Healing without drugs. What can kinesiology do?

Main directions of kinesiology

  1. Body-oriented (applied) – aimed at searching for bodily spasms, searching for connections between painful sensations and them, and removing these clamps.
  2. Motor-oriented – has a parallel, more familiar name – biomechanics. This direction is based on the search for the optimal trajectory of movements and the study of their mechanics from a separate muscle, part of the body.
  3. Psychotherapeutic – aimed at perceiving muscles as indicators of stability, relieving psychological and muscle tension.
  4. Each of these areas helps improve brain function. Kinesiology is useful for children and adults. It improves coordination of movements, strengthens the nervous system, and develops psychophysical functions.

This technique is often used for children with developmental problems (cerebral palsy, hyperactivity, autism). With the help of exercises, the child becomes more attentive, learns to read and write faster, memory improves, and stress resistance increases.

It is worth noting that classes with children are conducted individually. The accuracy and correctness of completing tasks is very important. The classes themselves become more difficult if progress is visible.

The goal is self-healing

Practicing kinesiologists are sure: a person’s pain usually occurs at the moment when his body can no longer cope with functioning problems on its own. It is in the language of pain that he tries to explain to a person what is wrong with him. Specialists in the field of kinesiology see their task as “deciphering” the signals sent by the body for further correction.

One of the main postulates of kinesiology: you cannot cure a person. You can stop any painful manifestations for a while, but sooner or later they will arise again. To normalize the condition, you need to help the body launch the natural self-healing mechanism, and it will heal itself.

Another fundamental point of this healing direction: the human body is a functioning structural, chemical and mental trinity. If dysfunction arises somewhere, it inevitably affects all three sides at once, upsetting the balance. Consequently, treatment should be carried out in all directions simultaneously.

Kinesiologists consider changing the patient’s emotional state and relieving mental stress to be an important part of correctional work.

This specialist can practice in the following areas:

  • Motor-oriented kinesiology , inherently corresponding to the direction called biomechanics - a science that examines the essence of movements of different parts of the human body. This discipline is studied in many universities. Kinesiologists help people develop optimal and safe trajectories of movement that allow them to achieve high results in their activities (this applies to a greater extent to athletes, dancers, etc.).
  • Applied kinesiology , aimed at identifying and eliminating excess muscle tension in the body. This section connects the characteristics of muscle tone with the state of human health.
  • Psycho-oriented kinesiology . In this case, work is carried out with the mental and emotional sphere. Muscles act as indicators: by acting on them, the specialist relieves mental stress.

In addition to medical knowledge, a kinesiologist has information in the field of oriental medicine and philosophy, and understands genetics and psychology.

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Psychotherapeutic direction uses the “three in one” method. It affects the spirit, mind and body. First, a muscle test is performed, after which the specialist begins to work with a behavioral barometer. That is, thinking switches from pessimism to optimism. Resentment is turned into interest, hostility into enthusiasm, guilt into equality.

Applied kinesiology strives to provide comprehensive muscle testing. The following methods are used for this:

  • Wave testing – electromagnetic oscillations are used;
  • Pose analysis – studies a person’s position during discomfort, movement, and a state of rest;
  • Cranial osteopathy is a manual effect on the suture of the skull and bones (deep massage).

The applied direction uses MMT (manual muscle testing). MMT is also used for biomechanics.

A specific kinesiology method is prescribed by a doctor based on the patient’s characteristics. Gender, age, and level of muscle activity are taken into account.

What does kinesiology treat?

Having learned what kinesiology is, many are interested in what it treats. Anyone can see a doctor, but it is especially useful and recommended for the following ailments:

  • Cerebral palsy – aimed at reducing hypertonicity, increasing the body’s performance, restoring motor activity, improving coordination of movements, mobility in joints, and teaching vital skills. Passive and reflex exercises, massage, and “position” treatment are used;
  • Arthrosis – exercises eliminate pain, relax muscles, improve joint mobility, optimize blood flow, and restore tissue. A set of exercises is used for the muscles of the whole body (feet, knees, abdomen, hip joint);
  • Dysgraphia - kinesiology is aimed at improving perception, memory and thinking, establishing psychological harmony, increasing stress resistance, and developing coherent speech. Simple exercises and massage are used;
  • Excess weight is an effective exercise for losing weight, as all internal processes in the body are activated, muscles are strengthened, and the body is toned;
  • Kinesiology in sports – used for the rehabilitation and treatment of athletes.

