Polysegmental osteochondrosis is one of the most dangerous diseases of the spine

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are varied and most often difficult to predict. One of these diseases is polysegmental osteochondrosis (PSO). We are talking about damage to individual parts of the spine, resulting in the prospect of disability. To avoid a sad ending, let's look at the causes, diagnosis and methods of dealing with the problem.

Polysegmental osteochondrosis

What is polysegmental osteochondrosis

Under the influence of various circumstances, degenerative changes occur in the spine:

  • injured vertebrae lose their elasticity and become flat;
  • shock absorption and flexibility of the spine deteriorate;
  • at the same time, the roots of the spinal cord are pinched;
  • external changes - swelling, swelling of soft tissues locally (in areas of greatest damage);
  • sensations on the internal level - pain;
  • processes at the cellular level - destruction of cartilage tissue.

Pinching of the spinal cord roots

Causes of the disease

Osteochondrosis develops as a result of a decrease in cartilage tissue, which serves as a source of nutrition for bones and provides flexibility to the spine.

Types of osteochondrosis:

  • cervical;
  • lumbar;
  • chest

Degenerative changes that affect several parts of the spine at once are provoked by both internal and external factors.

Internal causes of polysegmental osteochondrosis:

  • Genetic predisposition - the more family members suffer from osteochondrosis, the higher the risk that this unpleasant disease will manifest itself in you.
  • Age-related changes in the structure of the vertebrae - the likelihood of developing pathology increases over the years.
  • Congenital anomalies.

There are an order of magnitude more external provoking factors:

  • Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Spinal deformities (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis), constant stoop.
  • Serious injuries to joints and spine.
  • Deficiency of important vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Regular increased loads on the spinal column.
  • Physical inactivity is insufficient physical activity, prolonged stay in one position.

The risk group for polysegmental osteochondrosis includes athletes and people whose activities involve regular intense exercise.

Polysegmental osteochondrosis on an organism scale

Our spine is an S-shaped bony anatomical structure. It consists of 24 individual vertebrae. Divided into three departments:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbosacral.

Initially, the skeleton of a newborn human is flexible. All vertebrae are mobile. Nature intended that the vertebral system:

  • withstood daily stress from walking;
  • carried the weight of a person's own weight;
  • contributed to effective rotational function when bending and turning.

Parts of the human spine

If you want to learn in more detail the structure of the human spine, as well as consider its sections, functions and disease prevention, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Key functions of the spinal column:

  • supporting the head and the entire skeleton (including through the attachment of muscles and costal arches);
  • protecting the spinal cord, ensuring its integrity with the brain;
  • absorption of physical impacts on the body;
  • keeping the body upright;
  • maintaining body shape in a relaxed state during sleep;
  • ensuring the ability to move freely - walking, running, swimming, dancing.

When diseases of the skeleton (including the spine) occur, solving all of the listed problems becomes difficult:

  • the density of bone structures decreases;
  • nerve-receptor connections in the spinal column deteriorate;
  • a person experiences pain that deprives him of the ability to fully move, work and enjoy life.

Functions of the spinal column

Important! The main task is to recognize the signs of the disease in time, and then take competent measures to cure it. Delaying delays the positive result. Moreover, the disease, which has already begun, progresses quickly and the chances of recovery.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Physical therapy (PT) helps make the back muscles stronger and helps restore and maintain posture. You should start exercising only after consulting with your doctor, who will select the exercises individually:

  • Bend forward and backward. Inhale while bending backwards, exhale while moving backwards. The exercise is repeated 8-12 times.
  • Lying on your back, you need to bend your whole body, raising your legs and head as much as possible. Repeated 4-6 times.
  • Alternately raise and lower your shoulders, placing your hands on them. At the same time, the head turns towards the descending shoulder. One approach is done 4-6 times.
  • Sitting on a chair, place your hands behind your head and bend back, taking a breath at this time. The exhalation should be in the opposite direction. In this case, the height of the back of the chair should allow the muscles of the thoracic spine to be used.

Physical activity should be increased gradually, without violating the training regimen prescribed by the doctor. During an exacerbation of the disease, classes are not held. If there is pain after exercise or during exercise, it should be stopped.


PSO disease affects different parts of the spine (sometimes simultaneously). Despite the common name, polysegmental osteochondrosis makes itself felt with different symptoms depending on the location.

Signs of PSO in the cervical spine

Pain in the neck in the absence of other objective causes is one of the symptoms of PSO in the cervical region

The main symptoms that you should pay attention to in case of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • pain in the neck appeared in the absence of other objective causes - the pain is long-lasting and stable;
  • hearing began to decline;
  • sometimes flashing “spots” appear before the eyes;
  • blood pressure becomes unstable (unpredictable jumps in blood pressure in any direction);
  • sometimes there are feelings of nausea even in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, with a normal standard diet, despite a favorable climate and the usual nutrition system;
  • dizzy;
  • lumbago in the neck, ear, lower jaw;
  • there is a feeling of weakness with periodic darkening in the eyes.

