Rehabilitation after spinal surgery with metal structures

Spinal dysfunction is a fairly common pathology. This is due not only to age-related changes, but also to lifestyle, numerous diseases and injuries to which a person is exposed during his life. Modern medicine has many techniques that can effectively cope with mechanical injuries of the spine. This is very important because, in most cases, serious injury to the spinal zone, which is the seat of the spinal cord and nerve endings, is incompatible with the patient’s life. In the case of spinal injuries, one of the methods of effective surgical care is surgical intervention, including the installation of a metal structure.

Rehabilitation after spinal surgery with metal structures

About the therapeutic and preventive advantages of corsets

Orthopedic products are useful in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. One of the advantages of the corset is the ability to reduce severe lumbar pain. Clothing becomes a salvation when unpleasant and painful sensations become difficult to endure. It is especially effective for spinal fractures and pain associated with osteoporosis.

Other advantages of corsets:

  • stabilization of ligaments and joints;
  • the ability to eliminate muscle imbalances;
  • reducing the load on the lower back;
  • normalization of muscle tone;
  • reduction of pain when staying in a static position for a long time;
  • perfect posture;
  • stimulation of blood circulation.

An important advantage of corsets is their versatility. Many orthopedic models make it possible to treat, use in the prevention and rehabilitation of many pathologies. This may be kyphoscoliosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, kyphosis, stoop, scoliosis, fracture, pain syndrome.

Hyperextension models can be used for immobilization after surgical interventions on intervertebral discs, after correction of fractures. Clothes are also used in the treatment of inoperable tumors.

Reclinator corsets not only prevent problems with posture, but also allow you to return (straighten) the spine to the correct position in the initial stages of the development of pathology. The models can be used for osteochondropathy and hyperlordosis.

Types of corsets by degree of fixation

Medium fixation corset

The product is made of corset mesh, inside of which flexible stiffening ribs are inserted. Due to the flexibility of the ribs, the corset fits perfectly, fits tightly and takes the shape of the curves of the body. With the help of Velcro fasteners, the fit of the corset can be strengthened or weakened depending on your feelings and type of activity. The corset is made of thin fabric and is invisible under clothing.

There are corsets that do not have stiffeners, but have a special massage pillow that massages the problem area when moving. Due to this massage, blood circulation improves, muscles relax, tension and pain go away.

A medium fixation corset is prescribed for:

  • Spinal instability;
  • Small hernia;
  • Rehabilitation after injuries, operations;
  • Complaints of aching pain in the lower back;
  • Work that requires frequent bending, lifting and carrying heavy objects;
  • Classes in the gym, therapeutic exercises.

Strong hold corset

Rigid metal inserts are inserted inside the corset. To bend the stiffening ribs in such a corset, you will have to apply force. In some models, the stiffeners are initially curved taking into account the curves of the spine. There are Velcro fasteners to enhance the fixation. The corset should fit snugly to the body.

A strong fixation corset is prescribed for:

  • Severe pain in the lower back, radiating to the hips, legs, toes;
  • With a large disc herniation, multiple hernias;
  • Spinal instability;
  • Operations on the lumbosacral region.

Performance benefits of corsets

Modern orthopedic products make it possible to provide the necessary level of fixation of the lumbar and thoracic region. If the model is equipped with an elastic band, then the clothing can be adjusted according to the level of compression.

The anatomical cut ensures convenience and comfort when wearing the product. Materials and design features make it possible to correctly redistribute the load on the spine.

Other advantages of corsets:

  • high-quality materials provide comfortable air and moisture exchange;
  • the design does not interfere with bending over, working, or doing everyday activities;
  • the anatomical cut allows you to wear the product without feeling awkward while sitting or standing;
  • the design is comfortable and can be put on without involving strangers;
  • stylish design;
  • excellent fixation on the body;
  • lightweight material that can be easily hidden under outerwear;
  • Wear-resistant fasteners.

High-quality textiles allow you to wash clothes many times and use them for a long time. Corsets made from Tactel fabric have particular advantages. It has hypoallergenic qualities and a unique structure that prevents chafing of the axillary areas.

