Do-it-yourself back trainer drawings, photos, videos

Today, more and more people are seeking medical help (consultation and treatment) because of back pain, which can radiate, that is, radiate to the lumbar or neck area, adjacent anatomical formations. This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in people of any age, depriving them of working capacity and proper rest.

It is worth noting that acute back pain can be a symptom of a variety of internal diseases, so if it occurs, you should consult a doctor. You should not tolerate it, take medications that someone recommended, or use a back stretching machine. You should only use those methods recommended by the doctor, otherwise you can only harm your health . First, a comprehensive examination should be carried out, and only after that, comprehensive and comprehensive treatment should be prescribed.

How to stretch the spine using vertical traction?

Do-it-yourself crossbar for vertical stretching of the spine

If there are pathologies of the spine, the doctor may recommend stretching it. This is a technique that is aimed at stretching the spinal column and immobilizing it. As a rule, stretching is performed using special medical equipment, but sometimes you can make a back exercise machine with your own hands. Today on the Internet you can see diagrams of many devices that promote traction of the spinal column in all its segments.

The easiest way is to make a crossbar at home. It is easy to install in a doorway - the main thing is that it can withstand a sufficiently large load (the weight of the patient himself, taken with the appropriate strength coefficient). It is better if it is made of durable alloys.

It is recommended to hang on such a home horizontal bar for 20 seconds several times a day. This technique is simple, but extremely effective when repeated regularly.

If back pain occurs or worsens during exercise, you should stop and contact your doctor. You can make the exercise more difficult by making circular movements with your legs or simply turning them left and right. This will stretch the entire spinal column and strengthen the lumbar region.

Drawings of a wooden inversion table

I recently had the chance to learn how to make my own inversion table. A lot of information about factory-made inversion tables is published on the Internet. I drew attention to Yalovitsyn’s swing, which is necessary for successful spinal training. Having understood the design, I made my own drawings of an inversion table with dimensions. The main material for the table was pine lumber - timber. Prepared the appropriate tools and purchased the necessary materials.

How to make a projectile for traction on an inclined surface?

How to properly stretch your back on an incline

Traction, which uses a machine to stretch the spine, is not suitable for everyone. For example, older people whose arms are too weak are unlikely to be able to hang on the horizontal bar for at least the recommended 15 seconds. And the strong traction that exercises on the horizontal bar provide is not recommended for all patients. For many people, a spinal traction device on an inclined surface is much better suited.

To make such a simulator with your own hands, you will need a fairly wide board with a smooth surface. Its upper end must be securely fixed at a height of approximately 130 cm from the floor surface (horizontal level). It must be attached to the window sill or wall so that the angle between the floor and the plank is approximately 45 degrees. A pair of fairly wide straps, 40 cm long, must be firmly attached to the upper edge of this board. These straps must be such that you can safely pull your arms out of them without resorting to outside help. If necessary, you can wrap such a simulator in several layers of durable fabric - this will prevent excessive body sliding during exercise. Now the do-it-yourself spinal stretching machine is completely ready.

To stretch your spine, you need to lie on the board with your stomach or back, while placing your hands in the appropriate straps. You need to try to completely relax the muscles of your torso. To do this, you can place a small pillow under your knees (if you are lying on your back) or under your shins (if you are lying on your stomach).

Of course, the above methods can be used only after consulting with an experienced specialist, because inept use of the simulator can provoke negative consequences for the body. If possible, it is better to visit a clinic that has a special factory-made device for the spine, because there you can exercise under the supervision of qualified specialists, which means the risk will be minimized.

Even if the patient plans to exercise on his own, he should consult with an experienced sports medicine doctor, vertebrologist or orthopedic traumatologist about how exactly to exercise and what training tactics are needed for a particular patient. Failure to follow the recommendations and incorrect exercises can cause irreparable harm to a person’s health.

