Pathologies of the fetal spine detected by ultrasound

How the spine is formed

The spine consists of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccyx regions. Thus, it is a shock absorber that dampens vibrations during walking and protects the brain from them. In an adult, it reaches 43–45 cm and develops until 20–25 years of age.

It is believed that a healthy back is a straight back. In fact, the normal shape of the spine is an elongated letter S. It is very important to take care of the development of this important part of the skeleton in the first year of the baby’s life.

1) First bend. When a baby is born, his back is curved in the shape of the letter C. He does not yet know how to straighten his neck and hold his head, so your help is constantly needed here. You may notice that when your newborn baby lies on his stomach or when you pick him up, he lifts his legs, knees bent and spread. So his spine takes the same rounded position to which he was accustomed before birth. He feels a release of tension from his back and hips. In this position, the baby feels calmer, digests food better and spends less energy.

2) Cervical bend. A few months after birth, the child learns to raise his head and turn it towards noise or light. This is how the muscles that support the cervical spine develop, and the second, cervical, curve is formed.

How to promote the development of the cervical curve of the spine

Now you need to allow the baby to be in a position lying on his stomach as much as he wants. Just don’t forget that what he’s most interested in is communication—don’t leave him alone for a long time. Sure, a mirror or toy will keep him entertained for a while, but if you don't show up to interact with him, he may start crying and getting angry. Here's how to organize your baby's time as he learns to hold his head up while lying on his tummy:

  • put it on your stomach when the baby is full, has slept, has a lot of strength and is in a good mood;
  • undress him and leave him in one diaper or without it, so that it is easier for the child to grab everything with his hands and hold on with his legs;
  • put him on a hard surface so that it is easier for him to push off from it;
  • make sure the surface is warm and comfortable;
  • you can lie down next to the baby so that he feels that you are nearby and ready to communicate with him;
  • Sing him a song, read a book, and otherwise create a positive emotional connection with tummy time;
  • Let your baby lie on his stomach every day for 30 minutes. This period can be “broken” by letting him stay in this position for 5 – 10 minutes at a time.

3) Lumbar curve. It is formed as soon as the child begins to crawl. By 12–18 months, when the baby learns to stand, the development of this curve will be completed and correct posture will be formed.

Now it is important to create conditions in which the baby can be on his stomach, as well as leaning on his arms and bent knees for as long as he needs: to play, crawl and just stand.

4) Sacral kyphosis (curvature) is formed when the child actively walks, by the age of 6–8 years.

How not to harm a child during the formation of the spine

Do not try to rush your child through all stages of his spinal development.

1. If you leave your baby in small playpens or with toys that make it difficult to move, or place him in such a way that he cannot try to move on his own, this will cause the spine to form more slowly. More serious problems may also arise.

2. Be extremely careful when using various devices. Rockers for rocking a newborn allow the baby to remain in the same position in the womb for too long and do not promote the formation of healthy curves in the spine. If you don't lay him on his tummy, he doesn't have the opportunity to get stronger and develop the necessary muscles. If you do use various devices, limit the time you use them.

3. Choose kangaroo backpacks with a hard back.

4. Support your baby's head, back and buttocks while he is in your arms.

5. Use massage and gymnastics: this strengthens the muscles and promotes the development of the spine. We talk about this here and here.

6. Closer to 2 years, it’s time to think about buying special children’s furniture that will allow the baby to draw, sculpt and do other things while maintaining correct posture. It is worth taking special care that he does not play with the tablet while looking down at it: all such activities should not lead to the fact that the head is constantly in a bowed position, creating tension in the neck and back.

Problems with the spine and their elimination in childhood

Very often, children who have disorders in the development of the spine sleep poorly, are capricious a lot, get tired quickly, fall and do not want to stand on their feet. Young mothers associate these problems with tummy troubles, childhood weakness and, sometimes, do not attach much importance, but this may be a signal of the beginning of the development of a serious problem. Pathological curvatures of the spinal column affect the function of the spinal cord: hence headaches, fatigue, pain in the back and lower extremities, problems with vision, digestion and a number of other unpleasant symptoms that accompany diseases of the main organs.

