How to crack your own or another person's back

The Glisson loop is a device made of belts, fastenings and weights for the treatment and prevention of spinal pathologies. The loop received its name in honor of the London physician Glisson and became known in the middle of the 17th century. The design can be purchased at a specialized salon or made independently, taking into account individual characteristics. The loop is attached to the patient's head and suspended from the crossbar. The counterweight in this case is its own weight. The device has a number of indications and contraindications that should be taken into account before starting training.

What is a Gleason loop

The Gleason loop is a tissue simulator for stretching vertebral structures under load. In appearance, the design resembles a hood with holes. The product is used for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic localization. Prevention of protrusions, vertebral displacement, osteochondrosis and hernias largely lies in the periodic restoration of blood circulation along the entire axis of the spinal column. The Glisson loop works identically to the Shants collar, professional massage and perfectly complements other therapy methods.

What is the Glisson Loop used for?

The main function of the simulator is to stretch the vertebrae, ensure complete blood flow in the intervertebral structures, and prevent complications. The structure is placed around the neck and fixed under the jaw. A loop remains on top of the head, which is secured to the crossbar with a cable and a weight. With the correct body position, the product gradually stretches the vertebrae of the thoracic region and neck. You can perform the exercises vertically or while in bed. The rehabilitation and treatment program is compiled individually for each patient. As the training progresses, the following effects are achieved:

  • reduction of muscle spasm in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebral axis;
  • increasing flexibility and mobility of intervertebral structures;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • relief of headaches associated with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • improvement of mental activity.

If the Gleason loop is used on a bed or bedside holders, as well as in a sitting position, then specialist supervision or extensive experience of use from the patient is required. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury to yourself.

The Gleason loop cannot be considered as the only possible method of treatment and prevention of spinal diseases. The greatest effect from the loop can be achieved if it is used in combination with other methods: physiotherapy, drug therapy, massage, spa treatment.

The influence of posture on bite

The reverse relationship is also true: just as the bite affects posture, posture can significantly change the bite.

There are some children in whom an experienced orthodontist can recognize an incorrect bite right from the start. Their posture gives them away. Scoliosis and anteroposterior curvatures of the spine (kyphosis and lordosis) lead to the formation of a so-called crossbite - when the lower lateral teeth overlap the upper ones from the outside, buccally. The second type of cross-relationship is a scissor-type bite: the lateral upper teeth stand wide and slide over the lower ones without contacting the tubercles. Chewing efficiency with such a bite decreases significantly.

In addition, patients with scoliosis more often develop distal occlusion - a dental pathology in which the upper jaw protrudes forward.

If we talk about the development of the maxillofacial region as a whole, a clear connection has been established between scoliosis and a decrease in the size of the skull and jaws.

In 98% of cases in patients with scoliosis, the dental arches develop asymmetrically. And the more serious the spinal deformity, the more pronounced the asymmetry of the face.

An orthodontist who is fully aware of the structural integrity of the body will definitely recommend visiting a posture correction specialist.

The influence of posture on bite

Indications and contraindications

Exercises using the Glisson loop are necessary in the following cases:

  • osteochondrosis of varying degrees of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • the presence of protrusions, hernial protrusions in the intervertebral space;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs in the cervical region;
  • atrophic changes in the deep cervical muscles.

Traction can significantly improve the patient’s well-being, restore mobility to the back and prevent serious complications requiring surgical intervention. Unfortunately, many patients consider the spinal loop traction method to be safe and neglect the rules. Exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • listhesis, spondylolisthesis - a pathology characterized by displacement of the vertebrae;
  • osteoporosis of various origins;
  • hypertension, especially difficult-to-control arterial hypertension;
  • age from 60-65 years;
  • malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pregnancy;
  • osteophytes in the bone tissue of the spine.

Stretching is not recommended in case of exacerbation of infectious diseases, fever, injuries of the maxillofacial apparatus, or pathological occlusion. After dental implantation or prosthetics, it is recommended to wear mouthguards on the teeth.