Spinal traction at home

This procedure involves increasing the distance between the vertebrae. This reduces pressure on the nerve endings. This method of influencing the spine will help relieve back pain, improve blood flow and activate the metabolic process.

Usually the procedure is done within the walls of medical institutions using a special simulator for stretching the spine. Before starting treatment in this way, you must consult a neurologist. He will recommend an individual traction method suitable for a specific case, taking into account pathological changes in the spinal column.

Self-treatment of the musculoskeletal system can be fraught with complications of an existing disease. For mild forms, the doctor may recommend performing traction in the comfort of your home. Indications for pulling:

  1. Spinal diseases caused by pinched nerve endings.
  2. Various deformities of the spinal column, such as lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis.
  3. Rehabilitation after spinal injuries.

How to perform traction at home?

Traction can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition with fractures, displaced discs, and spinal instability. To carry out this procedure without resorting to the use of special devices, you need to perform the following physical exercises:

  1. Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knee joint, with your heel near your buttocks. Stretch your arms in front of you. As you inhale, clasp your knees with your hands, pressing your chin to your chest. Stay in this state for several seconds. Return to starting position. Do at least 5 such approaches.
  2. Stand straight, lower your arms. Then spread them apart. As you inhale, stretch upward. Repeat at least 10 times.
  3. Lie on a hard surface, stretch your arms along your body. Exhaling, bend your left leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. Do 20 repetitions on each leg alternately.

An alternative to the medical device used to perform the traction procedure can be a horizontal bar. To perform a stretch, you need to hang on the bar. Light turns of the legs and swaying of the body are effective. Such movements are allowed only when such actions do not contradict the doctor’s recommendations and do not cause pain.

How to make a traction apparatus with your own hands?

In order not to visit medical institutions, but to stretch out in the comfort of your own home, try making a special device - a traction table. This homemade exercise machine is suitable for those people who find it difficult to hang on the horizontal bar (due to age or other reasons). Therefore, you can make a simple and convenient apparatus in the form of a table for stretching your back with your own hands. Table structure:

  1. First you need to choose a smooth, wide board. Wrap it in several layers of durable fabric to avoid unnecessary body slipping.
  2. Fix one of the sides at a height of at least 130 cm. In this case, an angle of 45 degrees should form between the floor and the board.
  3. Wide straps, about half a meter long, need to be attached to the upper edge of the resulting table.

Using a home exercise machine is very simple. You need to lie with your back on it, put the strap on your hands, and relax your whole body. A homemade traction table cannot harm your health if used correctly. By exercising on such a device, you can get rid of fatigue, achieve equal stretching of all parts of the spine, and improve posture.

You can also make an exercise machine for your home by slightly transforming an ordinary bed with a hard mattress. To do this, you need to sew harnesses with your own hands, about one and a half meters long and about 7 cm wide. It is better to choose a fabric for them that is dense and at the same time pleasant to the body. It is necessary to raise the bed 40 degrees on the side where you will lie with your head. Attach the harnesses at the head of the head so that they pass under the arms and can hold the body.

Contraindications to the procedure

If you decide to use the spinal traction method using a device at home, be sure to consult your doctor and read the list of diseases for which the procedure is not recommended:

  • Development of instability in the spine.
  • Acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Pregnancy in the second and third trimester.
  • Mental disorders.
  • The occurrence of inflammation in the spinal column.
  • Neoplasms (benign, malignant).
  • Excess weight.
  • The period after surgery.

Traction is not a panacea for all back problems. It is best used in parallel with other treatment methods according to the doctor’s recommendations. If a specialist allows you to do spinal traction at home, start practicing. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive exercise machines, but if you show the desire, you can make a high-quality replacement for them with your own hands with minimal investment of time and money.

It is better to combine stretching on a simulator with physical therapy. In this way, you can strengthen your muscle corset and recover in a shorter time. To consolidate the results already obtained, you must wear a corset.

