Do-it-yourself back trainer drawings, photos, videos

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The inversion table is designed to train the muscles and ligaments of the back, which has a beneficial effect on overall health and allows you to get rid of pain in the spine. In addition, the inversion table improves regional blood circulation and improves the efficiency of the lymph nodes.

This simulator is used to treat a variety of back diseases, ranging from banal osteochondrosis to such serious diseases as scoliosis. In some cases, an inversion table is indicated for a hernia.

Product Description

An inversion table is used to treat a wide variety of spinal disorders. Moreover, with its help you can also strengthen the muscular corset and ligaments of the back.

An inversion table is a simulator that you can use independently and at home. Simply put, if you know the safety precautions and rules for performing exercises on it, you can use it without a trainer or supervision from doctors.

Inversion table DFC XJ

Despite the undoubted therapeutic effect provided by this simulator, it is not a panacea and in most cases is used only as an additional method of treatment to the main therapy. The reason is that it only improves the body’s compensatory functions and reduces the symptoms of diseases.

In addition, even in cases where the simulator is indicated for treatment (for example, with muscle tension or osteochondrosis), its use may be contraindicated in individual cases. Simply put, you should not use an inversion table without first consulting a doctor.

Purpose: what and where is it used?

An inversion table is used as an auxiliary treatment method for a relatively large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, its use is justified not only for the treatment of such diseases, but also for their prevention.

So the inversion table is used for:

treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis); relieving excess tension in the muscles (here the device acts as a muscle relaxant); prevention of varicose veins, scoliosis, osteochondrosis; strengthening the muscle corset and ligamentous apparatus; increasing flexibility and, accordingly, range of motion; general relaxation and stress relief; stimulating microcirculation of blood in the back and the flow of lymphatic fluid.

Performing an exercise on an inversion table

Despite the possibility of preventing scoliosis with the help of an inversion table, using it if you already have scoliosis is not only pointless, but also dangerous. The fact is that those therapeutic exercises that are performed on such simulators are usually contraindicated for scoliotic disease.

The essence and advantages of application

The undoubted advantage of the inversion table is its autonomy. Simply put, the patient can perform various necessary exercises himself, without supervision from a doctor and at home.

In addition, a huge advantage of this simulator is that it can be made independently, and the process of manufacturing parts and subsequent assembly can be done even by a person inexperienced in such things.

All the necessary drawings and even video instructions for making an inversion table with your own hands can be easily found on the Internet.

If we talk about the therapeutic effect that an inversion table has, there is also a noticeable advantage of the device. The fact is that in case of inflammatory and dystrophic pathologies of the back, which are accompanied by pain, the exercise machine has a noticeable effect within 15 minutes of use.

Sew a punching bag

Do you want to fill your hands at home and “grow” strength in your hands? This means you can’t do without a punching bag (bag). But before you make a simulator for the arm muscles, you need to clearly decide on the materials - both for the outer lining and for the “filling” of the future device.

Exterior cladding materials

There may be several options:

  1. Thick fabric. Perhaps the worst choice. Because no matter how dense the fabric is and no matter how many layers you fold it into, there is no escape from its porous structure. This means that the filler will slowly, “sneakily” wake up. In addition, under serious loads the fabric may even tear - it will be fun to collect all the “insides” of the bag on the floor.
  2. Tarpaulin. The option is better than the first, but also not so great. Its advantage is the absence of a porous structure. The flaw is the same as the fabric - it can burst.
  3. Faux leather or leather. The most justified solution in terms of reliability and durability. The “combination” of these materials with tarpaulin also shows itself to be quite good in operation.

What to fill the pear with?

Most often, sand or sawdust is used for these purposes. Sometimes rice is used.

If we approach the issue from the point of view of the health of the hands, then the best “filling” can be called crumb rubber. A number of amateurs recommend using an additional small bag filled with pebbles or other non-sharp stones for weighting.

Now let's move on to the main question - how to make a simulator at home correctly, so that later you don’t regret wasted time and effort? First of all, be patient, since the process of sewing does not bring everyone into a state of indescribable delight.

Prepare patterns and cut blanks of the given size according to them. Sew them from the inside out with a large needle or crochet hook and “attach” the bottom. Turn the product right side out. The inner bag is made with a slightly smaller diameter than the outer one. The third “container”, intended for stones, should be very small.

