Treatment of flat feet according to Bubnovsky: what exercises are useful for everyone to do

With flat feet, the arch of the foot is deformed and becomes smooth without physiological bends. A serious problem leads to improper distribution of load when walking, early arthrosis and severe pain in the joints. Performing special exercises improves the condition of the ligaments and reduces the manifestation of pathology.

Therapeutic exercises are recommended at any stage of flat feet. Simple exercises can be easily performed at home, using improvised means or a massage mat as a simulator. The techniques were developed by doctors, and with regular exercise they can relieve complications and the development of heel spurs.

Simple exercises for flat feet

When diagnosing the disease, doctors recommend wearing orthopedic shoes, physiotherapeutic procedures and daily exercises. For stage 1 flattening of the foot, perform the following exercises:

1. Sit on a chair, lean on your hands behind your back for balance. Stretch your legs and slowly rotate your feet clockwise 10 times. Once completed, change direction in the opposite direction.

2. In a sitting position, place your feet on the outside, holding for 1-2 seconds. Change position, trying to bend your legs inward with your soles.

3. While sitting on a chair or sofa, roll a tennis ball or rolling pin. If possible, use a wooden foot massager that targets hot spots.

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4. Use your toes to pick up scattered pencils or other objects from the floor (at least 10 pieces per foot).

While working, take short breaks often and rotate your feet. This improves blood flow, prevents lymph stagnation, and eliminates pain. Do exercises in a sitting position in the evening while watching your favorite TV series.

To be effective, complement the complex with simple movements while standing on the floor or massage mat:

  • Slowly rise from heel to toe, holding for 1-2 seconds. Repeat 20-30 times.
  • Shift your weight to the outside edge of your foot and stand on your edge, remaining in position for 10 to 40 seconds.
  • Squat down carefully, trying to keep your heels off the floor.
  • Standing on the floor, walk along a long stick or thick rope, simulating walking on a tightrope.

For children, activities on a massage mat will be more interesting. This is a simple type of exercise machine for the treatment and prevention of flat feet. It is made taking into account the requirements of orthopedic doctors, has irregularities and a surface reminiscent of natural stones, sea pebbles, sand or thick grass.

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At home, this exercise can be replaced in two ways. The first method is the usual tightening of the pelvis, and the grip does not play a role here. Another method is an expander. You can take one tool, but more trained people can use two expanders.

We take the expander, attach it to a stable support, take the same position as for working on the simulator and begin the lesson. There is one more exercise that is intermediate. It's called a dumbbell row. Must be performed with one hand. To do this, you need to take the following position: you need to raise your head up and move your chin forward as much as possible.

Thanks to this, your upper torso muscles will work perfectly. The back should be slightly arched, and the right supporting leg should be moved back a little. The exercise must be performed on a gymnastic bench. The other leg needs to be bent at the knee and rested on the bench as far forward as possible.

You can exhale as you bring the dumbbell to your chest. The torso needs to be twisted as much as possible in the spine area, only in this way can you get excellent results from treatment with this exercise. The number of times is twelve, with each hand. Two sets for this exercise is the minimum, and six sets is the maximum. Those who find it difficult at first can do two or four if they feel strong enough for this.

The greatest effect can be achieved from the next exercise of this block, which is called pull-down from the lower block. For this you can also use either an MTB simulator or an expander. If you are using an expander, then secure it to a support, rest your feet on it, taking a position at an angle of 90 degrees, and repeat the same movements as in the very first exercise, only do not return to the original position, but bend back a little further ( angle approximately 95-99 degrees). But you need to bend forward almost all the way so that the muscles of the lumbar region fully contract.

At the end of the exercise, the shoulder blades should come together. You need to exhale after the handle of the expander comes into contact with the lower abdomen. And the last exercise. Take the following position: sitting on a bench at an angle of ninety degrees. You press your feet firmly into the floor. Fix the expander in its lower part. This exercise will help reproduce the maximum range of motion of the torso, because it should extend at an angle of forty-five degrees relative to the bench. If you feel tired in your arms, you can continue to perform deadlifts with your entire back.

