How to understand that you have neurosis? Symptoms and methods of treating neurosis

A cluster of disorders affecting the neuropsychic sphere of a person and arising due to sudden or chronic mental trauma. In general, it is characterized by the absence of constructive changes in mental activity. In other words, this nervous disorder is a peculiar response of the body to stress, permanent experiences and internal conflict of the individual, which arise in the event of frustration, that is, a discrepancy between real possibilities and a person’s desires. Neurotic conditions are graded according to level and severity. They can be chronic or situational in nature. According to WHO, 400 million people experience some form of mental illness. Neuroses and neurotic conditions are considered the most common mental disorder.

Diagnosis of neuroses

According to clinical statistics, almost every person, one way or another, at a certain period of his life has encountered states of neurotic instability of varying degrees of severity. The easiest, primary stage of such conditions is defined as neurotic and represents a reaction of the psyche to certain external events: sudden grief, difficulties with adaptation, prolonged stress, and so on. It is these conditions that are also designated as borderline (non-psychotic) and lie in the field of study of minor psychiatry. A psychologist or neurologist can diagnose mild situational neurosis, as well as prescribe therapy, but if the situation becomes more protracted and complex, then the help of a psychiatrist is necessary.

Symptoms of neurosis

Most often, neurotic disorders are characterized by mixed clinical symptoms. The prevalence of certain characteristics is associated with the specific location of the lesion in the nervous system.

The general possible symptoms of neurotic disorders are quite multifaceted and can manifest themselves both at the somatic level (physiologically) and at the psychological or psychopathic level.

Symptoms of psychopathy include: sleep disturbances (insomnia), loss of appetite or overeating, various panic states (fears, nightmares, phobias, hypochondria) and so on. At the physiological level, the patient can experience a wide range of ailments: pain in different parts of the body (psychalgia), migraines (headaches), a feeling of numbness, coldness or sweating of the extremities, fainting, tachycardia, a feeling of a lump in the throat, a feeling of suffocation, frequent urination, diarrhea. Disturbances in the functioning of body systems without visible organic changes are defined as somatoform disorders.

Somatoform disorders are a group of diseases of a mental nature in which somatic symptoms mask the original neurotic nature of the disease. Thus, the patient has somatic complaints, but there are no pathological changes in the internal organs that could explain these complaints.

The causes of neuroses, as will be discussed in detail below, can be absolutely any traumatic situation that provokes sudden or chronic emotional exhaustion. The symptoms of the disease themselves are determined by the general background of predisposition: the situation in the family, the level of socialization and self-realization, genetic predisposition, and so on. However, the general history of the disease coincides in the following parameters.

Important symptoms of incipient neurosis:

  • Hypersensitivity to stress . Violent emotional reaction to minor events: despair, anger, etc.
  • Increased levels of anxiety.
  • Total focus on the traumatic situation (obsession).
  • Tearfulness.
  • Excessive vulnerability and touchiness.
  • Asthenia (fatigue syndrome) , fatigue, decreased concentration, absent-mindedness.
  • Misophonia (sensitivity to loud sounds) , as well as bright light or sudden changes in temperature.
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders : inability to fall asleep, intermittent, shallow sleep, drowsiness during the day
  • Autonomic disorders : pressure changes, rapid breathing, arrhythmia or tachycardia, sweating, diarrhea, nausea and others.
  • Decreased libido and potency in certain cases.

If you experience two or more of the above conditions on a long-term basis, then you should not ignore them. You should listen to your body, seek help in time and take the necessary measures.

Exposure to color, music, scents

  • Music. Listening to music is a known way to relieve stress. Usually they choose calm, relaxing melodies and classics. Music therapy can also be carried out in an active form, singing your favorite songs or playing instruments that you like. The combination of reciting literary works to music has a combined effect on the psychological state of neuroses.
  • Color. You can help yourself with neurosis by surrounding yourself with furnishings of a suitable color. Green, blue, pink, blue, especially in combination with white, relieve tension and calm.
  • Fragrances. Used in aroma lamps, candles or added to the bath. The scents of mint, eucalyptus, rose, tangerine, lavender, and bergamot have a calming effect on neuroses.

Forms and types of neuroses

In a general clinic, based on symptoms, neuroses are divided into two groups: physical and mental. At the physical (physiological) level, a neurotic disorder manifests itself specifically in the human body and can affect any system of the body: muscular (facial neurosis, neuralgia), respiratory (choking attacks), cardiovascular (tachycardia), pharyngeal neurosis, gastrointestinal (diarrhea) and other species.