The correct development of a child's spine is a guarantee of beauty and health in the future. Torticollis, uneven length of legs, stoop and everything that can later cause not only illness, but also external deformity - all this can be prevented and corrected in infancy, it is only necessary to undergo preventive examinations of the baby in a timely manner. All these problems can be easily eliminated with a well-chosen course of therapy; doctors from the Happy children's clinic recommend:

  • therapeutic massages;
  • special exercises (even very young children need them to strengthen the muscular corset that supports the spine);
  • in difficult cases, wearing various orthopedic pads that will quickly help eliminate deviations.

Don't try to speed up spinal development milestones

1) You can’t drop your baby off when he’s not ready for it.

If a child is seated, despite the fact that the necessary neck muscles have not yet become stronger, the spine takes on the weight of the head. For him, such a load is too heavy, and it can damage him and prevent his internal organs from developing normally. Therefore, jumpers and other similar devices should be used no earlier than the baby learns to sit independently. But even then, the child should be placed in them in very measured doses, since they limit freedom of movement. He still needs to develop various muscles, including his abdominal muscles, which help him crawl and then learn to walk.

As a rule, the baby is ready to learn to sit at 6–7 months. But 5 is still early.

2) Do not try to put the baby on his feet by holding him by the arms if he is not yet ready.

You can do this only when the baby has learned to stand up on his own.

Body position of a newborn baby: vertical or horizontal?

What is better: to carry your baby in your arms, holding him in an upright position, or to carry him in a stroller, where he lies on his back? The first is preferable, since in the latter case the back remains in the same position in the shape of the letter C and the spine does not develop, muscle tone decreases.

Of course, you can push your baby in a stroller to the desired location, but in reality, many parents only hold their baby for a couple of hours a day, and the rest of the time he lies on his back in a crib or in his “personal vehicle.”

Here are other benefits of standing upright for babies during the day.

  • The risk of developing ear infections is reduced: they appear due to the fact that when the baby is most often in a horizontal position, mucus is not removed in the nasopharynx and enters the middle ear, causing inflammation and otitis media.
  • The vestibular apparatus develops: the baby moves with the parent.
  • The child feels safe.
  • He learns faster because he sees more objects and hears more sounds.

It is harmful for babies to remain in a car seat or carrier for more than two hours: their spine needs to develop, and this does not happen in the letter C position.


During pregnancy, the human brain and spinal column begin to form as a flat sheet of cells that folds into a tube called the neural tube. If all or part of the neural tube fails to close, the open area is called an open neural tube defect. A patent neural tube is open in 80 percent of cases, and is covered by bone or skin in 20 percent of cases. The cause of spina bifida (spina bifida and other defects) remains unknown but is most likely due to a combination of genetic, nutritional, and environmental factors, such as:

  • Deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B) in the mother's diet during pregnancy (taking enough folic acid during pregnancy may reduce the risk of developing this abnormality).
  • uncontrolled maternal diabetes
  • Some medications (antibiotics, anticonvulsants).
  • The genetic factor usually plays a role in only 10 percent of cases.
  • Mother's age
  • What kind of births are there (firstborns are more at risk).
  • Socioeconomic status (children born into lower socioeconomic families are at higher risk).
  • ethnic origin
  • obesity or excessive alcohol consumption in a pregnant woman
  • When a pregnant woman is exposed to hyperthermia in the early stages (sauna, jacuzzi).

Sleep and child health

When choosing a mattress for a child’s crib, you need to think not only about the baby’s health, but also about his safety. Sleeping on the stomach, an overly soft bed, warm clothing that is inappropriate for the weather, and wrapping the baby too tightly - all these factors are associated with SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome, which threatens infants. There is no need to be overly nervous, but you should take care to follow safety rules. So, what's important to consider?