You need to perform the first few movements even through pain and with a hard exit. Remember this!

Doctor Bubnovsky: exercises for flat feet

The famous doctor Sergei Bubnovsky offers his own method of treating flat feet at any age. He believes that the disease weakens the arches of the feet, which act as shock absorbers. This causes circulatory disorders, inflammation of the hip or knee joint, arthrosis, venous insufficiency, and thrombophlebitis of the extremities.

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Sergei Bubnovsky developed a complex of gymnastics, taking into account the prevention of possible complications of vascular and heart failure. He pays great attention to the system of proper breathing, suggesting that basic movements be performed while exhaling. Gymnastics for flat feet includes the following exercises:

  • "Pushing off with the foot." Lie on the floor, relax your back and arms, straighten your legs. Try to bend your big toe on your foot, slowly moving it back until it stops. Help yourself with your heel, stretch your feet until you get tension. Perform 15 times for each leg.
  • "Windshield wipers." The exercise resembles the movement of car windshield wipers. Stay on your back with your heels flat on the floor. Bring the upper part of the sole and fingers together and slowly spread them apart 15–20 times.
  • "Fists." Squeeze your fingers all the way, as if trying to grab a ball. This stimulates the work of the calf muscles and relieves stress in the arch of the foot.

Dr. Bubnovsky recommends doing preventive exercises for children independently and daily, starting at the age of 5–6 months. When the child begins to walk, you can organize a sports corner, purchase a small trampoline, or make a path of pebbles, chestnuts or sand.

How are flat feet and heart disease related?

Anyone who has ridden in a truck with wooden benches in the back understands what a shock absorber is, which is missing: without a shock absorber, everything suffers! The foot is the main shock absorber of the body, thanks to which a person walks and runs. But strong muscles of the lower extremities are needed not only for proper gait, but also for good heart function. What's the connection here?

The fact is that the cardiovascular system forms two circles of blood circulation - arterial and venous. This is a closed system. And if in arteries blood flows from the heart to organs and tissues, then in veins it is the other way around - from tissues to the heart. Where do these blood vessels meet? That's right, in the foot, where blood from the arterial vessels enters the venous vessels through arteriovenular anastomoses.

Where do the blood vessels go? That's right, inside the muscles. And in the case of prolonged hypofunction of certain muscles, the speed and volume of blood flow decreases! If the foot does not work well without using its own muscles, then a delay in blood flow to the heart occurs.

Of course, there are many compensatory mechanisms in the human body, but nevertheless, prolonged muscle insufficiency of the foot leads not only to flat feet, but also in the future to problems with the knee and hip joints, then to varicose vascular insufficiency and, finally, to heart failure (CHD). ). In our body, everything is closed to each other, so if today you are lazy to do exercises for the foot, then tomorrow you go to a phlebologist, then to an arthrologist and, finally, to a cardiologist, because all tissues, organs and joints are interdependent on each other.

Text of the book “Health through the feet”

Sergey Bubnovsky Health through the feet

© Bubnovsky S. M., 2019
© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2019

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Why don't people want to go?

I walk through the forest, stepping over snags sticking out of the ground, without even thinking about it. I freely overcome forest ravines, make my way through the deep, waist-deep snow covering the field - you see, I wanted to make a path for a walk through the field near the forest. You can already walk - through the forest, and through the snow, and up the mountain, and from the mountain! You need to go, as it is good for your legs and heart! To feel this sweet word - “possible”! You can’t fall, jump, or run, but everything else—swimming, riding a bike, working out in the gym—is not only possible, but necessary!

