Basic principles of Norbekov’s gymnastics for maintaining back health

All about vision

Poor vision can easily be called a modern disease. A sedentary lifestyle, daily work at the computer, unhealthy diet - this whole complex negatively affects our health and our eyes. Despite constant warnings from doctors and the achievements of modern medicine in the field of diagnostics, most of us tend not to take any action until the situation becomes completely advanced. But many diseases can be avoided and even cured by doing simple exercises at home or at work. The main thing in this matter is consistency, perseverance and, of course, desire. You also need to understand that the decision to treat vision with exercises involves maintaining a special lifestyle: it is necessary to give up bad habits, eat healthy food, get more positive emotions, otherwise the goal will not be achieved, since the health of our visual system directly depends on the condition of the whole organism . In our article we will tell you about the benefits of independent eye training, their types, capabilities, contraindications and implementation features.

Basic training

Special eye exercises are an excellent way to maintain good vision. Exercises will remove the tension accumulated during the day from the eye muscles, will always keep them in shape, and will prevent the development of diseases.

Four simple exercises are suitable for people suffering from myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. Visual training must be done slowly, with a minimum of effort, slowly and in a good mood. The main goal is relaxation and rest for the visual organs. It is better to do gymnastics in a comfortable chair; each exercise should be repeated two to three times, making sure to pause between approaches.

First exercise. Move the pupil vertically - slowly up and then down. Second, the eyes should now move horizontally (left and then right). Third, describe a circle with your eyes in one direction and the other. Fourth exercise. Find an object 20 cm away, focus on it, and then move your gaze to a distant object, then back to an object close.

Book “The Experience of a Fool or the Key to Insight”

It is better to read the book and form your own opinion. With a harsh title, the author criticizes himself and sick people for missed opportunities in restoring health. Has a negative attitude towards laziness and lack of desire to help oneself restore vision.

There are approximately equal numbers of supporters and opponents of the technique. This is greatly facilitated by M. Norbekov’s lack of a medical diploma.

The book offers the interested reader an introduction to the healing method. Instructions on physical exercises are provided, their expediency and practical significance are explained.

Some advice is intended to support a person’s self-affirmation and eliminate indecision and lack of will. Of course, the book is interesting for many readers, even for preventive purposes, and the author deserves gratitude for his work.

Relaxing the neck muscles

Excessive tension in the neck muscles interferes with blood supply, which negatively affects our vision. When doing exercises, do not forget to pay attention to the cervical spine. Repeat each exercise 15-20 times. Be extremely careful, do not make sudden movements, so as not to accidentally pull the muscles.

1. Start by moving your shoulders back and forth in circles.

2. Lower your chin as close to your chest as possible and then slowly tilt your head back.

3. Now turn your head horizontally. First, go as far to the left as possible, and then to the right.

4. Tilt your head back, gently move it in a semicircle.

5. Lower your chin to your chest, in this position turn your head to the left, then to the right.

6. Try to place your left ear on your shoulder, then your right. Do not raise your shoulders.

Performing these simple exercises perfectly helps relieve tension from the neck muscles, improve blood circulation, and normalize blood pressure. You will immediately feel a surge of strength and energy and cheer up. They are best done in the morning to wake up and throughout the day.


One of the most accessible and at the same time effective exercises is palming. The basic principle is to close your eyes with your palms and let them relax. You need to perform the exercise in a comfortable position. The palms must first be warmed by rubbing against each other, then placed on the eyes so that they are tightly closed, and the fingertips of one hand lie on top of the other, that is, crossed on the forehead. There is no need to put pressure on the eyes; the action should not cause discomfort. At the same time, bend your arms at the elbows and find support for them, it can be a table or your knees. In this situation, you need to calm down as much as possible, try not to think about something alarming or important, let your thoughts be positive, and the whole world will wait.

Peer into the darkness, the blacker the color you see, the better you were able to achieve balance, and the more your eye muscles rest. The exercise is recommended to be performed several times a day, for a total duration of 15-20 minutes. It has been proven that the warmth of the palms has a positive effect on the nerves of the face and the muscles of the organs of vision.

Improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles

There are three basic actions that will help ensure a rush of blood to the eyes, thereby saturating them with oxygen.

The first exercise is closing and opening the eyelids. Close your eyes and count to five, then open. Repeat 10 times. Blinking is also effective and beneficial. Quickly lower and raise your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Place the index fingers of one hand on your left eye, and the second, respectively, on your right. Massage your eyes in a circle. The pressure should be light so that it does not hurt. This should be done for one or two minutes.

The muscle of each eye should be in good shape. There are special exercises for this. Basically, these are movements of the eyeball to the sides, up and down. And also in a circle. Exercises must be performed regularly.