  • Place your baby to sleep on his back, but not on his stomach or side.
  • It is necessary to choose a hard mattress that is precisely sized to fit the crib, stroller or playpen.
  • It is worth leaving the baby's crib in the parents' room at night so that the baby and mom and dad feel calmer.
  • During the day, do not let your child sleep on pillows, sofas or other soft surfaces.
  • Do not put a lot of warm clothes on your child.
  • Do not cover the baby in a crib or stroller above the middle of the body, especially not over the head. Choose only very thin blankets. Up to 2 years, it is better not to use them at all and buy special clothes for sleeping.
  • Remove toys and other unnecessary items from the crib while your baby is sleeping.
  • The same applies to things or clothes that the baby can pull off.
  • Do not leave your baby to sleep in a car seat or other crib that is not intended for sleep.
  • Until 1.5 - 2 years old, do not allow your baby to sleep with a pillow.
  • The soft side inserts in the crib must be removed when the baby has learned to stand, otherwise he will try to get out of there and may get confused, which can lead to injury.

Between 18 and 36 months, babies can be transferred to a regular baby bed.

  • The mattress should not be too hard and not too soft.
  • Choose a mattress with safe hypoallergenic filling.
  • Linen must be changed weekly.
  • Change the mattress every 3 years up to 10 years: they wear out and no longer provide full support to the spine.

Selection of interior items for a children's room

A comfortable and beautiful children's room includes furniture and much more. A chair and a bed are not only part of the overall interior for creating a cozy atmosphere in the room. This is also about the health of the child! The children's room should contain only the items necessary for the child:

  • a suitable sleeping area with a mattress;
  • storage cabinet;
  • high-quality equipment and several of its scenarios;
  • “smart” growing high chair with a set of settings (height of backrest, seat, footrest, depth of seat and footrest).

Do not overload the children's room with unnecessary items. This does not mean at all that children's rooms do not need decor. But it should be selected very carefully and observed in moderation.

Illuminated room - how to do it right?

Use several lighting scenarios (lamp on the table, floor lamp on the floor, ceiling lamp).

Table height - requirements for children

The height of the tabletop is determined according to established standards (the age/height of children is taken into account).

What is the right chair for a child?

A mandatory characteristic of a proper children's chair is the presence of settings that can be set according to the child's individual parameters. As the baby grows, the stool “grows” with him. The chair can be selected for any age.

High-quality models of growing chairs are made from natural materials, have harmless coatings and take into account all the requirements for children's furniture.

Massages and gymnastics

Light wellness massage courses bring enormous benefits to health and posture. Massages begin to be given to children, starting from infancy. The basis of the movements is stroking.

Children begin to practice health-improving gymnastics from about one and a half years of age.

What to look for when buying a growing chair - you can find out from this article

What is flat feet in children

Until the age of 3 years, a child’s foot is flat, which is called “physiological flatfoot.” This is normal: at this stage, fat pads make the feet plump and flat in appearance. After 3 years, it is important to select shoes for your child and monitor his harmonious physical development.

  • The formation of the foot occurs before the age of 14. Until about 6 months, the baby has no hard bones there, only soft cartilage; By the time of the first steps, about 25 bones are formed in the feet, which continue to grow and develop. It is very important that the baby’s legs are not subjected to prolonged compression, which can displace the developing bones.
  • Flat feet in children develop when the arches of the feet drop. The cause may be a weak muscle system, which is caused by diseases or improper physical activity, incorrectly selected shoes, injuries or heredity. As a result, the depreciation of the feet changes, the load on the spine and legs increases, which can harm the joints.

How to find out if a child has flat feet

It is worth contacting an orthopedist if the child refuses to run, complains of pain in the legs, gets tired quickly, if his gait changes.

Correctly and promptly selected shoes can prevent many orthopedic problems and flat feet in children.

Diseases of the children's spine.

Pediatric orthopedics studies the etiology and pathogenesis, clinical course and diagnosis of congenital and acquired deformities of the organs of movement and support, including prevention and treatment with restoration of function.

Interpreting signs of deformation or deviations from the normal development of the spine in children at different ages of life is not always a simple task.

