The best sanatoriums with musculoskeletal treatment of joints in Russia and Crimea

While relaxing in sanatoriums with musculoskeletal treatment, the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the action of natural factors: mild climatic conditions, high degree of air ionization, the presence of medicinal waters, mud, etc. Patients note a significant improvement in their health, elimination of pain, increased mobility and relief from discomfort.

There are many medical institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation that deal with these problems, so choosing the right option for yourself can be quite difficult. An excellent assistant in this is the list of the best sanatoriums for the treatment of joints in Russia, described below.


It is strongly recommended to seek professional medical help if you have the following problems:

  • Osteochondrosis is a lesion of spinal tissue (mainly intervertebral discs and ligaments). According to WHO, this pathology now affects 40 to 90% of people over 30 years of age.
  • Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine with a predominant development in childhood.
  • Gout is a disorder of metabolic processes in the joint cavities and internal organs due to a disorder of protein metabolism.
  • Arthrosis is considered the most common disease, which is based on a violation of the integrity of cartilage tissue.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disorder that can occur in both young and old people.

This is not a complete list of problems for which sanatoriums with treatment of the musculoskeletal system are indicated. However, it is necessary to understand that all diseases must be in remission. Carrying out therapy during decompensation or exacerbation may worsen recovery.

How does pathology develop?

Regardless of the cause, the disease is based on problems associated with the restoration of cartilage cellular tissue. Normally, articular cartilage is elastic and smooth, which allows the joints to move gently relative to each other. But as soon as the disease begins, the surface of the joints becomes loose, and microparticles are gradually separated from it. Moving inside the joint fluid, they injure the synovial membrane.

When considering arthrosis, its symptoms and treatment methods, it is important to know and take into account all the features of the development of the disease. Gradually, calcification begins in the affected cartilaginous areas, and ossification begins in the deeper layers. Numerous cysts appear, which combine with the joint and form separate ossified areas. As a result of constant trauma, the articular membrane thickens and fibrous degeneration begins. Bones become deformed with the appearance of bone growths on their edges. The ligamentous-muscular apparatus is involved in the pathogenic process.

  • Knee-joint
  • Elbow joint
  • Ankle joint
  • Shoulder joint

What programs are used to treat joint diseases?

Today, a large number of effective manipulations are used, each of which has its own spectrum of action, effectiveness and indications. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Types of health treatments

  1. Physiotherapy. Consists of general therapeutic complexes and physiotherapeutic agents. Depending on the severity of the pain syndrome and the course of the disease, doctors use ultrasound, inductothermy, UHF therapy and electrophoresis with the help of a variety of medications. Interstitial electrical stimulation is in particular demand, as it normalizes blood circulation, enhances the regeneration of affected nerves, and prevents the breakdown of cartilage and salt deposition.
  2. Balneotherapy. Sanatoriums where joints are treated use complex water procedures that have a mechanical and chemical effect. The best method is considered to be underwater traction on mineral or fresh water. A special bath doses the load taking into account the condition of the patient’s muscular corset. This improves blood circulation, which leads to decompression of the nerve roots. It also eliminates swelling, tension and contractures in the muscles.
  3. Hydrotherapy. Various types of showers are actively used. They activate blood and lymph circulation, reduce spasm and create optimal conditions for joint rehabilitation.
  4. Mud therapy. Sanatoriums for the treatment of joints and spine practice mud applications with thermal compressors. They suppress local inflammation, increase mobility and relieve pain.
  5. Exercise therapy. An individual lesson plan is developed, which may consist of visits to the gym, swimming in the pool or Nordic walking. Physical education helps to develop the affected areas of the body, thanks to which you can be completely cured or undergo adaptive rehabilitation.
  6. Massage. Classic manual and mechanical techniques are used to increase blood circulation, reduce spasm and muscle tension.
  7. Climate therapy, health path. When asking the question: “Which sanatorium is best for treating joints?”, it is worth considering options with increased air ionization. This has a positive effect on the respiratory system and tissue redox processes. To achieve results, dosed walking is used. Special routes are being developed to allow you to enjoy the picturesque views, strengthen your overall well-being, and increase your immune defense.
  8. Diet.