As for neuroses of a mental nature, emotional reactions are affected. Mental neuroses are divided into 4 subtypes:

Depressive neurosis

Usually manifests itself in a bad mood, a decrease in intellectual function and volitional resource, and an inability to concentrate. From a physical point of view, it is characterized by a lack of appetite or, conversely, overeating, often a decrease in sexual activity.

Hypochondriacal or anxiety neurosis

Another name is neurosis of fear or obsessive states. Characteristic signs: excessive anxiety for minor or non-existent reasons, unreasonable fear, general depression, obsessive negative thoughts. Disturbances in the body are associated with disruption of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, when a person begins to inadequately assess his health. For example, there is excessive fear for one’s physical condition and a tendency to attribute to oneself illnesses that do not exist. But the danger is that symptoms eventually begin to appear, although the disease itself is in fact absent.

The underlying conflict lies in the plane of contradictions between one’s own desires, needs and sense of duty.

Asthenic neurosis or neurasthenia

With this disorder, symptoms such as asthenia and psychasthenia come to the fore, namely fatigue, frequent mood swings, fixation on negative thoughts, lack of focus, difficulties with concentration and intellectual activity, abilities, insomnia and decreased libido, discomfort in the body ( pain, numbness, cramps, etc.). Usually arises as a result of frustration, that is, a long-term conflict (contradiction) between the real capabilities of the individual and his desires.

Hysterical neurosis

In certain cases it may be associated with narcissistic personality disorder. Among the key signs, it is worth noting inflated or changeable self-esteem, a constant high need for the attention of others, mannerisms, etc. In connection with the above, the motivating factor of hysteria is a neurotic conflict, characterized by unreasonably inflated demands of the patient on the environment without taking into account the moods and wishes of other people. Optionally, there may be an inability to empathize.

According to the duration and nature of the course, neurotic conditions can be situational and chronic. Situational neurosis is a reaction of the human nervous system to stress, the duration of which is related to the duration of the stress factor. Once the negative situation is over, self-healing occurs automatically. A more complex situation is chronic neurosis, a state in which the patient can remain throughout his life, which is due to general unconstructive patterns of response to the surrounding reality. For such a person, life itself and its details are the causes of constant stress. Why is this happening? What is a psychogenic factor?


Neurasthenia manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Excessive irritability even over trifles, short temper, anger, constant dissatisfaction.
  2. Impatience - the desire to get everything at once, the impossibility of waiting - it literally “kills”.
  3. Constant feeling of fatigue, weakness.
  4. Pain in the temples or a sensation of encircling, squeezing pain in the head.
  5. Lack of ability to concentrate and do one thing for a long time.
  6. Violation of the sequence of thoughts, general perception of the environment.

Speaking in more detail about the symptoms of asthenoneurotic syndrome, it is more correct to consider the disorder in phases, since the intensity of its manifestation gradually increases. But more often the disease stops at a certain phase, that is, its development does not occur, which is reflected in the diagnosis.

Hypersthenic (excitable) form

This is the initial stage of the disease, which is recorded most often. It is characterized by nervousness, irritability, and excitability.

The patient is unnerved by any, even quiet, sounds (creaking and light knocking of the door, whispering, clock ticking, dripping water, etc.), bright light, the presence of people nearby and their movement. The most insignificant reason causes an outburst of emotions, uncontrollable irritation or even anger. Without realizing the reasons for aggression, a person can insult or offend someone.

The patient is impatient, strives to do several things at once, fusses, but his performance leaves much to be desired. It is not weakness or rapid fatigue that is to blame for this, but a problem with concentration and constant distraction.

The sleep pattern is disrupted: the patient is lethargic during the day, and at night he falls asleep with difficulty and sleeps poorly, with nightmares, and often wakes up. Waking up happens either earlier than usual or later.

Constant headaches are called “neurasthenic helmet” - they are compressive and very debilitating. Pain when turning and tilting the head moves along the spine to the back. Mental or physical stress makes them more intense.

Irritable weakness (intermediate form)

This phase combines severe irritability with a rapid decrease in the body's resources. In principle, this is a reflection of the clinical essence of the disorder.

Attacks of irritation are the most intense, outbursts of anger instantly turn to a stream of tears, completely unusual for the individual. Such tearfulness arises from the patient’s inability to overcome overwhelming discontent. The mood changes instantly: sometimes gloom, sometimes joy.

