The tongue goes numb: what does it mean, causes, treatment

A condition in which a certain area of ​​the tongue or an entire organ loses sensitivity is called paresthesia. There are many reasons why the tip, middle or root of the tongue goes numb. These include both the impact of external factors and serious diseases that require immediate medical intervention.

How does tongue numbness occur?

Numbness of the tongue (paresthesia) manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes there is a slight and unnoticeable tingling sensation, which does not cause virtually any discomfort. In some cases, a strong tingling sensation occurs, “goosebumps”, and a symptom such as loss of sensitivity progresses. It often happens that in parallel with numbness of the tongue, numbness of the lips also occurs.

In any case, it will not be possible to find out the reasons for the occurrence of such a condition on your own. Only with a thorough examination by specialists can the source of this pathology be detected and proper treatment received.

Sore throat

Discomfort and sore throat with VSD occurs due to spasms of the muscles of the pharynx and larynx. If patients feel a lump in the throat during VSD, an experienced neurologist at the Yusupov Hospital will tell you how to get rid of this symptom.

A sore throat occurs in patients with VSD during the daytime. Many people experience serious stress when this symptom appears, as they consider discomfort in grief to be a manifestation of dangerous diseases, such as a malignant tumor or goiter of the thyroid gland. To eliminate throat discomfort, many people prefer to drink water, which brings temporary relief, but to completely eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to get rid of the root cause.

Causes of paresthesia

The main reasons causing numbness of the tongue:

  • This condition can be caused by various problems associated with the spine, often affecting the cervical spine. In addition, frequent headaches, discomfort in the neck, numbness of the fingers, and decreased vision may indicate cervical osteochondrosis. It is also necessary to trace in what position the numbness occurs, as this can help to find out the exact causes of the disease.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland often provokes a similar symptom. To find out, you need to undergo examination by an endocrinologist.
  • Overuse of antibiotics often causes tongue numbness
  • A disease such as diabetes mellitus leads to dryness of the oral mucosa and becomes the reason for the development of such a pathological condition. Patients often observe, in addition to impaired sensitivity of the tongue, numbness of the lips, especially the upper ones. The reasons for this are low blood glucose levels or improper use of insulin.
  • Vascular diseases, stroke and heart attack can also affect the development of tongue paresthesia. Therefore, do not forget that numbness can be associated with serious illnesses
  • When removing or treating teeth, the dentist may touch a nerve, which sometimes impairs the sensitivity of the tongue. In this case, there is no need to worry, these symptoms pass quickly
  • Severe stress and regular experiences often become the reason for the development of the above phenomenon
  • A lack of vitamin B 12 causes various disorders and disruptions in the body, including numbness of the tongue.
  • In addition to the listed factors, toothpaste that contains low-quality substances or chewing gum can affect numbness of the tongue and lips. In this case, you must stop using toothpaste and chewing gum.

What will help restore sensitivity?

If during VSD your arms or legs are numb, you feel chills - take a hot shower, put on socks, wrap yourself in a warm blanket.

A hot drink will not only warm you up, but also activate reflex mechanisms that will return normal sensitivity to your limbs.

If numbness occurs after stress, take a sedative and try to sleep. For vegetative-vascular dystonia, Glycine is the best choice. Unlike herbal preparations, it will improve metabolism in nervous tissue at the cellular level and help recover from stress.

The combination of glutamic acid, glycine and cystine in Eltacin® helps to gradually bring dystonia under control and reduce the frequency of all symptoms. We recommend taking it in courses, as well as if your arms, legs or tongue become suddenly numb. After two or three courses of amino acids, manifestations of VSD will bother you less and less often, including sensory disturbances.

Numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips

Numbness often affects the tip of the tongue and lips, causing discomfort; the reasons for this are:

  • A side effect from certain medications, in particular antibiotics. By damaging nerve endings, they can cause numbness of the entire tongue, as well as its tip and lips.
  • Some diseases of the oral cavity and speech. Often such a disease is glossalgia. It often occurs in women after 40 years of age, causing problems with the digestive system, endocrine disorders, etc.
  • Age characteristics. For the most part, this applies to women during menopause. This period in the fairer sex is associated with various disruptions and changes in the body, the mucous membrane is disrupted and this often affects the sensitivity of the tip of the tongue, and sometimes the lips.
  • Various allergic reactions. It is known that allergies are characterized by swelling, impaired sensitivity, difficulty breathing, and numbness of the lips and tongue is often observed.
  • Often, numbness of the lips is associated with various mental disorders. At the same time, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, redness of the face, and a feeling of anxiety develop.
  • High blood pressure can also lead to severe numbness of the lips, and loss of sensation in the lower extremities can also occur. In this case, you need to take medications that lower blood pressure or, in more complex cases, call a medical team.
  • Side effects during pregnancy associated with increased blood pressure and swelling.
  • Poisoning, alcohol and tobacco abuse, radiation.

In addition, numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips can also be observed in certain diseases:

  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Neuritis
  • Syphilis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Brain tumors
  • Malignant tumors of the spinal cord
  • Bell's palsy
  • Certain types of migraine.

In addition to the listed diseases, this phenomenon is diagnosed with tumors of the nasopharynx, multiple sclerosis, herpes zoster on the face, with some viral infections, etc.

