What to do if your neck is stuck and it hurts to turn?

Whiplash is a non-medical term used to describe neck pain following injury to the soft tissues of the neck (particularly the ligaments, tendons, and muscles). This injury occurs due to excessive forceful hyperextension followed by sharp flexion or sharp flexion followed by extension. Whiplash occurs in traffic accidents, sports, falls and fights. The term whiplash injury was first coined in 1928, and it continues to be used to describe this soft tissue injury to the neck.

The spine is a long column of bones, discs, ligaments and muscles that extends from the base of the skull to the tip of the tailbone. The cervical region supports the head, protects the nerves and spinal cord, and allows for the necessary amount of movement. The main supporting structure is the vertebrae. There is a disc between every two vertebrae. At the back of each vertebra there are two facet joints, one on each side. The joints are shaped to allow for smooth back-and-forth movement and rotation while limiting excessive movement. Muscles and ligaments surround and support the spine. All of these structures are innervated, and damage to any structure can cause pain.

General characteristics of pain syndrome

A pinched neck is a pathological condition in which turning and tilting the head is accompanied by severe pain. The sensations can persist for a long time, aggravated by referred pain in the back, shoulders and arms. The nature of the pain is often asymmetrical, intensely expressed only on one side. The pain increases with palpation or turning the head.

A characteristic behavior when pinched is the rotation of the head along with the body.

Pain in the cervical spine (cervicalgia) is a signal of a negative process affecting the body from the inside or outside. Pain syndrome develops in response to a number of irritants, including:

Unpleasant sensations can be nociceptive and neuropathic in nature. The type of pain is determined by the provoking factors.


To identify deformation of bone structures in osteochondrosis, polyosteoarthrosis, and spondylosis, radiography is the most informative. Destructive and degenerative changes in cartilage tissue, including intervertebral hernias, as well as the ligamentous-tendon apparatus are detected using ultrasound, MRI, and CT.

Rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed by complex serological tests - the level of C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, and antinuclear antibodies is determined. Histology is indicated for suspected tumor formation to identify their malignancy.

MRI of the cervical spine.

Treatment of physiological pain

The most common causes of pinching are physiological factors. These include:

  1. Uncomfortable body position during sleep
    . A bad pillow and an uncomfortable sleeping place keep the neck muscles tense even during sleep.

  2. Sitting for a long time
    . Sedentary work leads to poor posture, redistributing the main tension from the back muscles to the cervical spine.

  3. Physical overexertion
    . Strength exercises and hard physical labor keep muscles in constant pathological tone.

Muscle hypertonicity is often observed after waking up. The symptom complex can be acute or chronic.

Treatment of physiological muscle-tonic disorders consists of relieving pain and optimizing loads. At home, ointments, compresses, and medications are used to alleviate the condition. To alleviate the condition and prevent nociceptive cervicalgia, self-massage is performed.

Ointments and compresses

Since the source of pain from physiological pinching is increased muscle tone, the main aspect of treatment is relaxation of tense muscle fibers. As a local remedy, it is recommended to use warming or cooling ointments and compresses.

You can buy such products at a pharmacy or make them yourself.

Cooling agents reduce the activity of nociceptive receptors, which are responsible for pain.

There are several gels, creams and ointments that can be used for home treatment. These include:

External soft agents help restore normal blood flow, reduce swelling and relieve the feeling of stiffness. Apply them 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.

Features of compresses

The therapeutic effect of compresses is similar to the effects of ointments. The difference between lotions is the way the active ingredients penetrate the skin. Compresses are made on the basis of liquid products that penetrate the epithelial layer more easily. Compositions made from the following components have a warming effect:

  • alcohol-containing liquids (medicinal and formic alcohol, vodka);

  • medicinal herbs (mustard, angelica, ginger, sage, mint).

The compress is applied to the neck in the area where the pain is most intense. To enhance the effect, the lotion is covered with plastic wrap and secured with a warm woolen scarf or scarf.

The product for compresses and rubbing Menovazin has a complex effect. Immediately after application, the solution cools the skin, providing a mild analgesic effect. When completely absorbed, the medicine begins to warm up the tissues. Heat relaxes muscles, relieving pain and restoring normal tone of muscle fibers.


To reduce hypertension and relieve attacks of cervicalgia, medications can be used. Pharmacological agents for home treatment and their purposes are given in the table.