The role of posture in improving vision

M. Norbekov calls correct posture a “muscle corset” for the spine. It is no secret that the roots extending from the spinal cord provide nutrition to all internal organs. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the general set of exercises the author included movements for the joints and lateral muscles of the back, strengthening the vertebral ligaments and preventing the development of osteochondrosis.

All exercises begin with a load on the arms, then on the legs. Consistency is a mandatory component of the system!

First, exercises are shown for the upper spine, then there is a transition to the underlying vertebrae. The load, according to the author, should be distributed evenly. The effect does not depend on the person’s physical fitness.

Each exercise is repeated up to 10 times. It is suggested to monitor your breathing: inhalation is performed against the background of a relaxed state of the muscles, and tension follows when exhaling. The speed of movement can be selected individually. Results appear with regular exercise in 2 – 3 weeks.

Working with Focus

Our eyes have a unique ability to adapt to the environment and changes in lighting. The ability to focus (accommodation) is the most important ability of the visual organs. A great eye workout is changing your focal point. Here are some exercises for this:

1. Extend your hand in front of you, focus on the tip of one of your fingers. Slowly bring your hand to your nose without taking your eyes off it. The picture should start to double. Repeat the action 5 times.

2. Mentally divide the wall into four squares. Describe each shape with your eyes. Repeat 3-4 times. It is useful to vary the shapes - it can be a circle, a triangle or a figure eight.

3. Take a break from work and go to the window. Focus your gaze first on a point on the window itself, and then look into the distance, focusing your gaze on any stationary object on the street. Change focus from the window to an object in the distance several times. Do the exercise at least three times.


Light has a healing effect on vision. It has been proven that using it as an element for preventing the condition of the visual system is an effective approach. Of course, it is better to use natural light from the sun, but if this is not possible, then lamps can also be useful. The essence of the exercise is to look at the light source through your eyelids. You need to take a position so that the rays fall on your eyes, after closing your eyelids, you need to try not to squint, gradually getting used to the bright light. Then slowly turn your head so that the impact is uniform and versatile. Be very careful when sunbathing; under no circumstances should you look at bright light with your eyes open, as you can damage the retina, especially if it has pathologies.

After the exercise, it is recommended to perform palming. This approach is used during rehabilitation after surgery to restore visual function. Solarization promotes tissue regeneration and normalizes blood circulation.

Massage after eye exercises

Massage of reflexogenic zones serves to consolidate the effect on the muscle groups of the eyes.

To do this, it’s easy to find the right points on your face:

  • in the center between the eyebrows there is an unpaired point;
  • on both sides on the wings of the nose there are paired dots;
  • in the middle of the pit under the lower lip above the chin there is an unpaired point;
  • on the temples in the pits there are paired dots;
  • above the forehead in the center in the area of ​​the cape of hair - an unpaired point.

Alternately, make smooth pressing movements with your fingers, gradually intensifying them until slightly painful.

A significant addition to the technique of performing the technique is the author’s recommendation to perform the exercises in three stages:

  • the first - with open eyes;
  • second - close your eyes;
  • the third is to do everything mentally.

Training our memory

Our eyes only read information; we actually see objects with our brain. The psyche and vision are closely related processes, and memory is one of the main mental functions of the brain. It is no coincidence that we perceive objects that we remember better; our brain instantly completes the image, without spending a lot of time on recognition, as is the case with unfamiliar objects.

Hence the importance of training our memory. A memorization exercise is a kind of memory simulator. Choose an object, take a good look at it, and then try to mentally reconstruct the picture in detail. It must be performed without correction means. The subject can be figures, inscriptions, pictures - anything that will be interesting and useful for you to remember.

Getting rid of bags under the eyes

A bag under the eye is far from the decoration we want to see in the mirror. Moreover, he always “takes” his brother with him and they show off under both eyes at once. The appearance of swelling on the face is associated with excess fluid in the body. Therefore, to eliminate them, you need an integrated approach: reduce the amount of liquid consumed at night, review your diet, move more and get enough sleep.

Exercises are great for removing bags, and contrast washing is also helpful. Start your morning by washing your face first with cold, then with warm water. The procedure promotes the outflow of excess fluid, invigorates and improves the appearance of the skin. After that, do a little training:

1. Place your index finger on the center of the slightly open eyelid, begin to lower the pupil down, while holding the eyelid with your finger. You must close your eye, overcoming the resistance.

2. Close your eyes as tightly as possible. And then try to open them as wide as possible.

3. Stretch your eyes from the outer corner. Then, without letting go of your fingers, try to open your eyes.

Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?