Why is it important for a nutritionist to have a medical education?

It is better to contact a nutritionist who has a medical education, because the human body is a single system in which interconnected processes occur. To understand them, you need a holistic approach, a look at the problem. This is impossible without medical education. This is why one-week courses are not enough, because in this case it is impossible to study everything that doctors learn over many years at the university. To provide qualified assistance to patients, a nutritionist requires a medical education.

Objectives of kinesiological training

Kinesiological training is a completely new approach to health improvement, based on comprehensive research. Not only the complaints voiced by the patient are analyzed, but also body language (postures, range of motion, posture). This technique allows you to identify the problem and prescribe effective exercises.

Main training objectives:

  • improvement of abilities;
  • increasing the level of speech;
  • motor development;
  • improving the quality and speed of interaction between the brain hemispheres;
  • stress resistance training;
  • development of memory, attention, thinking;
  • getting rid of dysgraphia, dyslexia;
  • developing skills for learning;
  • creative development;
  • increased productivity.

Recommendations for performing training:

  • Exercise every day.
  • The environment should be as comfortable and calm as possible.
  • Each step of the exercise must be precise.
  • It is very useful to do exercises before intellectual stress.
  • Each exercise lasts 1-2 minutes.
  • The duration of classes depends on age - from 5 to 35 minute workouts;
  • You can change the order of combination and execution.

What stages does an appointment with a periodontist include?

Treatment in the periodontist’s office can be divided into 3 main stages:

  1. Elementary. This stage includes a visual examination of the oral cavity and the necessary diagnostics. If the pathology is not serious and manifests itself only as mild inflammation, then the doctor can only prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and special hygiene.
  2. Surgical. Actually the treatment itself, the methods of which differ and depend on the type of disease. It is necessary to wash the formed pockets in the periodontium with special solutions and remove subgingival deposits, if any. In difficult situations, the periodontist resorts to surgical methods.
  3. Prophylactic. The specialist talks about prevention methods at home and prescribes a follow-up appointment for maintenance therapy.

Kinesiological exercises

Group 1 - motor stimulation. The exercises are aimed at bringing the left and right sides together towards the center of the body.

  • "Infinity". Extend your arm in front of you, bending your elbow slightly. Show “class” and smoothly draw an infinity symbol in the air. The thumb should be level with the bridge of the nose, and the head should be kept relaxed and straight. You should watch your finger with your eyes. The exercises are repeated alternately three times - with the right, left and with both hands at once.
  • "Energy" . Sit down and place your hands in front of you on the table. Stretch your chin towards your chest, take a deep breath and relax. When your back is in a relaxed position, continue to reach towards your chest.

Group 2 - muscle strain. After stretching, a person relaxes and his ability to work increases.

  • "Stretching" . Move your leg forward and bend your knee slightly. Transfer your body weight to it. The second leg is pulled back and placed on the toe. Inhale deeply, place your back leg on a full foot, and bend your front leg more. The body should be straight, not tilted (forward, backward, to the side). Stand up straight and change legs.

Group 3 - exercises to increase body energy. Restores the normal speed of nervous processes.

  • "Massage". With your right hand, grab your right ear, and with your left hand, grab your left ear. The thumb should be at the back. Massage your ears and lobes with circular movements and from top to bottom.
  • "Poker" . Raise your foot, turn it inward and rock it back and forth 8 times. Repeat with the other leg too.

Group 4 - promotes a positive attitude.

  • "Points of Positivity" . Place the index and middle fingers of both hands on your forehead (between the eyebrows and the beginning of hair growth). Mentally reproduce the positive outcome of your actions or the outcome of a disturbing situation.
  • "Buddha" . Performed standing, sitting or lying down. Legs are not crossed. Place your hands in front of you and connect the fingers of your left and right hands in pairs. The tip of the tongue should be slightly clamped between the teeth, and the gaze should be lowered.

Kinesiology taping

The method relates to biomechanics and is based on the use of a special tape - tape. It is made from natural cotton, rayon or nylon and has a hypoallergenic adhesive base.

The tape is worn for 5-7 days. This element does not cause discomfort, relieves bruises, sprains, joint pain, swelling, menstrual pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is also used to prevent dislocations and sprains. Almost all athletes have this product in their first aid kit. Kinesiological taping is also actively used in pediatrics and cosmetology.

Thanks to the tape, you can prevent the formation of rough post-operative scars, since the tape stretches along with the skin. This technology removes clamps from the muscles and integument of the area where the patch is placed.

