Undenatured type II collagen: structure, physiological role, possibility of drug correction for osteoarthritis of the knee joints

Collagen is a protein that consists of several amino acids, including: hydroxyproline, glycine, proline, lysine and arginine. This substance is found in our joints, cartilage, ligaments, as well as skin and nails, which is why supplements and cosmetics with it have become so popular and in high demand over the past few years.

Some people drink collagen because of joint problems, others to “prolong” youth, but not everyone understands that different purposes require their own supplement. Let's look at the main nuances in choosing collagen in order.

Collagen or amino acids?

As mentioned earlier, collagen consists of amino acids, of which 8 are essential. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: isn’t it easier to choose an amino acid complex that, in addition to stimulating collagen production, has a lot of other beneficial properties?

Unlike the amino complex, collagen has a more bioavailable hydrolyzed form, in which the amino acid profile is much higher than in the same complex or protein. That is, the main amino acids that make up collagen (proline, hydroxyproline and glycine) are contained there more.

Therefore, if your goal is to improve joint health or improve the quality of skin and hair, then it is better to opt for collagen.

Where can I buy

Some drugs are sold in pharmacies at an inflated price. Therefore, it is more profitable to order dietary supplements through health product websites.

The lowest prices for collagen are in the well-known online store iHerb. From other sellers the cost will be 30-50% higher. You can check it yourself.

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Types of collagen

The next consideration when choosing a collagen supplement is the type of collagen. There are more than 20 of them in total, but we are interested in three of them, each of which has its own function:

  • Type I - responsible for tissue elasticity, water balance and nutrient absorption;
  • Type II - intended for the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Type III - improves tissue elasticity, reduces age-related changes, and also takes part in the metabolism and renewal of skin cells.

Thus, to improve the condition of the skin, you need to take a supplement with collagen types I and III, for joints - type II.


Juviderm® ULTRA 2

An injectable implant designed to fill moderately severe sagging facial skin by injecting the drug into the middle layers of the dermis, as well as to correct the contour of the lips. It is used to eliminate shallow wrinkles, especially at the corners of the eyes and those lying in close proximity to the surface of the skin.

Juviderm® ULTRA 3

An injection implant designed to fill moderate and deep sagging facial skin by injecting the drug into the middle and/or deep layers of the dermis, as well as to increase the volume of the lips and correct their contour. It is most often used to smooth out medium-deep and deep nasolabial folds.

Juviderm® ULTRA 4

An injection implant designed to fill deep sagging facial skin by injecting the drug into the deep layers of the dermis, as well as to increase the volume of lips and cheekbones. Used to fill deep wrinkles using injections, as well as to increase the volume of lips and cheekbones.


Designed specifically for correcting lip volume and contour.

Juviderm® VOLBELLA™ with Lidocaine

The Juviderm® VOLBELLA™ with Lidocaine intradermal implant is a sterile, pyrogen-free, physiological gel of cross-linked hyaluronic acid using VYCROSS™ technology of non-animal origin. Contains 15 mg/ml hyaluronic acid and 3 mg/ml lidocaine hydrochloride.

Created for:

  • plastic surgery of superficial wrinkles and moderately pronounced sagging of the facial skin, which occurs, in particular, with its premature aging;
  • increasing the volume of the lips and correcting their contour in order to correct such structural defects as lip asymmetry, unevenness of their contour, loss of lip volume, etc.

Juviderm® HYDRATE™

Sterile, pyrogen-free and physiological solution of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. Contains 13.5 mg hyaluronic acid, 9 mg mannitol, phosphate buffer pH 7.2 to a final weight of 1 g.

Designed to increase skin hydration and elasticity by repeated injection of the drug into the area of ​​the dermal-epidermal junction of the skin and the surface layer of the dermis.

Types of collagen

When people talk about collagen sources (or types), they mean the raw materials from which it is obtained, and the effectiveness and bioavailability of the supplement depends on the type of these raw materials.

Animal (or bovine) collagen is the most popular type, which is obtained by processing the top layer of the hide, as well as the joints and cartilage of cattle.

This collagen is well absorbed and has a wound-healing, restorative and moisturizing effect. The cost of such a supplement is small, but there are a couple of disadvantages: animal collagen can cause an allergic reaction and is inferior in the amount of nutrients to marine or plant collagen.

Marine collagen is obtained from the epidermis of sea fish; its amino acid composition is closer to that of humans, therefore it is much better accepted by the body.

The main advantage of marine collagen is that it stimulates the production of its own collagen, and it is also less allergenic compared to its animal counterpart.

Both marine and beef collagen may cause side effects such as skin rashes. This is rarely related to the quality of the product itself; often this reaction is caused by improper bowel function or insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas

The downside may be the rather high price and it requires special storage conditions, which require maintaining temperature conditions and absolute sterility.

