Duralan: instructions for using a gel implant for joints


> Treatment methods

> Drug Duralan


Litvinenko A. S.

November 17, 2021 5239

Many people seek help only when piercing joint pain makes it impossible for them to move normally and lead an active lifestyle. One of the promising methods of treating osteoarthritis and arthritis, used in the Stoparthrosis clinic, is the intra-articular injection of the American chondroprotector - Duralan. Doctors note that the maximum effect of treatment with Duralan is achieved in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, experts recommend that at the first suspicion and symptoms of arthrosis of the hip, knee, shoulder and other synovial joints, undergo an examination and consultation with a doctor. Many people are interested in the answer to the question of where to buy Duralan in Moscow. Experts note its high availability in domestic pharmacies for over-the-counter purchase.


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Instructions for use

Duralan comes with detailed instructions from the manufacturer. The regimen for using the medication cannot be changed. Additionally, the instructions contain information about the composition of the gel for injection, features of its pharmacological properties and the mechanism of action on joints.

The manufacturer indicates specific pathologies for which the use of the medication is strictly prohibited. Separate paragraphs describe possible side effects and consequences of ignoring instruction warnings.

pharmachologic effect

The effectiveness of Duralan in restoring joint mobility is due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the drug. This substance is part of all tissues of the body.

The properties of Duralan are based on the action of hyaluronic acid

Its maximum concentration is found in the skin and synovial fluid. The hyaluronic acid contained in Duralan is preliminarily biosynthetically processed. The distribution of the drug in the joint tissue is carried out in a way identical to natural metabolism.

Pharmacological properties:

  • increasing the range of motion of the damaged joint;
  • improving the patient’s quality of life with joint diseases;
  • long-term elimination of pain;
  • restoration of the mobile function of the diseased joint;
  • normalization of the properties of synovial fluid and improvement of its viscosity;
  • restoration of some impaired functions of articular tissue.

Release form and composition

Duralan is available in the form of a solution for intra-articular injection. The drug is a sterile implant in the form of a gel placed in a special syringe with a volume of 3 ml. Additionally, the medicine is packaged in a cardboard box. .

Duralan must be accompanied by instructions from the manufacturer. Some items are duplicated on the packaging. The drug contains two components - stabilized hyaluronic acid and sodium chloride solution as an excipient.

Video: “What you need to know about hyaluronic acid?”

Indications for use

The main indications for using Duralan injections are pain in the knee or hip joints. The stage of development of the disease does not matter.

The neglect of the pathology affects only the frequency of procedures and the duration of time intervals between injections. Additionally, the list of indications for prescribing the drug includes the treatment of intervertebral, elbow, temporomandibular, ankle, shoulder, wrist and finger joints.

The gel is injected directly into the joint to relieve pain and acts as a temporary implant.

Indications for prescribing the drug:

  • osteoarthritis of mild to moderate severity (if localized in the hip or knee joints);
  • the need for pain relief after arthroscopy;
  • degenerative and dystrophic lesions of joints (finger, shoulder, intervertebral, etc.);
  • surgical intervention in the knee and hip joints (to improve the patient’s quality of life).

Directions for use and dosage

It is not recommended to use Duralan on your own. Before the injection procedure, it is necessary to prepare the patient and disinfect the injection site.

Access to the joint cavity must be designed in such a way that damage to nearby structures is excluded. If there is effusion in the joint cavity, it must be removed. Carrying out such a procedure at home is difficult (special skills are required).

Application diagram:

  • the contents of one syringe should be injected into the cavity of one joint (air must be excluded from entering the syringe);
  • if several injections are performed into different joints, then a separate syringe is used for each procedure;
  • injections can be repeated no earlier than six months after the previous procedure;
  • the standard dosage is 3 ml, but when the drug is administered into the temporomandibular, finger, ankle, elbow and intervertebral joints, the amount of gel is reduced (to 1 or 2 ml).

Interaction with other drugs

Hyaluronic acid precipitates when combined with antiseptics that contain ammonium salts. If it is necessary to take medications of this group, it is necessary to study their compositions.

It is unacceptable to co-prescribe Duralan with other drugs for joint injections. Incompatibility of some components will reduce the effectiveness of treatment and increase the risk of side symptoms.

Duralan (Dyurolan) syringe 60 mg/3 ml - Instructions


1 ml of product contains: sodium hyaluronate 20.0 mg, sodium chloride 9 mg, disodium hydrogen phosphate 0.14 mg, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate 0.03 mg, water for injection qs 1 ml.

Release form

The drug is produced as an injection solution in a pre-filled syringe. There is 1 injection per package.

Pharmacological properties

The drug is injected into joints affected by osteoarthritis to reduce pain and restore the lubricating and shock-absorbing layer, improving the quality of life. Hyaluronic acid has viscoelastic properties, which allows it to soften and soften the inner surface of joint structures and also helps maintain the correct proportion of fluid in the body. When administered intra-articularly, it improves the condition of the joint, relieves pain and increases its mobility.


Data not provided.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment in combination with the treatment of mild to moderate pain associated with osteoarthritis of the ankles, elbows, wrists and interphalangeal fingers and toes.

The drug is also indicated for the treatment of pain caused by arthroscopic procedures for osteoarthritis for three months after the procedure.