Pregnant women benefit from physical activity (in the case of a normal pregnancy) and there are no individual contraindications, but they should exercise under the supervision of an instructor who can provide assistance in case of a sudden deterioration in well-being.

Pregnant women benefit from physical activity

Charging according to Norbekov is a comprehensive technique for healing the back and the whole body, the popularity of which among patients and practitioners of alternative medicine is constantly growing. Evidence-based medicine does not recognize the declared uniqueness of the program, since there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness. However, the exercises that are included in the Norbekov training complex can improve the functioning of the spine and reduce the intensity of chronic back pain, as they are aimed at stretching the spinal column and increasing the elasticity of the muscles that support it.

Start your morning right

Everyone knows about the benefits of exercise in the morning. Our eyes need it no less than our bodies. Moreover, you don’t even need to get out of bed to implement it. As soon as you wake up, do not rush to jump up. First, stretch and relax your neck. Open your mouth and eyes wide at the same time. Then blink quickly, close your eyes and relax your eye muscles. Raise and lower your eyebrows, repeat the exercise 3-4 times. Smoothly move to turning your head first to the left, then to the right.

Finish the exercises with palming. It will only take you a few minutes, but your eyes will be ready for work and a new day. After a few weeks of waking up like this, you will notice an improvement. Exercise helps improve visual acuity, reduce the risk of headaches and signs of stress and fatigue on the face.

Focusing on sensations

Norbekov forbids practicing in a sad mood and is an ardent opponent of laziness. Great importance is attached to understanding the importance of exercise, listening to your feelings, connecting attention to the feeling of coldness, warming, numbness in different parts of the body.

Along with physical improvement, personal growth occurs. The author claims that after a course of gymnastics, a person’s spiritual mood changes, self-confidence appears, and many managed to achieve professional success.

On the subject: Vitamins for the eyes - which are the best?

How to eat to see well

Poor nutrition is the most important factor in the development of various diseases, including visual pathologies. First of all, of course, you should adhere to the general recommendations of proper nutrition:

  • Minimize everything fried, smoked, salty, excessively fatty, and sweet.
  • Do not eat large quantities of semi-finished products and industrially preserved food.
  • Eat in small portions, but often. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables in season.

Eating certain types of foods is also beneficial for the eyes. These include carrots and pumpkin (rich in carotene), parsley, fish containing large amounts of vitamin A (sardine, salmon, tuna), and seaweed. Vitamin C, contained in rose hips, cherries, cherries, peaches and apricots, also has a healing effect. Corn, beans, and broccoli strengthen the retina. Don’t forget about cereals and various cereals.

Restoration of vision according to Norbekov M. S.

I would like to finish with Norbekov’s technique, since he popularizes the idea of ​​​​the influence of the patient’s internal state on the healing process.

The doctor of psychology has developed a theory according to which those people who have the right attitude, have a positive outlook on the world and do not get used to the idea that they are sick, recover faster. In combination with diligent implementation of the doctor’s recommendations and eye exercises, this method, in the opinion of M.S. Norbekov, can give incredible results.

You need to internally tune in to recovery, believe in yourself and enjoy every day. And he suggests starting small - smiling at strangers on the street, bringing positivity into the world and looking at the sky more often, enjoying every day, no matter what.

So be healthy, happy and don't forget to take care of your vision.

Author biography

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is one of the famous Uzbek and Russian alternative healers. His homeland is a mountain village near Samarkand. Born in 1957, he grew up in a large family.

He studied fine arts and began working on wall painting. He was drafted into the army into the construction troops. Here he was seriously injured. He achieved his cure with the help of his own willpower and constant exercise. He became a convinced activist and developer of physical exercises to combat various diseases.

Since the 90s, together with other devotees (L. Fotina, Yu. Khvan), he has created a number of organizations teaching people self-healing. Actively promotes a healthy lifestyle among the population and personal development.

In 1998, he opened the Institute of Human Self-Healing in Moscow and became its director. Classes using his method are held here. The first writing experience began with the publication of a book in 2001, then several more printed publications were published. Since 2010, he has been the President of his own.

M. Norbekov takes part in programs on various television channels and is published in magazines.

The Institute has representative offices in 28 countries and 14 branches in the USA. The methods proposed by M. Norbekov are very popular.

Experts draw attention to the “pseudoscience” of the author’s views. This is due to Norbekov's unclear role in attracting thousands of people. There is information about the use of hypnotic influence and subjugating techniques.

There is no reliable information about the author’s academic degrees, education, or sports awards. Verification attempts do not confirm Norbekov’s participation in karate competitions.

Nevertheless, such an odious fame for the author adds to his popularity.

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