Instructions for the use of Arteparon injections for various joint pathologies

Arteparon is a drug from the group of chondoprotectors. It is a mucopolysaccharide polyester of sulfuric acid. Its main purpose is to suppress the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage, causing cartilage tissue to wear out more slowly. Polyester also restores damaged cartilage cells and the structure of the joint capsule, which produces synovial fluid, as a result of which the trophism of the cartilage improves, it becomes more elastic and resistant to increased physical stress.

The drug is intended for intramuscular, intra-articular or periarticular administration and is available in 1 ml ampoules.

Brief description of the drug

Arteparon belongs to drugs from the category of chondroprotectors, the structure of which includes mucopolysaccharide polyester of sulfuric acid. The drug suppresses the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue. Thanks to this, the cartilage will wear out much more slowly. In addition, the product renews cartilage cells and the composition of the joint capsule.

Trade name of the drug


Active substance


Pharmacological group

Correctors of bone and cartilage tissue metabolism

Biogenic agents

pharmachologic effect

Chondroprotector with anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic effect.

Ampoules Arteparon

Release form and packaging

The medicinal composition is prepared in the form of an injection solution of 5% or 25%. It is a clear, sterile solution, sterilized by filtration, in a syringe, completely ready for use.

The drug is produced in ampoules of 50 ml, intended for intramuscular , periarticular and intra-articular use. 5 or 10 ampoules in a cardboard package.


The drug consists of mucopolysaccharide ester of sulfuric acid.


Luitpold Pharma, Germany.

Arteparon helps with joint pain

Interaction of Eroton with other drugs and substances

Eroton can interact with various medications and any other substances. It is not recommended to take Eroton with similar erectile dysfunction medications such as avanafil, tadalafil or vardenafil.

Do not take Eroton if you are also taking nitrate medications for chest pain or heart problems. These include nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate and isosorbide mononitrate. This concomitant use may cause a sudden and severe decrease in blood pressure that can be life-threatening.

In addition, there are a number of other medicines that may interact with Eroton, including:

  • medicines to treat high blood pressure (antihypertensives) or prostate disorders;
  • an antifungal agent (for example, ketoconazole or itraconazole);
  • antiviral drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

These are not all pharmacological drugs that can interact with Eroton. For more information on this drug, please contact your healthcare professional.


Grapefruit or grapefruit juice together with Eroton can increase the toxic effects of the latter on the body and lead to undesirable effects.

Mechanism of action and therapeutic effect

Arteparon is a drug from the group of chondroprotectors. It is a mucopolysaccharide polyester of sulfuric acid. Its main purpose is to suppress the production of enzymes that destroy cartilage, causing cartilage tissue to wear out more slowly. Polyester also restores damaged cartilage cells and the structure of the joint capsule, which produces synovial fluid, as a result of which the trophism of the cartilage improves, it becomes more elastic and resistant to increased physical stress.

A synthetic analogue of mucopolysaccharides of cartilage itself, for this reason, when it enters the body, it quickly reaches the diseased joint. There it prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue, inhibiting the action of enzymes that decompose the basic substance of cartilage. In addition, polyester relieves inflammation, normalizes blood counts, reduces lipid levels in the circulatory system, promotes the dissolution of blood clots, improves the permeability of the vascular system, restores connective tissue of cartilage, and increases the production of synovial fluid. The latter especially affects the reduction of pain and increase in amplitude movements of the joints.

Due to the fact that the volume of synovial fluid increases, the pain syndrome decreases, the amplitude of active and passive movements of the facet, knee, hip, and shoulder joints increases. The progression of the disease slows down and the number of relapses decreases.

It has anti-inflammatory activity, improves the rheological properties of blood, activates the process of fibrinolysis, has an antithrombotic effect, and reduces the concentration of blood lipids. Increases vascular permeability, helps restore damaged connective tissue, cartilage cells, and the lubricity of joint fluid.

Arteparon restores the lubricity of synovial fluid

What is Eroton?

Eroton is a medical drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the male half of the population. It increases blood flow to the penis and also leads to relaxation of blood vessels and muscle fibers of the penis, thereby promoting erection.