Before endoprosthetics, my femur bone was as thin as possible: there were fears that the endoprosthesis would tear this bone when driving it inside during the operation. Such options occur in older people with osteoporosis (in this case, the bone is strengthened with a special wire...). But everything worked out, and here I go! I walk freely without crutches and not paying attention to the distance. I was hungry for free walking, skiing and cycling. Once upon a time it was impossible to do this: I had deforming coxarthrosis, and my leg was quietly “dying.” Walking on crutches with a certain technique also trains the heart, but not in the snow or on slippery roads. And bare asphalt can only be found in summer. But walking on crutches removes the necessary axial load on the bones, and they gradually lose their structure. Normally, the femur can withstand 1500 kg of axial load, but if the muscles weaken and the ligaments become stiff, then one can only dream of free movement of the body in space on one’s own two feet. So I dreamed and thought.

Yes! I struggled for a long time for the opportunity to walk just like this - up the mountain and down the mountain. I fought for this for many years – 27! I struggled, making mistakes, but correcting them in time! It would, of course, be possible to deal with this problem faster - the problem of a sore leg and spine... But there was no one to suggest, so I had to look for a way out myself.

And then winter came, and I put on ski boots... I didn’t even think about whether my endoprosthesis and ankle joint, which had lost its Achilles, would cope with this task, because skiing is not just walking. When skiing, you need to push off the snow with the entire ski, and without the participation of the ankle and foot it is difficult to do this. But... I still went.

The small angle of flexion and extension that I managed to restore in the foot was quite enough to push the ski and slide along the track. The sharp turns from slope to slope took my breath away. The skis are rushing, and I barely have time to push off with my poles: the main thing is not to fall! It's only been two months since hip surgery. It's frosty outside - over 30 degrees, I'm wearing a light jumpsuit that's covered in frost. I thought I would ride around the village and then home. But I didn’t know this area, but there was a ski track. And this was Finland, where everything is there for a smooth run.

I stood on the ski track, pushed with my poles, and the skis rolled... They rolled me downhill for a long time. It was evening. I left the house without a wallet or warm clothes - just a little, not for long... But the skis rolled and rolled. There were no lanterns - only stars in the sky and the moon instead of lanterns. The lights of the villages flashed on the side, and I rolled and rolled from mountain to mountain and thought: will I return?

In general, I understood that a prepared ski track is a vicious circle. Question: how many kilometers is this circle? Two hours later, I pulled up to the house we rented and walked inside like Santa Claus. It was happiness! But the happiness was not even because I returned safe and sound, skiing through a foreign forest in a foreign country at night - the happiness was because I covered these 10 km (as it turned out later) on skis that I had not used for many years. This means that the work I did to restore my legs and spine turned out to be absolutely correct!

Who else can appreciate this except a person who, after 27 years, finally gave up crutches and began to move without anyone’s help?! And people sit: they sit in front of the TV, in a restaurant, in an office chair... Everything is in place for them - both their legs and their spine, but they do not understand the joy of walking or skiing, since they rarely walk. They ski only during the season, and then only from the mountain: 15–20 minutes up on a lift, and then only 5 minutes down, rearranging their skis. Yes, this is also good, healthy legs are needed here too. But it’s boring for me to climb the ski lifts for 15–20 minutes, and in the village (already in Russia) they gave me hunting skis, and I went on virgin snow. There is no one around, only animal tracks in the snow. I walked and walked. Snow fell from the trees on my head, and steam came from me. Hot tea, a stove-stove, rolls of bread and conversations were waiting for me in the house. They asked me: how do I feel, why did I go alone? What if I got lost? But this time the phone with the navigator was in my pocket...

I drank tea and thought: why didn’t they, my friends, go into the forest with me? They were probably just lazy: they live here and can go skiing at any moment, so they don’t go at all - their skis just stand in the corner. Not everyone can experience the joy of walking, but if you have difficulty walking, if you are sick or seriously injured, do everything to regain the ability to walk again! Just walk without looking at time and distance! This, of course, can be difficult, but a correctly set goal makes such work meaningful and fruitful.

