Cramps in the calf muscles: what to do?

Mechanism of development of gastrocnemius muscle cramp

To understand the mechanism of development of calf muscle cramps, it is necessary to understand some of the features of its structure. So, this muscle is represented by many myofibrils. Each myofibril is a strip with hundreds of rows of muscle cells. They are called myocytes.

Each muscle cell (myocyte) has a contractile apparatus consisting of several proteins. The main one in them is actin, and the auxiliary ones are troponin, myosin and tropomyosin. Myosin and actin are intertwined with each other like filaments. Their mutual approach, and therefore muscle contraction, occurs under the influence of ATP, calcium ions, troponin and tropomyosin.

This is a multi-level process that goes through several stages:

  • An impulse arises in the brain, which is sent along the nerve to the calf muscle.
  • With the help of acetylcholine, the electrical impulse from the nerve passes to the surface of the muscle.
  • This impulse then spreads throughout the muscle fiber and penetrates its deep structures through T-shaped channels.
  • From the channels, the impulse passes to the cisterns (cells containing calcium ions). Calcium channels open and calcium leaves the cells.
  • Calcium activates tropin and tropomyosin, which in turn cause actin and myosin filaments to move closer together. ATP takes part in this process.
  • Muscle contraction occurs at the moment when the myosin and actin filaments come as close as possible.

If a failure occurs at any stage of this complex process, it will lead to seizures.

Video: neuropathologist on the causes and treatment of seizures during sleep:

Prevention measures

The prevention program includes:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • eating greens, especially parsley, fruits, whole grains and dairy products;
  • running, swimming;
  • leg muscle massage;
  • selection of comfortable shoes.

You can train your calf muscles by tensing and relaxing them during exercise and running. In your diet, you should pay attention to salt consumption. Excess and lack of salt leads to health problems.

When your legs cramp at night, it is impossible to sleep. If the attack is fleeting, then it’s not so bad. You can remove it yourself. But sometimes long-lasting painful spasms can be a symptom of a serious illness. And then all that remains is to seek medical help.

Causes of calf muscle cramps

There are five main factors that can lead to the development of calf muscle cramps.

Among them:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the brain.
  • Excessive amount of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft.
  • Low ATP levels.
  • Insufficient excitability of myocytes.
  • Defects in contractile proteins that occur at the genetic level.

It would seem that all these terms are difficult for the average person to understand, but in fact they hide pathologies and disorders familiar to everyone. You just need to look at them in more detail.

Brain disorders

The cerebellum is responsible for maintaining the tone of the calf muscle. Even when a person is sleeping, this part of the brain continues to send impulses to it and other muscles, but not with the same intensity as during wakefulness.

Diseases that can lead to an increase in impulses sent by the cerebellum:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Psychosis in the acute phase.
  • Eclampsia.
  • Received traumatic brain injury.
  • Hemorrhage into the cranial cavity.
  • Thromboembolism of the brain.

Eclampsia develops only in pregnant women. This condition is dangerous for her life and the life of the child. Eclampsia does not occur quickly and with lightning speed, it makes itself felt gradually. First, the pregnant woman’s blood pressure rises, swelling forms in her legs, and her overall health begins to deteriorate. During the same period, she may develop cramps in the calf muscles. In the future, they will affect the uterus and can lead to placental abruption and serious health complications. Therefore, convulsions in pregnant women can be a rather ominous signal.

Excessive amounts of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft

Acetylcholine takes part in the process of transmitting impulses from nerves to muscle cells. If there is too much of it in the synaptic cleft, it will cause the muscles to contract convulsively.

Reasons for increasing acetylcholine:

Insufficient excitability of myocytes

If the excitability of the muscle cells representing the calf muscle is insufficient, then the person will develop a cramp. Such disorders can be caused by an imbalance of electrolytes in the body and a deficiency of vitamins.

The main electrolytes of the human body are: sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Various conditions can lead to imbalance: increased physical activity, oxygen starvation and physical inactivity, lack of water in the body due to various diseases or when eating too salty food without the opportunity to get drunk.

Excessive intake of water into the body is no less dangerous. This can also lead to fluid and electrolyte imbalance and the development of seizures.

Vitamin deficiency affects muscle contractility. Cramps in the calf muscles can occur in people who do not receive enough vitamin D, E, A, and B. Most often, the cause of such deficiency is dietary errors.