Eroton is a selective and potent inhibitor of the enzyme cycloguanosine monophosphate (cGMP) specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). Due to this mechanism of action, nitrogen oxide (NO) is released in the corpus cavernosum, resulting in the desired erection due to sexual arousal.

Indications for use

The drug is used for acute and chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by the formation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum. The list of indications for use of the medicinal composition can be presented in the following form:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, arthrosis of small joints, etc.);
  • arthritis and periarthritis (inflammatory diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues);
  • spondylosis (formation of bone growths on the vertebrae);
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • periarthrosis of the glenohumeral joint;
  • osteoarthritis of small and large joints;
  • spinal osteoarthritis;
  • spine fracture;
  • chondromalacia of the knee;
  • humeroscapular periarthritis;
  • dystrophic changes in articular cartilage;
  • limited mobility of the shoulder joint;
  • joint injuries;
  • further treatment after surgery to remove the meniscus;
  • periodontal disease.

It is worth noting that the medicinal composition can also be used to treat gastritis and gastric ulcers. In this case, the dosage regimen is determined purely individually.

Arthrosis is one of the indications for the use of Arteparon


Arteparon is contraindicated in the following diseases and patient conditions:

  • Diabetes mellitus type I;
  • Increased bleeding of blood vessels (hemorrhages);
  • Individual characteristics of the body;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Myocardial infarction in the acute period;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase;
  • Apoplexy;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Kidney and liver failure;
  • Prolonged course of endocarditis;
  • The period before and after surgery;
  • Postpartum period;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Allergic reactions to heparin drugs;
  • Children under 15 years of age;
  • Lactation period;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Simultaneous use with heparin and its analogues.

Arteparon is contraindicated for hypertension

Symptoms of an overdose of Eroton

When taking Eroton in the above prescribed dosages prescribed by a doctor or in a dose exceeding the daily dose, symptoms of an overdose of this medicine may be observed:

  • chest pain, which can radiate (give) to other parts of the body;
  • dyspnea;
  • painful erection that does not go away for more than 4 hours;
  • tinnitus;
  • interruptions in heart rhythm;
  • orthostatic hypotension (a sharp drop in blood pressure);
  • visual impairment.

If you observe such symptoms, you must stop subsequent use of Eroton and seek help from a medical specialist.

Instructions for use: types of injections and dosages

The drug is intended for intramuscular, intra-articular or periarticular administration and is available in 1 ml ampoules.

Intramuscular injections

The instructions for use of Arteparon warn that before starting therapy it is necessary to administer a small dose, approximately 0.3 ml, in order to check the body's response.

If the reaction is normal, treatment can be carried out: one injection 2 times a week with a 3-day interval between injections for 8 weeks (total - 15 injections).

After completing the main course, you can consolidate the result and carry out injections once a week with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

Intra-articular injections

For intra-articular injection, 1 ampoule (or 0.5) is injected into the knee joint 2 times a day, 1 time per week (total - 10 injections).

Injections into the joint capsule

Periarticular injections are injected into the joint capsule 2 times a week for 2-3 weeks. The interval between injections is 3-4 days. One feature must be taken into account: despite the fact that several joints are being treated, no more than 1 ml should be administered.

You can repeat the treatment after a month. If there is an acute phase of inflammation in the joints, then before starting Arteparon therapy you need to be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is permissible to inject the drug directly into the joint

Possible adverse reactions

In certain patients, as a rule, after the first injection, painful irritations of the skin, swelling, hematomas and hemorrhagic hemorrhages occur. In some cases, sensitization may occur.

Main features:

  • headaches;
  • tachycardia;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea.

Such sensitivity may appear a couple of minutes after administration of the drug or several hours later, so careful monitoring of the patient is required and if adverse events occur, immediately stop treatment with the drug, otherwise shock may occur.

In some cases, sensitization of the body can be accompanied by platelet aggregation and a reduction in their number; thrombosis and embolism may form, which also require discontinuation of the drug.

In addition to the threat of sensitization, the following may occur in rare cases during therapy:

  1. Allergic reaction to the skin (rash, irritation, urticaria).
  2. Anaphylactic shock.
  3. Minor bleeding under the skin and hemorrhages at the injection sites.
  4. Improper functioning of the digestive system.
  5. Hair loss (after the drug is discontinued, hair grows back).

