Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies. Return your bones to their former strength!         

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What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a chronic metabolic pathology associated with inadequate absorption of calcium by the body. As a result, the density and structure of tissues decreases, which is fraught with bone deformations and even fractures.

Many patients who are faced with pathology and consult a doctor about this use drug therapy. But not everyone knows that it is possible to treat osteoporosis with folk remedies at home. So, what methods are the most accessible, simple and effective?

  • Treatment principle
  • The main causes and factors due to which the pathological process develops
  • Why use traditional medicine? Plants for strengthening bones
  • Use of eggshells
  • Treatment with alcoholic beverages
  • Using a magnet at home

Osteoporosis – the silent epidemic of the 21st century

Osteoporosis is the most common disease of the skeletal bones associated with metabolic disorders. Due to a shift in the balance of the processes of destruction and creation of bone tissue towards the former, bones become more friable, weaker and easily break even from a fall from the height of one’s own body or a bruise.

Brittle bone disease did not appear yesterday. Archaeological finds suggest that North American Indians who lived 2500–2000 BC suffered from it. e. If you look at the statistics for Russia today, every tenth resident of the country has weak bones and lives in conditions of a constant high risk of fracture. Moreover, less than 1% of patients know about their diagnosis. And they discovered it after a fracture of the radius, vertebral bodies or femoral neck.

For the time being, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Or rather, it does manifest itself, but we attribute the first alarm bells coming from the body to ordinary fatigue, age-related “wear and tear” of the body and take them for granted. The worst thing is that doctors rarely remember osteoporosis, commenting on patient complaints of back pain with the words: “What do you want, my dear? Age…". In the best case, manual therapy is prescribed, which, however, only aggravates the course of the disease.

Meanwhile, today the pathology that causes bone fractures is being treated, and quite successfully. You just need to listen to your own body, regularly visit a doctor, and carefully follow the advanced achievements of science in the field of healing bone tissue.

Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies will be effective if it affects the mechanisms of the onset of the disease, and not its manifestations.

Disease detection

Osteoporosis in women over 50 years of age is not uncommon. In old age, the amount of estrogen, which is designed to help in the absorption of calcium, decreases. In addition, bone cells slow down their work. It turns out that all the calcium is washed out of the bones along with other minerals, leaving a bare frame.

As a result, we have joint diseases and bone fractures. Nutrition plays a significant role in osteoporosis, so it is worth taking this issue seriously.

To identify the disease, you need to visit a specialist and undergo an examination. However, osteoporosis can also be determined by the first symptoms. The occurrence of symptoms depends on the stage of the pathology. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • pain in the spine, upper and lower extremities, rapid fatigue;
  • development of stoop, decrease in height by 10 centimeters;
  • a hump appears as a result of spinal deformation.

Why does brittle bone disease target women more often?

It has long been no secret to experts that women suffer from osteoporosis several times more often than men. Their bone density begins to decline after the age of 40. With the onset of the postmenopausal period, these processes only intensify. Specialists from the Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation published the results of a study according to which more than 75% of patients with hip fractures are women. A third of these patients are over 85 years of age.

The special “love” of osteoporosis for women is explained simply. With the onset of menopause and the shutdown of ovarian function, the level of sex hormones in their body decreases quite sharply. But they are the ones who orchestrate the processes of bone tissue renewal.

Particularly critical is the drop in testosterone concentration. Androgen, although called the male sex hormone, is also present in the female body and performs extremely important functions. Thus, it stimulates the division of mesenchymal cells of the bone marrow and their transformation into osteoblasts - bone cells that produce intercellular bone substance and incorporate calcium. Actually, this substance, and even the “matured” osteoblasts themselves, which have become osteocytes, are bone.

It turns out that testosterone triggers a chain of transformations, the result of which is the appearance of new sections of bone to replace the old ones that need to be dismantled. It is clear that hormone deficiency will cause inhibition of this process. The bone will continue to deteriorate, because this is one of the natural aspects of its renewal, but at the same time, creative work in it will stop.

