List of the best ointments for bunions on the big toe

A pathology characterized by the appearance of a protruding bone on the big toe is called hallux valgus. This disease brings both aesthetic and physical suffering: with a strongly protruding bunion, it is difficult to choose suitable shoes, the foot looks ugly, and the bunion often hurts.

To get rid of deformation, special ointments are often used - both medications and those made according to folk recipes. Next, we will learn how to properly apply ointment for a bunion on the big toe, how to choose the right drug correctly, and what to pay attention to.

How to get rid of bumps on your feet?

After an external examination of the deformed joint and foot, doctors prescribe instrumental studies (in particular x-rays). If the lump is small, it can be treated conservatively. In adults, it is impossible to reduce its size, but it will be possible to prevent its increase.

All therapeutic methods are used: the treatment process will not be quick. To combat bumps, orthopedists prescribe corrective pads for constant wear. Massage sessions and physiotherapy are helpful. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is recommended.

How to use

In order for the ointment for a bunion on the big toe to work effectively, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Apply the product only to clean skin. Under no circumstances should it be used on top of another medicinal product. Before use, wash your feet or treat them with cleansing wipes.
  2. If there are cracks in the skin, you should not use products with pepper and other caustic, irritating ingredients.
  3. Use any of the remedies only on the advice of a doctor.
  4. It is better to use the ointment in complex treatment - the effect will be much more pronounced and faster.

So, now you know what ointments you can use to get rid of a bunion on your big toe.

The products can be used either from the pharmacy or prepared independently according to folk recipes - the main thing is that the ointments contain useful ingredients.

Do not forget to first consult with a doctor about the use of this or that remedy so that the treatment is not useless.

Treatment of hallux valgus

The simplest therapeutic treatments include:

  • wearing orthopedic insoles (the insole is made individually for each patient and is formed on the leg using an instep support);
  • silicone intertoe inserts (the big toe returns to its natural position and inhibits further deformation of the foot);
  • corrective orthopedic splint (worn constantly and removed only during sleep, while maintaining foot mobility);
  • In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to reduce pain: warming ointments, creams and compresses.

Alternative medicine

Folk wisdom contains many useful recipes for all occasions, and deformation of the bunion on the big toe is no exception. For this case, alternative medicine has also prepared many recipes, and they can be used as additional treatment. Below are a few examples of folk methods for getting rid of a protruding bone.

Ointment made from honey, eggs and acetic acid

The product will help relieve pain and lead to a gradual reduction in the compaction on the finger. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Place the egg (in the shell) in a 50 ml container, fill it with 70% vinegar to the top, leave for 10-12 days - during this time the egg will completely dissolve;
  2. Remove the shell, mix everything else;
  3. Add to the contents of the container one spoon (tablespoon) of melted lard, the same amount of Vaseline, natural cow butter. The product is ready.

Egg Rendered lard Vaseline Cow butter

The ointment is applied every other day; it is necessary to alternate the use of the product with the iodine mesh. In addition to getting rid of the bone, the ointment will also help get rid of the fungus with itching, if any.

Ointment with turpentine

It is better, of course, to purchase a product containing turpentine at the pharmacy, but if you need a more highly concentrated product, you can prepare it at home.

The recipe is similar to the previous one: the egg is also infused in vinegar in the same proportion. The only difference is that after adding lard, you also need to add 2 teaspoons of turpentine. The product is applied topically every other day. You may feel a tingling sensation during application: this is completely normal.

Salt-honey ointment

You need to take regular “Extra” table salt and equal amounts of honey. They are mixed, after which the resulting slurry is applied to the protrusion of the finger, and polyethylene is placed on top. It is recommended to wear socks for a warming effect and leave the product on all night. The procedure must be carried out every night for a month.

How to choose and use a cream to treat hallux valgus?

Creams and ointments have several advantages over tablets and injections.

  • They can be combined with other forms of medication without fear of side effects.
  • Ointments have a high concentration of the active substance, which cannot be achieved by taking tablets.
  • Using the cream is appropriate at home.
  • The range allows you to choose the most suitable product based on effectiveness and price.
  • You can carry it with you and use it for a long time.

An effective ointment usually contains the following components:

  • shark oil;
  • turpentine;
  • medical bile;
  • pepper extract;
  • camphor.

The product is applied after thoroughly cleansing the skin. The ointment is rubbed into the seal on the finger until it is completely absorbed. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure must be performed several times a day. It is important to monitor the dynamics of treatment and, if necessary, correct it.

general information

The bunion on the big toe usually begins to grow due to an excess of certain nutrients in the body. The pathology is often associated with too high a calorie diet or with an excessive amount of protein in the diet.

If the bones stick out strongly, and the body, therefore, is thoroughly slagged, ointments alone will not be able to help. In this case, it is also necessary to establish proper nutrition and conduct a course of cleansing the body of salts and harmful substances. Therapeutic procedures and manipulations, diets must be coordinated with a doctor - only a competent approach will bring a positive result.