Make a ring out of steel wire and put chains on it. Now insert the ring into the top of the pear and seal it tightly. Fill the bags and insert one into the other so that the material is well and evenly packed throughout the entire volume of the projectile.

Now all that remains is to think about the fasteners.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy an inversion table in almost any online store for sports or correctional (rehabilitation) purposes. As a rule, such products are supplied disassembled with instructions for manual assembly.

There are also ready-to-use models (assembled), but they have a markup of around +2-4% . Despite the increased cost of ready-made models, we recommend buying them, since incorrect self-assembly can lead to a lack of therapeutic effect and even injury.

Prices for inversion tables vary from model to model. Budget simulators cost around 17 thousand rubles, while universal ones, which have various additional devices, cost around 60 thousand rubles.

Hang UPS Inversion Table

Instrumentation for the simulator in the form of a system with fasteners costs approximately 15,000 rubles, and inversion leggings cost about 11 thousand rubles. Additionally, you can purchase a simulator for stretching and therapeutic decompression; its cost is on average 14 thousand rubles.

Models and specifications

There are several dozen models of inversion tables, differing not only in size, but also in built-in functionality. As a rule, budget models are devoid of all additional mechanisms (for example, stretching or decompression devices) and are relatively small in size.

The most popular models of inversion tables are:

DFC XJ-I-06CL trainer. The weight of the device is 27 kilograms, dimensions are 146x78x159 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 150 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 14990 rubles. Hang UPS EP-960 trainer. The weight of the device is 30 kilograms, dimensions are 211x69x150 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 136 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 36,500 rubles. Body Sculpture GB exercise machine Weight of the device is 5 kilograms, dimensions 128x80x15 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 100 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 10,000 rubles. Optifit Alba NQ-3300 exercise machine. Device weight: 25 kilograms, dimensions 157x67.5x116 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 135 kilograms. 1 year warranty. Cost: 11890 rubles. Verge Fitness Master. The weight of the device is 25 kilograms, dimensions are 150x65x120 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 120 kilograms. 1.5 year warranty. Cost: 16,000 rubles. Hang Ups CONTOUR L3 trainer. The weight of the device is 35 kilograms, dimensions are 71x41x168 centimeters. Designed for a maximum user weight of 136 kilograms. 2 year warranty. Cost: 50,000 rubles.

Inversion table (video)

How to do it yourself?

You don’t need to build table legs yourself; it’s much easier to buy them at any hardware store or IKEA. The simplest legs (budget ones) will do.

Next, to create a tabletop, take chipboard with a thickness of 3 centimeters. Chipboard of this size allows you to create a table with dimensions of 1.5 by 2 meters. If it is impossible to find chipboard of this thickness, you can glue two chipboards with a thickness of 1.6-1.8 centimeters.

Basic exercises on an inversion table

To do this, cut out two sheets of the required sizes. We take a wood screw (20 millimeters) and drill the sheet that will be below along the edge and in the middle. Select the diameter of the drill such that the screws can easily fall into these holes.

Use a thick drill to make recesses for the screw heads above the holes. After this, you need to lubricate the surface of the sheets with glue, which will then come into contact. Important: you need to smear every surface.

Now we fold the sheets and tighten them using self-tapping screws. It is recommended to paint the chipboard after tightening (even if it is sanded or laminated). If necessary, repair small defects on the chipboard with regular putty.

Now, to create stability for the table, you need to install legs along its edges. They need to be installed as close to the edges as is generally permissible. If you need a very large table, do not forget to install an additional fifth leg in its center.

What to choose from

A home bench press bench is most often included in a compact exercise machine or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. Regular exercisers will probably end up with a simulator, so when choosing a prototype bench, you need to keep in mind what it will acquire later. The most common designs of sports simulators are 4-, 3-, and 2-support.

Types of home exercise equipment

4-support projectiles, pos. 1 in Fig., are intended for developed athletes who operate with large, over 100 kg, weights. The racks for the barbell are located in them at the level of the shoulders of the person lying down, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a barbell collapsing with the bar on the chest is very serious. 4-support exercise machines are heavy, cumbersome, and you can’t exercise with heavy weights in an apartment: falling on the floor, they give an instantaneous load of 5-8 of their weights, and the load-bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg/sq. m.

For domestic conditions, 3-support exercise machines are intended, simple and with additional levers for weights, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. To ensure that the bar of the barbell in a 3-support machine also falls at shoulder level, their benches are made to “break”: it is dangerous to pick up the barbell with your hands behind your head.