People with excess weight, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, and autoimmune pathologies should exercise with caution.

Exercises beneficial for the spine

The safest way to get rid of stiffness and spasms and reduce the number of clicks is to start doing gymnastics regularly. If you have diseases, the doctor will help you decide on the complex and tell you what not to do.

It is not recommended to perform crunches or lift weights without the approval of a specialist. The simplest complex that does not require physical training and prevents injuries is to improve posture. It consists of the following exercises:

  • Static straightening. Standing against the wall, the patient presses the back of his head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels, holding the straightened state for 10-15 minutes. You can start with 3-5 minutes at a time.
  • "Cat". One of the most useful, enjoyable and simple exercises from the yoga complex. Standing on all fours, slowly arch your back and then in the opposite direction. Hold the position up and down for 3-5 seconds.
  • "Cobra". Lying on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows and place them in front of you at neck level. They press it to the body, while inhaling, lift the chest and head, arching back, and exhaling, returning to the starting position.
  • Boat pose. Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body. Raise the legs and the front part of the body, leaning on the abdominal muscles. The arms are directed back and the hind legs are straight.

Some of these exercises don't always work out the first time. The main thing during their implementation is to monitor your well-being and prevent pain from occurring.

You need to exercise 1.5-2 hours after eating so that your stomach is not full. Clothing should be comfortable, the air in the room should be fresh and clean.

Improved mobility and flexibility

To develop joints and normalize the position of intervertebral discs, you can supplement the complex with exercises:

  • "Crocodile". Lying on the mat with your back, arms spread to the sides. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, turn your head to the right and your feet to the left, trying to place them sideways on the floor. Then bend the right leg and place it near the knee. As you inhale, turn your head in the other direction and try to turn your left knee to the right.
  • Exercise for the thoracic region. Standing on the floor, legs slightly spread. The head is tilted forward, touching the chest with the chin. The shoulders are lowered and directed forward, and the arms are clasped around the elbows. Slide the chin to the stomach, arching the thoracic region. Then they throw back their heads and pull their shoulders back, bending.
  • Hands in the lock. Standing straight, cross your forearms so that your palms are above your elbows. Raise the left shoulder, lower the right one, lean forward. Repeat with the other shoulder.
  • With support. With your fingers interlocked, your palms rest on the bottom of your chest in the kidney area. They try to bring the elbows together, bending forward with the thoracic region. Then slowly bend back.

These exercises primarily involve the thoracic and cervical spine. The lower back should also not be ignored.

Gymnastics to strengthen the lower back

The most difficult part of the back to work on is the thoracic one. It is much easier to strengthen the lower back, and exercises for its development are performed with less effort:

  1. Sitting on the mat, put your legs on top of each other, straightening your back. The elbows are bent so that the hands are parallel to the floor in the chest area, palms down. As you exhale, carefully turn your body to the left or right, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. For each side you need to do 6-7 repetitions.
  2. Standing straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Support your lower back with your palms and pull your elbows back, trying to bring them as close as possible. Bend backwards, keeping your knees straight. Repeat slowly and carefully 5-6 times.
  3. While sitting, they raise their left hand up, as if reaching for the sun. Then lower it back and repeat with the other.
  4. While standing, raise the left arm up, trying to stretch the spine. The right one, on the contrary, is lowered down the side of the left leg, trying to reach the heel. The body is tilted to the right slowly and carefully, without losing stability. Repeat several times.
  5. While standing, raise their arms above their heads and put their hands in a lock. Bend back 10-15 times, very smoothly and carefully.
  6. Sitting on the mat, straighten the right leg, and place the left foot in the middle of the right thigh outside. Turn back and to the left, resting the shoulder of the right hand on the left knee and keeping the palm of the left limb straight on the floor. As you exhale, slowly turn your head to the left, turning your spine and holding your breath for a few seconds.

Spinal crunch is a specific condition, which in some cases may indicate the development of pathologies. If you experience stiffness, pain, or limited mobility, you should consult a doctor. If clicks in the back rarely bother you and do not cause additional symptoms, you should not worry about them. To strengthen your muscles and spine, you need to regularly perform simple gymnastics!