In order for the two scales called Destruction and Creation to be leveled, it is necessary to restore the balance of sex hormones. A natural question arises: how to do this? We'll talk about this too, but a little later. Before learning about the most effective folk remedies for treating osteoporosis, it is worth finding out how the disease generally manifests itself in the initial stages.

Signs of osteoporosis in the early stages of the disease

You can suspect problems in the condition of bone tissue based on the following signs.

  • Backache. It can be episodic, caused by careless movement or lifting heavy objects, or constant, aching, forcing you to take a lying position and rest several times during the day.
  • A feeling of heaviness between the shoulder blades or in the lumbar region that occurs after sudden turns of the body, jumping, sneezing, coughing.
  • The appearance of cramps in the calf muscle tissue, crawling sensations, tingling, muscle twitching.
  • Fatigue, increased fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Increased dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, development of caries, and the appearance of other dental problems.

That's probably all. The listed symptoms are not characteristic of osteoporosis. They may be present in some other diseases. You can confirm your fears or get rid of them by undergoing a densitometry examination using a special device - a densitometer.

This procedure is painless and short - it takes only 10-30 minutes depending on the area of ​​study, but is highly informative.

On more well-known densitometers, to carry out diagnostics, a person lies down on a special table without taking off his clothes. A scanner floats above it, taking pictures of the skeleton in several projections.

Don't be afraid of X-ray radiation. Its intensity during densitometry is 400 times lower than with conventional x-rays.

The resulting images allow you to evaluate the patient’s bone tissue density in comparison with:

  • corresponding data from a 30-year-old healthy person of the same sex;
  • indicators of a healthy person of the same age, weight and gender.

And Osteometer DTX-100 devices detect problems in the bone tissue of a person’s limb, in particular the arm. Based on the examination data, the specialist makes a conclusion about the presence of cavities or accumulation of salts in the soft tissues, which also adversely affects the body.

A densitometer study allows you to find out the exact cause of discomfort in the back and prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies in women is possible at all stages of the disease as an important addition to the main therapy. What directions are used to correct the patient’s condition?

The main directions of treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies

The lion's share of folk remedies for the treatment of osteoporosis consists of herbal medicine methods. With their help, it is possible to influence various mechanisms of the onset and development of the disease. Let's name the main ones.

  • Increased production of follicle-stimulating hormone . This hormone of the anterior pituitary gland regulates the intensity of testosterone formation. If its level is reduced, use the following plant collection:
  • fragrant woodruff – 1 d.l.;
  • open lumbago (sleep-grass) – 1 tsp;
  • common wormwood (Chernobyl) – 2 d.l.

The crushed raw materials are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for an hour. They don't filter. Take 1/3 of the resulting infusion 3 times a day, pouring each portion through a strainer.

  • Increased androgen levels. The importance of testosterone for bone health has already been discussed above. If there is a deficiency in the body, a combination of herbs will help:
  • field grass – 1 d.l.;
  • common rapeseed – 3 tsp;
  • St. John's wort - 2 d.l.

The method of preparation and dosage regimen are similar to the collection described above.

Another androgen, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), also helps increase bone density. It does this in two ways: it stimulates the chain of transformations of the mesenchymal stem cell into a preosteoblast, then an osteoblast and, finally, a mature bone cell, an osteocyte; suppresses the destruction of both organic and mineral components of bone tissue. Taking 1 tbsp of dandelion root powder orally will help increase the level of DHEA if its concentration is insufficient. l. before bed for 2 months, then 1-2 tsp. until the desired indicators are achieved (can be taken for a long time).

  • Normalization of kidney function. This organ maintains the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and takes part in the conversion of vitamin D from its inactive form to a biologically active one. Serious disturbances in its functioning often provoke the development of secondary osteoporosis, as well as rickets and osteomalacia (rickets of adults). To normalize the functioning of the kidneys when they prolapse, use the following collection:
  • tenacious bedstraw – 1 d.l.;
  • Canadian goldenrod – 3 tsp;
  • common goldenrod (golden rod) – 2 d.l.

The method of preparation and dosage regimen are similar to the collection described above. If there are kidney stones, knotweed (knotweed) is added to the above-mentioned herbs.