A 2-support exercise machine is actually a bench for the press. For different groups of exercises, horizontal and inclined benches are needed, pos. 4 and 5: on a horizontal bench the abs swing, and on an inclined bench the lumbar muscles are also well loaded. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos.

The most advanced type of sports benches is a transforming bench with a breakable board, the inclination of the parts of which is individually adjustable, pos. 7. The transforming bench can be supplemented with a stand for a block with a load, a desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do one for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: then adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support exercise machine, only with less weight, pos. 9.

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Drawings of a wooden inversion table

I recently had the chance to learn how to make my own inversion table. A lot of information about factory-made inversion tables is published on the Internet. I drew attention to Yalovitsyn’s swing, which is necessary for successful spinal training. Having understood the design, I made my own drawings of an inversion table with dimensions. The main material for the table was pine lumber - timber. Prepared the appropriate tools and purchased the necessary materials.

Choosing exercise equipment when exercising in gyms

When a person wants to thoroughly take care of himself, strengthen his back muscles according to an appropriate program with the correct distribution of loads, he goes to the gym.

Naturally, he is interested in what kind of back exercisers are available in the gym, and which one is best for him.

The range of gyms is extensive. Many simulators are large equipment. These include a sports equipment for back extension or a Body Solid GSRM40 exercise machine for working out muscles.

Other projectiles are smaller and more mobile to use. For example, a barbell or dumbbells.

Before you finally decide where to start training and which sports equipment should be the first, the main attention is paid to drawing up a sports program.

It is the program that accurately determines the initial and subsequent stages of training and, accordingly, gives a clear understanding of exactly what exercise machines and what strength loads for the back will be needed throughout the entire course of exercises.


Based on the assembly diagram of the inversion table, I compiled a specification of elements. To provide everything necessary, I bought at a hardware store:

  • wooden beam 20 x 40 x 12000 mm – 1 pc.;
  • metal tube ø 8 mm – 0.2 m – 1 pc.;
  • abrasive wheel with grit P 220 – 1 pc.;
  • bolts and nuts M 6, 4 pcs.;
  • washers 8 pcs.;
  • polyamide braided cord 4 m;
  • steel tube ø 8 mm – 200 mm – 1 pc.;
  • cargo belt 50 mm wide – 2 m;
  • screws 50 mm – 20 pcs.

Yalovitsyn’s therapeutic swing, judging by reviews on the Internet, is intended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSA). The design of the table is quite simple. When creating the model project, I made my own adjustments without reducing the ability of the simulator to stretch the spine and relax the back muscles.

How to perform procedures

To correct the painful situation, experts recommend stretching the spine systematically, daily. They say that only in this case can you get the maximum positive effect from the procedure and consolidate the result. Otherwise, it is quite possible that the reaction to short-term procedures will be the reversibility of the pathological condition; there is a high probability that the elongated spine may return to its incorrect position.

When giving recommendations on how to properly stretch the spine and perform exercises, doctors advise gradually increasing the range of motion so that an untrained body can avoid muscle injury. Training should take place slowly, smoothly, and in a relaxed state. Before starting classes, you need to get advice from a specialist about the possibility of them. If you experience any discomfort or crunching in the joints, you should definitely contact your doctor again.

Labor costs

The time spent on making an inversion table with your own hands according to the drawings is combined in the following table.

Work stageNumber of hours
1Timber cutting1
2Sanding wood2
3Varnish coating2
4Assembling the simulator6

Taking into account technological interruptions in work, it took 2 days to make an inversion table with our own hands.

How to equip a sports corner?

Before you start making sports equipment with your own hands, you need to determine what exactly will be included in the “gentleman’s set”. If we talk about the standard minimum, then the list of equipment includes dumbbells (preferably collapsible), a crossbar, and a barbell. They often add a punching bag, a jump rope, and a wall bars. The entire set can be easily placed in the corner of the room, and the work itself will take only a few days.

If the area of ​​the room allows, then it is better to supplement the “army” of exercise equipment with a bench press. Its back is usually made adjustable. In addition to it, a power frame is constructed. Another useful design is the roller trainer, which makes it easier to work with different muscle groups.

When planning to create a large number of sports equipment, you need a diagram of their location in the room. The main condition is free space between them; it guarantees the convenience of training and freedom of movement for all family members. Once the diagram is ready, it is transferred to the floor of the room to make sure there are no obstacles.