How to use the Gleason loop?

Despite the use of the Glisson loop in therapeutic exercises, preparatory measures are indicated before the procedure. For this purpose, the muscles are warmed up with a massage, a warm shower, and light exercises. After the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is prepared for training, you should put the exercise machine on your head and gradually relax.

When performing the exercise vertically, it is necessary to bend your legs to such an extent that you feel the stretching of the vertebrae in the parts of the spinal column. The basic rule is the absence of pain and discomfort. Otherwise, harm may occur. There are other rules for treatment at home and in the physiotherapy office:

  1. Movements should be smooth and careful. No jerking, no effort.
  2. Considering that the counterweight is a person’s own weight, you should squat slowly. If you move suddenly, you may get injured.
  3. Maximum load – 1-2 minutes. Over time, you can increase the sagging interval to 3 minutes and the approaches to the exercise.
  4. Classes no more than 3 times a week for several approaches. Unscheduled classes are carried out when the spine is overloaded.

Once the maximum tension point is reached, hold for up to 3 seconds. Between approaches, a break of at least 2-3 minutes. A typical exercise pattern looks like this:

  • stretch your neck, do a massage by stroking, tapping, kneading;
  • put on the loop, tighten the straps so as to stabilize the cervical spine;
  • pass the belt with the load through the block or barbell and slowly pull it with your hands;
  • To overcome the resistance, you need to pull your chin down.

Next, you can combine several exercises for several approaches each. While overcoming resistance, you need to relax your muscles, shake your head forward and backward, to the sides, press the back of your head against the wall, and describe circular movements. All manipulations should be carried out extremely carefully. There should be no unpleasant sensations, discomfort, or pain when performing the workout.

At the end of the session, remove the loop and put on the Shants collar for 30-45 minutes to restore blood circulation. Experts warn that dizziness is common after training with the Glisson loop. This is due to improved blood supply to the brain. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to lie down, sit, without making sudden movements.

Why does clicking cause relief?

A crunch always indicates the removal of a block around the muscles and joints of the spine. Sudden movements and bends help remove this clamp. As a result, stiffness and pain disappear, but the effect lasts only for a few hours.

With muscle weakness, spine diseases and other disorders, symptoms return quickly and intensify.

Exercises aimed at strengthening muscle tissue will help get rid of unpleasant sensations and constant clicking.

How to choose the right Gleason Loop?

You can buy the Glisson Loop from us, in the pharmacy chain, or make it yourself. The sources contain information about the technique of making the simulator. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • size - the hood itself and the fastenings should not squeeze either the head or the neck;
  • fasteners must be strong;
  • material – you should also pay attention to the material of the product – the fabric should be soft, but have moderate compression.

Your attending physician will help you choose a Glisson loop. The first classes are necessarily carried out with the participation of a physiotherapist or a doctor in a therapeutic exercise room. In the future, you can perform workouts at home. The important thing here is to make sure that the bar or attachments through which the load passes can support the person's weight.

The spine experiences enormous stress every day, which is why it is so important to maintain its health. To prevent complications such as intervertebral hernias, protrusions and vertebral wear, it is necessary to ensure sufficient blood circulation in the structures of the cervical and thoracic regions. The Gleason loop is aimed at the treatment and prevention of spinal diseases. In addition, the simulator relieves pain, increases the effectiveness of basic therapy, and prevents premature surgery. Do not self-medicate at home - it is important to consult a doctor!

Who to contact for diagnosis

The main diagnostic method for problems with the spine is x-ray.
The frequent appearance of clicks in the back is a reason to contact a therapist or directly to a neurosurgeon. Diagnosis of the spine can be performed by a traumatologist, neurologist and general surgeon. Tests and x-rays are ordered. If a suspicious condition is identified, an MRI or CT scan is required.

An osteopath or chiropractor will help you crack your spine without harming your health. However, this takes time and complex effects on the back. The duration of treatment depends on the problems present; one course consists of 10-15 procedures.

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