Group of drugsName of tabletsPurpose
AntispasmodicsDrotaverine (No-shpa)Elimination of muscle spasms, restoration of normal blood flow
PainkillersKetanovPain relief

The use of tablets should be minimized. Taking medications orally is recommended only if there is no improvement after using external remedies.

Neck massage

If your neck is stuck after sleep or physical activity, self-massage of the collar neck will help restore normal condition. It is performed while sitting, with a straight back and legs. If the pinching radiates from the right side, massage is done with the left hand; if the pain is localized on the left, then the right hand is used. During the first procedures it can be very painful, so the massage is carried out with the utmost caution.

The self-massage technique is very simple - with an open palm, clasp the opposite side surface of the neck and gently rub it. The movements should go from the middle of the base of the skull to the throat. At the next stage, you need to place your palms on the top points of your shoulder blades, bending your elbows and raising them up. In the starting position, stretch a little and spread your bent arms, pressing your elbows to your sides (palms will be at shoulder level).

Features of treatment for stress

Among the physiological factors that provoke increased muscle tone, stress is also highlighted. A state of increased tension occurs when the body’s adaptation mechanisms to the effects of stressful situations are activated. In this case, additional methods are introduced into the treatment complex for cervicalgia:

  • meditation;
  • yoga classes;
  • aromatherapy.

Such methods allow you to minimize the negative effects of stress factors and significantly alleviate your general condition.

Clinical picture

When the neck muscles are stretched, acute painful sensations always occur. Their severity intensifies even more when you try to tilt your head or turn to the side. If a significant number of fibers were damaged, and the victim neglected medical assistance, then their improper fusion may occur. The pain is so severe that it radiates to the back of the head, shoulders, and forearms. To reduce their intensity, a person tries to keep his neck straight and turns his whole body to the side. Gradually, the acute pain disappears, but from time to time aching, pressing discomfort appears. They occur during hypothermia, sudden temperature changes, relapses of chronic pathologies, and respiratory infections. Other symptoms of a neck muscle strain include:

  • numbness of hands, decreased sensitivity;
  • neck stiffness caused by formed inflammatory edema;
  • unnatural head position;
  • swelling, swelling of soft tissues located on the back of the neck;
  • redness of the skin in the injured area, hyperemia, local hyperthermia;
  • spasm of skeletal muscles.

Compression of nerve endings leads to the occurrence of “referred” pain in areas of the body that have common innervation with the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral discs. For example, muscle spasms are often accompanied by headaches localized in the back of the head and temples.

The degree of stretching of the neck musclesCharacteristic signs
LightweightWith microtrauma, pain of moderate intensity occurs, often in the absence of swelling. Restriction of head movements is slight, completely disappears within a week
AverageSome muscle fibers have been damaged and will require at least two weeks to recover. The pain syndrome is intense, movements are significantly limited
HeavyMost of the fibers are torn, which manifests itself in the form of piercing acute pain, severe swelling, the formation of hematomas, and the inability to make any head movement. It takes at least 3-4 months to restore the integrity of muscle tissue

Strained neck muscles in young children are accompanied by more severe symptoms. The sensations that arise are so acute that the child’s general well-being worsens. Body temperature rises, dyspeptic and neurological disorders develop. Children must be hospitalized for further treatment in the trauma department.

Measures for myositis

Myositis is an inflammation of the muscles of the cervical spine, which is accompanied by shooting pain. Pinching due to muscle inflammation prevents you from turning your head, and in some cases makes it difficult to swallow. Severe inflammatory processes are accompanied by high body temperature and tissue swelling. Pathology appears when there is a draft in transport or under air conditioning, as well as as a result of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, traumatic exposure or toxic intoxication. Self-treatment of muscle pinching of inflammatory etiology is aimed at:

  • relief of the main symptoms;

  • restoration of normal muscle condition.

The medications and methods of home treatment are completely identical to the treatment of physiological pain in the cervical region. In addition to pharmacological agents, exercise therapy and self-massage are used for recovery at home.

Tablets for hyperthermia

With myositis, hyperthermia often occurs, in which the use of combined medications is justified. Adult patients can take Next or Panoxen tablets, which are combined antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. For treating a child, Ibuklin is better suited, as it quickly relieves fever and is suitable for young children.