The rarest type of collagen is plant collagen, which is not exactly collagen as such - this is wheat protein. It is absolutely hypoallergenic and well absorbed, but due to complex production, such a supplement is very expensive.

You need to choose between marine or bovine collagen based on specific goals: marine collagen is suitable for beauty purposes (skin and hair), and animal collagen is suitable for joint health.

Daily routine, sleep and hormones

Collagen synthesis is impossible without the support of hormones. Thus, the process of neocollagenesis is influenced by sex hormones, the receptors for which are found in fibroblasts. The production of “youth protein” depends on the percentage of estrogen in the body, so in menopausal women, when the amount of female sex hormones sharply decreases, negative changes in the skin also occur. But the main hormone responsible for collagen synthesis is somatotropin . It is notable for its daily rhythms of secretion. The highest and most predictable peak in growth hormone production occurs at night, usually 2 hours after falling asleep. However, a number of studies show reduced rates of hormone secretion in people who go to bed after 1 am (the so-called “night owls”). Therefore, it is generally accepted that the most favorable hours for restoring the beauty of the skin are the interval between 11 pm and 1 am.

Why do you need this knowledge?

After the Radiesse biostimulation procedure or mesotherapy, at least for 2-3 months after it, try to go to bed no later than 21-22 o'clock at night. In combination with a “collagen-stimulating diet,” this approach will allow you to achieve impressive results and maintain the rejuvenation effect for a long time.

Additional components included

When choosing a collagen supplement, you should pay attention to the composition: of course, you can choose a pure product, but the presence of additional vitamins and minerals that improve the absorption of collagen and also promote the synthesis of your own will be an advantage.

Thus, among the most important nutrients necessary for the production of collagen are: copper, vitamin B6, zinc, selenium, silicon, vitamin C, D3 and E, as well as sulfur-containing compounds. A good combination is collagen supplements with coenzyme Q10 and hyaluronic acid. Their presence in the composition or additional intake will help “consolidate” the positive effect.

TOP 3 drugs with multicollagen

Supplements with balanced complexes are arranged in descending order of price per serving.

No. 3 Dr. Ax/Ancient Nutrition, Multi-Collagen Protein Powder

Dr. Ax / Ancient Nutrition, Multi Collagen Protein Powder, 1 lb (454 g)


RUB 3,082

More details

The cost of 1 serving is 62 rubles. 20 kopecks

  • Country: USA;
  • weight – 454 g.

A balanced complex with peptides of animal and fish origin. The supplement contains collagens of types 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, which are used to provide the body with proteins.


  • the drug dissolves quickly in liquid;
  • has no taste or smell;
  • makes the skin elastic and moisturized;
  • improves joint mobility.


  • No

#2 Nature's Plus, Collagen Peptides

Nature's Plus, Collagen Peptides, 0.65 lb (294 g)


RUB 1,611

More details

Price for 1 serving – 48 rubles.

  • Country of origin: USA;
  • net weight – 294 g.

The product contains 6 types of collagen, which are necessary for the functioning of the body. For better absorption, enzymes are added to the drug.


  • the additive strengthens nails;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • eliminates pain and discomfort in joints.


  • has an unpleasant odor.

№1 CMTech, Native Collagen

from 550 ₽

The cost of 1 serving is 27 rubles. 50 kopecks

  • Country Russia;
  • weight – 200 g.

The cheap Russian drug contains proteins of types 1, 2, 3 and vitamin C. The supplement from CMTech is made on the basis of a natural, undenatured compound, which contains many useful amino acids.


  • Dietary supplement restores the structure of cartilage and ligaments;
  • improves the appearance of skin and hair;
  • improves athletic performance;
  • In the production of the supplement, a natural formula is used.


  • sometimes provokes rashes on the face.

Which form should you choose collagen in?

Collagen is available in three forms: capsules/tablets, powder and liquid. Each of these forms has its own advantages:

  • the powder is quickly absorbed and allows you to adjust the dosage yourself; it costs an order of magnitude cheaper than capsules or drinking collagen;
  • capsules and tablets take longer to digest and you need to take this supplement at least 30 minutes before meals, but it’s easier to take this supplement with you;
  • The liquid form is one of the most bioavailable and easily digestible forms, but it requires special storage conditions and has a short shelf life after opening the package.

The choice of form depends more on convenience, but in case of any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, when there is a risk of incomplete absorption of the active substance, capsules are advantageous, since they have a special gelatin shell.
More information about how to properly take collagen of different forms and types can be found in the article: “How to take collagen correctly?” Share:

Meso-Xanthin F199™

A new generation injectable drug with an epigenetic focus for intensive prevention of photo- and chronoaging of the skin after 25 years.