Other advantages of DuPont tactel textile corsets:

  • very fine microfiber;
  • soft fabric;
  • breathability (breathable material);
  • tensile strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • light weight - 20% less than analogues;
  • antistatic effect;
  • reduced thermal conductivity, the corset retains heat well;
  • windproof.

Another important advantage of products made from Tactel is the high rate of moisture removal due to the use of a special fabric structure with large threads on the inside and thin threads on the outside.

Carrying out post-operative rehabilitation

After any injury, the human body must recover. This can happen quickly or take a very long time. In any case, it is necessary to initially comply with the general rules of recovery, the implementation of which also applies to patients who have undergone surgery with the introduction of constructive implants into one of the spinal zones.

Recovery methods after spine surgery

Prices for postoperative bandages

If you want to know in more detail the stages of recovery and rehabilitation after removal of a hernia of the lumbar spine, you can read an article about this on our portal.

General inoculations

If the patient is attentive to following these recovery recommendations, this will help not only to regain health in a short time, but also to avoid serious complications that are likely to arise in the postoperative period.

  1. If an operation with the insertion of a metal structure of any nature took place in the lumbar area, it is forbidden to occupy a sitting position for several months (the number is as directed by the surgeon).

    The operation to install a metal structure on the spine is a complex surgical procedure.

  2. If a prosthetic element was inserted into the cervical area, you can sit after some time (when the neurosurgeon allows it).
  3. The operated spine should not be subjected to vibrations, even minor ones. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period you should avoid traveling by public transport.
  4. Lifting and carrying weights (in any operated spinal sector) is prohibited above a couple of kilograms. This ban lasts for a minimum of six months.
  5. Bending and bending at the waist, bending and turning, and staying in a static position are contraindicated during the entire rehabilitation period.
  6. According to the doctor's indications, constant wearing of an orthopedic rehabilitation corset.

    Four-point hyperextension corset with movable frame

  7. Do not engage in any sports.
  8. Follow all recommendations of a rehabilitation specialist.

Corrective corset for the spine

Rehabilitation stages

The body needs time to recover from any external intervention or injury, and it is different in all cases. The duration of recovery depends on many factors. Spinal surgeries of various types can require time from several months to several years. The latter include spinal injuries, surgery for paresis, and others.

Rehabilitation after removal of intervertebral hernia

Important! The wider the area of ​​fixation covered by the implanted metal structure, the longer the recovery period. If it is only a few vertebrae, it may take about a quarter of a year, if a large section of the column - more than a year and a half.

The entire recovery procedure, or rather, a set of procedures, is divided into three stages.

Table. Stages of rehabilitation and their characteristics.

The first one, called earlyIt goes away within a few weeks or months following the operation. The larger the area being operated on (and the area where the structure is located), the longer the stage. The entire period is strictly observed bed rest. Only if the operation was carried out to get rid of an intervertebral hernia, the period of stay in bed ends after 3-5 days. In all other cases, it can last from two to three weeks to two to three months.
During this period, the patient takes medications that have an analgesic effect, since the pain is usually felt strongly.

All measures taken at this time are aimed at preventing complications. The wound must heal actively, it is necessary to remove swelling and remove inflammation from the tissues. The rehabilitation doctor also monitors the condition of the sutures so as not to miss their starting suppuration. If this happens, the sutures are removed (the material is removed), the wounds are disinfected, and new sutures are applied.

The second one is developingMaximum attention is paid to the early stage in order to avoid complications later.
The middle stage is the most active. During its passage, the patient’s body is developed to restore its full functions. Development may take several months. All this time the patient is observed by a specialist. The doctor is obliged to demonstrate to the patient the exercises that he must perform daily on his own. In addition, you will need to attend exercise therapy classes several times a week. This stage includes a course of massage and physiotherapeutic measures, as well as wearing special corsetry.
The third is restorativeThe final stage helps the patient to recover almost completely. The time it takes to pass can be very individual. It depends not only on the severity and area of ​​the operation, but also on the patient’s personal characteristics: general health, age and other indicators. The stage passes at home, but the patient must continue to follow the recommendations given by the rehabilitator, and also attend an appointment for regular monitoring.

Basic principles and objectives of rehabilitation measures

Close communication with the doctor and control of the process on his part is the key to successful rehabilitation. If you ignore mandatory follow-up examinations, there is a risk of rejection of the implanted structure, infection and other complications that may arise.