Treatment programs and courses in health resorts

Treatment programs and courses are based on the characteristics of specific sanatoriums and their capabilities. Not all programs are ideal for some people, so most often individual courses are created on site, depending on the characteristics of the body and the goals that the patient needs to achieve.

Moreover, many sanatoriums are located in natural areas where tourism is developed. And since physical activity during sanatorium-resort treatment, as a rule, is not limited, in your free time from procedures you can take a nice walk to exotic places in the vicinity of the health resort.

Profitable offer


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  • Anapa

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  • Gelendzhik

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Patients receive a rational and balanced diet, filled with a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins that strengthen bones and cartilage.
Sanatoriums where you can treat joints offer a variety of techniques and approaches, each with its own level of effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the list of services of a medical institution in advance and choose a suitable place.

Healing factors

Russian health resorts are based in areas characterized by favorable natural conditions. They speed up recovery. Actively used:

  • Sea. Swimming in sea water helps develop muscles.
  • Climate. Mountain ranges are especially valuable, since the air has a high concentration of ions.
  • Sun. It has a therapeutic effect not only on the body, but also on the psyche.
  • Water. Some boarding houses offer their clients to experience the healing properties of local waters.
  • Mud. Therapeutic mud baths are common in Crimea. Their use is in demand due to its proven effectiveness.

Rehabilitation equipment

A wide range of simulators, apparatus and devices are used for recovery. As a rule, these are sports bicycles, treadmills, special bars for developing legs, bathtubs, showers and much more. An exercise plan is drawn up for each patient and the most optimal devices are selected.

What is the purpose of therapy?

All therapeutic manipulations are aimed at completely eliminating pathology or adapting a person to a new life. In the second case, a series of training sessions are held to teach you how to adapt and help you get rid of discomfort. Health resorts specializing in the musculoskeletal system help get rid of pain, improve joint mobility and relieve local inflammation.

Restoration of leg joints at the Medscan private clinic in Moscow

The medical center provides rehabilitation of joints of the lower extremities for arthritis and arthrosis, aimed at reducing pain. The recovery program lasts 5 days and has an affordable price. Upon arrival at the clinic, a diagnosis and assessment of the patient’s condition is carried out. Next, a rehabilitation program is drawn up, and the procedures prescribed by the doctor are carried out.

To correct the plan of rehabilitation measures and for the purpose of dynamic monitoring, additional medical examinations are carried out. Sign up for a rehabilitation center in Moscow or the Moscow region and ask additional questions by phone.

Crimea – “Miskhor”

For many years, the sanatorium for joints in Crimea, Miskhor, has enjoyed well-deserved success among people with problems with the musculoskeletal system. It is located in a wonderful and amazing place, located at the foot of Ai-Petri and not far from the very heart of the peninsula - Yalta (about 15 km). Zdravitsa specializes in resuscitation, prevention and elimination of cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and musculoskeletal diseases. It is equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows achieving positive dynamics.

Types of procedures

For the treatment of joints in Crimea, the best sanatorium is Miskhor. The following treatments are provided here:

  • Climatotherapy: air and sun baths, sea bathing.
  • Terrenkur.
  • Swimming in the pool.
  • Aromatherapy (Crimean herbs and aromatic oils are especially popular).
  • Diet therapy.
  • Exercise therapy.
  • Balneotherapy: bath (with bioshock, with aromatic substances, pearl, for feet) and shower.
  • Thermal therapy: applications with healing mud or ozokerite.
  • Hardware physiotherapy: electric current (electrophoresis, SMT, DDT, magnetic therapy, microwave and UHF), ultrasound, light therapy (using laser or ultraviolet irradiation) and phonophoresis.
  • Massage.

Natural factors used

The climate, sea and healing mud are used for medicinal purposes. In addition, Crimean herbs are used in therapy to help balance the nervous system. Treatment actively involves walking in mountainous areas, which are equipped with special paths for walking.