Meso-Xanthin F199™ at the epigenetic level initiates processes aimed at repairing and maintaining the stability of the DNA nucleotide sequence under conditions of oxidative stress and aging; promotes mechanical stretching and “awakening” of fibroblasts, limiting collagen degradation, activation of productive processes, which leads to restoration of the structure of the cell matrix.

Meso-Xanthin F199™ “rejuvenates” skin cells, increases the “quality of life” of cells and their durability, provides physiological renewal of the skin, restores the antioxidant and immune potential of the skin.


1. A unique patented multicomponent injectable drug, the key component of which is the carotenoid Fucoxanthin, which has a powerful positive epigenetic effect on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor precursor cells, on the DNA repair of its own stem cells damaged under oxidative stress and during the aging process.

2. “Meso-Xanthin F199™” is an effective specific (selective) EPIGENETIC regulator of gene expression that encodes the most important structural and functional proteins of skin cells

3. A reliable source of effective solutions to aesthetic problems and rehabilitation of the skin of patients with chronic dermatoses. (note, a wide range of applications for solving cosmetic problems and in the complex treatment of various chronic dermatoses. Symbiosis of cosmetology and dermatology).

4. The safety, effectiveness and reliability of Meso-Xanthin F199™ has been confirmed by numerous clinical and fundamental studies and many years of practical experience in different countries.

5. Used in women and men mainly after the age of 25 years.

Main components:

  • Fucoxanthin (Fucoxanthin F-199)
  • Hyaluronic Acid (molecular weight 3000 kDa, concentration 1.56%)
  • growth factors (EGF; bFGF; IGF-2;);
  • regulatory peptides (TRX; CG);
  • vitamins (A; C; E);
  • amino acids;
  • nucleic acids;
  • coenzymes.


Aqualyx is an innovative lipolytic drug that breaks down adipose tissue and allows you to get rid of cellulite. In cosmetology, Aqualyx is used for local correction of fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The effect of the drug is comparable to the results of plastic surgery.

Intralipotherapy with Aqualyx

Intralipotherapy (Metolese injections) is the injection of Aqualix into the subcutaneous adipose tissue with special Lipoinject needles. The technique was developed by Italian plastic surgeon Pascual Motolese. Needles for intralipotherapy are made of steel; cosmetologists use 70 and 100 mm needles.

The drug Aqualyx acts on the membranes of fat cells, dissolving them, and stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system. After a course of injections, cell breakdown products are eliminated from the body naturally.

Benefits of body contouring with Aqualyx

  • Local effect of the drug. Therapy with Aqualix is ​​ineffective in the treatment of general obesity. The drug acts precisely, breaking down adipose tissue and normalizing metabolic processes;
  • To get rid of cellulite, one or two injections are enough;
  • Aqualix is ​​safe for health (confirmed by certificates);
  • The active substance of the drug - modified sodium salt of deoxycholic acid - acts within 3-5 minutes. This time is enough to dissolve fat cells;
  • Aqualyx effectively eliminates fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks, sides, abdomen and inner arms. The drug can be used by both women and men. After intralipotherapy with Aqualix, the skin maintains an even contour.

Aqualyx injections enhance the effect of pressotherapy and anti-cellulite massage.

MesoEye C71™

Exclusive solution to aesthetic problems in the periorbital area:

  • relief of manifestations of swelling and pastiness in the periorbital area;
  • improving skin color, reducing the severity of dark circles under the eyes;
  • increased turgor and skin tone in the periorbital area;
  • smoothing the macro- and microrelief of the skin;
  • reducing the severity of paraorbital hernias.

The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with the normalization of blood and lymph circulation, which prevents the occurrence of congestion in the periorbital area:

1. Normalization of local blood and lymph circulation - reducing microvascular spasm (suppressing the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme), restoring the normal direction and intensity of blood and lymph flow, reducing the permeability of vascular cells. In total, all this prevents the occurrence of congestion in the periorbital area - direct lymphostimulating effect, reduction of arteriolar spasm, vasoprotection

2. Protection of collagen and elastin fibers, as well as other macromolecular components of the intercellular matrix from the formation of covalent cross-links as a result of glycation. This improves the mechanical properties of the skin (firmness, elasticity), which naturally leads to a reduction in the external manifestations of swelling, improved texture, etc. - improvement in the structural and functional state of the skin, revitalization, lifting.

3. Due to the presence of an opioid peptide (Hexapeptide-17), the drug has lipolytic activity, that is, it promotes a more active breakdown of lipids in subcutaneous adipose tissue - increased physiological liposis.


MesoEye C71™ is a bioactive patented formula consisting of PeriOrbital Peptide XP2, Hexapeptide 17 and unstabilized hyaluronic acid of bioenzymatic origin in a composition with vitamins, microelements, amino acids, nucleic acids.

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