The patient is often lethargic, he is not interested in anything, his appetite becomes worse or disappears altogether. Digestion suffers, which is reflected by diarrhea, constipation, belching, and heartburn. The heart rate increases, pulse and blood pressure fluctuate. The limbs become sluggish, instability and so-called floaters appear before the eyes, a rush of heat is replaced by chills, redness of the skin is replaced by pallor. Libido decreases and men may experience problems with erectile function. There may be a frequent urge to urinate.

Hyposthenic (inhibitory) form

At this stage, depression, weakness, gloom, and lethargy are especially pronounced. I don’t want to do anything, but I don’t feel anxiety or melancholy. The patient’s thoughts are focused only on his own unpleasant sensations in the body, and he, assuming that he has some kind of serious illness, turns to doctors, who, naturally, do not find it.

Very often, neurasthenia can be eliminated with good rest. But if this does not help and the disease has gone too far, then you will have to leave yourself in the hands of professionals.

Causes and pathogenesis of neurotic conditions

As mentioned above, the cause of the development of the disorder is an intrapersonal conflict caused by the influence of macro (environmental factors) or micro factors (internal experiences and predisposition of a person). Often, factors can influence complexly.

Classical psychiatry divides the factors that are prerequisites for the occurrence of neuroses into three groups:

  1. Exogenous factor (traumatic circumstances) . By these we mean a difficult life situation, job loss, divorce, loss of a loved one, abusive relationships, moving, and so on.
  2. Endogenous factor (disturbances in the functioning of neurotransmitters).
  3. Somatogenic factor (various somatic diseases) . Somatic diseases of various human organs and systems. Prolonged illness, intoxication of the body, hormonal disorders, and so on.

The development of the disease and its course depend on the interaction of two phenomena: the functional state of the central nervous system and the strength, as well as the duration of external influences affecting it. The causes of chronic neurotic disorder (when a person always feels bad) can be very different, and only a qualified specialist can identify them. In clinical psychology, it is customary to look for the causes of deviations in childhood. For example, factors such as an anxious family, children's attitudes, narcissistic parents, the need to constantly meet given standards - all this can determine the development of internal conflict, and, accordingly, mental illness. Temporary neurotic states are more often associated with situational stress factors: dismissal, bankruptcy, divorce, loss of a loved one, moving to another city, and so on. Sometimes, to neutralize a traumatic situation, you just need to change the environment, immerse yourself in your comfort zone and remove from your life those moments that cause irritation. But if the main reason is internal conflict, then a change in atmosphere is only a temporary measure.

Diagnosis and treatment

It will not be difficult for an experienced doctor - neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist - to identify asthenic neurosis, separating it from other pathological disorders. Taking into account all of the above, he needs to exclude the presence of somatic diseases, oncology and organic lesions of the central nervous system in the patient.

The specialist will collect anamnesis and talk with the patient. In the case of classic symptoms with a predominant arousal reaction

A diagnosis of hypersthenic neurasthenia is made. If there are more inhibitory reactions, including drowsiness, then there is reason to believe that this is hyposthenic neurasthenia.

Comprehensive treatment of the disorder involves, first of all, normalizing the patient’s life, as well as the use of psychotherapy and medications.

It should be noted right away that you cannot “prescribe” medications for yourself, especially psychostimulants - they can lead to addiction and increased manifestations of the disorder.

The doctor selects medications based on the presence and severity of certain symptoms (a form of neurasthenia); the dose and duration of administration are prescribed individually for each patient. These are tonic or sedatives that normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, tranquilizers. It is mandatory to include general strengthening, restorative body functions, metabolism-improving agents, as well as vitamins C and B, antioxidants, neurorubin, etc. Plant extracts won't hurt either.

Psychotherapy includes psychoanalysis, individual and group sessions, conversations with a psychotherapist, and trainings. This allows you to identify and eliminate the causes of the disorder, change the patient’s attitude towards them, gain skills in separating the main from the unimportant and the ability to enjoy life.

Autogenic training will teach self-education and self-hypnosis, and hypnosis will help normalize heartbeat, blood circulation, and muscle tone.

A disease such as neurasthenia does not require hospitalization. When conducting therapeutic and drug treatment, specialists usually give patients the following advice:

  • change the environment, walk in the fresh air more often, have a good time, travel;
  • take a vacation, don’t check your email, turn off your phone - get a good rest, do something you enjoy that brings you pleasure;
  • reduce emotional stress that negatively affects the psyche;
  • establish a daily routine with a clear schedule that allows enough time for rest and sleep;
  • strengthen the immune system, introduce a balanced diet, take vitamins;
  • restore autonomic function through massage, acupuncture, warm foot baths, hot aromatic baths.