  • Decrease in prolactin concentration. Prolactin is the hormone responsible for milk production. Moreover, it is also produced in the male body. When too much of it is produced, the work of the ovaries in the synthesis of sex hormones is suspended, and the sensitivity of the female reproductive glands to the influence of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones of the pituitary gland is also reduced. As a result, sex hormone levels drop. Bone mineral density also decreases. Data from various studies show that 30–45% of patients with hyperprolactinemia have bone density below normal. The following herbal collection will help curb the “raging” prolactin:
  • loosestrife (plakun-grass) – 3 tsp;
  • primrose (primrose) – 3 tsp;
  • spreading jaundice - 1 tsp.

Pour 150 ml of boiling water over the crushed raw materials, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take orally before bedtime. The infusion normalizes the supply of oxygen to the brain during hypoxia, which enhances the production of prolactin.

In parallel, you can use a collection that directly suppresses the synthesis of lactogenic hormone:

  • whorled sage (flowering tops) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dry steppe sage (flowering tops) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tenacious bedstraw (herb) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • loosestrife (plakun-grass) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salvia officinalis (leaves) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Primrose officinalis (herb) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spreading jaundice (grass) – 1 d.l.

2–3 tbsp. l. crushed collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Do not strain. Take 1/3 of the resulting infusion 3 times a day, pouring each portion through a strainer.

  • Normalization of the thyroid gland. Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies also involves this direction. The hormones of this endocrine organ, somewhat reminiscent of a butterfly, affect metabolic processes in bone tissue and its density - this is a proven fact. Therefore, any change in their concentration towards a decrease or increase invariably affects the condition of the bones. Ukrainian scientists have proven that a universal natural corrector of thyroid hormone levels is the white cinquefoil root.

Unfortunately, these days it is an endangered species listed in the Red Book. The plant is grown on an industrial scale by some pharmaceutical companies (in Russia it is the pharmaceutical holding Parapharm) and based on it they create drugs to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. Tireo-Vit , produced from whole cinquefoil root using a technology that allows preserving all the biologically active substances of the plant, has proven itself well

Calcium containing products and herbal medicine

The daily requirement of vitamin D for an adult according to international standards is 100 IU (1 IU of vitamin D is the biological equivalent of 0.025 mcg of ergocalciferol). A person receives this vitamin energy booster, which ensures high-quality absorption of calcium, from ultraviolet sunlight and some food products. It is believed that sea fish and seafood are the best natural and natural source of vitamin D. However, you can replenish your vitamin reserve and saturate your body with calcium using other foods. The content of the mineral component in 100 g of product can be found:

  • in dried fish bones – 3000 mg;
  • in sesame – 1150 mg;
  • in hard cheese – 650 mg;
  • in gelatin – 500 mg;
  • in soybeans – 230 mg;
  • in porcini mushroom (dried) – 200 mg;
  • in dried apricots – 175 mg;
  • in green onions, sunflower seeds and milk – 100 mg;
  • in garlic – 50-60 mg;
  • in figs, raisins, carrots, white cabbage – 50 mg;
  • in dates and dried apples – 40-45 mg;
  • in egg yolk – 30-45 mg;
  • in lemon – 35-40 mg;
  • in potatoes – 10 mg.

A dietitian will help you balance your diet properly with calcium. Before treating bone osteoporosis with folk remedies, you should exclude products that enhance the removal of mineral components from bone tissue:

  • flour and sweet products;
  • salty foods;
  • coffee, tea, cocoa;
  • fatty foods;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • food with coarse fiber.

Medicinal plants are also a vitamin energy source. The required amount of calcium can be found in nettle, burdock, comfrey, St. John's wort, dandelion, meadow clover, yarrow and other natural plant components.

Benefits of Bee Products for Bone Health

Not only plants can have a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue. Modern researchers have discovered a unique ability to restore the balance of sex hormones in some bee products. For example, drone jelly (drone brood).

It contains insect sex hormones. They, of course, cannot replace a person’s own hormones, and therefore there is no talk of any hormone replacement therapy when taking them. What they can really do is stimulate the sex glands to produce their own sex hormones.