Possible complications

Due to the lack of medical intervention, pathologies of the cervical spine provoke the development of complications. With osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, vertebral artery syndrome and radicular syndrome occur. The severe course of the disease leads to sad consequences: complete or partial fusion of joint spaces, the appearance of ankylosis - pathological stiffness or immobility.

Symptoms for spinal pathologies

Neck pinching is often a concomitant symptom of spinal diseases. Constant pain and limited mobility occur with degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory-articular pathologies localized in the cervical-brachial region. Factors that provoke cervicalgia are:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;

  • uncovertebral arthrosis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • radicular syndrome.

Cervical lumbago occurs as a result of compression of nerve endings. If you get a severe headache when muscles are pinched, then compression of the nerve is a consequence of swelling of inflamed tissues or tight contact of deformed joint-connective tissues. Such pinching is characterized by increased pain when turning the head sharply, coughing or laughing.

How does the condition manifest?

To begin therapy, the doctor needs to know details about how the condition that is bothering the patient arose. The main symptom is one: turning the head in one or both directions is difficult, and sometimes impossible, due to a pronounced pain reaction.

If the pain is one-sided, the head can turn in the opposite direction freely or with a less pronounced reaction. At rest, pain may be absent or mild.

In some cases, the patient may associate his condition with an awkward movement or some kind of incident, but most often there is an option when cervicalgia bothers a person only in the morning, and after some time after sleep the problem resolves itself. In the latter case, you need to start by organizing a place to sleep, and the pain may disappear. All other situations require a visit to the doctor: if you do nothing, the situation will get worse.


Home methods of recovery for inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine consist of the following steps:

  1. Inflammation suppression
    . To reduce inflammation and swelling, non-steroidal drugs for external use are used: Diclofenac, Voltaren, and indometacium ointment.

  2. Restoring muscle tone
    . To relax spasmed muscles, use ointments Vipratox, Viprosal B, Apizartron and other soft agents that are suitable for physiological pinching.

An additional therapeutic effect is provided by compresses with Menovazin and alcohol compresses based on warming herbs.

Medicines for lumbago

If the pain spreads to the tissues adjacent to the cervical region, take oral or intramuscular antispasmodics, painkillers and NSAIDs. The table shows some drugs that can alleviate acute cervicalgia.

Pharmacological groupNamePurpose
Muscle relaxantsSirdaludReduction of increased muscle tone, analgesic effect
NSAIDs and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)IbuprofenSuppression of inflammation, reduction of swelling, pain relief

Muscle relaxants are taken only if other means are ineffective. Restrictions on the use of these drugs are due to their effect - the medicine can lead to loss of mobility and difficulty breathing.

Physical therapy exercises

Relaxing tight muscles is a key element of home recovery efforts. Relaxation occurs both with a massage, which you can do yourself, and with a series of physical exercises. There are several main types of training:

  • turns the head (chin parallel to the shoulder and horizontal to the floor) alternately in both directions;
  • tilting the head to the shoulders;
  • circular rotations with outstretched arms.

A complex of therapeutic and preventive exercises (PT) increases the elasticity of muscle fibers and promotes decompression of pinched nerve endings.

It is necessary to do physical therapy exercises at a slow pace so as not to increase the pinching.

A set of dynamic and static exercises normalizes increased muscle and vascular tone. Relaxing-mobilizing loads evenly involve all muscle groups of the cervical-shoulder girdle, restoring neural conductivity. Recommended training plan if a nerve is pinched:

  • in the stage of intense cervicalgia for 10-15 minutes up to 5 times a day;
  • increasing and decreasing load during each exercise (peak intensity in the middle of the procedure);
  • repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

After the symptoms have eased, the duration of the warm-up is increased to 40 minutes. Exercise therapy is also performed after improvement, in order to maintain normal tone and mobility of the neck.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy

Electrical stimulation is used in sprain therapy. This is the name of the procedure during which injured muscles are exposed to electric current pulses. In pathological foci, blood circulation accelerates, microcirculation is normalized, and metabolism improves. From the first days of treatment, electrophoresis with anesthetics, analgesics, chondroprotectors, calcium solutions, and B vitamins is used. Under the influence of electrical impulses, drug molecules penetrate into the deepest damaged tissues, accelerating their recovery. The following treatment procedures may also be recommended to patients:

  • UHF therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • ozokerite therapy;
  • paraffin therapy.