Rehabilitation equipment

The equipment of the toast allows you to influence all muscle groups and the skeletal skeleton, thereby increasing their mobility and eliminating pain. Patients swim in ponds, work out in the gym according to an individual program or with a personal trainer, and use showers and baths.


Another no less significant place on the Crimean peninsula can be safely called the Poltava-Crimea toast. She has extensive experience of successful work in rheumatology, diseases of the musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal system. Our staff creates optimal conditions for restoring full mobility without pain. This facility is located in the city of Saki, just 20 km from the Black Sea coast.

Types of procedures

The tour includes a wide range of:

  • Diet therapy with careful selection of diet.
  • Climatotherapy.
  • A path with a measured climb into the mountains.
  • Mud applications or electric mud.
  • Baths.
  • Massage.
  • Swimming, circular shower and hydrokinesitherapy.
  • Exercise therapy and manual therapy.
  • Balneoprocedure
  • Aromatherapy.

Natural factors used

The Poltava-Crimea sanatorium in the city of Saki in Crimea, with treatment of joints and arthrosis, the prices of which are quite affordable for the average citizen, offers various approaches to the issue of eliminating pathological processes in the bones and spine. The main valuable factor is the world-famous mud from Lake Saki. Balneotherapy is performed on its basis. In addition, vacationers can enjoy sea and mountain air.

Rehabilitation equipment

The sanatorium has equipment for lymphatic drainage massages, shock wave therapy, magnetic therapy, etc. Visits to the salt cave are very popular.

Also, the territory of the health resort is equipped with a variety of sports equipment that help fight muscle atrophy. There is a large swimming pool for swimming, where training is also carried out.


The cost of accommodation starts from 1420 rubles per day.

Karachi, Novosibirsk region

The lake, shaped like an ellipse and covering an area of ​​362 hectares, is located 400 kilometers from Novosibirsk. Local sulfide-silt mud containing carbonic acid, methane, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia was recognized as useful in 1880. It lies along the entire bottom, at a distance of approximately 40-80 centimeters from the surface. It is used in local sanatoriums, and is also sold to other medical institutions in Russia, and is also exported. Mud has a strong antibacterial and antifungal effect, improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Krasnodar region – “Belaya Rus”

This is one of the most famous treatment and preventive institutions in Russia. It is located in a beautiful corner of Tuapse Bay. This is an ideal sanatorium after hip replacement, as it is equipped with modern equipment and services. The complex is located on a plateau of the Black Sea coast, surrounded by ecologically clean areas.

Types of procedures

Here are the following ways to improve your health:

  • Landscape therapy.
  • Heliotherapy.
  • Thalassotherapy.
  • Terrenkur.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • Mud therapy.
  • Treatment with medicinal leeches.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Speleotherapy.

And this is not a complete list.

Healing factors

Since it is located on the Black Sea coast, swimming is actively used to treat the musculoskeletal system. Climate, sea water and ionized air also have a beneficial effect.

Rehabilitation equipment

The boarding house is equipped with special rooms in which electrotherapy and light therapy are carried out. There are also massage rooms, gyms for individual or group classes, a swimming pool, baths and showers.


The minimum cost of accommodation per day ranges from 2,950 to 8,500 rubles.

Sestroretsk, Leningrad region

Sestroretsk is located next to St. Petersburg, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. It is known for its wide sandy beaches surrounded by large green areas. For its dizzying sea views, the city received the name of the Northern Riviera. The Sestroretsky Resort sanatorium was founded in 1898. The treatment procedures are based on weakly radioactive sodium chloride water, which also contains calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Silt mud has been mined at the Sestroretsk resort since 1902; it has more than once received various awards at specialized international exhibitions. All thanks to the excellent composition containing zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese. If we compare it with the Dead Sea mud, it is less mineralized, i.e. It dries the skin less and has a greater antibacterial effect. After mud procedures, lymph and blood circulation improves, metabolism is normalized, and skin regeneration processes are accelerated. In addition, Sestroretsk mud can be bought, package weight from 300 grams to 10 kilograms, price from 125 to 2500 thousand rubles.

