Medical equipment for home individual use

Physiotherapy at home. Device for home treatment

The procedures are prescribed for patients of any age, children after 4-6 months of age. The decision on the number and duration of sessions is made by the doctor. Physiotherapy at home is widely used. You can purchase the device yourself and use it as needed. Currently, physiotherapy is officially recognized by traditional medicine as a highly effective means of combating diseases and an excellent means of preventing relapses and deterioration. The use of individual devices increases patient comfort, improves quality of life, and allows for therapeutic and preventive procedures to be taken in a timely manner and on a regular basis.

Classification of influence methods

Physiotherapy includes many methods of influencing the body using electrical impulses, galvanic current, UV and IR radiation, water procedures, various types of massage, magnetic therapy and other stimulation. It is possible to use electrophoresis. In the latter case, medicinal and active substances are administered through the patient’s skin and mucous membranes, intensively penetrating through them under the influence of electricity. impulses. For cosmetic purposes, darsonvalization procedures and thermal paraffin treatment, ultrasound treatment, etc. are widely used.

Rules to follow when using at home

The procedure should only be prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of hardware treatment is prohibited. Exposure is most often carried out once a day. All solutions and medications for electrophoresis are mixed and prepared immediately before the procedure. You cannot delay sessions in the hope of increasing effectiveness. Practice moderation. A one-time exposure to the body should not exceed 20 minutes. The fabrics you will use during the procedures must be clean and made from natural fibers. They should quickly absorb moisture and must be replaced daily. If you follow all the instructions of your doctor and the instructions for use, the physiotherapy device will become your source of health and well-being for many years.

Medical equipment for home individual use

Treatment and rehabilitation of many diseases must be carried out on an outpatient basis. And this requires a lot of time, and sometimes serious financial investments.

But medicine does not stand still. Modern devices are available in versions for home use. Moreover, you do not need a medical education to work with them - everything is described in detail in the instructions. The most important point is to first consult with your attending (supervising) doctor in order, firstly, to select a device that is appropriate for your disease, and secondly, to minimize (or completely eliminate) the risk of side effects.

In the catalog of the online store "MedMag24" (Medtechnika) you will find:

  • Ultrasonic and vibroacoustic devices. Thanks to the effects of ultrasound and vibration, they help relieve pain, strengthen muscles and improve joint health.
  • Magnetic therapy devices. They increase blood flow, saturate blood cells with oxygen, relieve inflammation, swelling, accelerate healing and resorption of scars.
  • Heat therapy devices. They influence the internal energy of the body with high temperatures, reducing pain and spasms, improving blood circulation and enhancing the effect of medications used externally.
  • Darsonval devices. They have physiotherapeutic properties: they generate high-frequency pulsed modulated current of medium power, they work with skin inflammation, acne, blackheads, porosity, loss of elasticity, swelling, hair loss. They are used for both contact and non-contact procedures.
  • Breathalyzers. Determine the blood alcohol content in ppm. Compact and easy to use.
  • Portable first aid kits. For drivers, special enterprises, mothers and children, child care institutions and emergency doctors.
  • Glucometers and test strips. Blood sugar levels are measured. Equipped with sampling tools, test strips and batteries.
  • Breathing simulators. Anti-snoring, for training the cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems.
  • Inhalers for children and adults. Steam, compression nebulizers, ultrasonic and membrane.
  • Infrared lamps. Another type of physiotherapeutic products, based on the effects of infrared radiation. For hair restoration, wound healing, strengthening the immune system, removing toxins, normalizing blood pressure and muscle tone, eliminating pain and inflammation.
  • Quartz lamps and irradiators. Against bacteria and germs.
  • Devices for quantum therapy. By influencing quantum radiation, close to natural, they help in more than 200 directions (central nervous system, digestion, endocrine system, cardiac activity, etc.).
  • Oxygen cartridges, pillows of Russian and foreign production. Indispensable for people with asthma, lung and heart diseases, especially in chronic form.
  • Pulse oximeters. Check the level of oxygen saturation of the blood.
  • Thermometers. Electronic and digital, contact and non-contact, with different speeds of temperature measurement.
  • Tonometers. Mechanical and automatic.
  • Stethoscopes and stethophonendoscopes for listening to tones and noises when measuring blood pressure.
  • Blue lamps (Minin reflectors) for the treatment of inflammation, ARVI, arthritis, sprains, central nervous system problems and heart diseases.
  • Salt warmers for feet and body. They work autonomously (without connecting to an electrical network) and do not burn.
  • Alcohol meters, hydrometers, vinometers and other instruments for determining the density of liquids used in the preparation of drinks.
  • Sound amplifiers. A simplified and more cost-effective alternative to hearing aids, unless there is a complete hearing loss.
  • Devices for photo and color therapy. Designed for treatment by exposure to red and IR light. Most often used in cosmetology.
  • Electrophoresis, galvanometers, electropuncture devices. Unlike Darsonval, they generate a continuous (direct) current of low voltage. But they work with approximately the same list of dysfunctions.
  • Other health products (the catalog is constantly updated).