Laser treatment for neck muscle strain.

At the rehabilitation stage, massage is indicated - classic, acupressure, cupping. During the session, the muscle frame is strengthened by stimulating the blood supply to tissues with oxygen and nutrients. In the treatment of sprains, acupuncture, manual therapy, and hirudotherapy (the use of medicinal leeches) are practiced. Patients are recommended to exercise daily to develop the cervical spine. Swimming, yoga, and therapeutic exercises promote rapid recovery of injured muscles.

Yoga is good for neck muscles when they are stretched.

Traumatologists strongly recommend seeking medical help if within a few hours the swelling spreads to healthy tissue and the pain intensifies. Clamping of blood vessels and compression of nerve endings is fraught with serious complications. Only timely medical intervention can prevent their occurrence.

Features of treatment at home

The neck often becomes stiff and painful from improper body position or from a draft. In inflammatory diseases, there is increased pain when moving the neck and body, and spread of cervicalgia to the shoulders and other adjacent muscles. With a long course of cervicalgia, the likelihood of developing myofascial syndrome increases. Pinching can be successfully treated at home using several therapeutic methods.

The effectiveness of home treatment is due to a calm environment and the ability to regulate stress. For all types of neck pain complicated by difficulty turning the head, the following methods are used:

  • rubbing with heating and cooling agents;
  • compresses;

  • medications for pain, spasms and inflammation.

An additional effect is provided by a course of massage (self-massage) and regular exercise therapy.

Which doctor should I contact?

With complaints of pain in the neck, people usually turn to a vertebrologist, and if he is not on staff at the hospital, to a neurologist. If you suspect an injury, it is advisable to make an appointment with a traumatologist. Rheumatoid arthritis is treated by a rheumatologist. You can also contact a therapist, who, after the examination, will refer the patient to a specialist doctor.

Neck muscle spasm due to nerves

Modern people often experience spasms in the deep muscles of the neck due to the negative effects of stress hormones. In moments of strong psycho-emotional stress, cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine are released into the human blood. They specifically act on all tissues:

  • muscle fibers spasm and overstrain;
  • the vascular wall contributes to the narrowing of the lumen of capillaries and arterioles, as a result of which the nutrition of myocytes is reduced;
  • connective tissue begins to retain intercellular fluid, which causes the development of edema syndrome;
  • ligaments and tendons become tense;
  • there is a negative effect on the cerebral structures and the central nervous system, as a result of which nerve impulses are produced, instructing the myocytes to tense up.

A spasm of the neck muscles due to nervousness is a very dangerous condition. It is this that can provoke primary degenerative dystrophic changes in cartilaginous tissues, which will subsequently cause the development of osteochondrosis and its long-term consequences, such as protrusion, extrusion and herniation of the intervertebral disc.

Therapeutic approach

An exceptionally comprehensive approach can produce the maximum therapeutic effect, which is why doctors, in combination with drug therapy, prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures and even traditional medicine recipes. The complex of components of therapeutic measures depends on the root cause of the pathology. In rare cases, the specialist is forced to use surgical techniques.

Pharmaceutical products are also used. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease, relieving inflammation and restoring blood circulation. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated. The latter also have pain-relieving properties:

  • "Nise";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Voltaren";
  • "Nimesil";
  • "Nimesulide";
  • "Fastum gel".

In order to enhance the effect of prescribed medications, a regime of wakefulness and rest, as well as adherence to a special diet, is necessary. Typically, the diet for a pinched nerve bundle in the neck involves consuming healthy foods to maintain an appropriate balance of nutrients.

Therefore, it is important to exclude unhealthy foods from the diet (fast foods, chips, fatty foods, carbonated sweet drinks, etc.)

Tablets or ointment?

If your neck is so shot that any movement causes burning pain and it’s difficult to even lie down, it’s better to take a painkiller or anti-inflammatory medicine. Your home medicine cabinet will probably contain Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nise or Dexalgin. Any product based on metamizole sodium is also suitable - Baralgin, Tempalgin or Pentalgin.

Help: an Aspirin tablet will not only help relieve pain, but also normalize blood circulation in the affected area due to its blood thinning properties.

When taking drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), you need to be aware of their possible side effects. Medicines such as Diclofenac and Ibuprofen, as well as their derivatives, negatively affect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, they should be taken as short as possible, without exceeding the permissible dosages.

