatment of any problems with the musculoskeletal system

Drug therapy

It is aimed at relieving pain and relieving the inflammatory process. The doctor selects appropriate medications individually, taking into account the patient’s age, his general health, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, and other things.

The following medications are usually prescribed:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen). They relieve pain, relieve swelling in the lower back, and are prescribed as needed.
  • Painkillers (“Analgin”, “Ketonol”). If the pain is severe and does not go away after taking the pills, then a lidocaine blockade is prescribed. It allows you to stop the unpleasant syndrome for a long time and relieve you from unpleasant sensations for a long time.
  • Chondroprotectors (“Donna”, “Teraflex”). With their help, the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue is accelerated. You can’t do without them if the problem is an intervertebral hernia
  • Vitamin complexes. It is especially important that the composition contains group B, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements.

Drugs alone will not be enough to fight effectively, so along with them, the doctor prescribes exercises, visits to a chiropractor and physiotherapy. Only this approach allows you to get a good result and slow down negative processes in the spine, eliminating possible complications.

Physiotherapeutic activities

Physiotherapeutic procedures relieve static disturbances in the lumbar region as the disease develops, so they are prescribed in combination with exercises. The following techniques are of great benefit:

  • Massage. It is carried out only during the period of remission by medical personnel with a sufficient level of qualifications. Helps normalize blood circulation and improve metabolic processes in the damaged area.
  • Acupuncture. Eastern methods have long been famous for their effectiveness. The impact on acupuncture points helps to activate the restoration of natural processes that normalize the condition and restore the health of soft and bone tissues.
  • Magnetotherapy. It is not prescribed to everyone, as it has a number of contraindications. But, like the others, it is aimed at improving the patient’s condition and restoring health.

All techniques require the session to be carried out only by qualified personnel, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the problem. In addition to them, the patient is also recommended to take up swimming or yoga to strengthen the muscular frame of the back. Doctors usually prescribe exercise therapy when there is no compression of the cerebral roots.

Exercises for flattened lordosis

A smoothed curve in the lower back can be well treated with exercise therapy exercises. The complex itself is developed by a specialist. It is he who sets the number of approaches, duration of the lesson and its intensity. Here are some examples of how patients with this pathology are trained.

  1. The process always begins with preparation, warming up all muscle groups to properly prepare them for the upcoming load.
  2. Take a gymnastics stick and raise your arms high above your head. Gently bend in all directions, controlling your breathing and your own sensations. There should be no pain or discomfort.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees and try to pull them towards your chest as far as the stretch allows. Return to starting position.
  4. Without changing position, pull your knees to your chest, and then move them slightly to the side. Repeat the approach for the other side.
  5. Get on your knees and focus on your palms. Bend your spine upward, holding this position for 7 seconds. Then return to the starting position.

The session ends with light stretching to prevent injury to the warmed muscles. If you feel severe pain, discomfort, or dizziness during the process, stop training. This usually happens if the execution technique is violated, thereby causing an exacerbation.

Therapeutic gymnastics is carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel


The main signs of lordosis include excessive arching in the lower back and a protruding belly. With hyperlordosis, the pelvis moves back, and the knees seem to be pushed apart.

In the early period of the disease, a person may not feel any symptoms, but as lordosis progresses, the patient begins to feel discomfort, and then pain in the lower back. In its advanced form, lordosis causes suffering to a person: the pain becomes sharp and almost never goes away, and the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. This leads to limited mobility.

What is the risk of the disease?

A straightened lower back not only changes the gait, but also causes an acute disruption in the normal blood supply. This in turn leads to increased fatigue, sleep problems, severe headaches, weakness and stress. Possible consequences of deformation may be:

  • Degenerative processes in the spine.
  • Difficulty in moving and performing simple physical actions.
  • Decreased sensitivity of the lower extremities.
  • Instability of intervertebral discs.
  • Development of arthrosis in the knees.
  • Frequent constipation, intestinal diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the vertebrae.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Lameness.

Therefore, timely diagnosis is extremely important to determine a plan to combat the problem, as well as monitoring the dynamics of treatment by a doctor. This will minimize risks and restore freedom of movement to the person.

Preventive recommendations

Treatment at home using traditional methods and without consulting a doctor is unacceptable. This in most cases causes serious complications. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you must seek help from specialists. To avoid this unpleasant disease, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Try to always keep your back straight and watch your posture while working at the computer.
  • Lead an active lifestyle, choose suitable sports for yourself.
  • Constantly do exercises and abdominal exercises, strengthening the back muscles.
  • Treat any infections or inflammatory processes in the body in a timely manner.
  • If you need to stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time due to professional activities, take periodic breaks.
  • Plan your day, taking time for proper rest.

Preventive measures should begin from the birth of a person and be observed throughout life, only in this case the measures will be quite effective. Particular attention is paid not only to exercise, but also to a balanced diet and body weight control.

The smoothness of the natural curve in the lumbar region is a pathological condition that cannot be ignored. When the first symptoms appear, namely pain, constant tension and visual changes in posture, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore normal back mobility.

Treatment of lordosis in adults

Traditional methods of treating pathology with the help of corsets and limiting the mobility of the spine only worsen the situation. Symptomatic treatment of lordosis relieves pain, but does not solve the problem. Surgical correction can remove a visible defect, but will not eliminate the cause of the pathology. In addition, after the intervention, the blood supply to the muscles and spine deteriorates, and this leads to a worsening of the situation.

Since the reason lies in the weakening of the muscular corset and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column, it is necessary to act on these links. To treat lordosis in adults, we use kinesitherapy. It is based on the healing effect of movement, which activates the body's own reserves and helps strengthen the back muscles in a natural way.

The development of a treatment program for spinal lordosis begins with myofascial diagnostics, which helps to identify weakened and spasmodic muscles. Testing on multifunctional machines helps determine the optimal load and range of motion. Classes are supervised by an instructor and an experienced kinesiotherapist.

Benefits of kinesitherapy:

  • safety (anti-gravity and decompression simulators eliminate axial load on the joints and spine);
  • versatility (it is possible to treat lordosis in adults of different ages and levels of physical fitness);
  • efficiency (bending is normalized by strengthening the muscle corset, the trophism of the vertebral structures is improved, and they become less susceptible to deformation).

Treatment of spinal lordosis with kinesitherapy means not only beautiful posture and confident gait, but also excellent well-being.

Sign up for a consultation: 8 (495) 803-27-45.

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