Safety precautions

When performing furniture assembly work, you must comply with safety requirements and use personal protective equipment. Before each treatment session, you need to check the condition of the hinges, fastening of belts and restrictive cords.

The device for carrying out medical procedures for the spine, made by me according to the drawings, can support a person weighing no more than 80 kg. This model of simulator is attractive due to its ease of manufacture and low labor costs. The practicality of the design lies in the fact that the exercise machine folds easily and does not take up much space in the room.


It is recommended to use the simulator from 8 years of age. In the first month, training is recommended to be carried out in a physiotherapist’s office, under the supervision of a doctor. It is worth remembering that in old age, due to the resulting disorders and destruction of bone tissue, it will not be possible to fully recover.

It is prohibited to use the device if:

  • There is an inflammatory process in the body, and a high temperature has appeared.
  • Existing hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The presence of advanced diseases of the spine.
  • Injuries of the spine.

Making a device to correct spinal problems is not so difficult and does not require large financial influences. Its use can cope with problems such as intervertebral hernia, curvature of the spine, poor posture and osteochondrosis.

Evminov’s technique is not the only one for diseases of the back area. But with an integrated approach to treatment, in combination with medical procedures, massage, and medical supervision, it gives a lasting, effective result, improving a person’s life. After starting treatment, do not retreat, show restraint and character and the pain of the spine will leave you.


Pros and cons of spinal traction machines

The traction method has been used since ancient times, when the first diseases of the spine began to appear. Such pathologies of the spine include displaced fractures, hernia, osteoporosis, scoliosis and others. Due to traction, the distance between the vertebral discs increases, resulting in a decrease in pain.

Today there is no consensus on the advisability of using this method in medical circles. Some modern doctors are skeptical about the procedure, despite the fact that the hood is used in many medical institutions and expensive equipment is used.

Can I do it myself?

DIY garter for the bride, decorated with flowers

It is not always possible to buy exercise equipment. Some craftsmen can make a home MTB.

  1. It is proposed to make a hole in the wall where to install a metal horizontal bar.
  2. Pull a metal cable inside its pipe.
  3. Replace rod weights with weights.
  4. The advantage of this design is that it is made taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the patient.
  5. You can add the necessary elements to the simulator without spending money on unnecessary purchases.

What do you need for self-assembly - what materials?

Before starting work, collect the necessary material:

  1. For the arched design of the Bubnovsky simulator for home, you will need steel profile pipes. If the total weight of the cargo does not exceed 105 kg, then a section of 60-60 mm can be used.
  2. Each block must have a swivel to help it move around its axis.
  3. The training system must have metal cables. At one end there is a carabiner for cuffs. And the cuff is attached using a 3-5 mm steel ring.
  4. Cuffs can be bought in kinesitherapy stores or sewn yourself from a soft but durable material. Safety depends on its quality!
  5. The bench is made from: 2 mm profile pipe, 40*4 mm steel strip, 32*32 mm steel equal-flange angle, 40*40 mm square pipe, 20 mm chipboard or OSB, foam rubber, leatherette.
  1. Welding machine.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Tape measure for measurements.
  4. File.
  5. Electric drill.

What skills do you need to have?

To make your own simulator you need to have metalworking skills. If they are not available, then you can order an MTB from a locksmith workshop by providing drawings.

When assembling the structure, a welding machine is needed. Therefore, if you don’t have one, find a welder who will do the work to order.


Freely available on the Internet you can find diagrams of Bubnovsky’s simulators and instructions on how to make them yourself

It is important to maintain proportions and dimensions when making calculations

Making a bench with additional functions will diversify the exercises.

In the video - a primitive home analogue of the exercise machine

The operating principle of MTB is based on reducing the load on the patient’s body due to the anti-gravity system. If it is not possible to make such a system, buy a ready-made Bubnovsky simulator in the store.

Etiology of pain

The growth and formation of the human skeleton occurs until the age of twenty, after which the body begins to age. The nature of the processes in each case is different, in some they proceed faster, in others - more slowly.

Almost always, the first symptom of the disease is pain; if pathological symptoms are ignored, the disease progresses to the following stages:

  • Protrusion - an intervertebral disc protrudes into any part of the spinal column;
  • Hernia is the next stage of the disease.

