Which doctor corrects posture in adults?

About the disease

The incidence of spinal deformities increases in proportion to age.
If in preschoolers this disease occurs in 17% of children, then in middle grades the detection rate is already more than 30%, and in older grades – more than 65% of cases. In itself, poor posture does not threaten life or health. With appropriate treatment, the anatomy of the spine can be restored. However, changes in posture contribute to a decrease in the mobility of the chest and diaphragm, and this is a prerequisite for the formation of many diseases.

With poor posture, the shock-absorbing capabilities of the spine are reduced and many organs suffer. The spinal column is the bone base to which various structures of the human body are “attached,” and any change in anatomical relationships inevitably affects health.

Incorrect posture is the first step towards the formation of scoliosis, intervertebral hernias and other vertebrological disorders.

Pediatric traumatologists identify the following deformities in the sagittal plane:

  • flat back – smoothing out all physiological curves;
  • flat-concave back - the lumbar curve is increased, the cervical curve is smoothed, in the cervical region there is kyphosis (curvature of the spine in the anteroposterior direction);
  • stooping – thoracic kyphosis is increased, lumbar curve is smoothed;
  • round back (kyphotic posture) – thoracic kyphosis is increased, there is practically no lumbar curve;
  • round-concave back (kypholordotic posture) - the cervical and lumbar curves are sharply increased.

Deformation in the frontal plane is a scoliotic posture, a sideways curvature.
This disorder differs from real scoliosis in that when lying down, all curves are aligned. According to severity, the following degrees are distinguished:

  • minor deformation that the child can correct himself with directed attention;
  • the deformity is more pronounced, but straightens when lying down or when lifted by the armpits;
  • the deformity persists in the supine position and when standing up.

Complaints about poor posture

At the first stage, children practically do not complain about anything.
In more severe stages, headaches, back pain, fatigue, and decreased vision may occur. Long-term deformities change the functioning of the heart, lungs, and digestive system. If the chest is flat, then the respiratory capacity of the lungs decreases, which causes oxygen deficiency and changes in metabolism. Children look more lethargic compared to their peers, often suffer from respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and are predisposed to tuberculosis.

Due to abnormal lumbar curve, the abdominal muscles weaken, the stomach and intestines sink, and constipation occurs.

Causes of poor posture

The causes are congenital and acquired.
Congenital changes occur due to abnormalities in intrauterine development or injury to the fetus during childbirth. These are wedge-shaped vertebrae, connective tissue dysplasia, dislocation of the atlas (1st cervical vertebra), myotonic syndromes (torticollis and the like). Congenital abnormalities account for no more than 10% of all lesions. The vast majority of causes of poor posture are acquired. The predisposing factor is asthenic constitution. Postural deformities are provoked by factors such as low physical activity, a heavy briefcase (especially in combination with the habit of carrying it in one hand), insufficient lighting in the classroom, which is why the child’s body is in a non-physiological position for a long time.

Some actions of parents who want the child to sit down or walk ahead of the time prescribed by nature also do not contribute to the formation of correct posture. The desire to “teach” a child whose spine is not yet mature to sit or walk does not end well.

The spine suffers from severe systemic diseases: polio, tuberculosis, flat feet, consequences of injuries, shortening of one leg. Poor vision and hearing (myopia, strabismus, hearing loss) interfere with the formation of correct posture, when the child is forced to approach the source of sound or image, holding his back in a forced position almost constantly. Incorrect posture also occurs in children with underweight or excess body weight, when muscles do not have the opportunity to develop normally.



2749 26 August


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Scoliosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods.

Scoliosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, expressed by lateral curvature of the spine with simultaneous rotation and disruption of the shape of several vertebrae.

Scoliosis can develop as an independent pathology or be a symptom of another disease.

With scoliosis, muscle imbalance develops, which leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems and can ultimately cause disability.

Causes of scoliosis development

The causes of lateral curvature of the spinal arch may be due to genetic factors. In such cases, during intrauterine development, the shape of several vertebrae changes (they become wedge-shaped), or the vertebrae grow together, or fall out of the spinal column. It is possible to reduce their number, which leads to a change in the functional load on the spine and its curvature.

However, more often, curvature of the spine occurs after birth, and it is necessary to carefully analyze the causes of this pathology. Thus, when there is a lack of calcium in the body or when it is poorly absorbed, rickets develops, which affects the musculoskeletal system.

Damage to the neuromuscular system due to infectious and other diseases (poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy) is accompanied by impaired tone of the muscles that support the spine.

Moreover, weakness of the muscles on one side of the back is accompanied by their spasm on the other, which leads to an imbalance in the body.

Shortening of one of the lower limbs will cause the same consequences. To maintain an imbalance, muscles (especially the back muscles) will have a compensatory effect on different parts of the spine, causing them to bend. The causes of the development of scoliosis can be subtle changes in the vertebrae and ligaments due to habitual vertebral subluxation, surgical interventions, and hormonal disorders.