The main cause of many chronic diseases is physical inactivity and hypokinesia, which lead to stagnation - first in the capillaries, then in the vessels (atherosclerosis), and then in the internal organs (gout, oncology).

Why don't people go? At first it seems to them that there is no time for this, then laziness appears, and then diseases: flat feet, spurs, hallux valgus, gout... Later diabetes, coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis and even oncology appear. The main cause of all these diseases is physical inactivity and hypokinesia, which lead to stagnation - first in the capillaries, then in the vessels (atherosclerosis), then in the internal organs (gout, oncology). I take the liberty of saying that most cancer diseases are associated with stagnation in the vascular system, which is completely dependent on the skeletal muscles. We're not talking about children...

But more on all this later. In the meantime, I walk through the forest, through the sand, through the snow, through the mountains and enjoy this opportunity. I also have daily classes on leg exercise machines (and other things), swimming with fins... Movement is life!

Laws of healthy movement, or the “Bell Tower” Rule

A few years later, when I began to leg press more than 300 kg and suspend myself by my legs to perform anti-gravity exercises to treat the spine, a large, if not huge group of people formed around me who wanted to recover the way I did. I had to teach them a lot: breathing control and exercise techniques. In addition, I had to relieve them of various everyday fears: of cold water, of muscle pain caused by restoring the work of detrained muscles, and even of performing the exercises themselves! But without this it is impossible to restore normal blood flow, lymph flow and extinguished metabolism... Muscles, not pills, are responsible for all this!

People who want to restore healthy movement need to be taught all this, since they must be able to set tasks for themselves correctly and step by step. Everything cannot be solved at once: restoring movement without pain, without crutches and lameness requires patience and time. It's like walking up a bell tower: there are a lot of steps and turns, and it's impossible to miss any of these turns. One turn leads to another, and the more severe the injury or illness, the higher this bell tower. And before you climb the bell tower, you need to prepare your legs and heart for movement. What if you take off in a helicopter, ride an elevator, or ride on someone’s back? If there is money, there will be helpers. Yes, you really can take off, but to climb the steps without missing any of them, you need your legs and a heart that is ready to bear this load.

You cannot solve all problems at once: restoring healthy movement without crutches and limp requires patience and time.

Uterine fibroids - no surgery required

One pilgrim to holy places told me the following story. One day she and a group of pilgrims were walking from one point to another. They walked for a long time, about six hours, and were very tired. We prayed, and the time ran out - we had to rush to the plane. Their entire group was put on a bus and taken to the airport, and they covered the distance they had covered for six hours by bus in about twenty minutes. The pilgrim felt offended: why walk for so long if she could get there quickly by transport?

But there is one “but”. Before taking the path of pilgrimage, she had to fight for her health for a very long time, about three years. She did not have leg disease, but she could not walk for a long time due to physical incapacity: she was overweight, she smoked, her job was sedentary, and the woman was already 50 years old. But the hour “X” came, when she had to choose a path, one of two: either start getting rid of organs or their parts, and then finally go on pills, including hormonal ones, forever mired in illness, or restore her health, changing the attitude towards the body from passive (surrender to the surgeons) to active - to begin the fight against diseases, which included huge uterine fibroids, low hemoglobin, coronary heart disease in the form of arrhythmia, and spinal osteochondrosis with hernias. Moreover, physically it was unproductive: sitting at a computer with a cigarette for a long time had a destructive effect on the muscles, spine, and joints. In addition, she also had psychosomatic depression: the woman lived alone, and lack of self-confidence intensified the effect of the disease on the psyche.