Moscow region - Mikhailovskoye resort

The capital's sanatorium that treats joints is the Mikhailovskoye resort. One of the oldest medical institutions. Here are held:

  • Hardware physiotherapy (SMT, ultrasound therapy).
  • Galvanic dirt.
  • Baths.
  • Several massage techniques.
  • Magneto, laser and heat therapy.
  • Exercise therapy.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Reflexology.
  • Path course through mountain ranges.
  • Diet therapy.

Healing factors

Clean air, climate and surrounding nature have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. A team of specialists creates optimal conditions for improving well-being, using both natural and technical resources.

Rehabilitation equipment

Special rooms for amplipulse therapy and ultratherapy are of greatest value for muscle development. There are also bathtubs and showers, massage tables, gyms for training and prepared paths for hiking in the mountains.


The cost of living is from 2500 rubles per day.

Sanatorium "im.

Profitable offer

  • Ski tourism

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  • Republic of Belarus

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  • Sochi

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Artem Sergeev" - Moscow region

This is one of the oldest medical institutions, annually overtaking the leading sanatoriums for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint in Russia, the prices of which remain quite acceptable for all those in need. Its territory is surrounded by a forest park and three banks of the Skhodnya River.

Types of wellness treatments

The boarding house is a general therapeutic facility, therefore it offers all existing types of physiotherapy, balneological and mud therapy. Patients are offered various massage techniques, herbal medicine, exercise therapy and even psychological help. Hydrotherapies are also practiced: salt, pearl and aromatic.

Healing factors

The local air has a high concentration of negative ions, and the area is green. The main factor in treatment is a group of professional doctors who use any type of physiotherapy, balneotherapy, and mud therapy.

Rehabilitation equipment

There is a hydropathic clinic with salt, aromatic and pearl baths, Charcot shower, underwater massage, swimming pool, sauna and gym. Particularly popular are the massage rooms, hardware physiotherapy, magnetic therapy and inhalation rooms. After the procedures, you can relax and drink an oxygen cocktail in the herbal bar.


The minimum price for treatment is 1,550 rubles per day, the maximum is 8,700 rubles.


  1. Sheveleva N.I., Minbaeva L.S. Modern view on the problem of rehabilitation of joint pathology [Electronic resource] // Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 2021.
  2. Korableva N.N. Complex rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis of large joints [Electronic resource] // Medical scientific and practical portal “Treating Doctor”, 2021.
  3. Kurys V.N., Egorova S.A., Misyukov V.V. Means and methods of therapeutic physical culture in the process of rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis of large joints [Electronic resource] // Journal “Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture in sports”, 2010.

Altai Territory - “Belokurikha”

Full rehabilitation in a sanatorium after endoprosthetics (replacement) of the hip and knee joint cannot be done without an institution like Belokurikha. This is a large sports and fitness complex with well-maintained infrastructure. The territory is regularly updated, and medical equipment is replenished with new devices and simulators.

Types of health treatments

Range of services:

  • Mud therapy.
  • Healing souls.
  • Manual massages.
  • Various types of physiotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Classes in the pool.
  • Saunas.
  • Dosed consumption of mineral water and much more.

Healing factors

The sanatorium is rich in healing waters, natural vegetation (many coniferous trees) and mud, which fills the baths.

Rehabilitation equipment

On the territory there are: a swimming pool, baths and saunas, a gym and sports halls, an ice skating rink and a tennis court. A separate medical building has everything necessary for carrying out procedures: massage rooms, baths, showers, physiotherapy, inhalation rooms, etc.


The cost of living varies from 1,700 to 15,000 rubles per day.