To buy medical equipment for home use from us, add the selected products to your cart and fill out an online application - we will call you back shortly. Or dial us yourself using one of the numbers in the site header.

Before ordering, be sure to consult your doctor.

Benefits of physical therapy at home

Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures at home provides several advantages:

  • Saves time - there is no need to go to the medical center and wait in line at the office;
  • Ensures safety - during a pandemic and the spread of respiratory infections, visiting the clinic is accompanied by a certain risk;
  • Suitable for seriously ill patients, people with difficulty moving, people with weakened immune systems, and people with disabilities;
  • Allows you to get not only a therapeutic effect, but also pleasure - relax, unwind, temporarily escape from business and problems;
  • Reduces the time required to treat diseases and recover from injuries;
  • Allows for individual selection of procedures, their duration and other parameters;
  • Guarantees comfort - at home you can sit with maximum comfort, which is practically unattainable in medical institutions.

Physiotherapy devices are designed so that they can be used without special training. Controlling the devices is intuitive; all the necessary information is in the instructions.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of respiratory diseases

It is very convenient to have a home apparatus for carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures if you have respiratory diseases. Such health problems are protracted, and therefore home treatments will help save the patient a lot of time and effort. Carrying out at home is quite effective and convenient. It is used for bronchitis, rhinitis, asthmatic syndrome, tracheitis and pleurisy. You can’t do without physiotherapy for sinusitis and otitis. Such sessions are an excellent addition to drug therapy prescribed by a doctor and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Devices for home physiotherapy

There are several types of physiotherapeutic procedures that can be performed at home. Depending on the purpose and the effect recommended by the doctor, the appropriate devices are selected:

  • Infrared lamp – improves blood circulation, activates metabolism. The light flux is directed to a specific area of ​​the body, warming it up, dilating the blood vessels. This effect helps to cope with stress, get rid of muscle pain, and has a beneficial effect on problems with veins and skin, hypertension, and rheumatic joint diseases. IR lamps are effective for the prevention and treatment of colds in the ENT organs. In addition, the devices create a rejuvenating effect for the skin;

  • Fluorescent lamp - stimulates the production of vitamin D, reduces the concentration of the hormone cortisol in the blood, reduces nervousness, fatigue, stress, and helps normalize biorhythms. Such a device is especially relevant in winter, because the lack of sunlight negatively affects many body systems;
  • Compression machine for veins - improves blood circulation, relieves heaviness in the legs, relieves the feeling of fatigue and muscle strain. The principle of operation of the device is to inflate and deflate air cushions in a certain sequence, and the intensity of the process can be adjusted. This type of physiotherapy prevents the formation of spider veins on the legs and varicose veins;
  • Electric myostimulator - helps reduce pain in the joints, accelerates lymph flow, and normalizes blood circulation. The device operates using TENS technology, based on the targeted and safe effects of electric current;

  • Massagers are devices that accelerate the movement of blood to organs and tissues, improve muscle tone, help burn subcutaneous fat, relieve fatigue and help you relax. Massagers can be compact or larger, they work on different principles - from vibration to the shiatsu method, they work on various parts of the body, so you can always choose the right option for yourself.

The use of devices for home physiotherapy is especially effective in combination with other therapeutic, preventive, and restorative measures.

Physiotherapy for children

Physiotherapy should be used with extreme caution in children. Appropriate methods can be used even for newborns, but the procedure time must be limited. This is due to the ongoing formation of the nervous system and the rapid depletion of responses in children.

To avoid overworking the young patient, no more than one procedure is prescribed during the day. A repeated course is prescribed after a longer period of time than for an adult. Treatment begins with minimal dosages with a gradual increase to the optimal level, while the body's response to physiotherapeutic measures is carefully monitored.

Indications for physiotherapeutic procedures for children are:

  • Diseases of the navel, phlegmon in newborns;
  • Consequences of birth trauma;
  • Prevention and treatment of rickets;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Some heart diseases;
  • Scoliotic disease;
  • Dislocation of the hip or congenital clubfoot.

The procedures are carried out no earlier than an hour after eating. For young children, procedures are performed only in the presence of an adult.

Contraindications for home hardware physiotherapy

It is important to keep in mind that there are a number of diseases for which such procedures are contraindicated:

for thrombophlebitis, it is not recommended to carry out hardware treatment without the supervision of a doctor. Since separation and breakage of the blood clot is possible, which is fraught with serious consequences for the patient;

  • people after heart attack and stroke;
  • having a pacemaker. Since it is possible that its operation may be disrupted;
  • for carcinoma, any types of oncology, as it can provoke tumor growth;
  • during pregnancy, use with caution, only under medical supervision;
  • in case of individual intolerance (extremely rare).
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