Low ATP level

The following diseases and conditions can lead to a decrease in the concentration of ATP, as the main carrier of energy in the human body, and therefore to the development of cramps in the calf muscles:

  • Anemia, regardless of its origin, heart failure, vascular disease, lung disease, influenza, adenoiditis, altitude sickness. All these conditions have in common that they cause hypoxia of muscle tissue, which means they can cause seizures.
  • Low blood sugar with developing hypoglycemia, as well as diabetes.
  • Lack of B vitamins in the body (B1, B2, B5, B6).
  • Magnesium deficiency.
  • Taking diuretics.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Treatment with statins.
  • Inferior vena cava syndrome.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Atherosclerotic vascular lesions.
  • Hard physical labor.
  • The rehabilitation period after surgery.
  • Following a low-calorie diet.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the calf muscle will sooner or later cramp if a person works out in the gym. Therefore, during intense training, it will not be possible to do without taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Genetic diseases

The calf muscles can cramp in people who suffer from genetic pathologies. These diseases remain incurable today, but they are not common. An example of such a pathology is Tourette's disease. In addition to seizures, a person experiences tics and involuntary screams.

Other causes of leg cramps

If a person is injured or has a broken bone, then muscle cramps act in this case as a protective mechanism. It is aimed at limiting the mobility of the injured area. On the other hand, it is muscle spasm, as a reaction to pain, that is the main cause of fracture of tubular bones when a person falls from a height.

The cause of cramps in the calf muscles can be osteochondrosis, a herniated disc, a perineural cyst, or a tumor that compresses the S1 and S2 vertebrae. After all, it is at the level of the sacral spine that the roots of the nerve plexuses are located, which go to the calf muscles.

Another cause of calf muscle cramps is transverse flatfoot and other foot abnormalities, which lead to a redistribution of the load on the calf muscle ligaments. It also affects the deterioration of blood flow, compression of nerve trunks and overstrain of joints.

Leg cramps and their origins

With calf cramps, involuntary muscle contraction occurs. The main symptoms of muscle spasm include:

  • the appearance of aching and pressing pain in the calves;
  • repetition of tension every few minutes;
  • pain radiating to adjacent parts of the leg;
  • inability to move the affected leg.

Muscle contraction during sleep occurs by transmitting nerve impulses from the brain to the limbs. A lack of potassium, magnesium, and calcium in the body affects the occurrence of spasms. When a person sweats during the day in the gym or during heavy physical work, there will not be enough microelements for normal muscle function, since they leave the body along with the fluid.

A similar phenomenon occurs during poisoning, when the body is cleansed of toxins. After all, with them, useful substances that affect the functioning of the smooth muscles of the calves are also lost. This is what causes cramps that get worse at night.

The occurrence of mineral deficiency is also associated with:

  • excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine;
  • taking certain medications;
  • using large amounts of sugar and proteins in the diet;
  • low amount of water consumed during the day.

The load on the calf muscle increases in those who wear high-heeled shoes. Spasms occur when the body is overcooled for a long time.

Calf muscle cramps in pregnant women

If we exclude developing eclampsia, which was described above, then cramps in the calf muscles in pregnant women may develop due to early toxicosis. During vomiting, which is its companion, the body loses many vitamins and microelements, which is sure to affect the condition of the muscles. In addition, useful substances are spent on the needs of the growing fetus.

The situation is aggravated by hormonal changes and stress that the body experiences. All this contributes to an increase in cramps in the calf muscles. To cope with them, you need to pay enough attention to proper nutrition. It is imperative to follow medical recommendations and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Another common reason that leads to the development of seizures is varicose veins in pregnant women. Most often, the disease begins to develop before conception, and as the fetus grows, its course only worsens. In addition to leg cramps, the woman will experience heaviness in them. She may be bothered by swelling, which develops both in the evening and in the morning.

Another cause of calf muscle cramps during pregnancy is the syndrome of the inferior vena cava, which is compressed by the uterus. Venous outflow decreases, which provokes a cramp in the leg. During multiple pregnancies, this problem occurs in almost every woman.

To minimize the likelihood of cramps in the calf muscles, a woman should sleep on her side. It is not recommended to spend a lot of time on your feet; you should definitely give them rest. It is useful to perform gymnastics for pregnant women to strengthen muscles and prevent their oxygen starvation.

Main causes of night cramps

You need to know why your calves cramp at night in order to eliminate the identified cause of the spasm. Both external factors and pathologies of internal organs affect the condition of muscle tissue.

Failure in the physiology of the body

The fact that you have to spend a lot of time in the gym leads to muscle tissue tension. It cramps your calves when you don’t train for a long time, and then put an unbearable load on the body. After such training you will not fall asleep: you will break everything, twist your legs.

After standing in heels for a long time at work, after parties where you dance a lot, it is difficult for your feet to return to normal. At night you will have to suffer, as the pain will permeate your limbs. Sudden stretching during sleep may also cause contraction of the calf muscles.

Pathological conditions

Among the diseases that cause cramps in the calf muscles at night are:

  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • brain tumors;
  • phlebeurysm.