A good option for treating neurasthenia is to use traditional methods, but before doing this, you should consult with your doctor. Among the most effective options that have a beneficial effect on the autonomic and central nervous systems, we can recommend the following:

  1. Motherwort decoction. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, allowed to cool and filtered. Take for a month 3 times a day.
  2. Hawthorn decoction. Brew berries (1 tbsp) with boiling water (a glass), filter after 45 minutes.
  3. Melissa and mint tea. Brewed like regular tea, this drink is soothing and promotes good sleep.
  4. Valerian tincture alcohol - 30 drops added to a small amount of water and drunk before going to bed.
  5. Lavender bath. Dried inflorescences (200 g) are placed in boiling water (5 l) and simmered for 7 minutes on fire. The broth is filtered and poured into a bathtub filled with warm water. You need to lie in it for 20 minutes.
  6. General strengthening mixture with raspberries, calamus root, birch leaves, chicory, strawberries, rose hips, oregano.

Treatment and prevention of neuroses

In our ultra-fast times, in the rhythm of big cities, it is quite difficult to remain in harmony and balance. But, as they say, saving drowning people is their own business, which is why the prevention of neurotic conditions is our personal responsibility. Standardized working hours, minimizing stress, dosed rest, physical activity (running, swimming, yoga), separation of work and personal life, sports, hobbies, the opportunity to be in nature, walks - all these simple little things help to increase the volitional threshold and reduce the stress factor. As they say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” which is why it is very important to keep yourself in shape and your body in balance. A physically strong person and nervous system are more or less fine. Most neurotic disorders develop unnoticed, simply due to ordinary life circumstances, such as an uncontrolled information field, time pressure, and the inability to disconnect from work processes in the evening.

In addition to the above recommendations, you can use traditional medicine for treatment at home.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of neurotic disorders

It is no secret that from time immemorial people have been treated with herbs, and the result, oddly enough, was not long in coming. Regular use of decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs in some cases can be an excellent alternative to classical therapy and will help get rid of neurosis.

After such treatment, many patients noted a decrease in neurotic syndrome, felt general calm, normalization of sleep patterns and quality, and emotional harmonization. The most effective herbs in the treatment of nervous disorders include chamomile, oregano, lemon balm, mint, valerian, peony flowers, hop cones, angelica root and others.

All these herbs have a very beneficial effect on the body and reduce anxiety levels. Aromatherapy can be an alternative method: using essential oils or aroma sticks, using herbal compresses or regularly eating honey. By the way, following a special diet and the presence of certain foods in the diet is also an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent.

How to eat with neurosis

In the treatment of all types of neurosis, an important place is occupied by adherence to a special balanced diet. The patient’s daily diet simply needs to include foods enriched with nutrients and vitamins of certain groups.

By nutrients in this aspect we mean: fatty oils and acids, proteins and vitamins of groups C, B, E, P, as well as carotene salt, iron, folic acid, magnesium.

A balanced complex of the substances described above is found in foods such as raisins, cheese, walnuts, beets, cabbage, bananas, sorrel, lemons and others.

Regular consumption of them will direct the work of the nervous system receptors in the right direction and balance the overall emotional state. To lift your mood and improve your well-being, it makes sense to start consuming sunflower seeds, boiled chicken pulp, shrimp, and salmon fish more often. These products will compensate for the lack of vitamin B6 in the body, which is responsible for the stability of the emotional background.

Professional treatment and anti-anxiety therapy

As for the nosological (more advanced) stages, it is very important to notice a change in your condition in time and take appropriate measures, that is, to prevent the development of a chronic form. Professional treatment of neurosis has two main directions: psychotherapeutic (psychoanalytic) and pharmacological (medicinal). Medication is prescribed at the affective stages, before which the emphasis is on psychotherapeutic work and anti-anxiety therapy.

At the initial level of a neurotic state, anti-anxiety therapy is possible on an outpatient basis, and without the use of medications. Excellent methods of reducing anxiety, in addition to those described above, are such non-drug procedures as: massage, balneological treatment (hydrotherapy, mud therapy, aromatherapy, galvanization of the collar areas, acupuncture, Charcot's shower, physical therapy, breathing practices, etc. However, if the patient is long-term being in a state of anxiety for a period of time (more than two weeks, for example) and experiencing a complex of symptoms, this may already indicate the chronification of neurosis and its affective level. The chronic form occurs if a person neglects the recommendations and does not modify his lifestyle. Overwork, overwork , excessive responsibility, as a consequence, alcohol abuse - all this contributes to the development of chronic neurotic conditions. This condition is dangerous and requires qualified assistance from a specialist, the prescription of psychotherapeutic and, quite possibly, drug treatment!