The drug should not be injected if the joint is infected or severely inflamed. The medication should also not be injected if there is active disease or skin infection at or near the injection site.

Duralan should not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to the composition.

If the patient has been diagnosed with an allergy or hypersensitivity to a contrast agent, the drug should not be administered under fluoroscopy if the use of such a contrast agent is necessary.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with existing chondrocalcinosis, as the injection can lead to an acute attack of the disease.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause negative reactions.

Drug interactions

Duralan does not affect the action of other medications, so it can be taken together with other medications, after consultation with your doctor.

Application and dosage

The drug is in disposable packaging - one injection. It can only be administered once during the entire treatment cycle.

The recommended dose for knee, hip and shoulder joints is 3 ml.

For medium-sized joints (eg elbow, ankle) the recommended dose is 1-2 ml, and for small joints (eg big toe) about 1 ml.


No data received.

special instructions

The drug cannot be administered intravenously or extra-articularly, into the synovium and joint capsule.

Duralan should be used with extreme caution in patients with stagnation of the pedicle of venous or lymphatic origin.

A separate syringe should be used for each joint treated.

Due to the invasive nature of intra-articular injection, there is a small risk of infection.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug has not been tested in pregnant or lactating women.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

No special precautions are required.

Terms of sale

As prescribed by a doctor.

Storage conditions

In a temperature range of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, in a place away from children.

Side effects

Adverse symptoms after using Duralan in most cases are temporary. In the first seven days after the procedure, swelling may appear in the joints and their motor activity may decrease. Pain of varying degrees of intensity cannot be excluded. If such conditions do not go away within ten days, then it is necessary to be re-examined by a specialist.

The following conditions may indicate side symptoms::

  • decreased range of motion of the joint;
  • transient pain;
  • swelling or swelling of the joint;
  • exacerbation of chondrocalcinosis.


When Duralan is used correctly, the risk of overdose is eliminated. If the joint injection is carried out in excess of the dosage, the side symptoms will intensify and persist for a long time. Carrying out the procedure by a qualified doctor reduces the risk of errors to a minimum extent.


Duralan is used with caution in cases of impaired venous outflow in the lower extremities. Duralan is used with caution in patients with severe impairment of lymphatic and venous outflow in the lower extremities.

The possibility of using the medication is determined by additional examination.

Absolute contraindications for prescribing the drug are hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid and intolerance to local anesthetics.

Other contraindications for injections:

  • inflammatory processes in joint tissue provoked by infectious diseases;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin at the site of the intended injection;
  • the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy, regardless of stage;
  • age up to eighteen years.

During pregnancy and lactation

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Next fact

Special studies on the use of Duralan during pregnancy in medical practice have not been conducted. Despite its relatively safe composition, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy. A similar restriction applies to lactation. After the administration of the medication, breastfeeding will have to be stopped.

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Duralan does not have a sedative effect and is not able to influence the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Use in childhood

The medication is not used in pediatric practice (age restrictions are indicated in the instructions).

For impaired renal and liver function

Kidney and liver dysfunction are not included in the list of contraindications and do not imply dosage adjustments for injections.


The need to select a replacement for Duralan may arise if the drug is unavailable due to high cost or if there are contraindications. Among the analogues of the drug for joint injections, there are several medications with similar pharmacological properties, but their effectiveness may be lower. If a patient has contraindications to the use of Duralan, then a doctor should select substitute drugs.

Examples of analogues:

NameDescriptionaverage cost
SinokromReady solution for injections, intended for the treatment of degenerative joint lesions3800 rubles
SynviscSterile pyrogen-free solution for injection, replenishes synovial fluid in case of joint damage6000 rubles
FermatronHyaluronic acid protector, synovial fluid analogue4000 rubles
OstenilMeans for local therapy of osteoarthritis of different types of joints3000 rubles

Comparison of the main characteristics of liquid endoprostheses

Synvisc Duralan Noltrexin
Number of injections per course 3 1 1-4
Molecular mass 6 million Yes 1 million Yes 12 million Yes
Therapeutic effect after the course 6-12 months 6-12 months Up to 24 months
Origin Biofermentation method (hyaluronic acid) A product based on synthetic hyaluronic acid of the highest purity Synthetic drug
Manufacturer country USA Great Britain Switzerland
Efficacy in late stages average low, medium high
Rate of elimination from the body average average slow
Possibility of an allergic reaction Occurs due to the presence of chicken protein (cases of anaphylactic shock have been reported) Possible Very rare - the drug is hypoallergenic
The presence of silver ions in the composition has a disinfecting effect No No Yes


Duralan was well appreciated by both doctors and patients. The effectiveness of Duralan is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.

The drug receives high marks not only from patients, but also from doctors.

After administering the medication to the joints, the pain syndrome is significantly reduced and the quality of life increases.

Most positive reviews are associated with the long-term effect of the drug.

Patients do not need to visit treatment rooms frequently. The effect of one injection lasts for almost a year.

If you have experience using Duralan, be sure to share it with other site visitors.

Price for intra-articular injection of Duralan

ServicesPriceSign up
Ankle joint1500 rub.Sign up
Knee-joint1500 rub.Sign up
Elbow joint1500 rub.Sign up
Wrist joint1500 rub.Sign up
Shoulder joint1500 rub.Sign up
Hip joint2000 rubSign up
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