The listed diseases are accompanied by pain; when the pain is localized in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back, it irradiates to the leg or gluteal region.

Bubnovsky expander exercise machine

In Bubnovsky’s expander, the main working part of the design – shock absorber tubes (harnesses) – has been improved. The material from which they are made and the basic mechanics have been improved. The shock absorbers have a uniform tension level. This has a positive effect on the training process and the service life of the sports device.

And although elastic tubes are often called silicone or rubber, they are made from a special medical latex and can easily withstand repeated stretching (thousands of cycles) without deteriorating in their quality characteristics.

The design of the expander is simple: five very durable latex tubes equipped with double fastenings. The tubes are connected by a common anchor, which can even be attached to an interior door. In the training process, you can use all the tubes, each individually or a combination of several tubes.

The kit includes useful accessories: a set of handles, cuffs for various training options. Read about how to strengthen your back at home here.

Advantages of the Bubnovsky universal expander:

  1. An excellent trainer for skiers, runners, athletes, both amateurs and professionals.
  2. Ability to adjust the load over a wide range.
  3. Effective training programs for any training level.
  4. A worthy alternative to bulky exercise equipment when organizing home workouts.
  5. The projectile has a low level of injury and high efficiency.
  6. Affordable prices with high functionality and decent quality.

What is it for?

Dr. Bubnovsky’s original expander is an excellent piece of equipment that is considered as a replacement for training with classic weights (barbells, plates, dumbbells, strength machines). Additional load of the static-dynamic type is useful for absolutely all people leading an active lifestyle, as well as for everyone who plays sports or seeks to control their weight.

This simulator is used in the process of rehabilitation after dislocations of the elbow and shoulder joints, fractures. Experts consider the Bubnovsky expander to be the most universal of all similar sports devices.

How to practice?

It is important to conduct classes regularly (at least three times a week) at the same time. Skipping workouts is not recommended

When performing each exercise in the muscle groups that this training works on, an effort directed at resistance or tension should be clearly felt (the shock absorber should not sag during execution). Therefore, it is necessary to choose the correct length of the expander.

You should train for 20 to 60 minutes.

Who can do it?

Anyone can exercise on this simulator, regardless of age, gender and level of physical fitness.

There are few contraindications, but they still exist. These are high blood pressure, problems of the cardiovascular system, and some other diseases. Therefore, consultation with specialists before starting training will not be superfluous.


Exercise machines are prescribed in the following cases: displacement due to fractures and dislocations; with the help of exercise machines, the vertebrae are secured in a certain position, they do not move. For scoliosis, a long course of spinal traction is not recommended; this avoids complications.

If this condition is not met, there is a risk of injury; scoliosis therapy requires an integrated approach, it is necessary to undergo a massage course and do special exercises. In some cases, doctors do not recommend doing such exercises for osteochondrosis in order to avoid injury to the affected vertebrae and discs.

Traction for a hernia is an excellent alternative to surgery; traction forces have their limits, otherwise there is a high probability of worsening the patient’s condition.

Effect of traction:

  • Increasing the distance between the vertebrae;
  • Creation of low pressure inside the fibrous capsule, as a result, the vertebral disc moves during a herniation into the space between the vertebrae;
  • Strengthening tendons and back muscles;
  • Activation of blood circulation in blood vessels.

Special benches

A special type of sports equipment is benches for hyperextensive exercises. Their goal is to achieve leanness and flexibility without gaining excessive muscle mass. In fact, hyperextension can be done on a large ball, or just on a mat, but the best results are obtained on a special bench.

Hyperextension benches

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are available for men and women, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextension exercises on a men’s bench, but ladies whose goal is to get rid of riding breeches, have a slender posture and a flat stomach only need a women’s bench for hyperextension, on the left side of the trail. rice.

Special benches for sports exercises

Exercise equipment and devices

There are a large number of machines for stretching the spine, often these are inversion boots, an inversion table, and special exercise machines. To stretch the spine, you can use a regular horizontal bar, which is suitable for treatment at home.

Horizontal bar, crossbar

The crossbar can be installed in one of the rooms or in the yard; to achieve optimal effect, 1-2 approaches daily are enough.