You can treat lumbago with topical treatments. In this case, warming and anti-inflammatory ointments will be most effective. They help both with injuries (bruises and sprains) and with neuralgia of various origins.

Finalgon ointment contains two active substances: nicoboxil, a derivative of nicotinic acid, which has a strong vasodilator effect, and nonivamide, a synthetic analogue of capsaicin.

Capsicam ointment, Finalgon, Nicoflex, Apizartron, Viprosal, Ben-Gay, Espol, Efkamon, Sophia cream, as well as Golden Star balm have a warming effect. Locally irritating properties are given to these products by components such as bee and snake venom, hot red pepper extract, camphor and turpentine. Therefore, before using them, you must read the instructions for use. Capsicam ointment, for example, is applied to the skin only with the help of a plastic spatula included in the package so as not to cause a burning sensation in the hands. In addition, each drug has contraindications.

Help: if your neck is pinched due to hypothermia or a draft, you can use vodka, medical or camphor alcohol for rubbing and compresses. After rubbing or applying a compress, the neck must be warmed.

Anti-inflammatory ointments and gels include drugs such as Ketoprofen, Nimesulide (Nise), Dolobene, Airtal, Nurofen, Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Phenylbutazone, Ibuprofen. To enhance the effect of ointments, after application it is recommended to cover your neck with a warm scarf or handkerchief. It’s good if the product is made of natural wool or down. It is best to leave the warm bandage on for the whole day or keep it on for at least 2-3 hours.

Therapy methods

Typically, patients diagnosed with cervical intervertebral hernia suffer from the pathology for more than one year, and exacerbations and remissions are regularly observed. Often, painful sensations weaken over time or disappear on their own a couple of weeks after a subsequent exacerbation.

Conservative methods of therapy will not help to completely get rid of the problem; it helps to cope with the consequences of the hernia’s impact on the soft tissue, muscles and nerve endings. Often, as a residual phenomenon, the presence of a vegetative reflex effect on the tone of vascular tissue - neurovascular symptoms - is observed.

Complex therapy involves taking the following pharmaceuticals:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (COX-2 inhibitors);
  • muscle relaxants with central action;
  • As auxiliary methods, medicinal electrophoresis using vitamins and aminophylline is prescribed.

When the exacerbation subsides, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures is indicated. To activate blood circulation in muscle tissue, it is recommended to perform physical therapy and massage of the cervical-collar region (movements must be extremely careful).

Treatment of cervical intervertebral hernia with relatively crude methods, such as manual therapy, traction, can cause a significant aggravation of the condition. This will lead to the development of serious negative consequences.

As an emergency measure, it is recommended to wear a Shants collar if pain occurs. The device is used to support the head and helps prevent sudden bending and turning of the head, which can lead to the development of compression symptoms and sometimes fainting.

After the collar is applied, it is better to immediately consult a neurologist and have an MRI of the neck performed; then you may need to consult with a neurosurgeon. This will help to assess the possible risk for a similar location of the pathology and determine the choice of treatment regimen.

Prevention measures

Neck pinching is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to take certain preventive measures to prevent the development of this disease. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • engage in active sports regularly. As noted earlier, people who lead a passive lifestyle most often encounter the phenomenon of neck jamming. Therefore, it is recommended to do gymnastics, go swimming or ride a bike several times a week. Just choose the most suitable option for yourself;
  • avoid severe overexertion, so before lifting something very heavy, warm up your muscles well;
  • try to always monitor your posture, especially if you have a sedentary job;
  • sudden changes in temperature negatively affect the body, therefore, in order to prevent neck pinching, drafts must be avoided;
  • visit a massage therapist regularly. You should only contact qualified specialists.

How to avoid neck pinching
Prices for massagers

By following all the above recommendations, you can protect yourself from neck problems. Also, with regular exercise, you can tone your body, which will be an additional bonus.

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What not to do

There are certain medication mistakes that need to be avoided. You should not pull yourself up, develop muscle tissue, bending your head or turning it intensively. Such overstrain injures tissues, making them more vulnerable. At the same time, the ligaments may stretch, causing severe pain.

It is unacceptable to immediately apply warm compresses to the problem area or treat it with similar ointments. Such exposure can provoke inflammatory changes and make the sensation even more painful.

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