Restorative techniques

It is necessary to consider in detail what methods are used for recovery after operations with implantation of metal structures in the spinal zones. There are six main methods. They must be used in combination, without exception.

  1. Medication therapy.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Massage course.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Hydrotherapy.
  6. Nutrition correction.

Drug therapy

It involves taking painkillers, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs, regenerating chondroprotectors, calcium-containing drugs, and vitamin complexes.

Duration of postoperative rehabilitation after removal of a herniated disc

The period is determined by several important factors:

  • The type of operation performed. For example, after a discectomy, the system will take at least six months to recover.
  • If the intervention was minimally invasive, the recovery period is greatly reduced and can be less than a month. The risk of complications with this approach is also minimal.
  • The patient's age, weight and general health are also determining factors for recovery time.
  • The age of the hernia, the time during which it appeared and the difficulties encountered in its treatment also play an important role.

Rehabilitation specialists have at their disposal a number of techniques that allow patients to recover as quickly as possible and without risks.

2) How to put on a corset correctly?

The answer is clear - lying down and exhaling. When we are in a horizontal position, the muscles are relaxed and there are no gravitational loads on them. It is the corset worn in this way that will work most effectively.

We never fasten the Velcro on the front abdominal panel in the middle of the abdomen. What happens when you do it this way. Intra-abdominal pressure is distributed not in our favor - one part goes towards the stomach and lungs, the second part is directed towards the pelvic organs. And our task, as we already know, is to direct it to the lordosis zone and strengthen the stabilization mechanisms.

I understand that nowadays, when we use corsets to be active and work, this is quite a difficult task. We still need to find a horizontal surface to lie down on and put on the corset.

Remember at least how to fasten the Velcro, this will greatly help in achieving the result. The upper edge of the abdominal panel should be a few centimeters above the navel. In this case, the corset must be checked for discomfort when sitting, so that the lower edge of the corset does not interfere when in this position.

You definitely need to carry out tests - raise your arms up, walk around, try to bend over a little. The corset should remain in place and not move while performing these actions.

Basis of postoperative rehabilitation

Proper recovery consists of several important points:

  • Comprehensive supervision of specialized specialists - surgeon, neurologist, rehabilitation specialist and others, if necessary.
  • A well-designed recovery action plan taking into account all the patient’s characteristics.
  • Using measures to prevent relapse, changing lifestyle and eliminating precipitating factors.

The patient feels relief after removal of the hernia, there is no more pain and one can gradually return to normal life. However, if the recommendations are not fully implemented, the situation may return and worsen. Recovery can be effective only with proper organization of the recovery period and full compliance with the instructions.

The rehabilitation center of the clinic deals with the recovery of patients after surgery to remove a herniated disc.

3) Which corset will last a long time and will not cause inconvenience?

We most often buy a back corset seriously and for a long time. We will wear it inconsistently, but for a long time. Therefore, strict requirements apply in terms of durability and comfort.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a corset in this part.

First of all, on the fabric - the fabric should not be cotton. Cotton stretches. At the same time, the best properties of cotton - air and moisture permeability, hypoallergenicity - are available to us thanks to modern technologies. Companies that respect their consumers try to make their products from such materials.

At the same time, the fabric must be elastic and elastic, because it will have to stretch and contract hundreds, or even thousands of times. Will she be able to handle this? The service life, true or not, of your corset depends on this.

Pay attention to the quality of the Velcro and how long they will last. Nowadays, modern Velcro made of plastic polymers with increased wear resistance and protection against clogging are used. Despite this, we still recommend keeping the Velcro closed when the orthosis is removed and be sure to fasten it when washing so that the Velcro does not become clogged with microlint from the water.

We choose flat, well-treated seams so as not to chafe the skin. The edges of the orthosis, which may come into contact with the body, should be treated with soft cloth.

Which material will last longer?

If the fabric from which the orthosis is made is too rigid, then it has little elasticity, that is, the ability to contract. If the tissue is too soft, then it has increased extensibility - it will quickly stretch out and will not have enough strength to return to its previous position. Choose medium-hard fabric; it is better to compare corsets from different manufacturers. The fabric should not become lint or fray when it comes into contact with Velcro.

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