In a newborn, the spine has the shape of a gently curved arc, i.e. uniform kyphosis: in the supine position on a flat surface, the spine becomes straight. At 3-4 months of life, the child raises and holds his head, tilting it back; as a result of balancing the occipital and scalene muscles, physiological cervical lordosis develops. At 6-7 months, the child sits, the spine is easily mobile and under the influence of gravity of the head, shoulder girdle, viscera, stable lordosis and balancing by the back muscles, thoracic kyphosis is formed. At 8-9 months the child begins to stand, 10-12 months to walk, and due to the muscles that flex the hip, the pelvis tilts forward, dragging the lumbar part of the spine. The torso in an upright position is balanced by the gluteal muscles and back muscles - a physiological lordosis of the lumbar spine is formed.

The physiological curvatures of the spine in the sagittal plane, which are characteristic of the adult spine, which appeared by the end of the first year of life, continue to develop and are individually formed during the growth of the child by the age of 17-22. Orthostatic, i.e. The vertical position of a person determines statics and posture. External conditions, daily routine, nutrition, physical overload during sports, past illnesses, as well as everything that introduces an imbalance into the balanced state of the muscular-ligamentous “framework” and spine have a great influence on the formation of posture. As a result, correct or pathological posture is formed.

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane with a convexity posteriorly. There are upper thoracic, lower thoracic, lumbar and total kyphosis.

Congenital kyphosis is observed extremely rarely and is localized in the thoracic and upper lumbar region. The deformity is detected early - in the first half of life, as soon as the child begins to sit. As the child grows, the deformity increases noticeably, proceeds painlessly and without neurological symptoms, and reaches pronounced proportions by the time of puberty. The child's growth is stunted. If deformity is detected, back massage and corrective gymnastics are used, and as the process progresses, surgical fixation of the spine is performed.

Acquired kyphosis can be the result of rickets, osteochondropathy, and compression fractures of the vertebral bodies.

Rachitic kyphosis is a consequence of general muscle hypotonia in severe rickets. Develops quickly as soon as the child begins to sit. Rachitic kyphosis is characterized by a uniform posterior curvature of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine. Therapy for such a condition is complex: it is, first of all, the treatment of rickets, mandatory fixation of the child in a special crib, and conducting massage courses to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, and limbs.

Lordosis is a curvature of the spine in the sagittal plane with a convexity forward. Physiological lordosis of the cervical and lumbar spine is the result of the formation of a person’s orthostatic position. Pathological or excessive lordosis is localized mainly in the lumbar spine and may be the result of pathological changes in the lumbar vertebrae and surrounding tissues of a congenital (spondylolysis and spontaneous spondylolisthesis, wedge-shaped vertebrae) and acquired nature. Among the latter deformities, it most often develops as a compensatory curvature when the process is localized in another part of the spine (kyphosis of the thoracic region, round back), with deformation of the lower extremities, dysfunction of the muscles of the trunk and limbs (coxa vara, ankylosis of the hip joint in a vicious position, congenital dislocation of the hip , weakness of the gluteus maximus muscles and hyperfunction of the hip flexors), etc. Congenital lordosis in older children with a latent course can manifest itself as rapid fatigue and pain in the lower back. Compensatory lordosis in children is most often asymptomatic.

When treating lordosis, it is first necessary to eliminate the main cause that caused the development of pathological lordosis. A special complex of therapeutic exercises, massage, and physiotherapy are recommended.

Scoliosis is the most common type of deformity in children. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine in the frontal plane, caused by pathological changes in the spine and paravertebral tissues, prone to progression of deformation with static-dynamic disorders and functional changes in internal organs. Based on the etiological factor, congenital and acquired scoliosis are distinguished. Congenital scoliosis - the basis of its origin are anomalies in the development of the spine and ribs (accessory, wedge-shaped vertebrae and hemivertebrae, synostosis of the spinous processes, accessory ribs), dysplasia of the lumbosacral spine, which defines the concept of “dysplastic scoliosis”.

Acquired scoliosis is more often expressed as signs of other diseases. Static scoliosis is observed with shortening of the lower limb, unilateral congenital dislocation of the hip, contractures of the hip and knee joints. Neurogenic and myopathic scoliosis occurs due to imbalance of the back muscles, with neurofibromatosis, syringomyelia, deforming muscular dystonia, rickets. Scoliosis is known due to extensive post-burn scars of the torso, diseases and operations of the chest cavity and chest organs. Scoliosis can be caused by tumors of the spine and paravertebral localization.