But she is only 50 years old! And while she is not yet on the pills that deeply. But who needs a sick person? Parents? They can only feel sorry for him if they are still alive. Employees? But they only dream of taking the vacant seat, especially if you are the boss! There is no husband, no children either. What if they were? As popular wisdom says: a husband needs a healthy wife or a rich sister. Adult children, as a rule, live their own lives, and if the children are small, then they still need to be raised! There is prosperity as long as you work. The hospital treats you as long as you pay. And so it is everywhere. And what after the hospital – health? Not at all: only recommendations on taking pills and observation by a local doctor. The hospital has other tasks, the main one of which is to ensure that the patient does not die while in the hospital. Although such an outcome is also possible. I always repeat that I did not see healthy people leaving the hospital - I saw survivors. But I still want to live, because I just got back on my feet, I just started earning good money! There is no husband, but there is a man. I also want to travel. What to do? I rushed to the gym, but without special knowledge, my bleeding only became more frequent and my hemoglobin dropped...

I had a long conversation with this woman. To begin with, she stopped smoking, and instead of smoking, she began to master diaphragmatic breathing while doing exercises on exercise machines. It seems that my heart has stopped bothering me. Then she learned to gradually, step by step, select exercises and loads on them. Over time, hemoglobin stopped falling: of course, exercise machines allow the spine and long bones to throw fresh red blood cells into the bloodstream (and this is also hemoglobin!) thanks to the red bone marrow located inside the bones. It is the red bone marrow that recharges the blood, making it “fresh”, and at the same time renews the lymph.

The woman's mood began to improve. Another ultrasound showed that her fibroids began to... shrink. Still would! The pelvic floor muscles began to work more actively, and phagocytes (the defenders of our body, located in the lymph flowing next to the blood vessels in the lymphatic vessels) began to gradually “devour” the foreign flesh that had “clung” to the muscular lining of the uterus. Yes, this is their role, but for this to happen, it is necessary to activate both blood flow and lymph flow. This means that you need to turn to the pelvic muscles for help, that is, exercises. The pelvic organs are supplied with blood flow from the muscles of the perineum and pelvic muscles (these are the urogenital and pelvic diaphragms), they are helped by the abdominal and back muscles. But to activate this protective mechanism, you first need the legs (for example, the leg press).

The foot is a kind of pump that pumps blood up the leg. The woman had weak feet, close to flat feet, in which Hallus Valgus was still “dormant.” I had to restore the mobility of the foot and its elasticity. Yes, it is difficult, painful and long. But it's real! And three years later, a control ultrasound showed that the uterine fibroids had disappeared. Hemoglobin had long since recovered, fainting stopped bothering me, and my heart started working like clockwork. The woman added aerobic gymnastics to her exercises and as a result lost 20 kg of weight. She changed her wardrobe, and old acquaintances did not recognize her when they met. And only after all this grueling struggle for health did she become interested in pilgrimage.

Therefore, the fact that she walked six hours on the next hike and felt good at the same time is the main thing! Three years ago such a task was impossible! What about the bus? So what? The main thing is to travel the path on healthy legs to the holy places...

Many people want to be healthy, but do nothing to preserve and increase it. Most patients became sick because of an arrogant attitude towards healthy walking as a means of restoring health. There is a car, a bus - why walk? And they sit. And when they finally get up and walk, it turns out that they cannot walk for a long time, especially uphill, through the forest or through deep snow: their legs are weak, their hearts too, and their will remains somewhere there, in a comfortable chair. But they are only 50 years old, not to mention the older ones...

People sitting do not notice that life is in full swing around them, somewhere very nearby. They do not see or do not want to see people in wheelchairs who are fighting for the opportunity to regain the ability to actively move. People sit and think that they are not in trouble: they can, only they need to get out of their chair and go outside, putting on sneakers and a tracksuit and picking up equipment. But they continue to sit! And when they finally go out under the influence of someone on TV or feeling pain in their back, they realize that it is difficult for them to move: they need some kind of doping or fortitude, which is no longer there. And they resign themselves: they think it’s just time for them to go to the pharmacy. And they go there, because they can still overcome this distance, and for now on their own.