Pull tasks

Most often, back pain and limited mobility are associated with a displacement (change) in the position of the intervertebral discs, which causes pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In order to correct this situation, special rehabilitation measures have been created that allow not only to stretch the spine at home, but also to carry out procedures in a clinical setting.

Spinal traction is designed to solve the following problems:

  • relaxation and maximum reduction of muscle tension;
  • minimizing pain;
  • leading to normal operation of the blood supply system;
  • reduction of pathological pressure on nerve endings.


Exercise machines are prescribed in the following cases: displacement due to fractures and dislocations; with the help of exercise machines, the vertebrae are secured in a certain position, they do not move. For scoliosis, a long course of spinal traction is not recommended; this avoids complications.

If this condition is not met, there is a risk of injury; scoliosis therapy requires an integrated approach, it is necessary to undergo a massage course and do special exercises. In some cases, doctors do not recommend doing such exercises for osteochondrosis in order to avoid injury to the affected vertebrae and discs.

Positive influence

In some conditions, there is nothing better to do than to stretch the spine to alleviate the patient's condition.

The positive results of traction are:

  • increasing the distance between the vertebrae and the flow of intervertebral fluid into the cavity in the required quantity;
  • reducing pressure on discs;
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • straightening back curvatures;
  • improved posture;
  • increased blood flow in the vessels.

Extraction is especially useful for the following conditions:

  • kyphosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • poor posture;
  • back muscle spasms;
  • fractures and dislocations or displacement of the spinal column;
  • hernias;
  • pain in various parts of the spine.

Author: Petr Vladimirovich Nikolaev

Chiropractor, traumatologist-orthopedist, ozone therapist. Methods of influence: osteopathy, post-isometric relaxation, intra-articular injections, soft manual technique, deep tissue massage, analgesic technique, craniotherapy, acupuncture, intra-articular administration of drugs.

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Traction mechanism, pros and cons

During the procedure, the spine is slowly stretched in different directions, which causes a drop in excess pressure between the discs, and the prolapsed core is able to return to its natural position.

Traction of the spine when a hernia has formed reduces or completely eliminates pressure on the nerve endings, this causes pain relief.

The procedure also leads to improved blood circulation, reduced swelling, and normalization of metabolic processes in bone tissue. Stretching and relaxing the back muscles increases their tone and strengthens the muscular support of the spine.

There is debate among doctors about whether it is possible to stretch the spine without negative consequences. There is no consensus on this issue, so patients need to know not only about the advantages, but also about the possible disadvantages of the procedure.

The undeniable advantages include:

  • a real possibility of correcting spinal pathologies and pain relief without the use of surgery and long-term conservative treatment;
  • quick relief of tension and spasms;
  • strengthening muscle tissue;
  • relief from edema;
  • eliminating pinched nerves.

Possible disadvantages are as follows (including if the procedure is carried out incorrectly):

  • the existing likelihood of the disease returning;
  • Microscopic cracks of the fibrous ring may appear;
  • injuries to adjacent vertebrae;
  • increased disc prolapse;
  • swelling and inflammation.

Safety precautions

When performing furniture assembly work, you must comply with safety requirements and use personal protective equipment. Before each treatment session, you need to check the condition of the hinges, fastening of belts and restrictive cords.

The device for carrying out medical procedures for the spine, made by me according to the drawings, can support a person weighing no more than 80 kg. This model of simulator is attractive due to its ease of manufacture and low labor costs. The practicality of the design lies in the fact that the exercise machine folds easily and does not take up much space in the room.

How to perform procedures

To correct the painful situation, experts recommend stretching the spine systematically, daily. They say that only in this case can you get the maximum positive effect from the procedure and consolidate the result. Otherwise, it is quite possible that the reaction to short-term procedures will be the reversibility of the pathological condition; there is a high probability that the elongated spine may return to its incorrect position.