Metabolic disorders are often accompanied by the development of scoliosis.

Idiopathic scoliosis is a special, most common form that manifests itself as an independent disease. In the pathogenesis of scoliosis, great importance is attached to degenerative-dystrophic processes in the epiphyseal cartilage and the disc itself, epiphysiolysis of the discs under the active influence of the neuromuscular system. When viewed from the front, pay attention to posture; it is possible to identify a forced position of the head and asymmetry of the face, different levels of the shoulder girdle, deformation of the chest, deviation of the navel from the midline and different levels of the iliac crests. When viewed from behind, one shoulder girdle is higher than the other, the scapula on the concave side of the spinal curvature is close to the spinous processes and is located below the opposite one, asymmetry of the chest and costal hump, and asymmetry of the waist triangles are revealed. When viewed from the side, the severity of kyphosis and the size of the costal hump are noted. In addition to the examination, the specialist doctor also evaluates the mobility of the spine and the strength of the back muscles. The diagnosis of scoliosis is made after consulting an orthopedist with all the necessary tests and an x-ray examination of the spine with the pelvis captured in the anteroposterior direction with the patient standing and lying down and a profile picture in the lying position.

Based on localization, the following types of scoliosis are distinguished: cervicothoracic; chest (can quickly progress with severe functional disorders of breathing and the cardiovascular system); thoracolumbar (tends to progress with impaired respiratory function and cardiovascular system, accompanied by pain), lumbar (characterized by a mild course, rarely gives severe degrees of deformation); lumbosacral, in which the pelvic bones are included in the arc of curvature, creating a misalignment with a relative lengthening of one leg (may be accompanied by pain); the combined type of scoliosis is characterized by the presence of two primary arcs of curvature (it is stable). According to the severity of scoliosis, scoliosis is classified into first, second, third and the most severe fourth degree.

The progression of scoliosis depends on the age of the patient, the type and degree of deformity. An intense increase in deformation is observed during the period of rapid growth of the child, reaches a maximum during puberty, in girls at 11-13 years old, in boys at 14-16 years old, and usually ends when growth stops. For the most part, scoliosis that manifests itself before 6 years of age has an unfavorable course; it is more favorable after 10 and especially after 12 years of age. With pronounced progression, scoliosis is classified as decompensated, without a tendency to progression or with slight progression over a long time - as compensated. Children with compensated scoliosis of initial degree should be treated in a clinic and at home, with a slowly progressive course - preferably in specialized boarding schools, with intensive progression in an orthopedic hospital.

Treatment of scoliosis is aimed at stabilizing the existing curvature, preventing its progression and compensating for scoliosis by increasing the stability of the spine and developing an orthostatic position with restoring the balance between the curvature of scoliosis.

Treatment consists of a set of measures that include reducing the static load on the spine and organizing the correct motor mode in a preschool institution, school and at home. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that contribute to spinal deformation: prolonged sitting, incorrect position in bed, incorrect posture when standing, carrying heavy objects in one hand, etc. It is necessary to carry out a complex of therapeutic exercises (a complex of therapeutic exercises is compiled by a specialist in physical therapy individually for each patient or groups of identified patients) and massage courses, physiotherapy sessions. Along with this, sports games with a ball, swimming, and skiing are recommended.

Practice shows that conservative treatment complexes have a beneficial effect on the correction of scoliosis.

Preventive focus is one of the main links in pediatric orthopedics. Early diagnosis and treatment eliminate the progression of deformities and prevent dysfunction of the organs of support and movement. This determines the main task of the orthopedist and pediatric surgeon together with the pediatrician.

Prevention and treatment of flat feet

As a rule, the doctor recommends physical exercise to the child - for example, skiing and cycling, massage, and wearing orthopedic shoes.