Signs of PSO in the thoracic region

In this case, as a rule, there are no obvious symptoms. There is also no pain or discomfort. The disease is most dangerous in the early stages - it hardly manifests itself at all, and meanwhile the increase in degenerative changes is in full swing.

PSO in the thoracic region does not have any clear symptoms or signs

The only thing you should pay attention to is intercostal neuralgia. They are a consequence of pinched nerves and tissue inflammation in these areas. During medical examinations, specialists will definitely notice intercostal neuralgia. It wouldn’t hurt to ask to be examined yourself.

Possible consequences

During the development of thoracic osteochondrosis, various complications may appear regarding internal organs. Most often, the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is noted. This is due to irritation of nerve receptors in the chest and neck area.

Occasionally the appearance of:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the duodenum;
  • problems with digestion;
  • dyskinesia in the gallbladder.

To avoid the development of such health problems, treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should be started on time.


As a rule, with regular medical examinations, all chondrotic phenomena are detected using fairly simple methods. The problem is that today visiting doctors without critical reasons is not a priority for most citizens.

People think about medical care when the disease has already taken irreversible forms and the following happens:

  • degenerative-dystrophic destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • changes in bone structure;
  • complex neuralgia.

Important! Try to undergo medical examination on time so as not to give the pathology a chance to develop.

Polysegmental osteochondrosis on x-ray

If you want to find out in more detail which is better than an ultrasound scan of the spine or an MRI, and also consider possible risks and contraindications, you can read an article about this on our portal.

The slightest discomfort in the spine is a reason to contact a traumatologist, surgeon, neurologist or orthopedist (depending on what specialists are in your clinic). Osteochondrosis is diagnosed:

  • hardware method - ultrasound, MRI, x-ray;
  • by palpation, but it is effective in the later stages - in areas of displacement and protrusion, compactions form, according to which an experienced doctor will accurately establish a diagnosis;
  • indirectly through related signs (based on the type of neurological pathologies, their root cause is identified, taking into account the anatomical laws and the connection of individual systems).

Important! If osteochondrosis manifests itself in a separate area, in the absence of treatment it will easily take on a “wandering” character and turn into a polysegmental form.

Diet for thoracic osteochondrosis

Following the diet prescribed by your doctor can reduce the symptoms of the disease. There are several basic rules regarding nutrition:

  • Reducing the amount of flour products, smoked meats, salty, spicy and sweet foods.
  • Including foods containing vitamin B in the diet - cereals, lobsters, mushrooms, oysters.
  • Changing the ratio of proteins in the diet - they should make up 30% of the elements received. Protein is found in meat, fish, milk, eggs, cabbage.
  • Switch to olive oil when cooking.
  • Reduce the number of legume vegetables consumed.
  • Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Eat more seafood, which helps restore cartilage tissue.

The diet for each of our patients is selected individually.


The most severe consequences of osteochondrosis will require surgical intervention. For example, hernias and protrusions of the lumbar region. These pathologies are no longer amenable to conservative therapy. In other cases, it is quite possible to recover from PSO.

Formation of spinal hernia


Procedures in physiotherapy rooms are an integral part of the comprehensive treatment of PSO. Target:

  • reduce pain, gradually eradicate it completely;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • stop destructive processes in tissues.

What is used:

  • hydrotherapy;
  • massage (its different types);
  • acupuncture;
  • mud baths and wraps;
  • UHF;
  • magnetotherapy.

What is hydrotherapy

The intensity and range of methods used must be determined by a competent person.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

Considering the clinical picture of lumbosacral osteochondrosis, one can trace certain symptoms characteristic of this type of pathology.

The main symptom of lumbar osteochondrosis is pain of varying intensity, often aching in nature, but sharp pain can also occur. Symptoms manifest themselves in static conditions and are especially noticeable in the morning, after rest.

The variability in the nature of pain is due to different mechanisms of its occurrence. Pain can be caused by poor circulation in tissues, swelling of muscles and ligaments, as well as compression of nerve roots.

Clinical practice involves identifying a set of symptoms that accompany lumbar osteochondrosis.

Symptoms characteristic of vertebral syndrome

Vertebral syndrome is a complex of pathological conditions caused by various disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Characteristic features are:

  • in particular, flattening or deepening of the curves of the lumbar region;
  • decreased mobility of the location of the disease, impaired muscle tone;
  • pain of varying intensity when performing movements that require the use of the lumbar region;
  • increased lumbar sensitivity.

Symptoms characteristic of extraverbal syndrome

Extraverbal syndrome is divided into two groups:

  • reflex - syndromes, the manifestation is associated with irritability of nerve endings, caused by compression of the spinal nerves, provoking swelling of nearby tissues, spasms and the onset of the inflammatory process. Accompanied by intense pain, which can be acute, sharp or prolonged, as well as paresthesia (sensitivity disorder, burning/tingling).
  • compression syndromes - caused by compression of tissues in the condition of destruction of vertebral bodies, as well as the formation of herniated intervertebral discs. They are determined by systematic fatigue of the lower extremities and disruption of the usual gait.