When giving recommendations on how to properly stretch the spine and perform exercises, doctors advise gradually increasing the range of motion so that an untrained body can avoid muscle injury. Training should take place slowly, smoothly, and in a relaxed state. Before starting classes, you need to get advice from a specialist about the possibility of them. If you experience any discomfort or crunching in the joints, you should definitely contact your doctor again.

Facts about Traction Therapy

High efficiency and safety.
The method of treating spinal diseases with extensions (tractions) has been known since the time of Hippocrates. Stretching has proven itself as a method of treatment after injuries, congenital and age-related changes in the back. Traction therapy is highly effective, comfortable and absolutely safe for patients.

A unique technique.

Traction therapy of the spine using computerized 3D stretching has appeared in Russia only recently. There are very few devices of this type in Russia, literally a few. And one of them is available at the Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.

Innovative technologies.

Unlike a traditional "one-dimensional" table, where the doctor uses a mechanical device to pull the patient's body up (cervical traction) or down (through weights suspended from the legs), the Spinetronics Robotic-ATT Antalgic-Trak operates in all directions.

Professional control.

Soft, individually selected tractions directed in different directions literally straighten the spine and intervertebral discs in all directions. The intensity and duration of therapy is controlled by a computer, under the supervision of a physician.

Sign up for a consultation with a chiropractor and learn about the possibilities of robotic traction therapy specifically for your situation!


There are a number of contraindications, neglect of which can aggravate disorders in the human body. Before starting to perform exercises that stretch the spine, you should consult with your doctor.

The list of contraindications is as follows:

  • inflammation or tumors of the spine;
  • infectious diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • epilepsy;
  • bleeding of various etiologies;
  • mental state disorder;
  • joint diseases;
  • thrombosis;
  • arthritis;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • obesity and weight more than one hundred kilograms;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • age up to 16 years and after 70.

Also, women who have recently given birth should not do exercises that stretch the spine on their own.

Effective exercises for home

There are a number of simple but effective exercises for the spine that you can do at home every day.

The most suitable workouts for untrained people:

  1. You need to lie down on a flat, hard surface and extend your arms along your body. Raise your hands up and grab your feet with your hands, and straighten your knees as far as possible. Next, tense your buttocks and press your back to the surface. Try to pull your heels down, and stretch your arms up with your toes.
  2. Another exercise showing how to stretch the spine at home is popularly called “Cat”, as it resembles its movements. In the starting position, you should kneel down, lean your hands on the floor and make alternating movements with deflections in your back, either down or up as much as possible. Perform the exercise slowly, holding in the upper position for a few seconds.
  3. The starting position is to stand straight, your back is relaxed, your arms are hanging down freely. Tilt your body ninety degrees forward, head down, round your back as much as possible, and let your arms hang freely toward the floor. Tighten your abs, feel how your back stretches.

Dikul stretch

Another exercise on how to stretch the spine at home is recommended by the famous chiropractor Dikul.

To perform traction, place two chairs with their backs facing each other and stand between them. Place towel bolsters on the backrests, which you then rest your armpits on, bending your knees and hanging. To increase the effect, bottles filled with water can be tied to your feet. In this position, you can make slow and careful turns with your knees left and right.

Exercise equipment

Specialists have created several types of simulators for performing stretching exercises - these are US Medica, Air Nobius, Magic Back Support devices, as well as inversion tables (this equipment is used in clinical settings), thanks to which a quick positive effect is achieved.

During the examination, the attending physician will direct you to the office where the spine is stretched and give recommendations on how to perform the exercises.

In addition to dry traction, there are underwater procedures performed in stationary conditions. During them, the patient is placed on a movable base so that his back is under water - this is how the spine is most susceptible to manipulation. In this case, the upper part of the body is fixed, and a load is attached to the lower part. The loaded side is then carefully lowered to a thirty degree angle, gently stretching the spine.

Labor costs

The time spent on making an inversion table with your own hands according to the drawings is combined in the following table.