Before the next injection, you need to ask how the patient tolerates previous injections.

It is also necessary to monitor blood counts, since increased sensitivity to the drug can be manifested by the combination of platelets and their quantitative decrease, which may result in thrombopulmonary embolism. In this case, you also need to stop treatment with this polyester.

Headache may occur as a side effect of taking Arteparon

What you need to know before you start taking Eroton

First of all, you should stop taking Eroton if you have an allergic reaction to it. It should also not be taken if you are taking medications to treat pulmonary hypertension (especially Adempas, an antihypertensive drug that stimulates the enzyme guanylate cyclase).

You should also not use Eroton if you are taking nitrate drugs (for example, nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate) to treat heart pain, since the mechanism of action of the latter is also associated with the release of the NO factor. As a result of this combined interaction, vasodilation may increase and this will lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure with possible loss of consciousness.

Before using Eroton, you should consult a doctor to take your medical history to make sure there are no conditions such as:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, arterial hypo- or hypertension, coronary heart disease);
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • retinitis pigmentosa (hereditary eye disease);
  • visual impairment;
  • blood diseases (for example, anemia, leukemia);
  • pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (complications of pulmonary hypertension, which affects small pulmonary veins);
  • liver and/or kidney diseases;
  • physical deformation of the penis (for example, Peyronie's disease).

It is also especially important to consult your doctor before starting this medication if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding a baby.

Eroton is approved for use from 18 years of age.

special instructions

The active ingredient of the drug is similar to the composition of the physiological mucopolysaccharide of cartilage tissue, therefore Arteparon is an excellent substitute for diseases of the spine. It stops the progression of the disease, restores metabolism in cartilage and bone tissue.

Due to the fact that Arteparon increases the amount of intra-articular fluid, the patient's active and passive movements in the spine are restored, pain is reduced and the number of exacerbations is significantly reduced.

  • Use with caution in patients with drug hypersensitivity.
  • Sodium hyaluronate should not be administered if there is significant intra-articular effusion.
  • It is important to follow general precautions for intra-articular injections.
  • Skin treatment at the injection site should be carried out with products that do NOT contain quaternary ammonium salts.
  • Immediately before administration, bring the solution to room temperature.
  • The drug should be injected into the joint cavity carefully. The drug should not be administered extra-articularly, including into synovial tissue or the joint capsule. This is fraught with local adverse reactions. The drug should NOT be allowed to enter the bloodstream.
  • After the injection, the patient is recommended to take a gentle regimen and avoid putting stress on the joint in the first days.
  • Do not use the drug if the syringe or packaging is damaged.
  • The drug should only be administered by a medical specialist.

Recommendations for patients

  • If you are overweight, you need to take measures to lose weight: consult a nutritionist and make changes to your diet. As your body weight decreases, joint pain also decreases.
  • It is necessary to avoid movements associated with stress on the sore joint.
  • It is very important to regularly perform physical therapy exercises (these exercises are performed lying down or sitting, and put stress on the muscles surrounding the joint, and not on the articular cartilage itself).
  • Walking on a flat road (at least 30 minutes a day) is useful.
  • Physical activity should be interspersed with periods of rest: after every hour spent on your feet, you need to rest for 5-10 minutes, sitting or lying down.
  • Hypothermia of the lower extremities must be avoided.

If these recommendations are followed, treatment with the drug has a significantly greater effect.

Walking and simple exercise improve joint health

During pregnancy and lactation

It is not recommended to use a drug for treatment during pregnancy, since there is no reliable information about the effect of the active ingredient on the fetus.

There is no data on the release of the active principle through the mammary glands. For this reason, during breastfeeding it is necessary to temporarily switch the baby to artificial formula. After treatment is completed, lactation can be continued.

In childhood

The drug is contraindicated for children under 15 years of age due to the lack of data on its effect on the child’s health.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcoholic drinks do not affect the effects of the drug.

What should you not do while taking Eroton?

When taking Eroton, it is worth remembering that you should not take it simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, as this increases the incidence of side effects, which can be extremely dangerous for your health.