Diagnosis of these pathologies is possible only in medical centers; in no case can such diseases be treated independently.

Particular attention should be paid to vascular problems, since they are becoming the leading cause of death in the world. In addition to impaired coordination and speech, a patient with a stroke attack is almost always diagnosed with numbness of the lips and tongue, and sometimes paralysis of one part of the face. If the listed signs are observed, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, place the patient on a high pillow, provide access to air, and do not use any medications yourself.


Excessive sweating with VSD is a common symptom in which people try to get rid of the problem on their own. Self-medication for vegetative-vascular dysfunction can lead to the development of other manifestations of VSD.

Disorders in the functioning of the nervous system cause excessive sweating, which makes a person feel insecure. A lump in the throat with VSD and other symptoms if left untreated can cause consequences. Thus, with increased sweating, a favorable environment is created for the development of infections. The protective functions of the skin gradually deteriorate, so the skin can be affected by fungus.

To reduce sweating, specialists at the Yusupov Hospital recommend that patients get rid of bad habits, adhere to proper nutrition, and maintain a daily routine. During sessions, psychotherapists at the Yusupov Hospital help patients reduce anxiety and learn to relax.


If numbness of the lips and tongue is observed with cervical osteochondrosis, it is treated with medications, and also includes massage and physical therapy. Regarding this condition with neuritis, the therapeutic course includes: glucocorticoids, vasodilators, vitamins. When such a phenomenon is observed in viral diseases, treatment of the underlying pathology is mandatory.

Multiple sclerosis, which causes numbness of the lips and tongue, is treated with hormone therapy, immunomodulators, and some other drugs. This therapy allows you to cope with this disease and remove numbness.

Allergies can also cause the above condition. In this case, the allergen is determined; for the most part, food products and some medications can cause an allergic reaction. In parallel with this, antihistamines are prescribed.

It must be remembered that almost always numbness of the lips and tongue appears against the background of some ailment, so it is necessary to initially treat the underlying disease.

Numbness of the tongue and lips at first glance seems like a minor problem. But, having found out why this can happen, and if it concerns certain diseases, you should seek medical help, where they will help make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.


The cause of tongue numbness is determined by a dentist. Patients with neurological symptoms are referred for consultation to a neurologist. In the absence of manifestations of dental and neurological diseases, an extensive examination is carried out with the involvement of a gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, and other specialists. To make a diagnosis:

  • Dental examination.
    The doctor assesses the condition of the tongue, identifies areas of epithelial desquamation, cracks, and signs of inflammation. Examines the oral cavity for other changes, specifies the type of fillings and dentures.
  • Neurological examination
    . For isolated pathologies, curtain and pharyngeal reflexes and the excitability of the muscle fibers of the tongue are examined. For neurological diseases, reflexes, muscle strength, and sensitivity in various parts of the body are examined.
  • Saliva studies
    . The water indicator is determined using special strips. Potential differences are measured to detect galvanic currents. The subjects are prescribed sialography and ultrasound of the salivary glands.
  • Other instrumental techniques
    . For glossodynia and glossalgia, electromyography is performed. If diseases of the digestive system are suspected, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and gastroscopy are performed.
  • Lab tests
    . As part of a laboratory examination, microscopic and microbiological examination of saliva, general and biochemical blood tests, and determination of the acidity of gastric juice can be performed.

Examination of the tongue

Bilateral and unilateral numbness

When the glossopharyngeal nerve is damaged, the root of the tongue becomes numb or sensation loss occurs on one side of the organ. In addition, salivation will be impaired, pain will appear in the ear, oral organs, and tonsils. Nerve damage, in turn, is caused by injuries, infections, and tumors.

Loss of sensitivity on the sides of the organ or only on one side may indicate osteochondrosis, which means that a nerve has been compressed in the cervical spine. Other possible reasons include:

  • laryngeal cancer;
  • touching a nerve during tooth extraction or other operations in the oral cavity;
  • laryngeal carcinoma.

Psychogenic disorders also provoke paresthesia on both sides of the tongue. This alarming condition can be accompanied by several symptoms:

  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the solar plexus area.

Therapeutic measures

Since numbness of the tongue is only a symptom, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the disease that caused it. If you have dental problems, you may need:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • grinding sharp areas of teeth, giving them a rounded shape;
  • correction or replacement of prostheses;
  • elimination of dissimilar metals;
  • normalization of bite and chewing.

In case of chronic paresthesia, normalization of the functions of the body systems is necessary. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the recommendations of a doctor of the appropriate profile, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, the degree of neurological, endocrine and other disorders. Treatment should be comprehensive, with dynamic observation and rehabilitation measures. Physiotherapeutic procedures, vitamin therapy, and drugs that improve blood circulation and tissue trophism are widely used.

If a stroke is suspected, urgent specialized help is required. What you should not do is self-medicate. Even if nothing particularly hurts, but focal symptoms appear, an examination by a neurologist is required.

If factors that provoke the development or worsening of a psycho-emotional state are identified, it is important to eliminate them in a timely manner. Sometimes it is necessary to change the daily routine and normalize sleep. For successful treatment, it is of great importance to explain to the patient the essence of his neuro-functional disease, the influence of somatic pathology on him, an explanation of the causes of exacerbations, and often the need for repeated courses of treatment.

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