Work stageNumber of hours
1Timber cutting1
2Sanding wood2
3Varnish coating2
4Assembling the simulator6

Taking into account technological interruptions in work, it took 2 days to make an inversion table with our own hands.

Evminov's board

This device is also called a preventer. It is a special board with hand bars on top. This part of the board is mounted on the wall. Moreover, the angle of elevation is determined by the doctor - the higher it is, the greater the stretch of the spine.

How to stretch the spine on a board correctly? The training program must be developed individually by a specialist, because this technique is traumatic.

The patient makes certain movements, holding the bars with his hands, leaning his back on the board. To perform exercises at home, it can be mounted on the wall at an angle of up to 35 degrees. The exercises should begin in this initial position, and then (as you practice) the board can be slowly raised higher.

Some doctors advise, if there are no contraindications, to lie with your feet towards the raised part of the board, securing them to the crossbar, and in this position stretch the spine.

Features of the classes

The stereotype is quite widespread that it is enough to hang on the crossbar for a short time; there is no need to use more complex structures. It is worth noting that if you weigh more than 100 kg, doing this is strictly prohibited; the method will help to achieve simple muscle stretching.

Hanging on a bar requires preliminary warming up of the muscles in the gym; at the age of over 45, it is not recommended to risk your health.

Gleason loop

This simulator is designed to stretch the cervical spine. The retainer consists of two circular fasteners made of fabric or rubber, which are located on the chin and top of the head.

The patient sits on a chair, keeping his back straight, with his feet resting on the floor. A Glisson loop is attached to the head, and a stationary block is installed nearby. The end of the loop is thrown over the block, and a small weight is attached to it, which at home can be used as a bottle filled with water. The weight, pulling the rope from the loop, forces the neck joints to stretch.

Traction for hernia

Among people, a fairly common pathology is a hernia - prolapse of an intervertebral disc. Therefore, patients are often interested in how to stretch the spine during a hernia. The procedure is no different from standard stretching, with the only difference being that it is performed in a hospital setting (hospital, sanatorium). The physiotherapeutic procedure is aimed at eliminating pain, discomfort in the back and reducing hernial protrusion through stretching of the spinal column, leading to an increase in the intervertebral space and a decrease in pressure.

The procedure is prescribed for hernias of any spinal region as an addition to drug treatment.

Indications for the procedure are:

  • lumbar pain radiating to the lower extremities;
  • pain in the spine when moving;
  • radiculitis;
  • violation of the natural curvature of the spinal column;
  • pinched nerve;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • pathological growth of vertebral bone tissue.

Etiology of pain

The growth and formation of the human skeleton occurs until the age of twenty, after which the body begins to age. The nature of the processes in each case is different, in some they proceed faster, in others - more slowly.

Almost always, the first symptom of the disease is pain; if pathological symptoms are ignored, the disease progresses to the following stages:

  • Protrusion - an intervertebral disc protrudes into any part of the spinal column;
  • Hernia is the next stage of the disease.

The listed diseases are accompanied by pain; when the pain is localized in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back, it irradiates to the leg or gluteal region.


Pathological processes in the spine lead to disruption of the functioning of the entire body, painful sensations limit a person’s active life. Therefore, it is important to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and have information on how to stretch the spine.

You should follow simple rules:

  • maintain correct posture and a straight back when sitting and walking;
  • when lifting and moving heavy objects, you must do this by squatting and not tilting your body;
  • organize sleep correctly: the surface should be smooth and comfortable - orthopedic mattresses are well suited for these purposes;
  • furniture, chairs must correspond to the height of the lower leg for proper sitting.

It is very useful for the spine and the body as a whole to go swimming, do regular exercises or practice walking (especially Scandinavian walking). Swimming relaxes the muscular system of the back, as a result of which excess stress disappears and the intervertebral discs straighten. Exercises should contain exercises that do not cause pain; movements must be performed with a wide amplitude and smoothly.

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