Classification of scoliosis

Depending on the time of onset of scoliosis, congenital (dysplastic) and acquired forms are divided. Congenital forms

Scoliosis manifests itself in the first year of a child’s life and is caused by improper development of the bodies, arches and processes of the vertebrae during intrauterine development.
Acquired forms
of scoliosis develop in a growing child or appear as a result of various diseases.
Thus, static scoliosis
occurs due to the shortening of one of the legs.
In these cases, a misalignment of the pelvis leads to imbalance, and the muscular frame tries to align it due to the curvature of the spinal column. Rachitic scoliosis
develops as a result of impaired ossification of the vertebral bodies.
Due to rarefaction of bone tissue and at the same time muscle weakness, the spine cannot withstand the load and is curved. Neurogenic scoliosis
is caused by disruption of neuromuscular transmission due to damage to the spinal cord, for example due to polio.

Metabolic disorders, a decrease in the supply of nutrients to the muscles and ligaments of the back, combined with an uneven load, lead to curvature of the spine.

The group of scoliotic changes is of
an idiopathic
nature, when the immediate cause of the disease is not clear. In addition, scoliosis is classified according to the part of the spine in which the affected vertebrae are located (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and combined) and the direction of the curvature (right-sided and left-sided).

Symptoms of scoliosis

Patients with scoliosis complain of back pain, headaches, fatigue with prolonged static load, and weakness. Upon examination, poor posture, asymmetry of the angles of the shoulder blades, shoulders, and lateral curvature of the spine are clearly visible. When there is a curvature in the thoracic spine, a muscle roll appears on the opposite side in the lumbar spine, which is especially noticeable when the torso is tilted. Due to a violation of the structure of the vertebrae, pinching of the nerve roots is possible, which causes numbness in the limbs and pain. Especially often, neurological disorders (impaired sensitivity in certain areas, cyanosis of the fingers, curvature of the toes, urinary incontinence, vascular disorders) accompany dysplastic scoliosis.

The earlier the disease manifests itself, the stronger its tendency to progress.

Scoliosis reaches its maximum development in girls at 11-13 years old, in boys - at 14-16 years old. Then the process slows down and stops with the end of bone growth - around the age of 20. Scoliosis can be accompanied by the formation of several curves. In these cases, they talk about complex scoliosis - double or triple.

Diagnosis of scoliosis

A preliminary diagnosis of scoliosis can be made based on examination, medical history, history of past illnesses, and injuries. Clinical, biochemical blood tests with determination of calcium and phosphorus levels and a clinical urine test are required.

Diagnosis of poor posture

If you suspect a violation of posture, consultation with a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist or vertebrologist is necessary.
During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the following criteria:

  • position of the shoulder blades (with the disease they are at different levels, unequally spaced from the spine);
  • deviation of the spinous processes from the midline;
  • asymmetry of the gluteal folds;
  • level of the popliteal fossa;
  • chest shape (convex or concave);
  • symmetry of the ribs.

The doctor must perform the Adams test - examines the position of the bones when bending the torso forward.
To clarify the deformations (quantitative determination of bends, angles and arcs), instrumental methods are prescribed: radiography, MRI or SCT.

Treatment of poor posture

Poor posture in children is functional (reversible) in nature, so therapeutic measures are carried out in two directions: creating a strong muscle corset and teaching rational motor stereotypes. The following methods are used (in different proportions depending on the situation):

  • Exercise therapy under the guidance of an instructor, including kinesitherapy;
  • general and orthopedic massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • therapeutic swimming;
  • exercises on therapeutic simulators;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electrical stimulation of muscles;
  • treatment with magnetic fields, including inductothermy;
  • mud treatment (peloidotherapy);
  • thalassotherapy – treatment with seafood (algae, sea water);
  • wearing an orthopedic corset, which is made to individual measurements.

In the most extreme case, when the possibilities of conservative treatment have been exhausted, surgical correction is used.

Since childhood - royal! Posture in children

— Maxim Sergeevich, when do they talk about poor posture in children? By what external signs can parents understand that their child has a postural defect?

When you can see a stable deviation of the spinal axis in one direction or another, stoop, asymmetry of the shoulder blades and shoulders. These are the most common signs.

— Are there any tests to detect postural disorders?

If we are talking about a medical appointment, then first of all it is a thorough examination and radiography. The doctor can see how the spine behaves when the child tilts in one direction or another, and determine the type of postural disorder. In addition, chiropractors and osteopaths have special muscle tests that allow one to evaluate the muscular frame.

— Is poor posture an independent disease or a symptom of some disease?

This is more of a pre-illness state. In this case, the spine can bend to the side, in the anterior-posterior direction (stoop), etc. The doctor will be able to answer the question whether in this particular case there is only a violation of posture or, for example, scoliosis as a disease.

Despite this, poor posture can also be diagnosed.

