What shows and how to prepare for an MRI of the cervical spine

MRI of the cervical spine is a high-tech examination based on the MRI scanning program of the spine. Most often, diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine is prescribed by neurologists to determine what is causing neck pain and discomfort in the upper spine, and to assess the condition of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine and cerebrospinal fluid. Magnetic resonance diagnostics allows, without the destructive effects of x-rays and instrumental intervention, to detect spinal cord pathology, differentiate vertebral diseases, identify degenerative changes in intervertebral discs, detect hernias and necrotic processes in tissues. For surgeons, MRI of the cervical spine is the key to making the right decision regarding spinal surgery, choosing an effective treatment method, and monitoring the treatment process.

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All about diagnostics

What does an MRI of the cervical spine show?

MRI of the cervical spine has been a widely used examination method for many years. It allows you to assess the health of the spine as accurately as possible and quickly make the right decision regarding further actions to correct problems identified in the musculoskeletal system. The diagnostic results help the neurologist to prescribe the optimal method of therapy, and the patient to cope with the disease more quickly. Tomography of the cervical spine is an effective way to detect the following conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  • Anomalies in the vertebral arteries.
  • Hernias, neoplasms.
  • Vascular diseases.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Myelitis, arachnoiditis and other diseases of the spinal cord.
  • Stenotic changes in the spinal canal.

Who is indicated for MRI?

The study is prescribed for dizziness, numbness of the hands, and headaches of unknown origin. Indications:

  • neck injuries;
  • stiffness and discomfort in the cervical spine;
  • blurred vision, loss of consciousness;
  • diseases of the vertebrae, nerve roots, discs, muscles;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • suspicion of degenerative-dystrophic changes;
  • short neck syndrome.

The procedure is prescribed before neurosurgical intervention to make orthopedic diagnoses.

What determines the price of an MRI of the cervical spine?

ServicePrice according to PriceDiscount Price at NightDiscount Price During the Day
from 23.00 to 8.00from 8.00 to 23.00
MRI of the cervical spine3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of neck vessels (MR angiography of the neck)3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the craniovertebral junction3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MR arteriography of the neck3300 rub.2690 rub.2990 rub.
MRI of the cervical spine with contrastfrom 6300 rub.
MRI of the brain and neck6600 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
Comprehensive MRI examination of the vessels of the brain and neck6600 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
Comprehensive neck examination (cervical MRI and MR angiography)6600 rub.5380 rub.5980 rub.
Neurologist appointment1800 rub.free after MRIfree after MRI
Comprehensive neck diagnostics (MRI of the cervical spine, MRI of neck vessels, ultrasound of neck vessels, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and soft tissues of the neck, consultation with a neurologist)13200 rub.9500 rub.9500 rub.
Contrast administration (based on patient weight)from 4000 to 6000 rub.

What determines the cost of tomography?

Tomograph power

Applying Contrast

Personnel qualifications

Promotions and discounts

Decoding the results

MRI diagnostics allows the most accurate visualization of intervertebral discs, soft tissue structures, ligaments, intervertebral joints, medulla oblongata and spinal cord, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels or vascular aneurysms.

If there is a herniated disc, an MRI can measure the extent of its protrusion and determine the presence of pressure on adjacent nerves or vessels. With age-related or degenerative changes in the structure of the spine, the image can show the degree of ossification of the intervertebral joints and the presence of pathological growths. This information allows you to select effective treatment and correctly draw up a rehabilitation plan.

MRI plays a particularly important role in diagnosing spinal cord damage due to neck trauma. In the presence of internal edema or disruption of the integrity of the spinal cord, timely and correct treatment can prevent the progression of the condition and the development of complications such as paresis/paralysis of the limbs, infection of the spinal cord and its membranes, and chronic pain.

The value of MRI in the diagnosis of demyelinating lesions of the spinal cord in multiple sclerosis cannot be overestimated, since only this method allows one to visualize focal changes in the spinal cord characteristic of this disease, and with intravenous administration of a contrast agent it will also indicate which of the foci are “active” in currently.

Contraindications to MRI of the cervical spine

MRI of the cervical spine may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • If the patient's body has electronic devices and implants, for example, a cardiac pacemaker, an infusion pump.
  • If there are implants with a high metal content in the body.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding, if tomography with contrast is performed.
  • If the subject suffers from attacks of claustrophobia, it is better to diagnose using an open or semi-open MRI.

If a patient is preparing for a cervical spine tomography procedure using a contrast agent, the MRI doctor must make sure that he does not have severe allergic reactions or asthma. The presence of braces, crowns and fillings is not a contraindication for diagnostics, however, it is necessary to warn the doctor about them, since the metal contained in them can lead to image distortion. If the patient has metal fragments or bullets in the body, it is recommended to undergo an X-ray before diagnosis with a tomograph. The operation of tomography is based on the use of a strong magnetic field, which can lead to displacement of metal elements and damage to surrounding tissue. An x-ray will show whether the metal inclusions contain ferromagnetic alloys and whether an MRI of the cervical spine can be performed on this patient.