Types of healing showers

Unlike baths, the healing effect of showers is based on the action of a “shock” jet of water. The most common types of showers are the Charcot and Vichy methods, as well as the circular shower. They are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

During Charcot's shower, a stream of water is supplied under pressure from a distance of 3 meters. First, the whole body is treated, and then it is directed to the back, arms, legs, buttocks, stomach, thighs. The water pressure during the procedure can reach four atmospheres. But the result is noticeable immediately: the flow of lymph and blood in the body is activated, the saturation of tissues with oxygen increases, headaches and muscle tension go away, and metabolism accelerates. The procedure is especially effective for losing excess weight if combined with dietary nutrition, in the treatment of neuroses and depression.

The Vichy shower has a softer effect: the person is in a lying position, and thin streams of water, reminiscent of rain, fall on him from above. This is one of the best anti-stress procedures: it relieves nervous tension and relaxes the body. In thermal spas, mineral water is used in the shower.

Another type of therapeutic shower is a circular shower. To carry it out, a system of human-sized tubes is used, which are arranged in a circle. During the procedure, a person stands in the center, and water is supplied from tubes under pressure in small streams. This shower has a calming and immunostimulating effect.


Speaking about therapeutic baths for joints in a sanatorium, it is impossible not to mention such a wonderful toast as. It is located in the valley of the Belokurikha River at an altitude of 250 meters.

Types of health treatments

The range of services is represented by the following items:

  • Hydrotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Thermotherapy in the bath and sauna.
  • Psychological help.
  • Mud therapy.
  • Acupuncture and reflexology.
  • Several massage techniques.

Healing factors

The area around is represented by amazing natural views and mountain landscapes. Nearby you can see a well-groomed oak grove and a ski slope. The staff of this medical institution actively use therapeutic mud and thermal waters to carry out various procedures. Local mineral water helps normalize the functioning of many internal organs: kidneys, stomach, intestines, pancreas, etc. Landscape therapy and a favorable climate have a positive effect on a person’s mood and general condition.

Rehabilitation equipment

Gyms are used (especially cycling paths and parallel bars for developing muscles), massage and mud rooms, saunas and steam baths. Acupuncture performed by qualified specialists is also used


The minimum cost of a day stay is from 2,800 rubles.

General concepts about spa treatment

There are many different medical institutions in our country that treat individual health problems with a complete, step-by-step approach. There is no need to stand in line to get an appointment with your doctor, get a ticket to see a more specialized specialist, and then spend a long time waiting in line for physiotherapy - everything is available in full in a specialized sanatorium.

Here you can get a detailed examination and adequate treatment: massage, mud therapy, therapeutic baths for joints and much, much more. It is in such institutions that the achievements of modern and alternative medicine are combined in order to find an individual approach to each patient and help him restore and improve his health.

Recommendations on the frequency of the rehabilitation course

To achieve the desired effect of treatment, it is necessary to undergo a course of sanatorium-resort therapy for a period of at least 14 days. The ideal length of stay is 21 days. This period will be enough to receive all medical consultations, adapt to a new area (even if you have been here before) and select suitable manipulations. Even the best sanatoriums for the treatment of joints and the spinal column cannot select treatment tactics remotely. An initial consultation, thorough diagnosis and testing are required. Only on the basis of these data can the attending doctor draw conclusions about the patient’s current state of health. As a rule, the optimal frequency of visits to sanatorium-resort establishments should not exceed 1-2 times a year. However, these deadlines can be adjusted individually.

Moscow region, Altai, Crimea and all the sanatoriums where they treat joints with mud and many other procedures - this is a list that can be continued indefinitely. Today you can find many institutions where they will help you alleviate existing ailments. To do this, just go to the website, familiarize yourself with the range of services and book a room. We hope that this article will be informative for you and will significantly narrow your search!

Rating of the best sanatoriums in Russia for the treatment of joints

The best sanatoriums in the Krasnodar region for the treatment of joints1Arctic5.0
3Red Talca4.8
The best sanatoriums of KavMinVod for the treatment of joints1Rus5.0
2Healing Narzan4.9
3Mashuk Aqua-Therm4.8
The best sanatoriums in central Russia for the treatment of joints1Moscow region5.0
2Zagorsk distances4.9
3Sanatorium named after Vorovsky4.8
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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