Cream for bunions on big toes should be used as part of complex therapy - if this condition is met, the effect of treatment will be more pronounced. Other components of complex therapy include:

  • Massages;
  • Wearing orthopedic devices;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

The active components of ointments sometimes cause allergies, so before use you must first conduct a sensitivity test.

Top 10 best remedies for bunion on big toe

Your doctor will help you determine the degree of development of the disease and its progression. He will also recommend ointments and other remedies that are best suited for you. Below we will look at just a few of the most famous of them.


Allows for the prevention and treatment of hallux valgus. The big toe is fixed and held in a vertical position. The pad serves as a means of preventing calluses and is suitable for absolutely any type of shoe. The brace transfers the main load from the forefoot.

Tire "Hallux Valgus"

The main purpose of the device is to physically correct the position of the big toe and the first metatarsophalangeal joint. When walking, the finger is retracted inward, and the joint moves outward. Pain and discomfort disappear after 10 days. Even people with very sensitive skin can use the splint - it does not rub. The product can be hand washed in warm water.

"Valgus Stop"

The pit cream contains medical bile, arnica extract, lavender and mint oils. The product has a noticeable effect after the first use. It promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue and activates the blood circulation process. It is especially effective to combine the use of ointment with wearing a special orthopedic brace.

Maclura ointment

The composition includes chamomile extract and maclura fruit extract. The drug perfectly softens the salt layers that lead to the growth of the bone. The ointment eliminates irritation and fatigue in the legs. After 30 days of treatment, you must take a break for one month, and then repeat if necessary.


The product is developed on the basis of the bischofite mineral. The gel does not irritate the skin and actively affects blood microcirculation. The drug is economically consumed and compatible with the use of other drugs. Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, swelling in the bone area goes away faster, and the cartilage tissue is restored more easily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Gel "Voltaren"

It has an anti-inflammatory and pronounced analgesic effect. The medication instantly relieves pain (occurring both at rest and during movement) and reduces inflammatory swelling. To enhance the effect, the gel is used together with other dosage forms of Voltaren.

Balm Vishnevsky

The high effectiveness and safety of the drug made it especially popular. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The growth is lubricated twice a day until the condition improves. The composition includes purified birch tar, castor oil and xeroform. The ointment has a specific and pungent odor.

Cream “Shishka-stop”

The product contains only natural substances that enhance each other’s effects: shark oil, bay laurel extract, formic acid, camphor.

Shark oil has long been used in Japan to treat chronic joint diseases. In addition, it increases local immunity. To achieve results faster, steam your feet in hot water before applying the cream. The drug removes lymph stagnation and has a positive effect on metabolic processes within tissues and joints.


The use of iodine-based ointment will reduce the size of the protrusion itself and relieve pain. The drug is effective only in the early stages of the disease. The ointment contains no fatty components, which explains its good absorption into the tissue. Even after a single use, the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin stops.

What components are important?

If you are thinking about how to smear the bunion on your big toe, then among the medications available in pharmacies you can find many ointments that can help with the problem. The most effective of them will be those that contain the following components:

  1. Shark oil;
  2. Turpentine:
  3. Medical bile.

Next, we will get acquainted with the useful properties of the components.


This substance of natural origin (extracted from pine needles) has pronounced analgesic properties: the quality is important for neglected bones, which can be very painful when walking. Turpentine, by irritating the skin, helps other medicinal substances penetrate better and deeper into the tissue.

If the lump is rubbed and bleeding, ointment for a bump on the leg containing turpentine will help stop the bleeding. Turpentine also helps stop inflammatory processes. Usually turpentine ointments are inexpensive and available.

Shark oil

This substance is also of natural origin - it is extracted from the liver of sharks. Fat has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and contains many useful substances. It is known that the immunity of sharks is very powerful - and this property can be borrowed through the use of fat from these animals.

Shark oil contains squalene, a natural antibiotic that does not cause side effects when used. Squalene quickly kills harmful bacteria and effectively stops local inflammatory processes.

Shark fat also contains alkoxyglycerol, a natural immunomodulator. This substance helps to activate hematopoietic processes, which is very useful for protruding bones. It is known that this substance is directly involved in the formation of new body cells - this is why sharks recover so quickly from injuries, bleeding and any wounds.

Shark oil contains various vitamins and many fatty acids: these substances are generally beneficial to the body, helping the healing and recovery process. There are also polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the formation of blood clots.

You can also buy natural shark oil at the pharmacy, which can be used to prepare homemade ointments for bones.

Shark oil can be contained in various pharmaceutical preparations, since this substance is universally useful. You should look for a drug whose packaging says: ointment for bumps on the legs.

Medical bile

The substance is extracted at

slaughter of gall bladders of pigs or cows. Bile effectively relieves inflammation and relieves pain.

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