Stuffy nose, sore throat and ringing in the ears? Could it be the spine?

With cervical osteochondrosis, nasal congestion often occurs as the main symptom. This is due to compression of the choroid plexus in the cervical region and its compensatory expansion in the head area, which is the body’s protective reaction against hypoxia. As a result, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, making it difficult to breathe. You can get rid of the problem only if you comprehensively influence the problem of the upper part of the spine.

Doing therapeutic exercises will help prevent cervical osteochondrosis.

How often do you get a headache with coronavirus?

Cephalalgia is a common complaint among patients suffering from COVID-19. Since the clinical picture and symptoms of infection vary greatly, it is impossible to accurately determine the time of onset of discomfort in the head area from the moment of infection. Often, pain occurs in the early stages, when there are no obvious respiratory symptoms such as coughing, runny nose and sneezing. In many patients, the complaint appears in the later stages and persists for several weeks after recovery.

Studies have shown how often cephalalgia occurs due to coronavirus infection. Among hospitalized patients, this symptom is found in approximately 20% of cases. According to a study by the World Health Organization, pain in the head develops in every tenth patient. Late onset of cephalalgia is associated with worsening of the disease.

Headache should not be considered a specific symptom of Covid. A similar illness is characteristic of various pathologies of infectious and non-infectious nature. Acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, almost always occur with cephalalgia. The frequency of occurrence of a particular sign is not always associated with the characteristics of the pathological process.

What happens in a dream?

In a horizontal position, blood flow to the upper body, including the head, increases. Accordingly, during sleep during the nasal cycle, the turbinates fill with blood (and swell) to a greater extent, and breathing may be more difficult through the half in which the turbinate is enlarged at this moment. And it goes away naturally in the morning, after getting out of bed for a few minutes. With a normal nasal cycle, nasal breathing does not occur.

Features of symptoms for COVID-19

Pain in the head area in people with coronavirus infection can be squeezing, throbbing, dull or bursting. The nature of the pain syndrome depends on the cause of its occurrence. Often, cephalalgia is associated with a chronic disease that worsens against the background of an infectious process. If a person suffers from migraines, the discomfort does not go away for a long period of time. With cervical osteochondrosis, pain intensifies during movements or in a certain position of the body.

Weakness, cough, muscle aches, increased body temperature are additional symptoms of coronavirus infection. Fever is often accompanied by a painful headache. Patients also complain of heaviness in the head, tingling in the extremities, and impaired taste or olfactory sensitivity. These are other signs of the virus affecting the nervous system.

Headache without fever

An increase in body temperature during coronavirus infection is not observed in all cases. Such a symptom may be absent throughout the entire period of the disease. Many patients experience only a slight low-grade fever that does not affect their overall well-being. In most cases, cephalalgia is not directly related to body temperature, so the absence of fever cannot be an obstacle to the occurrence of pain.

Stuffy nose, sore throat and ringing in the ears? Could it be the spine?

It is not always possible to immediately identify dystrophic disorders in the cartilaginous structure of the spine. And even more so, this is difficult to do if such disorders are accompanied by complications that may not look like osteochondrosis. Such reasons often prevent the real problems from being identified.

With osteochondrosis of the neck, the nose is blocked. Why?

First, you need to understand an important truth: the human body is a unique, complex, and at the same time amazing mechanism in which everything is, one way or another, interconnected. If one part begins to perform poorly, this affects others, especially those adjacent to it. Therefore, it becomes obvious that cervical osteochondrosis, being so close to the ears and nose, affects them too. What happens with this disease? Deformation of the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus occurs. This causes the nerve endings to become pinched, which in turn puts pressure on the blood vessels that run very close to the upper spine.

What does this lead to?

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine in which intervertebral discs and spinal tissues are damaged. The causes of its occurrence often depend on internal, hereditary factors, or external ones, acquired, for example, due to improper use of the spine.

One of its specific features is a violation of vascular tone in the neck. Since the mucous tissues of the nasal cavity depend on the functioning of the veins from the cervical vertebrae, with such a picture, an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied, which leads to oxygen starvation. At the same time, the removal of fluid from the tissue is delayed due to the fact that the outflow of venous blood has slowed down. The body thus protects itself from hypoxia. As a result, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, the capillaries dilate, there is difficulty breathing, and the secretion of mucus increases, which in turn provokes the secretion of muconasal secretion by the exocrine glands. It is interesting that even in the case when the vascular bed that runs to the organ is not damaged, the expansion of blood vessels, veins and arteries occurs as a result of a compensatory reaction. In this case, this is also manifested by swelling of the face, noticeable bags under the eyes, and congestion in the ears.