Researcher from the Beekeeping Research Institute (Ryazan region), Ph.D. Burmistrova L.A. showed that drone jelly has a gonadotropic effect. She gave bee product to unilaterally castrated male rats whose testosterone levels were 10 times lower than normal. This made it possible to restore the androgen concentration in animals to the original level.

What’s surprising: ancient Chinese emperors used the ability of drone jelly to increase testosterone levels long before modern research. They used the bee product to gain “the strength of a lion” or, in modern terms, to increase potency. As we now know, testosterone is needed not only for potency, but also for strong bones and much more.

In addition to bee hormones, drone milk is rich in other substances necessary for the restoration of bone tissue: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids. It’s just that it’s difficult to preserve them for a long time: at normal room temperature, the bee product spoils within two hours; it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. As for the freezer, during freezing/thawing, a significant part of the valuable components is destroyed.

Specialist recommendation

The risk of osteoporosis should be addressed during the prenatal period of human development. An expectant mother should not neglect taking vitamin and mineral components, that is, be more attentive to the choice of foods that allow her to accumulate bone mass and mineralize it, in order to provide her child with a healthy future.

The problem of osteoporosis develops in a person from childhood, and in order to maintain strong bones, it is necessary to follow simple rules of therapeutic prevention throughout life:

  1. Quit smoking and alcohol.
  2. Saturate your body with enough calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and so on.
  3. Lead a physically active lifestyle.

Take care of yourself and always be healthy!

A modern innovative drug based on drone jelly

Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies using drone jelly has nevertheless become possible thanks to the achievements of modern science. Experts have developed a unique method for preserving bee products, allowing for maximum preservation of all its beneficial properties for up to three years, and have patented it (RU 2491078). The product obtained as a result of processing was called HDBA organic complex. It has become the main component of several health products.

One of these drugs is Osteomed Forte , a drug for the treatment of osteoporosis that has no analogues in the world. Its creator is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, who has devoted more than 60 years to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, V. I. Strukov.

In addition to the HDBA organic complex, Osteomed Forte contains calcium in the form of an easily digestible, safe form of the mineral - citrate, as well as vitamins B6 and D3.

The innovation of the drug is that it not only supplies the body with the main building material for bone tissue - calcium, but also ensures its direction to the bones. Other calcium preparations existing today do not have this ability. When taking them, cases of calcification of blood vessels, soft tissues and organs are common. Because when there is a deficiency of bone cells, there is no one to embed the mineral into the bones. All unused calcium settles anywhere but in the bones. Osteomed Forte helps replenish the “army” of osteoblasts by stimulating testosterone synthesis and activating the process of converting mesenchymal stem cells into bone tissue-building cells.

Clinical studies of the new osteoprotector, organized at the Volga Region Osteoporosis Center, confirmed its high efficiency and safety. The drug not only increased bone mineral density in patients suffering from weak bone disease, but also reduced (and in some cases completely closed) cavities in the bones. In addition, the ability of Osteomed Forte to increase muscle strength has been proven. This is especially important for older people. Due to muscle weakness, they often fall and suffer fractures.

Attention! purchase Osteomed Forte now in pharmacies and online stores.

Cooking recipes

Once diagnosed with osteoporosis, you don't have to give up your favorite foods. It is necessary to make some adjustments to the process of their preparation. For example, vegetables for borscht should not be fried, but placed fresh in boiling broth. Here are some useful recipes for patients with osteoporosis:

  • carrot salad. Grate 2 large fresh carrots, add a pinch of salt, a few raisins, season with low-fat sour cream;
  • braised cabbage. Chop a small head of cabbage, cut bell peppers, onions, carrots, and tomatoes into strips. Simmer with the addition of a tablespoon of vegetable oil and any herbs;
  • chicken with vegetables. Cut the chicken into large pieces, add peeled whole potatoes, a few cloves of carrots and bell peppers, a couple of cloves of unpeeled garlic, 2-3 sprigs of parsley. Add salt, place in a baking bag, and keep in the oven for about an hour at 200°.

Above is a sample menu for the week. Nutritionists allow changes to be made to it, cooking meat more often, replacing rice with corn porridge, and green tea with lightly salted mineral water.

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