Questions about diagnostics

Dress code
You can enter the MRI room in any clothing that does not contain metal. When going to the clinic, it is best to wear loose, non-restrictive clothing without metal elements (zippers, rivets, hooks), in which you can lie comfortably. For women, we recommend bringing a T-shirt or not wearing a bra with metal wires or hooks.


This tomography does not require any preparatory steps from the patient.

Is MRI harmful to health?

MRI is a completely harmless diagnostic method for the human body. This method of examination can be carried out at any age and for any disease an unlimited number of times, unless you have contraindications.


Some pacemakers and foreign objects in the body may pose serious limitations to tomography. In particular, cochlear implants, vascular clips, stents, heart valves and insulin pumps, pacemakers, neurostimulators, steel screws, staples, pins, plates, joint endoprostheses may be a contraindication to diagnosis. The patient must notify the radiologist about all implanted objects in the body. The diagnostician will be able, based on information about the composition and model of the implant, to assess the possibility of conducting diagnostics.

If you are having an MRI with contrast, be sure to report any allergies to medications or kidney problems. It is also necessary to inform the radiologist about a possible pregnancy.

Is it possible to do an MRI with braces and dental implants?

Dental implants and crowns are not a contraindication to magnetic resonance imaging. The magnetic field does not have any negative effect on them. Fixed brace systems can produce artifacts on tomograms during MRI of the head. If the light effect is too strong, the doctor will stop the study and offer the patient alternative diagnostic methods.

Is the device noisy?

Any MRI machine in working condition makes noises reminiscent of tapping. The open tomograph is one of the quietest installations. The noise from its operation is significantly lower compared to closed tomographs. If the sounds of the operating unit cause you anxiety, you will definitely be offered special noise-canceling headphones.

What should I do if I have claustrophobia?

An open tomograph is the optimal solution for patients suffering from panic attacks in a closed space. It is open on the sides on three sides and does not create a claustrophobic feeling.

Can I take sedatives before an MRI?

If you are a little nervous, before the tomography you can take mild sedatives, for example, valerian, motherwort infusion or afobazole. Taking sedatives does not have a negative impact on the quality of MRI.

Why is it important not to move during the test?

Any movement during the examination reduces the quality of the resulting images. Multiple motion artifacts may appear on the images, and the MRI results will be uninformative.

Can I do the research with an accompanying person?

Absolutely yes. You can invite any accompanying person from among your family and friends to the MRI room. It is important that your companion does not have metal implants or artificial pacemakers in his body.

What is magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most harmless diagnostic methods used in medicine. During the examination, radiation exposure associated with sources of ionizing radiation, and therefore harmful effects on the body of the examined patient, is completely excluded. The existing contraindications are related to the characteristics of the study in certain categories of people, and not to direct harm to health.

The diagnostic procedure is based on the use of a powerful magnetic field, radio transmitters, radio receivers and computer data processing systems. During diagnostics, a magnetic field and radio waves create a magnetic resonance effect in the tissues being examined - with this phenomenon, hydrogen nuclei are briefly able to absorb and emit radio waves. Receivers that capture this signal or response transmit the received information to the computing system, which, in turn, builds on their basis a detailed layer-by-layer image of the area of ​​interest in the form of images in three planes and three-dimensional reconstruction, which is available when studying the cervical vessels.


If you are going to have an MRI of the cervical spine, it would be a good idea to prepare for this procedure in advance. Her patient usually comes in in his own clothes. The main thing is to make sure that there are no metal fittings on it, for example: buttons, rivets, fasteners, zippers, etc. When planning to do an MRI examination of the cervical spine, check that there are no following items in your pockets and on your body: removable dentures, piercings , metal jewelry, glasses, pens, pocket knives, plastic cards, mobile phones, metal coins, electronic devices.

  • MRI
  • Ultrasound

MRI tomograph:

Siemens Magnetom C


Open (expert class)

What's included in the price:

Diagnostics, interpretation of images, written report from a radiologist, recording of tomograms on CD + free consultation with a neurologist or orthopedist after an MRI of the spine or joint

Ultrasound machine



Expert (installation year 2019)

What's included in the price:

Diagnostics, interpretation of images, written diagnostic report

Algorithm for the procedure

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The principle of testing with and without contrast is not very different. In any case, the person will be placed on a medical couch, which, when the equipment is activated, will move under the scanner, where there is a magnet.

Since modern devices usually have a wide design, most of the body will not be under the arch, which will help those suffering from claustrophobia to survive the panic. For convenience, the subject’s head is fixed so that during subsequent manipulations it will be easier for him to maintain immobility. Some lab technicians even suggest using a head roller.

Since during operation of the tomograph it constantly emits sound signals. Patients, especially children, are recommended to wear special vacuum headphones. And if an unforeseen situation occurs during testing, you can always contact the x-ray technician via internal two-way communication.

How is the procedure done?