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Neurosis, as a combination of functional mental disorders, can have a long course and progress. In this aspect, the most effective method of treatment is psychotherapy. The choice of the direction of psychotherapy and the selection of methods is carried out by the doctor individually, taking into account the specifics of each specific case. To eliminate panic attacks or fears of space, for example, tools such as hypnosis, family psychotherapy, body-oriented therapy, Gestalt therapy, gradual involvement in some interesting activity are used to eliminate feelings of sadness, melancholy and loneliness, create a positive attitude and positive emotions. Social addiction is treated with cognitive therapy and behavior correction. The goal of any method is to bring the individual into the zone of awareness.

Psychotherapy methods

  • Group therapy . In such classes, a collective analysis of various situations and conflicts that provoked is carried out. Each patient tells how he manages to cope with the disease. Patients are taught that the disorder is treatable.
  • Individual therapy . Personal work of a doctor - psychiatrist, psychotherapist or psychologist with a patient using the techniques necessary in a particular case.
  • Art therapy . This is treatment using creativity for the purpose of sublimation, aimed at the constructive use of energy resources and the transformation of negative energy into positive energy through the means of substitution. Drawing, singing, theater arts, poetry reading.
  • Autogenic training . They use methods of self-hypnosis, hypnosis, and elements of neurolinguistic programming.
  • Psychodrama, psychoanalysis . Based on the study of the patient’s inner world.


Everyone should learn such techniques, as they effectively help to establish psychological balance and independently recover from neurosis at the stage of its first manifestations.

  1. Meditation. Allows you to achieve a state of relaxation - bodily and mental. Sitting in a calm environment in a comfortable position and closing your eyes, a person first focuses on his slow breathing, trying not to think about anything. Then spend 5-10 minutes imagining something pleasant, beautiful, without focusing on thoughts. Open your eyes and come out of meditation while exhaling.
  2. Autogenic training. Bodily relaxation is combined with positive self-hypnosis. In a calm environment, calm your breathing, imagining that when you exhale, tension and life problems go away. Gradually relax all the muscles of the body, feeling that heaviness and warmth appear in them. Then positive attitudes are spoken. Then they come out of the state by opening their eyes according to an internal order and shaking off the heaviness from the body like sand. Regular exercises are very effective for neurosis.
  3. Crowding out. The task is to release, throw out, let go of the accumulated negativity and aggression. How to help yourself with neurosis using this technique:
  • write down troubling problems on paper, and then destroy what was written, turning the paper into ash and smoke, imagining that the problems will disappear;
  • scream loudly into space or into a pillow, as an option, if a deserted place is inaccessible - neurotic emotions also come out along with the scream;
  • take out anger and aggression by beating a punching bag.

Symptoms and treatment of neurosis in children

Unfortunately, children are often also susceptible to neurotic disorders. And the reasons can also be quite varied. First of all, it is worth noting psychotraumatic circumstances, but the trigger for the development of conditioning depending on the traumatic situation is the constitutional initial characteristics and genetic determination of the child. In other words, basic factors are a trigger mechanism - a trigger for the development of neurosis. However, family situation and upbringing are also strong motivating factors. For example, excessive spoiling, exaltation of the child in the family, permissiveness, overprotection, hypoprotection (the opposite state, when the child is not taken care of on the contrary), non-acceptance, failure to meet parental expectations, breakdowns on the child, harsh upbringing, and so on. All these gaps in relationships with children can lead to neurotic states without initial visible deviations.

The most common symptoms in childhood include:

  • nervous tics, facial neuroses (blinking, twitching);
  • enuresis (stomach upset);
  • stuttering;
  • nervous cough;
  • sleep disorder;
  • ADHD (Attention deficit disorder and hyperexcitability).

It is important to note that the main therapeutic target in the treatment of childhood neurotic disorders is the parent. The main goal of child therapy is to influence the parent through the prism of the child’s condition. In most cases, adults do not realize that the problem concerns, first of all, their condition, which is projected onto the child. The symptoms exhibited by the child are the symptoms of the family. This needs to be remembered from a psychological point of view. As for specific methods of treatment: this is supportive therapy, the use of various projective techniques (sand therapy, art, body-oriented, fairy tale therapy). An excellent method in the case of children is physiotherapy: balneological treatment and acupuncture.