There is no need to wait for the walk-behind tractor to lay the track - each track must be laid by the person himself, with his own feet and without complaining about the difficulties of this work!

I'm walking through deep snow. My Fisher skis are designed for good trail running, and they sink so deep into the snow that only the tip and tail stick out. The skis are good and don't break. I didn’t know that the snow was so soft, and I decided to build a ski track. But the snow turned out to be not only soft, but also deep. My wife followed. It was too late to retreat. We, of course, laid a ski track, but we no longer had the strength to ride on it. We drank hot tea in the house, changed into dry clothes and discussed our seemingly unsuccessful ski trip with pleasure and laughter. But we still built a ski track, and that’s the main thing! And the next day we were able to ride along it without falling waist-deep in the snow...

This is what we need to focus on: there is no need to wait for the walk-behind tractor laying the track - each track should be laid by the person himself, with his own feet and without complaining about the difficulties of this work!

High heel - beautiful foot! But is this good? Foot and high heel

I was asked to write about the foot—or rather, foot-related problems. And I thought for a long time about how to correctly convey information about this without boring the reader with anatomical details. Of course, it’s easier for a doctor to delve into the anatomy or physiology of the foot, describe all its bones, muscles, ligaments, arches... This has all already been done, but will such information reach the brain of the reader, especially a girl who has never been interested in either one or the other? third? As Kozma Prutkov said, many things are incomprehensible to us not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts.

Let's try to apply an associative presentation of the role of the foot in the life of any person. For example, any girl loves beautiful shoes, and even high heels. Of course: the leg visually becomes longer, the posture itself is leveled, since it is difficult to walk in high heels with a hunched back. The breasts also show off their shape favorably, even if they are not large. As my friend, a rhythmic gymnastics coach, used to say: “You have to be able to carry your chest.” And everything else - cosmetics, jewelry, eyelashes and lips - is no longer so important (at least for men) if the figure is slim.

A long-legged girl walking with her head held high always captivates the glances of men she meets. She naturally notices their glances: she likes to attract the attention of her stronger half, and there is nothing wrong with that. But at the same time, the girl is already afraid to wear simple shoes - for example, sneakers. In any case, she always appears at work in high heels and does not think about the consequences of wearing such shoes. And the girl does not pay attention to the fact that when she comes home, with great difficulty and at the same time with great happiness, she takes off the beautiful shoes from her slightly swollen feet in the ankle area and happily walks barefoot along the floor of her home.

The foot is the main spring of the body when walking, and it is a healthy foot that gives elasticity and grace to the gait.

Would you say that this is not so? Have you, dear women, tried to put your feet back into the shoes that you were wearing before the plane flight and which you took off during the flight? Do you know the feeling of despair when your foot doesn’t fit into shoes without a spoon?

The foot is a freedom-loving joint. It is the foot that is the main spring of the body when walking, and it is the foot, when it is in good condition, that gives elasticity and grace to the gait.

But I will still add a little anatomy to my story about the foot. The foot consists of numerous joints, a kind of leg bearings, which, on the one hand, orient the foot towards the axis of the ankle joint. And the ankle joint, in turn, controls the movements of the foot. It is advisable to take this into account. On the other hand, the joints of the foot (“bearings”) change the shape and size of the arches of the foot so that the latter can adapt to uneven surfaces. If the joints of the foot work poorly, then longitudinal-transverse flat feet develop, which will not allow you to wear luxury shoes. And this is also desirable to know. But if a girl or woman constantly wears high-heeled shoes, even low heels, then she should be prepared for such a problem as Hallus Valgus, that is, deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. Adult women (over 50 years old) understand this very well. But if you carry out regular preventative work on your feet by coming home and taking off your shoes (and not just gymnastics), then such a sad outcome can be avoided.