Diagnosis of the cervical spine can be performed using one of two types of tomographs – closed and open. The closed type device looks like a long “pipe”. During scanning, a movable table is driven into it, on which the patient lies on his back. If a closed tomograph is closed on all sides, then an open type MRI has open space on the sides. This makes the device better suited for examining claustrophobic and overweight people. The scanning procedure is completely painless for the patient. The maximum that a person in the tomograph can feel is a slight warmth in the area being examined, a slight tingling sensation and, possibly, a slight coolness in the mouth area (if the patient has dental fillings or braces). The duration of the procedure is on average 15-20 minutes; in the case of tomography with contrast, the time can increase to 45 minutes.

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CT, MRI or ultrasound of the neck, which is better to do?

To study the soft tissues of the neck, MRI is most often used as a more progressive, informative and accurate type of diagnosis. However, different methods can be used for different tasks:

  • Ultrasound provides a two-dimensional picture of the area being examined and does not always clearly show small structures such as lymph nodes or small lesions. The quality of diagnostics depends to a very large extent on the qualifications of the specialist. But this method is very affordable; ultrasound machines are available in almost all medical institutions, so some ultrasound is used as the first stage of diagnosis.
  • X-rays do not provide images of soft tissues and are used to diagnose bone and joint pathologies. Due to its low cost, it can be used as the first stage, but it is very much inferior to tomography in terms of information content.
  • CT (computed tomography) is a more progressive technique than ultrasound and radiography, which in terms of image detail can be compared with MRI, but like radiography, it more clearly visualizes solid structures, and is also used when MRI cannot be performed based on objective reasons.
  • MRI is more suitable than CT for imaging soft tissue. The level of detail in the images obtained using MRI diagnostics makes it possible to identify foci of inflammation and neoplasms ranging in size from several millimeters. This method can be used both as a primary diagnosis and to clarify the nature of pathological changes identified by other methods.

MRI of the cervical spine on an open tomograph

Most often, closed installations that have a more powerful magnetic field are used to diagnose the cervical spine. But staying in them can cause panic among those who are afraid of confined spaces. Some medical centers in St. Petersburg are equipped with open-circuit tomographs. A significant advantage of these devices is the fact that they are open on the sides. This makes it possible to diagnose patients suffering from claustrophobia, as well as overweight people, in comfortable conditions. An open tomograph is preferable for MRI studies in children. Its open contour allows parents or accompanying persons to remain close to the child throughout the scanning procedure.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to independently understand and interpret the results that, after an MRI, will be given to him on a digital medium. Therefore, with the conclusion of the radiologist and the photographs, he should go for a consultation with the attending physician, who will make a final diagnosis based on the summary data of the examination, medical history and tomography data. In our clinic , after an MRI, you can have a free consultation with a neurologist or orthopedist . Doctor

  • will answer all questions based on the results of the research and the conclusion received
  • Helps explain tomography results without using complex radiological terminology
  • will conduct an examination and, if necessary, offer treatment.

Use of contrast in MRI of the neck

Contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging of the soft tissues of the neck is mainly used in cases of suspected benign or malignant neoplasm, metastases to the organs of the neck, as well as after medical and surgical treatment of tumors.

Contrast is carried out using intravenous administration of gadolinium-based drugs (most often gadodiamide), which, accumulating in the affected area, increase the contrast of pathologically altered tissues in the images, which makes it possible to clearly determine their boundaries and localization in relation to healthy tissues.

The use of contrast agent is harmless. However, contraindications to its use may include pregnancy, breastfeeding and severe renal failure.

Interpretation of MRI of the cervical spine

The result of diagnosing the cervical spine using a tomograph is a series of images of the area under study, which are taken in several projections.
A radiologist deciphers the tomographic data. By studying the images, the doctor can draw conclusions about the normal state of the cervical spine or the presence of changes in it. In his conclusion, he describes in detail all the sizes of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, the structure of the tissues, the detected pathologies, and introduces all the important information about the condition of the spinal cord. It must be said that the x-ray report is not a diagnosis. All entries in the protocol are written for the attending physician and have their own complex medical terminology. Using tomogram data, the clinician can find out the nature of the changes, determine their location and prescribe the optimal method of correction. Interpretation of MRI images usually takes 30-40 minutes. In particularly complex or controversial cases, a second expert opinion from leading specialists is sometimes required. Then the procedure for issuing tomography results may take 2-3 days. Service “Second independent opinion” Medicine is an area where we want to be 100% sure . Therefore, at your request, we will be happy to offer you the service of a second independent opinion from the leading consultant of our clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences , a doctor of the highest category with 18 years of experience in the field of tomography and radiology N.V. Marchenko.

What does a patient get after an MRI, where to go with the results

After completing the MRI procedure, you will receive images and their description.

If you underwent research on the direction of your doctor, you need to show the conclusion to him. He will prescribe the necessary treatment or give a referral to another doctor who will take care of your problem.

If you underwent an MRI on your own initiative, the choice of doctor will need to be made depending on the identified disorder.

If you don’t know where to turn, you can clarify this issue with a specialist who will describe your results.

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