  1. Hanging on a bar is a simple, effective exercise; to begin with, swinging is enough, after which you can take steps imitating movements on the weight, turning your body. At the same time, it is not recommended to jump sharply, especially when the crossbar is located at a high height;
  2. Corner - in a position hanging on the crossbar, slowly raise and lower straight legs at a right angle; if there are difficulties, lifting the limbs in a bent position is allowed, gradually the number of repetitions can be increased to 8-10 times;
  3. Pull-up. In the absence of experience, it is recommended to use a low chair and crossbar; jerking and sudden movements are contraindicated in this case. It is recommended to hold on to the horizontal bar very tightly; your elbows should be parallel to each other.

Evminov simulator

The exercise machine is made in the form of a board with a crossbar installed at the top, its upper part is attached to a hook built into the wall. The patient does exercises while holding the bar; the doctor draws up an exercise program based on the patient’s diagnosis.

Gleason loop

The simulator is used for cervical traction; the clamp consists of two fabric fastenings - for the back of the head and the chin. The patient, sitting on a chair, secures the clamp, the loop is attached to a block with a weight attached to one end.

The simulator is a semi-oval structure with a stable platform located below. The design principle is based on the following principle: the patient is laid on the surface, his back takes the same shape, the spinal column is extended.

FlexyBack Trainer

The device is considered the most accessible for stretching the back; the simulator is made in the form of a curved roller with fiber padding, and a steel frame is installed inside. The ergonomic design follows the anatomical curves of the spinal column, mobility is ensured due to its compact dimensions.

The simulator can be used not only at home, but also in the car, at the workplace.

To prevent pain in the spine area, it is enough to lean against the back of a chair, armchair or car seat. The exercise machine can be installed on the floor; performing slow rolls allows you to set the vertebrae in place and relax your back.

Bestec Air Nobius

The device has a stretching effect on the vertebrae; horizontal stretching relieves stress from different parts of the spine and helps relieve tired limbs. All this allows you to relieve back pain and reveal the body’s capabilities; the simulator is equipped with a system of regulators that allows you to change parameters.

Inversion boots

The device is a special attachment fixed to the ankles; when placed in a suspended state, the vertebrae are aligned and the load is removed from the back.

Gravity table

This type of simulator is an inclined plane on which the patient is placed in a lying position. The principle of operation is based on rotating the body at different angles; to create a traction effect, the patient must lie on a plane with his feet up.

Main types of gravity tables:

  • Mechanical - traction is carried out under the influence of gravity, the design is simple and reliable, there is no need to connect to the power supply;
  • Electric - the stretching effect is achieved by moving parts of the structure under the influence of an electric drive; the devices are recommended for use during the recovery period after injuries, as well as for training patients with disabilities.

Various benches

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports bench, the “Hippolytovka”, can be made according to the drawing in Fig. flooring – durable board from 40 mm. Those who took the young fighter course in the army are well acquainted with it; at least in past times. The “spirits” of the townspeople soon began to look at the Ippolitovka with amazement and apprehension: how many different exercises, it turns out, can be done on it! And it fits perfectly into the 4-support simulator.

Sports shop frame

On the trail. rice. – inclined bench for the press. Due to its compactness and usefulness, it won’t hurt to have a separate one if there is enough space in your home. Due to the absence of right angles, the material is weaker - 40x40 corrugated pipe. Foot rests – 10 mm rod with threaded ends, rubberized to the required size. The rubber couplings are removable: the lower stop is adjustable, and the top one can be removed if you need to do exercises in which it interferes.

Drawings of an incline bench for the press

Next in Fig. – compact power bench with racks for barbells. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also pump up your abs by deeply arching your back. In this case, the foot rests will be the transverse beam A, and then it needs to be covered with something soft or put on a rubber coupling. The materials are 40x40 corrugated pipe, and the rod holders are made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

Compact weight bench

The next example is an athletic bench for strong guys who can confidently handle a barbell of weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. The materials, respectively, are corrugated pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. The neck holders are made of the same strip as in the previous one. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Bench with desk for weight training

How to make a trainer at home

You can install a horizontal bar or bar with your own hands in the doorway; for this purpose, it is recommended to use durable metal structures. The technique is very simple, it is recommended to do the exercises several times a day for 20-25 seconds, it shows effectiveness with regular repetitions.

It is worth noting that the method is not suitable for everyone; it is very difficult for older people to hang on for more than 10-15 seconds.

Strong traction is also not recommended for all patients; very often, a greater effect is achieved by stretching the back on an inclined surface.

Comparison of the cost of the materials used and the cost of purchasing a new simulator

As a result, we spent about 10 thousand rubles on all the material, provided that we use only high-quality materials.