More information about scoliosis can be found here

“Before school, I didn’t have any problems with my spine, but when I sat down at my desk, my back became a hump,” parents of younger schoolchildren complain. Why does a child's posture change?

The question already contains part of the answer: one of the reasons for poor posture in children is violation of the rules of sitting at a desk - both at school and at home.

Other, no less important, points:

— the weight of a backpack or satchel is inadequate to the child’s physical capabilities;

- the muscles surrounding the spine are not strong enough;

— lack of prevention of poor posture.

Specialists in several fields of medicine treat postural disorders. However, you should always start with a consultation with an orthopedic traumatologist.

— What is the right thing for parents to do when they discover postural defects in children? Should I sign up for a sports section, buy a posture brace for my child, or should I show it to a doctor first?

The latter is true. You need to understand exactly what we are talking about, whether there is a violation of posture and what type and severity. And only after this can all other issues be resolved, including those related to a corset or posture corrector. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

— What specialty does a doctor specialize in correcting problems with children’s posture?

Initially, he was an orthopedic traumatologist. And only after his consultation and recommendations - a physical therapy (physical therapy) doctor, physiotherapist, kinesiologist, osteopath, chiropractor.

— What does the treatment complex include for postural disorders in children?

Treatment certainly involves specially selected physical therapy exercises, massage, swimming, the use of corsets, reclinators and a number of others. It is important that the appointment and implementation of procedures is carried out by specially trained specialists who are well aware of the specifics of postural disorders.

— How to avoid poor posture in children? Tell us about prevention

Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to do it. Need to:

- monitor how the child sits;

— optimize his nutrition;

— lighten the weight of the briefcase/backpack as much as possible, choose the right size;

— keep your child busy with physical education, or even better, do it with him. Swimming is very beneficial.

Read more about scoliosis prevention here

— Maxim Sergeevich, you have repeatedly talked about backpacks and briefcases. How much should a schoolchild's backpack weigh so as not to harm the child's spine?

The weight of a backpack with textbooks depends on the age of the class the child attends. For example, the weight of textbooks for grades 3-4 is 2 kg, with a backpack about 2.5 kg. In grades 5-6 - a total of up to 3.5 kg. In 7-8th grade - up to 4 kg. Sanitary and hygienic standards regarding the weight of a backpack can be easily found on the Internet.

— How to properly set up a schoolchild’s workplace at home?

This is, of course, a comfortable chair and table. The chair must have a back. Legs should not hang down, feet should be firmly placed on the floor. The height of the table and chair is selected according to the height and age of the child and should help him sit upright.

Despite this, it is necessary to monitor the child’s posture and take breaks between classes.

The editors recommend:

Straighten your spine. How can adults treat scoliosis?

Childhood is for movement! What does physical inactivity lead to?

Back massage: when is it beneficial and when is it harmful?

For reference:

Rudyakov Maxim Sergeevich

Graduate of the pediatric faculty of the Voronezh State Medical Academy in 2008.

In 2009, he completed an internship in traumatology and orthopedics.

In 2015, he specialized in physical therapy and sports medicine.

Currently, he is a traumatologist-orthopedist at the Expert Clinic Voronezh.

Receives at the address: Voronezh, st. Pushkinskaya, house No. 11.

Prevention of poor posture

The best prevention is an age-appropriate sleeping place with an orthopedic mattress and pillow, clothes and shoes with stable soles, wearing a backpack instead of a briefcase, and sufficient lighting of the study area.
The child must be consulted by an ophthalmologist and an ENT doctor, and the identified violations must be corrected.

Children with incorrect posture should be observed by a pediatric orthopedist, whose recommendations should be strictly followed. Sufficient physical activity, sports, and games with physical activity are required.

Specialists at the SM-Doctor clinic will conduct a preventive examination of a child of any age and advise on all the necessary measures to correct posture. The center uses innovative diagnostic and treatment methods. Contact the best specialists who know how to make your child’s posture perfectly straight!

Which doctor should children and adults contact for scoliosis?

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Next fact

If you or your child experience any of the above signs of scoliosis, do not delay visiting a specialist. Moreover, if you notice that the disease is actively progressing, contact the nearest hospital.

First of all, in case of scoliosis, people consult an orthopedic doctor, regardless of the patient’s age. At the first suspicion of scoliosis in a child, you should consult an orthopedic doctor. Children in hospitals are seen by pediatric orthopedists. But if there is no such specialist in the medical institution, feel free to go to an appointment with a surgeon or trauma surgeon .

Patients older than adolescence should also see an adult orthopedist or surgeon.

A qualified specialist can identify scoliosis and accurately determine its degree even without any auxiliary diagnostic methods. But in cases where a specialist has doubts about the condition of the spinal column and the location of the axes of curvature, he can prescribe an X-ray examination to the patient. Based on the image obtained, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and, if necessary, physiotherapeutic procedures.

When, in addition to scoliosis, a specialist suspects that the patient has any other diseases that play a role in scoliosis, the patient may additionally be prescribed a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan .

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