Also, when taking Eroton, you should avoid eating grapefruits and grapefruit juice, since this fruit significantly enhances the pharmacological effect of Eroton, which can lead to complicated side effects and even an overdose.

If you are taking Eroton, you should not use other concomitant medications to treat impotence without first consulting your doctor. This can only do more harm than produce the expected, effective result.


There is only one analogue of Arteparon for the active substance - Mukartrin.

In agreement with the treating specialist, you can replace the drug with other drugs similar in pharmacological class: Artra, Dona, Structum, Alflutop. They are also able to relieve inflammation in diseased joints, restore deteriorating cartilage tissue, promote increased production of synovial fluid, stop pathological destruction in cartilage and nourish the tissue.

It is permissible to replace a medicinal product with another medication only with the permission of a specialist.

Consequences of an overdose of Eroton

In case of an overdose of Eroton, various symptoms characteristic of this drug, associated with its mechanism of action, may be observed. As a result of such an overdose, the following consequences may occur:

  • collapse (acute disruption of the blood supply to vital organs);
  • deafness;
  • retinal damage or blindness;
  • damage to the penis due to prolonged erection;
  • heart attack (myocardial infarction).

This is why it is very important to always consult a healthcare professional before taking Eroton. You must always follow all doctor's instructions and read the instructions for the drug.


Clinical and experimental studies have confirmed the effectiveness of chondroprotective agents, which include chondroitin and glucosamine. Among these drugs, the top five most commonly used is Artron Complex.

According to reviews, Artron copes well with pain, which reduces the need for parallel use of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers. The drug also eliminates the inflammatory process. Reviews indicate that after a month of use, patients notice an improvement in joint function, a decrease in joint and spinal pain. While taking the drug, joint stiffness goes away and swelling decreases.

This drug stops the processes of cartilage destruction and stimulates its restoration processes. Most doctors leave positive reviews about Artron; they note the drug’s ability to improve the functional state of the spine and joints.

Reviews and an affordable price for Arteparon indicate that the drug has declared itself as a highly effective remedy in the treatment of any joint pathologies (coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.).

Arteparon literally saved my knee joints back in the 90s. Before using it, I treated gonarthrosis with other drugs for a very long time, but there was no effect, or it was short-lived. Arteparon completely eliminated the pain and I returned to my favorite job. Despite the fact that the course of therapy is quite long, the result was worth it, and I noticed the effect of the treatment already halfway through the course. A miracle, not a drug! But they say that it is no longer sold in Russia, if anyone has relatives in Germany, then be sure to order the medicine for them.


Despite the fact that Arteparon has such an excellent restorative effect for our cartilage and joints, my attending physician immediately said that for better results you need to lose excess weight and do therapeutic exercises every day. Then the result will not only be good, but also long-lasting, which is what happened to me.


All my joints hurt a lot, they even creaked when I walked. After the arteparone injections, it became much easier, but she did not give up treatment, but completed it, as the doctor advised. I'm happy with the result - there is no pain, I move freely. Now we have to do physical therapy and eat right - more fish and dairy products, and we also shouldn’t get too cold and put too much strain on our joints. But the doctor also recommended doing at least one injection inside the joint once every two weeks to consolidate the result.


Several years ago I took intra-articular injections of Arteparon, and they helped me a lot. She tolerated the injections very well.

Now I wanted to do it again, but, unfortunately, at present you cannot buy the drug in Russia, just like its analogues.

Marina, Moscow

What are the side effects of Eroton?

Common side effects from using Eroton include:

  • dizziness, headache, fog:
  • heartburn, nausea, indigestion;
  • abnormal vision (blurry vision, changes in color vision)
  • runny nose and/or nasal congestion, nosebleeds;
  • problems sleeping (insomnia);
  • muscle pain, back pain.

If you experience any of the following conditions after taking Eroton, you should immediately seek medical help:

  • pressing pain in the heart, which can radiate to the arm, shoulder, jaw;
  • hard breath;
  • changes in vision or sudden loss of vision;
  • painful erection that lasts more than 4 hours (prolonged erection can damage the penis);
  • ringing in the ears or sudden hearing loss;
  • arrhythmia (pulse changes);
  • swelling of the arms, ankles, or feet;
  • convulsions;
  • feeling like you might lose consciousness.
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