In people with flat feet, when the arch of the foot changes, it is not uncommon for nighttime cramps to occur. The symptom is especially pronounced when the condition is neglected. Patients with kidney failure use a lot of diuretics. This is one of the reasons for the removal of magnesium and potassium from the body. And these substances prevent the development of cramps in the limbs.

Increased impulsiveness of the brain leads to a malfunction of the nervous system. Hence the appearance of convulsive syndrome. Pathology can be caused by traumatic brain injury, vascular aneurysm, or lack of magnesium in the body.

Calf muscle cramps in healthy people

Sometimes cramps in the calf muscles can develop in absolutely healthy people, that is, contractions will not be caused by any pathological diseases, but by external causes.

These include:

  • Excessive stress on the legs. Moreover, a cramp can develop not only under dynamic, but also under static loads. This is often associated with a person’s professional activity. Thus, leg cramps often bother ballerinas, circus performers, professional athletes, loaders, salesmen, teachers, hairdressers, and surgeons.
  • Sleeping in an awkward position. The fact is that at night, between 2.00-4.00 hours, the maximum concentration of free calcium in the muscles is observed. At the same time, blood glucose (ATP) levels drop. If during this period a person sleeps in an uncomfortable position, squeezing the veins of the legs, this will certainly provoke a cramp in the calf muscle. The situation is aggravated by insufficient oxygen concentration in the room, that is, sleeping in stuffy rooms.
  • Cramps in the calf muscles can result from exposure to toxic substances in the human body, for example, from insect bites or pricks from sea urchin needles.
  • A person can experience a cramp in their leg if they spend a long time in the cold. This is especially true when there is a sharp temperature change.
  • Women who like to wear high heels and tight dress shoes will suffer from calf cramps more often than women who wear comfortable orthopedic shoes.
  • Tight and narrow clothing, as well as things with tight belts and elastic bands, can lead to disruption of blood flow in the lower extremities and cause cramps in them.

In older people

The reason for muscle contraction at night in patients over 60 years of age lies in the changes occurring in the body. Over the course of life, pathologies accumulate, the symptoms of which are pain in the calf muscles. They arise due to:

  • damage to nerve endings innervating muscles;
  • blood circulation disorders in the lower extremities;
  • slow metabolism leading to a lack of B vitamins, potassium, calcium;
  • decreased iron levels in the blood;
  • degenerative-dystrophic processes in muscle tissue;
  • fluid retention in the body.

Inflammations and injuries received in young and middle age “repeat” with paroxysms in old age. In old age, muscle spasms are provoked by medications taken in large quantities: statins, diuretics.

First aid for calf cramps

If leg cramps are not associated with an epileptic attack, then you need to perform the following simple measures:

  • The leg must be elevated to improve blood flow and eliminate existing stagnation.
  • You need to grab the toes of the lower limb and bend them towards the knee. First, they are bent halfway and relaxed, and then bent as far as possible and held in this position. This will stop the seizure.

Following these recommendations allows you to stretch the calf muscle, due to which it, like a sponge, absorbs blood saturated with oxygen. Foot massage can improve blood circulation through small blood vessels. Movements should be light and smooth. They come down to pinching and stroking the limb.

Injecting soft tissues with a pencil or other sharp object (without damaging the skin) allows you to interrupt the reflex chain and stop the spasm. This technique is actively used by professional swimmers, who always carry a pin with them. In this way they get rid of the cramp that happened at depth.

After the attack of cramp has been stopped, it is necessary to give an intensive massage to the muscle and stretch it.

To minimize the likelihood of cramping during exercise, your muscles should be warmed up and stretched before you begin. To do this, perform bends with lunges, body bends without lunges, and squats. While bending, exhale and only after that you need to stretch the muscles.

Video: 3 ways to relieve cramps:

What to do if your calf muscle cramps in water?

If a cramp catches a person while swimming in a pond, then under no circumstances should you give in to panic. Whenever there is such an opportunity, you need to loudly call for help. In this case, you must continue to swim towards the shore, actively working with your hands.

The simplest solution is to roll over onto your back. At the same time, you need to breathe deeply and continue to swim towards the shallows using your hands.

If a person is confident in his abilities, then he can relax in the water, taking the form of a starfish. While floating on the water, you need to massage the calf muscle until the cramp goes away. You need to be prepared that in such a position a person will have to plunge headlong into the water from time to time. Therefore, this method can only be put into practice by a swimmer who feels confident at depth and knows how to hold his breath.

So, immediately after a cramp occurs, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate it. After all, this condition is stressful for the body and needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible. Only after this should you search for and treat the cause of calf muscle cramps.

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