Now let’s look at the average prices for new inventory:

  • Olympic barbell with a set of weights for 120 kg. Rubber protection will cost you about 50 thousand rubles.
  • The price for a pair of dumbbells of 20 kg is 15,000 rubles.
  • The average price of a bench press is from 5 thousand.
  • Punching bag from 3.5 thousand. As a result, we save more than 70 thousand rubles.

How to make it yourself

When making such a simulator, it is recommended to take a wide, smooth board; the upper end should be fixed at a distance of 1.3 m from the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. 2 wide straps approximately 0.4 m long are attached to the upper edge; the patient must freely stretch his arms without assistance; wrapping the device in several layers of fabric will help prevent slipping during exercise.

The patient should lie on the surface on his back or stomach, his arms are threaded through the straps, the core muscles are completely relaxed, a pillow placed under the shins or knees will help to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

All of the listed methods are recommended for use after consultation with qualified specialists, since inept actions can lead to negative consequences for the entire body.

What is needed for production

First, let's break everything down into items and equipment.


To make the neck, we need a metal pipe with a diameter of 30mm and a thickness of 6mm. The length of the neck should be from 1.6 m to 2 m.

Dividers that will separate the working surface for gripping and the place for pancakes. For the dividers we will need 2 strong bolts or cut out 2 pieces of metal plate with a diameter of 50 mm. We drill out the center of the plates by 30mm, and we have ready-made separators; all that remains is to weld them onto the pipe.

Neck locks. They are useful for firmly fixing the weights on the barbell. You can purchase 2 spring locks or take 2 pieces of pipe with a diameter of 31 mm and drill a hole in them and secure them with a bolt.

Pancakes. To make pancakes, we will need to make a mold from boards and metal. For filling we will use high-grade concrete and reinforce it with wire.

To make the construction of the pancakes more durable and more beautiful, you will need to cover the pancakes with concrete enamel, this will provide protection from moisture, and concrete dust will not fall off them.


To make dumbbells we will need: 2 pieces of pipe, pancake molds, locks. The manufacturing technology is the same as that of the barbell. It is advisable to do everything at once.

For the bench we will need: a metal square, dimensions 50x50x4. The length is only about 8.3 meters. Board dimensions 1.3 by 0.3 m. It will be needed for the base.

Metal plate for making petals. They are installed on the bench posts and serve as holders for the barbell. To make a functional station that will contain a horizontal bar and bars, we will need metal for the base and pipes for the crossbars. Concrete for pouring the structure. Provided that the station will be installed on the street. It is also worth welding the crossbar at a height for attaching gymnastic rings and a punching bag.

The power frame is a complex design that requires the use of precise drawings and a large amount of materials. So it should be dealt with separately.

Punching bag

To make a punching bag, you will need either regular bags for storing cereals, or tarpaulin or tarpaulin. Dimensions for manufacturing - height at least 1 meter, weight must be taken into account from 40 to 60 kg. 2 metal rings that will give shape to the punching bag, 4 carabiners, a meter of chain and the padding itself. You can use rags, old things and sawdust as padding.

Also, in addition to everything, you should have a welding machine and all accessories for it, cement, sand, crushed stone and a thinking head that will be responsible for the manufacturing process


If back pain occurs, it is recommended to monitor your posture, avoid lifting heavy objects, and the place to sleep should be as comfortable as possible.

Other preventive measures:

  • Avoid sitting on soft surfaces, feet firmly on the floor, spine straight;
  • Avoid bending; when sitting for long periods, a warm-up is provided;
  • Refusal to overload the spine; heavy lifting is allowed only from a sitting position;
  • The weight of bags and other heavy objects should be distributed evenly while carrying, this helps avoid curvature of the spine;
  • The sleeping surface should be semi-rigid, the mattress should be thin, and muscle relaxation can be achieved by sleeping less than nine hours.

Pull tasks

Most often, back pain and limited mobility are associated with a displacement (change) in the position of the intervertebral discs, which causes pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In order to correct this situation, special rehabilitation measures have been created that allow not only to stretch the spine at home, but also to carry out procedures in a clinical setting.

Spinal traction is designed to solve the following problems:

  • relaxation and maximum reduction of muscle tension;
  • minimizing pain;
  • leading to normal operation of the blood supply system;
  • reduction of pathological pressure on nerve endings.
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