  • It is not recommended to walk on rocky places and hard ground without shoes for a long time - it is better for the baby to stomp his bare feet on sand and loose soil.
  • It is harmful to wear warm shoes indoors, carry heavy objects, and stand without moving for too long.

The first shoes for healthy feet

Most pediatricians agree that before the baby begins to take his first steps, he does not need shoes. Of course, in cold winter it is necessary to protect the child’s feet: choose soft boots in which the foot will rest freely and the baby will be able to move his toes. Do not wear tight socks on him: even wearing them can lead to crooked toes.

The diagnosis of hallux valgus can only be made after 3 to 5 years. With this disease, there is curvature of the phalanx of the big toes, which affects gait, posture and often leads to complications. Hallux valgus deformity can appear in children who already suffer from transverse flat feet, have had little physical development, have worn incorrectly selected shoes, or have genetic or endocrine disorders. But this condition can be successfully corrected if you see a doctor in time.

Causes of intrauterine spinal abnormalities

The content of the article

In most cases, the anomaly occurs in the lumbar region, less often in the cervical region, and very rarely in the sacrum and thoracic region.

The reasons for such a complex pathology are still not clear. But among the factors that provoke disruption of the formation of the spinal cord, we can definitely highlight:

  • TORCH infection;
  • toxic effects of drugs;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • drug and alcohol use;
  • many years of smoking experience.

When does a child start walking?

The gait of a child under 4 years old is very different from the gait of an adult. And the foot itself is designed differently.

  • You should not buy special corrective shoes without consulting your doctor: excessive arch support can cause the leg muscles to develop incorrectly.
  • A variety of sensory experiences is the key to harmonious development. This also applies to introducing the baby to various surfaces on which he needs to be allowed to walk: the floor, earth, sand, grass, stones, logs, etc. Massage mats and simple exercises for the correct formation of the arch of the foot are perfect for the home: rolling on the floor sticks, drawing shapes with feet, grabbing objects with toes, rolling from toe to heel, etc.
  • Shoes must “breathe”. It can be made of textiles, leather or a special membrane, but rubber boots are recommended to be worn only for short periods of time.
  • The first shoe should definitely provide ankle support, but should not be too tight. Therefore, try not to lace your shoes too tightly: there should be free space between the child’s foot and the surface of the shoe.
  • The sole - even of winter shoes - must bend. A sole that is too hard can also lead to flat feet.
  • Remember that it is advisable to buy shoes in a fitting store in the afternoon. At this time of day, a child’s legs often swell and increase in size (especially in hot weather). In the future, you will have to check at least once a month whether the shoes are spacious enough, because the baby is growing quickly. Such checks also need to be carried out in the afternoon. Let us immediately warn you that the child “grows out” of the first shoes in about 3 to 6 months.

If the described requirements are met, you don’t have to worry that the shoes will lead to flat feet in the child - in a healthy leg, problems will not appear only from external factors. If close relatives often have similar problems, the likelihood of them occurring in your baby also increases, and in this case additional measures are necessary: ​​shoes with arch supports and special physical exercises. This will not eliminate the problem, but it will help prevent it from becoming more pronounced.

  • Thin leather or fabric is the best material for the top of children's shoes.
  • Flexible, fairly hard, moderately thin and non-slip sole.
  • Put the shoes on your baby and let him stand in them for a while. Then check how they fit: an adult's little toe should fit easily between the heel and heel, and there should be about one centimeter of free space in the front. Attention! You need to measure this centimeter from the baby’s longest finger, and this is not always the big one.
  • Shoes must fit not only in length, but also in width. Babies' feet are usually chubby, and this must be taken into account. Try squeezing the surface of the shoe over your foot. It should wrinkle easily. If this does not happen, the shoes fit too tightly on the child's feet.
  • Ask your child to walk around the store in new shoes for some time (ideally 15 to 20 minutes), and then carefully examine the feet. The slightest redness of the skin in places of contact with the shoes is a clear signal that the new thing will rub the foot, and you should not buy it.
  • Make a choice: laces or Velcro. Remember that the baby will very quickly understand how Velcro works and will take off his shoes himself when necessary and not necessary.

We wish your baby health!

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