People of some professions are examined without fail and on a regular basis. These include:

  • representatives of security and law enforcement agencies;
  • employees of educational, preschool and other children's institutions;
  • participants in the real sector of the economy - workers in factories and factories, railway workers, employees of the aviation and maritime industries.

Thus, they have default protection: if signs of regeneration are detected, therapeutic measures are immediately taken, and restorative medicine is activated. The person is sent to rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums, day hospitals (some enterprises have their own facilities).

Proper sleep for osteochondrosis

Other citizens should take care of themselves:

  • develop flexibility of the spine;
  • do physical education and sports, basic gymnastics every day;
  • move a lot;
  • do not get too cold;
  • give up bad habits,
  • eat rationally and variedly;
  • avoid the abuse of smoked meats, over-salted foods, excessive consumption of synthetic sugar, preservatives;
  • Find the opportunity to undergo a full body massage course at least once every six months.

Important! According to physiologists, one of the best ways to strengthen the spine is swimming. Water provides a massage effect, and there is no effect of gravity at this time.

You can get rid of polysegmental osteochondrosis if you make timely efforts. The main thing is not to ignore the first “bells”. Then you should contact competent specialists and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Useful video about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Degree of development of lumbar osteochondrosis

The extent of damage to the intervertebral discs allows us to determine the degree of clinical development of the pathology:

  • 1st degree – a characteristic manifestation is a decrease in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. When performing sufficiently sudden movements, cracks may appear in the annulus fibrosus, the formation of which is accompanied by sharp pain. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar region of the 1st degree, a spasm of the muscular frame surrounding the lumbar location of the disease can be traced;
  • 2nd degree – loss of stability at the site of pathology, formation of protrusions (swellings) of the intervertebral disc. Increased chronic pain in the lower back and lower extremities. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region of the 2nd degree is often accompanied by paresthesia, swelling and fatigue in the lower extremities;
  • 3rd degree – the beginning of the manifestation of intervertebral hernias. It is expressed in pain from a pinched nerve root, numbness of the lower extremities. In rare cases, “distant” symptoms may occur, namely diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  • Grade 4 – the properties of the intervertebral disc are completely lost. The vertebral bodies come closer together and, as a result, their destruction occurs. Compression syndrome is observed. “Remote” symptoms become persistent.

Non-drug methods for treating lumbar osteochondrosis

Destructive processes in lumbar osteochondrosis occur to a greater extent in the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs. Due to the peculiarities of the clinical picture, complete regeneration of destroyed tissues is impossible, and therefore it is important to begin treatment in a timely manner, namely, from the moment the first moderate pain in the lumbar region appears.

With a timely diagnosis and the development of a competent treatment regimen, pathological processes can be significantly slowed down or stopped altogether.

Before embarking on non-drug treatments, it is important to consult with a specialist.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out in order to eliminate pain and improve blood circulation in tissues, eliminate the inflammatory process. Among the most popular methods of physiotherapy are:

  • electrophoresis (exposure to direct electric current in combination with the administration of various drugs);
  • diadynamic therapy (exposure to currents of varying intensity);
  • ultrasound therapy (exposure to ultrasound along the affected part of the spine);
  • magnetotherapy (exposure to an alternating magnetic field).


The most common and one of the most beloved methods of prevention and treatment. Not applicable during the acute phase.

The massage should be performed by a specialist with a medical education who knows the specifics of the pathological process and is proficient in therapeutic massage techniques.

Exercise therapy

Physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is the most important component of treatment.

The type of gymnastics and exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are determined strictly on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the body and help eliminate spasms, strengthen the muscle frame, and stimulate blood circulation.

Exercise therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis is an important component of treatment, because exercise has a beneficial effect, stimulating blood circulation and normalizing the functioning of all body systems.

Nutritional Features

In order to prevent and treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, a balanced diet is an important component.

The diet for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine involves a varied, low-calorie diet, enriched with vitamins and essential microelements.

Proper nutrition for degenerative-dystrophic diseases prevents further development of the disease. It is important to come to a diet that will not become a one-time event, but will develop into a way of life.

Main goals of the diet

Planning a healthy diet should primarily be driven by goals such as:

  • maintaining optimal body weight;
  • saturating the body with all necessary substances;
  • eliminating the possibility of dehydration;
  • preventing the progression of pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Basic nutrition rules

A menu developed for feeding people with osteochondrosis should be formed taking into account the following rules:

  • daily calorie intake should not exceed energy expenditure;
  • The frequency of meals is determined individually. The interval between each of them should not exceed 4 hours;
  • food products must be enriched with vitamins and beneficial elements;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present;
  • limiting fast sugars, animal fats and synthesized oils;
  • compliance with the drinking regime.

By adhering to the basic rules of nutrition, it is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology, but there is a possibility of progression of the disease.

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