Of course, we must not forget about observing basic balancing standards at home, such as maintaining a daily routine, reducing or eliminating the child’s interaction with a smartphone or social networks, and walking in the fresh air. Additional recommendations include physical activity (children's yoga, swimming, dancing), placing an aquarium in the apartment, listening to classical music.

In certain cases, a neurologist may prescribe sedative homeopathic medications. But, as noted above, the cause of childhood neuroses lies in the behavior of the parent.

Causes of nervous system breakdown

The development of the disease is facilitated by many factors that can be divided into groups.

Biological factors primarily include poor heredity. Also on the list:

  • severe pregnancy of the mother, infectious diseases she suffered during this time;
  • difficult childbirth associated with injuries to the baby;
  • features of the nervous system;
  • lack of sleep;
  • physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • lack of rest, relaxation;
  • intoxication of the body with alcohol, tobacco or other substances;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • somatic diseases.

The psychological causes of the development of neurasthenia are psychological trauma received in childhood. In addition, it also contributes to:

  • sudden stress under circumstances important to the individual, personal tragedy;
  • long-term psychotraumatic situation, conflict;
  • pessimistic mood.

Social factors cannot be avoided:

  • characteristics of the family environment in childhood, upbringing, conditions of growing up;
  • receiving a large flow of information, the processing of which requires special conditions and a lot of time;
  • unique social circle, interests;
  • dissatisfaction of personal aspirations.

Neurosis and its consequences

Do not underestimate the destructive impact of neurotic conditions on the body and psyche. The consequences of a disease that has entered the chronic stage can be very destructive, even leading to disability of the individual. The greatest risk in this aspect is caused by psychosomatic abnormalities, when a disorder of the nervous system still has a significant impact on the functioning of the body's systems. The range of diseases was described above, and it is quite wide: strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, asthma, asthma attacks, reduced immunity and high susceptibility to infections, hormonal disorders up to anorexia or bulimia, chondrosis of varying severity, and so on.

On the psychopathic side, the disorder can:

  • Lead to loss of levels of performance and concentration, as well as deterioration of memory properties and decreased mental activity. In other words, in neurosis a person loses his former resourcefulness and becomes unable to perform hitherto familiar tasks. It is important to note that decreased performance can also be affected by lack of sleep and lack of proper rest.
  • The next problem associated with this disorder is difficulties in communicating with family, friends, and colleagues. The patient's destructive personality traits become aggravated, leading to conflicts. For example, excessive emotionality, inappropriate stubbornness, hyper touchiness, suspicion.
  • Neurosis also provokes obsessive states: fears, phobias, negative memories. In an advanced stage, the development of paranoid syndrome is possible. The patient begins to double-check everything many times: whether the iron is turned off, whether the door is locked, whether he is being followed, etc.

Timely professional treatment of a complex condition and properly selected therapy can completely relieve a person of the symptoms described in this article.

Safe pharmacological therapy

It is prescribed strictly according to indications and in compliance with the principles of monotherapy (when only one drug is prescribed, carefully selected taking into account individual characteristics). We regulate the effectiveness of its effect on the body by determining the level of concentration in the blood. This allows you to enter the “therapeutic window” - calculate the dosage so accurately that it gives a therapeutic effect, but is minimal, which makes it possible to avoid side effects. In treatment, we use only modern, tested and proven drugs, of which we are confident.

Which doctor should I contact?

Depending on the stage and symptoms, different specialists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of neurotic disorder. A team of specialists is involved in restoring the activity of the nervous system weakened by the disease: psychologists, neurologists, endocrinologists; in certain cases, the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is necessary. As for the harmonization of the mental state, this problem lies in the field of activity of the psychotherapist and psychiatrist. There are also related specializations, such as, for example, psychoneurologist; this specialist combines the knowledge and techniques of a psychologist and a neurologist, which allows him to work simultaneously in several areas.


Developing the skills to breathe correctly, relax effectively, and react less acutely to a stressful situation is the key to the fact that in the future our patient will be able to withstand stressors and other unfavorable conditions completely independently, without the help of a doctor. Psychoeducation is necessary not only for the patient himself, but also for his family members. Support from specialists who explain how to correctly respond to certain human conditions, how to effectively provide assistance to him, and providing psychotherapeutic assistance to the family is the key to ensuring that the patient returns from the hospital to therapeutic and safe conditions that are favorable for him.

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