It's good to know

There are five main joints in the foot: the subtalar joint, the transverse tarsal joint, the tarsometatarsal joint, the cuboid-navicular joint, and the cuneiform-navicular joint. With the help of these joints, the foot performs movements such as flexion and extension. For example, if you stand on the edge of a stair step in a hallway (or in an apartment on a small bench) and, holding the handrail with your hand, rise to your toes and lower yourself, your heel should fall below the line of the step. It's real. After work, such movements should be done at least 10–20 times ( Fig. 1


Rice. 1

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

In addition, the joints of the foot are involved in adduction - the tips of the toes turn inward ( Fig. 2

) and abduction – the fingertips turn to the outside (
Fig. 3
For example, you can hold a sheet of paper with your first thumb and middle second finger and try to wave this sheet like a fan. The heel is on the floor. There is another movement - supination and pronation. This is walking on the floor barefoot on the inner and outer edges of the foot ( Fig. 4–5

The ankle joint is also actively involved in all these movements. And you need to know this.

Rice. 4–5

Why do you need to know this? These are exactly the minimal labor-intensive exercises that need to be done every day, after returning home and taking off your shoes. How many times and in what quantity to do them, decide for yourself. But after performing such exercises, the foot should smooth out, the swelling, and with it the pain in the foot should disappear. Typically 10-20-50 repetitions of each exercise are required. At the same time, you can work with a gadget: as they say, the more, the better! You can use the time as a guide – it will only take 10–20 minutes.

But there is one more preventive condition: before exercise, you need to immerse your feet in a bowl of water for 5-15 seconds, where you first throw ice from the refrigerator or water frozen in plastic bottles, and then wipe your feet with a dry towel. This should become a habit. Cold water relieves swelling of the feet and reduces joint pain when performing gymnastic exercises.

Foot trainers

But practice shows that these exercises are not enough to maintain healthy feet - I would also like to recommend exercise equipment... Why? The fact is that the foot, and with it the ankle joint, have a huge number of ligaments, muscles and tendons, which, in addition to walking and running, perform other important functions. And these functions are almost impossible to use with simple exercises on the sofa or on the stairs. The most important functions of the foot include:

• balancing function (walking, standing)

• pushing function (acceleration of body weight during movement)

• hemodynamic function (activation of peripheral venous blood flow)

• neuroreflex function (the skin surface of the foot is a biologically active zone, which, when walking, for example, on large stones, on water, on snow or on grass with morning dew, constantly sends impulses to the nervous system to saturate the nerve centers of the brain with information).

Anatomically, the foot has five longitudinal arches: three spring and two supporting. In addition to the longitudinal arches, there are two transverse arches (tarsal and metatarsal) - they are located in the frontal plane with a convex upward. The arches of the foot provide a shock-absorbing function during static loads and walking, and also prevent compression of soft tissues during movement and create favorable conditions for normal blood circulation. It is important to understand that swelling of the feet is the stagnation of blood and lymph in the muscles and arches of the feet. This stagnation occurs because the foot has been motionless (static) for a long time, constrained by a beautiful shoe.

Foot exercises on simulators should be done 2-3 times a week. Such exercises force all the muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle to work, which will compensate for the stagnation of blood and lymph caused by wearing high-heeled shoes.

Photo 1a

Photo 1b

Now about the shoes. Staying in high-heeled shoes for a long time, which compress the entire foot, can be compared to a plaster splint placed on the foot for dislocations or injuries of the foot or ankle joint. A splint is applied to reduce joint movement and prevent new injuries. That is, when wearing shoes, the muscles (in this case, the feet) do not fully work. And if the muscles don’t work, they atrophy - even every schoolchild knows this! This means that the muscles weaken sharply and blood and lymph have difficulty moving up the leg! As a result, first swelling appears, then varicose veins, and then thrombosis.

Therefore, exercises performed with the foot on exercise machines ( photo 1a, b

) (they should be done 2-3 times a week), compensate for this stagnation quite well, as they force all the muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle to work.

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