As mentioned above, the body is a single mechanism. For cervical osteochondrosis

Only one vertebra cannot be affected. And different symptoms indicate problems in a particular one. You can use the symptoms to determine which vertebrae are specifically out of order:

  1. Headaches and migraines indicate damage to the first vertebra.
  2. The defeat of the second can be indicated by diseases of the organs of hearing and vision, fainting.
  3. Peripheral nerve disease is hinted at as a third.
  4. Hearing impairment indicates damage to the fourth
  5. The fifth innervates the vocal cords (tonsillitis, laryngitis)
  6. Pain in the back of the head and shoulders indicates damage to the sixth vertebra
  7. Damage to the seventh vertebra may be indicated by impaired mobility in the elbows and shoulders, thyroid disease or hypothyroidism

In the future, this can lead to inflammatory processes in the sinuses, since this is an ideal environment for pathogenic microbes.

Is it possible to determine if you have neck osteochondrosis or not?

You can determine exactly whether you have neck osteochondrosis or not using several methods, using hardware techniques. This may be a computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, or x-ray. You should get checked if you find yourself with symptoms characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • ear pain and congestion;
  • tinnitus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of “dark spots” before the eyes;
  • pain in the temporal and occipital parts of the head;
  • darkening of the eyes with active movement;
  • visual impairment.

An important detail that will tell you that it may be cervical osteochondrosis: if the head stops hurting, then ear congestion and ringing often disappear.

Is it possible to get rid of the problem?

The cervical spine is very active and partly because of this, this disease is not uncommon. That is why the spine needs to be given special attention. If a connection has been discovered between nasal congestion, ringing in the ears, blood pressure and cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving this problem. Treatment must be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

First of all, you need to use drug treatment, namely various ointments that relieve tension, anesthetics and analgesics. Methods for eliminating acute symptoms also include various nasal drops that can constrict blood vessels, remove swelling and make breathing easier. The use of inhaled throat preparations based on medicinal plants will help the body better resist various bacteria and viruses. So-called chondroprotectors, drugs containing glucosamine and chondroitin, which can be supplemented with vitamin therapy, will help in the regeneration and strengthening of damaged joints.

It is important to keep the body in good shape to stimulate cell restoration.
This will be greatly facilitated by various sets of physical exercises to strengthen the muscular structure of the cervical region, for example, yoga. It will be useful to undergo physical therapy, special exercises to restore mobility, as well as massage, which will not take much time, but in the long run will help recovery and reduce the risk of this disease. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Why does cephalalgia develop?

The brain does not have its own pain receptors. The sources of discomfort may be the meninges, cervical vertebrae or other anatomical structures. Often this condition develops in response to physiological changes in distant parts of the body. For example, many women constantly experience cephalalgia during menstruation. Experts believe that certain pathological and physiological changes affect the condition of the blood vessels and sinuses passing through the meninges.

Damage to the endothelial cells lining the inner lining of blood vessels is a well-studied feature of coronavirus. The pathological process leads to a decrease in the vascular lumen and disruption of the blood supply to tissues. If such changes form in the sinuses of the meninges, pain occurs. Corona patients also suffer from inflammation of blood vessels, blood clots and other ailments, accompanied by painful sensations in the head area.

Other reasons

Primary or secondary headaches that develop against the background of coronavirus can be caused by various etiological factors. During the examination, doctors take into account the presence of any chronic diseases manifested by this symptom, since COVID-19 is known for its ability to affect the condition of almost all organs and systems.

Additional causes of cephalalgia:

  • the formation of blood clots in people with atherosclerosis and other risk factors;
  • exacerbation of symptoms of arterial hypertension;
  • changes in vascular tone due to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system;
  • disruption of blood flow to brain cells and the occurrence of hypoxia;
  • infectious toxic syndrome;
  • taking certain medications to treat covid.

Stress, weakness and other factors provoke attacks of migraines and tension headaches. The presence of high temperature increases the likelihood of primary cephalgia. If your head hurts severely during movements, the cause may be due to an exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

What can cause nasal cycle disruption?

  • curvature of the nasal septum (physiological, during the growth of the body or post-traumatic nature)
  • hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates (vasomotor, allergic, hyperplastic rhinitis)
  • polyps or growths in the nasal cavity
  • anatomical narrowing of the nasal passages (congenital or acquired: post-traumatic or postoperative - unsuccessful rhinoplasty, including the presence of synechiae)

* Synechia is the fusion of the nasal mucosa from two opposite sides, from the turbinates and the nasal septum, the so-called bridge.