In addition to relieving pain, kinesiology taping accelerates lymph flow and improves blood circulation. The tape is shown even to pregnant women.

Thanks to the tape, muscle memory is excellently trained. The tissues get used to always being in the correct position, as a result, clamps and distortions in the body disappear. It is also possible to improve metabolic processes.

Depending on the goals pursued (correct body position, removing stress from the muscles), the tape is attached in different ways. Only a specialist competent in this field can carry out taping correctly.

Kinesiology tapes are indicated for the following diseases:

  • dislocations and subluxations;
  • treatment of muscle inflammation;
  • sprains, ligament ruptures, muscle bruises;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • flat feet;
  • pain in the back, legs, knees;
  • muscle pain;
  • migraines, headaches;
  • painful sensation in the cervical-collar area;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • scoliosis at the initial stage;
  • lower back pain in pregnant women;
  • herniated discs;
  • arthrosis, arthritis;
  • poor posture;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • infantile torticollis;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis;
  • problems with functional motor skills in children.

What diseases does a kinesiologist help with?

A specialist in this field does not treat a specific disease, but searches for and helps eliminate the cause of the problem, considering the body as a single system. Therefore, the range of ailments for which the help of a kinesiologist can alleviate the condition is quite wide.

  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, postural disorders, intervertebral hernias).
  • Cephalgia (head pain), dizziness, increased intracranial pressure.
  • Various circulatory disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • High or low blood pressure.
  • Negative consequences of traumatic brain and other injuries.
  • Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis, cholecystitis, toxic liver pathologies, colitis, enterocolitis).
  • Sexual dysfunctions in men, inflammatory urological disorders.
  • Endocrine diseases (thyroid pathologies, obesity).
  • Premenstrual syndrome in women, accompanied by painful symptoms, inflammatory gynecological pathologies, some types of infertility.
  • Neuroses.
  • Skin pathologies.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs of an inflammatory nature.
  • Pregnancy and preparation for childbirth.
  • Consequences of surgical interventions and injuries.
  • The rehabilitation period for athletes.

Kinesiological assistance can be addressed not only to sick people, but also to generally healthy people who are faced with situations that negatively affect their well-being. For this reason, in kinesiology it is not customary to call people who seek consultation sick or patients. They are usually called clients.

It should be remembered that there are contraindications to kinesiological therapy:

  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • General exhaustion of the body.
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Venous thrombosis and embolism in the acute period.
  • Mental disorders.
  • State of alcoholic intoxication.

Kinesiological methods should be used with caution in the presence of diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, in the postoperative and post-traumatic period.

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Kinesiology at home

Kinesiology exercises are aimed at relieving stress. There are several effective exercises that are best performed with calm music and alone.

  • Achilles. You need to lightly pinch yourself at the Achilles tendons, then gently move your hand under the knee. Repeat the manipulation 8-10 times.
  • Glow. Dedicate a flashlight to your crowbar. In this case, it is worth looking at a black sheet of paper.
  • Ears. Pull your ear up, after massaging it, go to the lobe and pull it down.

Kinesiology - pros and cons

Many people are skeptical about this innovative treatment method. According to statistics, kinesiology shows its positive results after the first sessions. Thanks to exercise, the body accumulates its strength to fight the disease. The techniques do more than just relieve pain. They strengthen and heal the entire body. Kinesiology itself is used at any age and has no contraindications.

The disadvantages include the high cost of kinesiology. For a positive effect, you need to undergo at least 10 sessions, and this amounts to a round sum.

However, you can take courses in kinesio taping and learn how to apply tape applications yourself in accordance with the method of treating a particular ailment.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website bbtape.ru

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You may have these diagnoses!

Without exaggeration, everyone needs the help of a gastroenterologist-nutritionist, because everyone wants healthy changes in life. It is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist-nutritionist in the following cases:

  • if you constantly feel drowsy and tired;
  • if you are concerned about the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract;
  • if you get sick often (colds, flu, etc.);
  • if you want to have a healthy and beautiful body;
  • if you want to lose weight without harm to your health and
  • strict diets;
  • if you want to have healthy nails, hair and skin.

A gastroenterologist-nutritionist will help you:

  • draw up a treatment and nutrition plan to correct your problems;
  • change eating habits;
  • replenish the lack of useful vitamins and substances;
  • balance the state of the microbiota;
  • return to a feeling of vigor and optimism.
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