Sign of dangerous complications

Head pain in patients with Covid in some cases indicates the development of life-threatening complications. You should carefully monitor your health and, if necessary, undergo diagnostics.

Complications of COVID-19, manifested by cephalalgia:

  • Ischemic stroke. Vascular thrombosis is caused by damage to endothelial cells and the effect of the virus on blood cells. The formed blood clot enters the cerebral vessels and causes a blockage that impedes blood supply to the brain. The complication is manifested by facial asymmetry, unintelligible speech, unilateral movement disorder and other symptoms.
  • Encephalopathy is damage to brain cells. According to statistics, such a complication is diagnosed in approximately 30% of patients with severe coronavirus infection. Severe headaches are accompanied by nausea, dizziness, vomiting and impaired consciousness. Encephalopathy can lead to swelling of the brain.
  • Hypoxia. Severe lung damage caused by coronavirus leads to a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood. Oxygen deficiency negatively affects the condition of neurons and quickly leads to irreversible damage to the central nervous system. Cephalgia is a possible early sign of decreased saturation. You should pay attention to weakness, impaired consciousness, shortness of breath and pallor of the skin.

The life-threatening consequences of COVID-19 often develop rapidly. If alarming signs are detected, you must call an ambulance. Timely treatment measures reduce the likelihood of death.

What to do if you have a headache?

Since this is a characteristic manifestation of coronavirus in most patients, there is no need to panic. Experts advise monitoring your general health, breathing and blood oxygen levels. It is recommended to periodically perform pulse oximetry to determine saturation. If other signs of coronavirus infection are observed, you should call a doctor for a general examination and assessment of the severity of the condition. If necessary, the therapist will prescribe diagnostic procedures or give a referral for hospitalization.

Self-medication for COVID-19 is fraught with dangerous complications. The patient will not be able to independently determine the cause of cephalgia, and without a diagnosis it is impossible to carry out treatment. If the pain quickly intensifies and is accompanied by alarming symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. On-site doctors will take the necessary measures to determine the cause of the illness and exclude complications related to Covid.


A general practitioner examines patients with coronavirus. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist is scheduled. The specialist collects anamnestic data to evaluate all complaints and determine the severity of the condition. A neurological examination is performed to exclude damage to the central nervous system. Taking into account the results of the examination, instrumental and laboratory research methods are selected.

Types of diagnostic procedures:

  • Analyzes. Clinical and biochemical blood tests are necessary to determine the severity of COVID-19 and identify inflammatory complications. A coalogram will show increased blood clotting, predisposing to the formation of thrombosis.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are highly accurate visual research methods. The doctor receives volumetric layer-by-layer images of the brain and other structures, allowing them to detect focal changes. CT and MRI are suitable for diagnosing vascular pathologies.
  • Electroencephalography is a method for assessing brain functioning by recording bioelectrical signals. EEG results will show signs of neurological diseases.
  • Echoencephalography with Dopplerography to detect vascular pathology of the brain. This is a real-time visual examination that allows you to assess the nature of blood circulation and the condition of the vascular bed in the head area.
  • Lumbar puncture is the collection of cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid space using a puncture. The results indicate inflammatory or infectious damage to brain tissue.

Headache does not always require special diagnostic measures. In most cases, an examination and exclusion of Covid-related complications is sufficient.


Cephalgia is a symptom that can be relieved. Treatment involves eliminating the cause of the headache, so you should consult a doctor to select a treatment regimen. If the patient has previously been diagnosed for this symptom and received medical prescriptions, the appropriate medications should continue to be taken. Before doing this, it is advisable to consult a specialist to exclude drug interactions and risks associated with COVID-19.

Painkillers are used to temporarily relieve the condition. They disrupt the release of inflammatory mediators that cause pain. Paracetamol is a safe analgesic for coronavirus, which can be taken in the absence of individual contraindications. This medicine blocks pain in the central nervous system and reduces body temperature during fever.

Medications to relieve cephalalgia

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The therapeutic effect of this group of medications is associated with blocking cyclooxygenase and preventing the release of inflammatory mediators. These are ibuprofen, nimesulide and other drugs. In some cases, taking NSAIDs during Covid is unsafe, so you should first consult a doctor.
  • Triptans are effective drugs for relieving migraine attacks. Therapeutic effects include constriction of blood vessels, pain suppression, and relief of other migraine symptoms. These are prescription medications that should only be taken after a medical examination.
  • Antispasmodics. Drugs in this group reduce the tone of the muscular lining of blood vessels and normalize blood supply to tissues. Usually prescribed as part of complex drug therapy if there are appropriate indications.
  • Sedatives to relieve stress and eliminate insomnia. They do not relieve pain directly, but they help get rid of risk factors for discomfort.

Taking into account the diagnostic results, the neurologist may additionally prescribe medications for the treatment of hypertension, thrombosis, cerebral ischemia or other pathological conditions.

Non-drug treatment

Medicines only temporarily relieve pain. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect and eliminate the cause of cephalgia, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment methods:

  • Manual therapy. Therapeutic massage normalizes blood circulation and eliminates compression of the nerves in the neck. Also, this method of therapy relieves a person of increased muscle tone.
  • Physiotherapy. Physical methods of influence on the body are used. The procedures are especially effective if a patient with COVID-19 has a headache due to exacerbation of osteochondrosis or neuralgia.
  • Surgical intervention. Surgical treatment is necessary for ischemic stroke, thrombosis and other complications of Covid that cause cephalalgia.

The importance of complex therapy for coronavirus is due to the impact of the virus on different organs and systems. If you manage only with temporary pain relief, pain may remain after recovery.

What to do if your nose stops breathing during sleep?

The first thing to do if your nose begins to breathe worse during sleep is to consult an otolaryngologist. It is necessary to conduct an endoscopic examination of the ENT organs and identify a possible cause. Next, depending on the cause, the doctor will suggest possible treatment methods.

The main thing that should not be done in this situation is to use vasoconstrictor drops without their prescription by a doctor. Since they do not bring a therapeutic effect, but provide only a short-term narrowing of the network of blood vessels under the mucous membrane of the lower nasal conchae, as a result of which the nasal cavity becomes more free for the passage of air. Uncontrolled long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops leads to drug dependence and the development of drug-induced rhinitis.

Treatment methods can be medicinal and surgical. The choice of treatment method depends on the cause, on the patient’s health status (presence of concomitant diseases), as well as on the wishes of the patient himself.

Medical recommendations

Therapeutic measures are not always required. If a patient suffers from tension cephalgia or migraine during an infectious disease, it is possible to reduce the severity of pain and the frequency of attacks. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations from experts:

  1. Drinking enough fluids. The infectious process leads to the accumulation of large amounts of toxins in the body. An adult should drink at least 2 liters of water per day to quickly eliminate harmful substances in the urine.
  2. Maintaining bed rest. Inflammation caused by infection depletes the body's resources, so there is no need to overload yourself with physical activity. It is important to stay in bed at least during the first 3-5 days of the coronavirus infection.
  3. Neck and back massage. Gentle massaging movements in the occipital and cervical areas will improve blood circulation and eliminate excess muscle tone.

The listed recommendations should be considered only as a supplement to the treatment regimen prescribed by a specialist.


The headache will not occur or will quickly go away on its own if the patient takes preventive measures. During the course of the infectious process, it is important to give up any bad habits that provoke the development of pain. You should not smoke, drink coffee or alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to refrain from physical activity until complete recovery. Increased sleepiness due to coronavirus leads to disruption of the daily routine, so you should try to sleep only at night.

If there is a history of any disease of the cardiovascular or nervous system, treatment should be carried out according to medical prescriptions after infection. Monitoring blood pressure, pulse and saturation will help to detect in time a deterioration in the condition or an exacerbation of an existing pathology. If you detect any dangerous signs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Specialists from the Clinical Institute of the Brain will clarify the cause of cephalgia and carry out the necessary therapeutic measures to eliminate the pathological condition. Our doctors will also select an individual rehabilitation scheme, taking into account the identified complications of coronavirus infection from the central nervous system.

What can “ENT Clinic No. 1 Plus” offer you?

  • Endoscopic examination of ENT organs.
  • A wide range of physiotherapeutic treatment methods to restore vascular tone, reduce the degree of hypertrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates, and, as a result, improve nasal breathing (USOL therapy, laser therapy with red, infrared or violet light, magnetic therapy, halotherapy).
  • Minimally invasive surgery - using the radio wave method using the Fotek device (disintegration of the inferior nasal concha, removal of synechiae).
  • Consultation with leading ENT surgeons in Moscow to resolve the issue of surgical treatment (septoplasty, submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates, conchotomy, polypotomy, removal of tumors of the nasal cavity).

Contact our specialists today, and they will definitely help you! We work for you around the clock!

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